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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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“Despite the widespread criticism and mockery, Trump's die-hard fans still rushed to get their trading cards. The 45,000 NFTs that were initially available are now sold out, with some being traded for more than $8,000.”


I have no words.

Steve Thomas

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Former US President Donald Trump sells out NFT trading cards---BBC

I don't know who would buy any NFT, let alone these awful Trump NFTs. 

For some reason, this reminds of a seller of trinkets and mementos from years back, the Franklin Mint. Endorsed by ex-President Ford at one time (another low point in Presidential history).

All the Franklin Mint memorabilia is now about worthless. 

My guess is the Trump NFTs will be worthless soon enough too. 


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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:



I have been a critic of Tucker Carlson and Fox News for years, so I could hardly believe my eyes and ears when I listened to Tucker Carlson's takedown of the CIA and their long-hidden role in JFK's assassination this morning!

Carlson hits on all cylinders here -- even discussing CIA psychiatrist Jolyon West's contacts with Jack Ruby, and his involvement in MK-ULTRA.

Carlson also explains how the CIA and their mainstream media propagandists started using the term "conspiracy theorists" after 1964 to discredit researchers who were debunking the fraudulent Warren Commission Report.

I agree with Ben and Mathew Koch on this one.

This is the most important, accurate mainstream media commentary on the JFK assassination in history!

Clapping GIFs | Tenor

Well, now I am shocked twice in a short span.

1. Tucker Carlson's extraordinary presentation on the JFK Records Act, which I rank with the Eisenhower farewell address as a peerless synopsis on the intel-military state and US government. 

2. W praising Carlson, even in the particular. I also thought Carlson's detail on West's visits to Ruby were intriguing, and something I had either forgotten or never knew about. 

Well, it just goes to show, anything can happen....


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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, now I am shocked twice in a short span.

1. Tucker Carlson's extraordinary presentation on the JFK Records Act, which I rank with the Eisenhower farewell address as a peerless synopsis on the intel-military state and US government. 

2. W praising Carlson, even in the particular. I also thought Carlson's detail on West's visits to Ruby were intriguing, and something I had either forgotten or never knew about. 

Well, it just goes to show, anything can happen....



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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Interesting. I was never aware of this


That said, Jerry Ford probably wouldn't sell something as unseemly as trading cards with him dressed up in a space suit...

No. But he would lie about the nature of JFK's wounds. 

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21 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Start with the root facts of the case:  JFK had a shallow wound in soft tissue to the right of T3, and another soft tissue wound in his throat.  There were no wound exits, and no rounds recovered at the autopsy.  The autopsists considered the possibility JFK was struck by a high tech weapon of the sort developed by the CIA program MKNAOMI. 

From Larry Hancock’s Nexus, pg 36

<quote on, emphasis in the original>

Confirmation of the MKNAOMI project was revealed in 1977, when Carter administration Defense Secretary Brown
requested an internal review of CIA projects which had involved the Department of Defense. The Department of
Defense's legal counsel conducted the investigation and among other things reported back that MKNAOMI had begun
in the early 1950's and was "intended to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials and to develop gadgetry
for dissemination of these materials."

A June 29, 1975 CIA memorandum has also been located which documents the SOD/CIA relationship and confirms that no written records were kept; management was by verbal instruction and "human continuity." The memo refers to "swarms
of project requests" and cites examples of suicide pills, chemicals to anesthetize occupants to facilitate building
entries, "L-pills" and aphrodisiacs for operational use. The memo notes "some requests for support approved by the CIA
had apparently involved assassination."

<quote off>

“No written records were kept” — like 99+% of all JFKA related material the Records Act is a useless distraction.

Why are you people looking for a smoking gun paper trail to tie the CIA to the JFKA when the autopsists responded to the condition of the body with speculation tying the CIA to the JFKA?

When we have a dissolving bullet we need no smoking gun.

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- Donald Trump 12/16/22 -


“THREAT TO DEMOCRACY” is the Radical Left Democrat’s new chant. Like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, before it, and all the rest, it is a total Disinformation HOAX & SCAM. They are the ones who are the REAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Remember, the Democrat’s policies are destroying our Country, they “stink.” DISINFORMATION & WEAPONIZATION of “Justice” is all they’ve got, but someday it will all come back to haunt them. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!



Have you gotten your subpoena from the January 6th Committee yet?

I'm still waiting on mine.

Steve Thomas

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