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4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:
As for Fox News, here you go....
Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved."



So we get closer to the Truth on the JFKA with Tucker Carlson than the entire M$M-CNN-MSNBC-NYT-WaPo crowd? 

How is this possible?

DiEugenio was on Waters World

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Well, we're not really closer, Ben, because we have no idea if Tucker Carlson (who has admitted he lies), is telling the truth; he doesn't name his source.

Indeed, if his source was truly interested in the truth, wouldn't he go to a real journalist with the info?

And not a known mouthpiece for Russian propaganda?



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6 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Well, we're not really closer, Ben, because we have no idea if Tucker Carlson (who has admitted he lies), is telling the truth; he doesn't name his source.

Indeed, if his source was truly interested in the truth, wouldn't he go to a real journalist with the info?

And not a known mouthpiece for Russian propaganda?



He brought up Jack Ruby's Doctor and mkultra, Tucker did a good job..


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

He brought up Jack Ruby's Doctor and mkultra, Tucker did a good job..


Tucker Carlson, among M$M'ers did the best job on the JFK Records Act, so far.  

Give credit where credit is due. 

That does not mean I trust or believe everything Carlson says, or any other media personage for that matter. 

The media landscape, and the Donk Party have evolved radically in the last 20 years. 

The "debunked Wuhan lab leak conspiracy theory" is a perfect test case. Draw lessons from that episode. 

I am not a Russian stooge or even a Trump supporter. I am just explaining what I see. 

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This is not only the best contemporary review of the JFK Records Act, but having watched it twice, it is one of the best synopses of the intel state and postwar American politics ever---ranks up there with Eisenhower's farewell address. 

This is what left-wing media should have the guts to say. 

Why is Tucker Carlson fighting this battle alone? 


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The question I am now asking myself is why Donald Trump is deliberately trying to sabatoge his Presidential campaign?

One day he announces his candidacy.

A month goes by and there is no effort to promote his Campaign -  o rallies, no public appearances.

The next day he says he wants to dismantle the  Constitution.

A week later, he announces to the world that he is nothing but a cartoon figure.

This can't be coincidental.

Steve Thomas

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2 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

The question I am now asking myself is why Donald Trump is deliberately trying to sabatoge his Presidential campaign?

One day he announces his candidacy.

A month goes by and there is no effort to promote his Campaign -  o rallies, no public appearances.

The next day he says he wants to dismantle the  Constitution.

A week later, he announces to the world that he is nothing but a cartoon figure.

This can't be coincidental.

Steve Thomas

A deal?  Debt's forgiven and no prison time?

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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:
Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved."



So we get closer to the Truth on the JFKA with Tucker Carlson than the entire M$M-CNN-MSNBC-NYT-WaPo crowd? 

How is this possible?

You’re susceptible to pandering?

A year ago Tucker said Case Closed was a great book and the Warren Commission got it right.


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9 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

The conspiracy field has been flooded with the kind of intellectual sewage Carlson peddles for a living.

That may be true, but Carlson's broadcast on the Records Act could have been written by Vincent Salandria or Peter Dale Scott. 

If you find any other M$M broadcast that even comes close, please post here. Or any thoughtful broadcast, social media or otherwise. 

Even any written summation of yesterday's events. 

IMHO, the Carlson broadcast ranks up there with Eisenhower's farewell speech, in terms a synopsis of the military intel state. If you find something to top it, bring it on. 

Or, please post your own summation of Record Act events, if you think you have a better insights. Start a new topic, clue us in. 



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18 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That may be true, but Carlson's broadcast on the Records Act could have been written by Vincent Salandria or Peter Dale Scott. 

If you find any other M$M broadcast that even comes close, please post here. Or any thoughtful broadcast, social media or otherwise. 

Even any written summation of yesterday's events. 

IMHO, the Carlson broadcast ranks up there with Eisenhower's farewell speech, in terms a synopsis of the military intel state. If you find something to top it, bring it on. 

Or, please post your own summation of Record Act events, if you think you have a better insights. Start a new topic, clue us in. 



Start with the root facts of the case:  JFK had a shallow wound in soft tissue to the right of T3, and another soft tissue wound in his throat.  There were no wound exits, and no rounds recovered at the autopsy.  The autopsists considered the possibility JFK was struck by a high tech weapon of the sort developed by the CIA program MKNAOMI. 

From Larry Hancock’s Nexus, pg 36

<quote on, emphasis in the original>

Confirmation of the MKNAOMI project was revealed in 1977, when Carter administration Defense Secretary Brown
requested an internal review of CIA projects which had involved the Department of Defense. The Department of
Defense's legal counsel conducted the investigation and among other things reported back that MKNAOMI had begun
in the early 1950's and was "intended to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials and to develop gadgetry
for dissemination of these materials."

A June 29, 1975 CIA memorandum has also been located which documents the SOD/CIA relationship and confirms that no written records were kept; management was by verbal instruction and "human continuity." The memo refers to "swarms
of project requests" and cites examples of suicide pills, chemicals to anesthetize occupants to facilitate building
entries, "L-pills" and aphrodisiacs for operational use. The memo notes "some requests for support approved by the CIA
had apparently involved assassination."

<quote off>

“No written records were kept” — like 99+% of all JFKA related material the Records Act is a useless distraction.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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49 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You’re susceptible to pandering?

A year ago Tucker said Case Closed was a great book and the Warren Commission got it right.


yOu'Re sUsCePtIpLe tO pAnDeRiNg ?

Tucker from 4 yrs ago..


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