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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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There's nothing funny about this tragic FUBAR war in Ukraine, but here's a little schadenfreude...



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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

So glad you posted it. I read it from beginning to its end. Very educational and enlightening. I visited the Soviet Union in 1974 as part of a semi-VIP group of 25 from Washington, D.C. comprised of attorneys and their wives. Over a two-week period we saw Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev and Odessa. Even attended a trial in Kiev that sent shivers up my spine only because the three female judges were scary in their demeanor. 

My favorite reader's comment on the article was:

Thank you very much for this. In ways, it reminds me of stories told to me by an Engineer I worked with years ago. He was Jewish and had left Russia during the time when they were allowed to leave. His stories of how the government decided on his career and where he would live were amazing, but what surprised me was when he told me of other emigres who had come from Russia, but couldn’t take all the choices they were given in America. They ended up going back to a rigid control of their lives rather than the uncertainty of being in control of their own destiny.

I had a Russian Jewish emigre tell me in the 1980’s that a lot of Russians like to be told what to do. They couldn’t handle freedom.

Their whole “education” system etc is set up that way, so it’s not really a surprise, is it?


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The Bucha, Ukraine story, which appears to have been validated, surely tilts the scales. I understand it is a wartime story highlighted for a reason by Ukrainians. But by independent accounts, it is also real. 

US foreign-military-trade policy is largely in the hands of the multinationals-globalists. 

Hence, Biden's all but inviting Putin into Ukraine, and then inviting Zelensky out.

A quick peaceful resolution to Ukraine, and then back to business---that was the multi-nationalist goal. The globalists can do business with Putin (remember Rex Tillerson, Trump's Secy of State?) and they do mountains and oceans of business with Xi. 

But now, there is a humanitarian catastrophe underway in Ukraine. 

The signals Biden sent pre-invasion (no boots, no NFZ, refuge for Zelensky) were escalatory. Putin responds to force. 

A much heavier interdiction in Ukraine may well be de-escalatory

And certainly would be humanitarian.  






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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For whatever reason, the M$M wanted the Wuhan lab leak story to die, preferably in its crib. 

Of course, there are extensive business connections between the globalists and the CCP, and there was the polarizing Trump angle. 

If you can abstain from the blue-red kool-aid for a day, the above piece is fascinating reading.  

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23 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



But none of what Putin has done in Ukraine will necessarily lead to his death, and I think Putin's life is one thing he really cares about. My analysis above makes the assumption that Putin would be careful not to do anything that would certainly lead to his death.



      I have a different notion about what makes Putin tick, which I hinted at in an earlier post about his life history.  He's not a Donald Trump-- not merely a narcissist motivated by self-love.

     My belief is that Putin grew up with a life script along the lines of, "Don't cry, mother, we will restore Mother Russia and avenge the deaths of our people."  Recall that Putin's mother survived the siege of Leningrad, where her son, Putin's older brother, was killed, and his native city was mercilessly bombed.  Over one million Russians died during the siege of Leningrad.

    So, for example, Trump was a draft dodger and Putin was a disciplined, dedicated KGB officer for years in Dresden prior to the collapse of the USSR.  The collapse must have been a bitter, humiliating pill for him to swallow, given his life history and putative life script.

    But he stayed the course, ascended to the throne, and triumphed in the re-conquest of Chechnya and the annexation of Crimea. 

    The failure of his Ukraine invasion is his first set back as Tsar, and he has been enraged about it.

    Rather than focusing on mere self-preservation, I believe Putin would annihilate Europe if NATO and Poland attacked Russia.  He's a fighter.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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A curiously fumbled, confused, dithering op-ed from the WaPo. You can probably read this in Google incognito mode. 

The op-ed says get tough on Putin, and try him for war crimes. In abstentia? And will that save people being murdered now? 

The WaPo says Europe should do without Russia natural gas (I happen to agree, but this rings of calling for sacrifice from others that Americans will not make). And WaPo calls for tougher sanctions on Russian banks---you mean that is not happening already? The US and the West have some sort of pansy sanctions in place now?  

The WaPo says the West as been "weak," but then stops there. And, so what? 

Given the melding between the M$M, the national security state, and the Donks...I guess we are reading what the globalist establishment wants to do in Ukraine.  Jen Psaki will explain it when she gets to MSNBC.

When Putin is tried in abstentia, he will be found guilty. That will show him. If only we thought of that with Hitler and Tojo. 

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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      I have a different notion about what makes Putin tick, which I hinted at in an earlier post about his life history.  He's not a Donald Trump-- not merely a narcissist motivated by self-love.

     My belief is that Putin grew up with a life script along the lines of, "Don't cry, mother, we will restore Mother Russia and avenge the deaths of our people."  Recall that Putin's mother survived the siege of Leningrad, where her son, Putin's older brother, was killed, and his native city was mercilessly bombed.  Over one million Russians died during the siege of Leningrad.

    So, for example, Trump was a draft dodger and Putin was a disciplined, dedicated KGB officer for years in Dresden prior to the collapse of the USSR.  The collapse must have been a bitter, humiliating pill for him to swallow, given his life history and putative life script.

    But he stayed the course, ascended to the throne, and triumphed in the re-conquest of Chechnya and the annexation of Crimea. 

    The failure of his Ukraine invasion is his first set back as Tsar, and he has been enraged about it.

    Rather than focusing on mere self-preservation, I believe Putin would annihilate Europe if NATO and Poland attacked Russia.  He's a fighter.



So what you're saying is that Putin is an ideologue and that's he's willing to do anything -- including die -- for his ideology.

Yeah, I can see that possibility.


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State Bill May Allow Lawyers to Carry Guns in Courtroom
"A bill passed in the Kentucky Legislature that would allow all licensed attorneys to conceal-carry firearms in courtrooms statewide is being met with some opposition.
The bill passed unanimously in the State House and by a 33-1 margin, with the lone "no" vote coming from Senate Minority Leader Morgan McGarvey. He called the bill "insane.""
"David Boles, a district court judge and former 20-year member of the police force, said courtrooms are emotional and that adding guns to the equation could lead to a worst-case scenario.
"Imagine a responsible criminal defense lawyer who is armed sitting next to his client in court," Boles said. "Now imagine the client overpowering his lawyer, taking his firearm and creating a deadly encounter inside the courtroom. Imagine that for a moment...it's not unbelievable and it's not impossible that that would happen.""

Ya think?

Steve Thomas

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6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



So what you're saying is that Putin is an ideologue and that's he's willing to do anything -- including die -- for his ideology.

Yeah, I can see that possibility.


I would characterize him as a nationalist.  He, obviously, rejected the Marxist-Leninist ideology of his youth.

At the same time, he has been openly contemptuous of liberal democracy.

My take is that his mission is to restore and aggrandize the nationalist state.

So, ideologically, he's similar to Hitler and Mussolini.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

  Rather than focusing on mere self-preservation, I believe Putin would annihilate Europe if NATO and Poland attacked Russia.  He's a fighter.

I wonder WN whether any world leader could ever attempt such an entire world and humanity destabilizing action as you describe above regards Putin annihilating Europe without some intervention of a new world order force to prevent it?

I am just speculating and even guessing about such a scenario.

And I know many will say my following postulation is really out there.

However, I believe that the new world order may very possibly be one that is beyond the precepts of reality that 99% of mankind has traditionally held onto regards the true state of human societal and global power affairs as they/we know it.

That since WWII, we have been introduced to a new reality of humanity that now includes knowledge of and maybe even interaction with other life forms not of this Earth.

This "ET" knowledge experience is beyond most of our imaginations. Who knows what it involves.

However, if true, it must surely come with new realms of global wide humanity interests control and direction agendas different than anything in our past.

To what degree and in what context I haven't a clue.

But I sense that one of the biproducts of this possible ET interaction has been a quantum leap in technology knowledge. Again, beyond our imaginations. And this probably includes it's potential in weaponry?

I also sense that the huge quantum growth of our secret government institutions ( trillions of no oversight dollars allotted since WWII and alluded to by Bill Clinton in at least one interview after he left office and maybe even Obama and Bush junior ) has come about mostly because of this new paradigm of technology leaping knowledge associated with this ET experience.

It would surely be the single most powerful and best kept secret in our world today.

If this scenario is even half true, I would assume there is a control group at the top of this super secret knowledge pyramid and that they could have more say about global affairs than any one single government, regime and leader who threatens to bring everything down world wide by themselves.

Again, just a gut feeling musing, but we all do know now we have secret technology in this world that we would have a hard time believing exists, let alone is functional.

Whoever owns and controls the larger body of this new mind blowing technology surely has much more world affairs control power than those that don't?

It's a new world order all right. And one that might be needed to step in and prevent one government and leader from bringing down the whole shebang out of personal crazy power madness.

"If the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in our world, they would probably go into their backyards and kill themselves."






Edited by Joe Bauer
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