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Czech PM Says Putin Will Create New Soviet Union if We Don’t Stop Him Now
"Prague appears to be firmly on the side of Ukrainians. Blue and yellow flags can be seen in many windows, on flagpoles or on the front of buses and trams. Even some street signs have been replaced, unofficially. One street in Prague that has been for decades called Russia has been renamed by Prague residents: “Russian battleship, go xxxx yourself.”"

Steve Thomas

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As ugly as Ukraine is, could get uglier. 

British Ministry of Defense released on Wednesday its latest intelligence report on the situation in Ukraine, stating that the battlefield across the north of the country "remains largely static." It assessed that Russian forces are "likely conducting a period of reorganization before resuming large-scale offensive operations."

The United Kingdom also claimed Russian forces "are attempting to envelop Ukrainian forces in the east of the country" as they continue their advances toward Kharkiv and Mariupol. Russia is "still attempting to circumvent Mykolaiv as they look to drive west towards Odesa," the report stated.

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This is an excerpt from a recent Stone interview where he talks about Putin's invasion of Ukraine. At first he warns us that we're misinformed and to keep an open mind, which is always good advice. It's never completely one sided. Then he goes into  a long pro Putin diatribe against the U.S.
10 days ago in this interview Stone is blaming this brutal Russian invasion on the U.S. Stone is actually doubling down  on all his Putin "denazifying" rhetoric from "Ukraine on Fire" There's no protestation as to the brutality or killing of civilians going on among the everyday  human being citizens of Ukraine. To Stone,  It's all about the U.S. and Stone's s settling the score from 2014! Even though his predictions at the time, of a fascist state in Ukraine (based on one faction's embrace of  old right wing nationalist figures who collaborated with the Nazis during Stalinist brutal collectivist purges who would probably be 120 right now!) all  never came to pass.
IMO, At one point, Honestly it doesn't look like Stone even really believes everything he's saying, and any good lawyer could tear him to shreds. He sort of comes unglued  and tries to look cocky with sort of a forced bravado but just comes off very insecure, making fun of the way people look..makes a  lot of guilt by association,  innuendo comparing John Foster Dulles with Nuland and Kagan, but doesn't substantiate. The moderator has an innocent sort of charm. Stone's in friendly territory and the hosts admire him, want to have him on again, and change to  self affirming subjects  at some critical moments after it's apparent Stone is making name allegations but really firing a lot of blanks.
Just a complete Putin apologist. Stone has compassion for and can actually rationalize Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons because he says the U.S. is  pushing him even though we abided by our treaties and have no boots on the ground in Ukraine and Putin's had a much more  direct presence fighting in Ukraine for 8 years and now is steamrolling through the country.
And to Stone, Biden's part of the neocon warmongering. Just imagine, Oliver would see Ben as the deep state "Atilla the Hun".   heh heh
He says the U.S. is pushing Russia into regime change, and that's an awful thing! Because we'll get some peacemonger who is more pro U.S. like Yeltsin!, who will "cannibalize" Russia (Stone says grinning) and make Russia go against it's interest, (to the oligarchy?) as if economically they couldn't be a more failed basket case than they presently are. And of course in any case, to Stone, there's no mention Putin bears any responsibility  for the shambles he's created of Ukraine and no mention of the deaths and human displacement. For Stone,  It's game time baby!, . They're all just pawns in the Stone's master geopolitical scorecard  anyway. 
Just imagine if Russia rolled over Ukraine in a week. Stone and others would probably say that Ukraine gave up because Russia and Ukraine are "brothers", and the only thing that was pushing them apart was the omnipotent, always evil U.S. Deep State. When in reality, it would have been a shear brute force pummeling their teeny neighbor into submission just like in Georgia.
Is he a hardened sinner, or just an old fossil who can't learn any new tricks other than to prepare for the rest of his life being dominated by the U.S. Deep State?
I hear this interview and I start to think maybe Alan Dulles had become too senile to really pull off the murder of a U.S. President, though maybe just senile enough to enlist as his most visible, high profile, critical, public people to front  his patsy narrative, from his mistress's best friend's family?
It is convenient.
heh heh



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    Oliver Stone is, justifiably, the patron saint of the JFKA research community, but his opinions about Putin and the fascist Russian Federation are sadly mistaken.

    It's a bizarre misinterpretation of Putin-ism by many on the right and left of the political spectrum in the U.S.

    Those on the right (Fox News, Trump, et.al.) have lionized Putin for his fascist authoritarianism.

    Those on the left (including Oliver Stone and the Consortium News crowd) have lionized him for his opposition to the U.S. military-industrial complex (and the related Neocon "War on Terror.")

    I mentioned (above) that my only real criticism of Stone & Kuznick's excellent Untold History series was their tendency to downplay the atrocities (and geopolitical agenda) of Stalin-ism-- because the series was focused on exposing the atrocities of the Dulles brothers and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

    The same thing could be said about Oliver Stone's defense of Putin-ism today.  Because Stone has been focused on exposing the atrocities of the CIA and the U.S. military, he has overlooked the atrocities of Putin's fascist police state.

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Hard to shoot with frozen fingers, march with frozen toes/feet.  Yesterday I read about some Russian troops having three days worth of food an ammunition.  Last week a report of a captured field kitchen with nothing but potatoes, onions and pickles.

 Russian Soldiers Suffering Frostbite as Ukraine Invasion Frozen: Pentagon (msn.com)

Russian soldiers have ammunition, food and fuel for three days, says Ukrainian army – HNonline.sk – Latest from the world (alwaysfreshnews.com) 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Man 'hurls a burning Molotov cocktail at the Kremlin walls' amid reports Russia has now rounded up 15,000 anti-war protesters


"This is the shocking moment a furious man appears to throw a burning Molotov cocktail at the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow.
Video shows the man, who has not been identified, gesticulating angrily at the red walls of the Kremlin as he looks up at a burning section of the brickwork."

And so it begins.

Steve Thomas

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        Interesting read at Slate today.  A Russian journalist dates the decline and fall of journalism in the fascist Russian Federation to December of 2013.  

Ukraine war: I was a reporter for Russian state-run media, and I saw it all fall apart. (slate.com)

March 23, 2022

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
 Then he goes into  a long pro Putin diatribe against the U.S.

Well this is unfortunate. About a month ago I wrote here on my opinion of Stone and his tendency to romanticize Russia; all of that still stands.

America's war on communism cost many lives, and almost cost Oliver Stone his. He's still very angry about that, and justifiably so. However, he shouldn't let that blind him to the genocide that is occurring now, right in front of him on his TV screen.

No excuse for that, Mr. Stone.

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

And so it begins.


‘It’s a Sh*tshow’: Russian Troops Are Now Turning on Each Other



“Even in Chechnya, there was nothing like this,” a soldier tells friend in an intercepted call, as reports emerge of another getting so fed up he ran over his colonel with a tank.”

Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk reported Wednesday that two tactical groups of Russian soldiers in Makarov, in the Kyiv region, lost at least half of their men in battles against Ukrainian forces.

“One of the Russian soldiers “blamed the commander of the group, Col. Yury Medvedev, for the deaths of his friends,” Tsymbaliuk wrote on Facebook.

“Having waited for the right moment, during battle, he ran over the commander with a tank as he stood next to him, injuring both his legs. Now Col. Medvedev is in a hospital in Belarus, waiting for monetary compensation for combat wounds received during the ‘special military operation to protect the Donbass.’”

“Basically, it’s a sh**show here, I’ll put it that way,” an unnamed soldier near Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine can be heard telling a colleague in a recording released by Ukraine’s Security Service late Tuesday.

After telling his friend that Ukrainian forces “tore apart” a column of Russian forces sent along with his own unit, he described complete disarray among the Russian military, with 50 percent of the unit suffering from frostbite on their feet.

“But they don’t plan to treat them in the [field] hospital,” he said.

Now they've started fragging their officers.


Steve Thomas

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The Russian Army is worthless; they are all just being marched to their own death by a madman that couldn't care less about them. No Russian field army is going to help Putin win Ukraine. He will soon be cornered into a situation where he will be using chemical and/or nuclear weapons. The worst of this crisis is ahead of us, unless something drastic happens very soon.

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A lack of cognitive sophistication?

New research on Trump voters: They're not the sharpest tools in the box (msn.com)

I was looking for the actual vocabulary exam, haven't found it yet but here's the original article.  it does have an interesting graph and a little more detail.  I'd forgotten the former prez comment "I love the poorly educated".

Guest Post: How Can We Be So Sure That Most Trump Voters Are Morons? (downwithtyranny.com)


Edited by Ron Bulman
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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Well this is unfortunate. About a month ago I wrote here on my opinion of Stone and his tendency to romanticize Russia; all of that still stands.

America's war on communism cost many lives, and almost cost Oliver Stone his. He's still very angry about that, and justifiably so. However, he shouldn't let that blind him to the genocide that is occurring now, right in front of him on his TV screen.

No excuse for that, Mr. Stone.

Is Oliver Stone really just Roger Stone with a wig on? 

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14 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Ben, Perhaps it may be better for the UN to propose this. I know Russia has the Security Council by the throat, but that shouldn't stop it, proposing a humanitarian corridor in Ukraine.


Well, at this point I think action is needed. Can the Western world stand by while Ukraine is Mariupolized? 

The leaders of Poland, right on the front line, appear willing to take some risks. Biden seems to have no plans. Brave Poland is calling for a conventional multi-national force to enter Ukraine.

Perhaps a poor analogy, but something like this happened in S Korea. There was incessant talk of using nukes, including lunatics from our side. 

Presently, the Russians can set up artillery positions and then turn every city into rubble, while "digging in" and protecting their troops. Even the bad guys adapt. 

Biden appears overwhelmed, flatfooted, unimaginative. Perhaps Biden should step down, but the veep looks no better.  I don't think anyone would trust Kamala Harris to run this show.  The Secy of Defense looks like he retired, except for wearing his uniform. 

I would not want to be Ukrainian right now. 


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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

        Interesting read at Slate today.  A Russian journalist dates the decline and fall of journalism in the fascist Russian Federation to December of 2013.  

Ukraine war: I was a reporter for Russian state-run media, and I saw it all fall apart. (slate.com)

March 23, 2022

A very informative article W.  I'd never heard of Anna Politkovskaya.  The Lady had Balls, but Putin got her.

The Assassination of Anna Politkovskaya | by Josie Klakström | Medium 

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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Oliver Stone is, justifiably, the patron saint of the JFKA research community, but his opinions about Putin and the fascist Russian Federation are sadly mistaken.

    It's a bizarre misinterpretation of Putin-ism by many on the right and left of the political spectrum in the U.S.

    Those on the right (Fox News, Trump, et.al.) have lionized Putin for his fascist authoritarianism.

    Those on the left (including Oliver Stone and the Consortium News crowd) have lionized him for his opposition to the U.S. military-industrial complex (and the related Neocon "War on Terror.")

    I mentioned (above) that my only real criticism of Stone & Kuznick's excellent Untold History series was their tendency to downplay the atrocities (and geopolitical agenda) of Stalin-ism-- because the series was focused on exposing the atrocities of the Dulles brothers and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

    The same thing could be said about Oliver Stone's defense of Putin-ism today.  Because Stone has been focused on exposing the atrocities of the CIA and the U.S. military, he has overlooked the atrocities of Putin's fascist police state.

Yeah Stone has stepped into clown land with this BS. Steven Segal world.

At this point Putin has done everything he could to prove him, Carter, Jim D and the rest how foolish they were to take the bait.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Oliver Stone to sit down to his serving of humble pie. It's unfortunate because it casts a shadow over everything else he claims, fairly or not.

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