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22 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Way too much bunk here on page 720 so far lol.

Matt Taibbi is a Hillary hater and is far too cozy with the Russians, having lived there for a time.

And I'm not sure how people seem to be forgetting that Paul Manafort would still be sitting in prison right now, had the crooked and corrupt Donald Trump not pardoned him.

Please read this for a refresher on the ties between Trump and the Kremlin:



     I, too, am truly surprised by the bunk posted on this page-- especially since it has been repeatedly debunked.

     A person would have to be living in the MAGA-verse nowadays (or getting money from Kremlin assets) to still deny Russia-gate and Trump's longstanding enmeshment with Putin's oligarchs.  They saved his ass from utter financial ruin during the past 30 years, (along with his Apprentice gig.)  And it's glaringly obvious that Trump served in the White House as a compromised Russian asset.  Who can forget Trump's embarrassing Stinky in Helsinki?

     On the subject of quality independent journalism and Trump's longstanding ties to the Russian mafia and Putin's KGB/FSB-aligned oligarchs, let's not forget about Russ Baker's groundbreaking investigative journalism in the spring of 2017 on Trump, Felix Sater, and the Russian mafia.  Baker's work got some traction in the M$M in March of 2017* but he never really got the credit he deserved for that groundbreaking story.

     A lot of Baker's findings about Trump and the Russian mafia were later corroborated and expanded upon by others, as in the case of Catherine Belton's outstanding book, Putin's People.

*  Trump's longstanding business ties to Russian mobsters

March 28, 2017

Edited by W. Niederhut
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29 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

This is outrageous.  315 rounds in 77 minutes, hundreds of them coming in the first four minutes.  That means at least a Couple of hundred, Fifty shots a minute?  It's just so hard to imagine someone walking around two classrooms doing so it hurts.   

So, he thought they were all dead?  Except the boy under a table with a tablecloth on it, the girl with the blood of her dead friend on her, playing dead.  Others of the wounded.

So, they, the responders thought hey the shootings Almost stopped?  No need for us to rush in.

The father, a Deputy Sheriff, At the school witnessed the killer Finally get killed, is afraid of losing his job if he speaks out about AR-15's?  Thats insane.

The mother blaming herself for not taking her daughter out of school for the day after the awards ceremony that morning.  That hit's home especially hard for me.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I, too, am truly surprised by the bunk posted on this page-- especially since it has been repeatedly debunked.

     A person would have to be living in the MAGA-verse nowadays (or getting money from Kremlin assets) to still deny Russia-gate and Trump's longstanding enmeshment with Putin's oligarchs.  They saved his ass from utter financial ruin during the past 30 years, (along with his Apprentice gig.)  And it's glaringly obvious that Trump served in the White House as a compromised Russian asset.  Who can forget Trump's embarrassing Stinky in Helsinki?

     On the subject of quality independent journalism and Trump's longstanding ties to the Russian mafia and Putin's KGB/FSB-aligned oligarchs, let's not forget about Russ Baker's groundbreaking investigative journalism in the spring of 2017 on Trump, Felix Sater, and the Russian mafia.  Baker's work got some traction in the M$M in March of 2017* but he never really got the credit he deserved for that groundbreaking story.

     A lot of Baker's findings about Trump and the Russian mafia were later corroborated and expanded upon by others, as in the case of Catherine Belton's outstanding book, Putin's People.

*  Trump's longstanding business ties to Russian mobsters

March 28, 2017



Again, allegations about allegations. Did you read this story?

A lot of it is Trump Towers selling condos to alleged Ukrainian and Russian crooks.

This is very dubious "journalism," if it can be called that.

Believe it or not, people selling condos are not (yet anyway) part of the panopticon state, and do not act as police. They sell condos to people with money, much in the way you have provided medical services to people with money. I spent about 20 years building furniture in L.A., and never investigated anyone's background before a sale. Sometimes I was paid in cash, large sums. 

Here is a typical sentence from the USA Today story:

A Ukrainian owner of two Trump condos in Florida was indicted in a money-laundering scheme involving a former prime minister of Ukraine.

OK, for one it was not a Russian, but a Ukrainian, and for two, all we know is the condo-owner is that he was indicted, no evidence of a conviction, and that the indictment was made in a country where political prosecutions are common. 

This as dubious as a two-legged stool. 

Let us convict anyway, and suppose the Ukrainian was a flat-out mobster.  Even then, so what? So, someone in Trump Tower organization sold a Ukrainian mobster two condos? 

And from such insights as this, we construct headlines and narratives that Trump is a Moscow stooge? 

Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Matte and a few others are dedicated journalists, and independent. Not M$M'ers, of the type who run USA Today. They do not carry water for Trump. 

Do Taibbi, Greenwald, Matte ever make mistakes--yes, of course. 

But if you read M$M and take it on faith....well, then nothing has been learned from the JFKA story. 








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Get a clue, Ben.

Did you read Putin's People-- the reference I posted for you in March?  Belton goes into considerable detail about Trump's multi-decade ties to Putin's oligarchs.

Russ Baker wrote at length in early 2017 about Trump's multi-decade involvement with the Russian mafia, and Felix Sater's 2015 boast that Putin intended to put Trump in the White House.

Did you read the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in our 2016 election, to benefit Trump?

Did you read the Mueller Report?

I stopped posting references for you a few weeks ago because you never read any of them.

Your modus operandi is to ignore the facts that debunk your "theories," then repeatedly re-post them.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

There's a lot more to the Trump-Russia business, and I suspect it will come out in due time; hopefully this year.

Show me a successful prosecution.

Anybody can write books or headlines, or slant committee or commission findings any which way. 

Manafort was a grifter, and went to prison for it. Good. He was never even charged, let alone convicted on any other treason or sedition crimes. 

If the evidence is so clear and overwhelming...then the Biden Justice Department (actually the Justice Department is largely civil service and reasonably honest even under Trump) is not prosecuting spies and Moscow stooges. 

Sorry, I will stick to the "innocent until proven guilty" standard.

In heated moments, in partisan passions, people believe all sorts of things, especially about "the other side."  

Of course, it suits the Deep State to foment divisionism...





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I don't think you guys heard.

The FBI lied and they knew it.  Carter Page was a CIA asset.

HRC wanted to take the heat off of the email story. 

So her and her colleagues went ahead and started this Russia Gate fable.  Which the MSM swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Did Aaron mate live in Russia also? Was he a HIllary hater?

Did Bob Parry live in Russia also?  Was he a Hillary  hater.  No, he voted for her.

In one of the last talks I had with Bob, we shared the idea that the MSM never took Trump seriously as a candidate, they were all so smartass about him.  They did not think he was going to win.  Its obvious from the videos of that night.  Especially MSNBC.  And we know from the JFK case how the MSM does not like being proven wrong.

So even though HRC was done, they were not.  They began to swallow what had been left behind.  Like the Steele Dossier.  And this was going to be their way of getting even with Trump.  

And Max Holland jumped on board and the Daily Beast swallowed it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

From pictures I've seen it seemed brining AR-15's into a Church to worship with might seem to some a God given right.  I defer to the Priest.

'I’m sick of hearing it': Catholic bishop slams 'sacralizing' gun ownership while children die (msn.com) 

That really is sickening.

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Are we supposed to forget that the whole Carter Page FISA thing started a real life investigation? Does Kevin Drum want all that forgotten because he loves HRC?  This was not a one day story.  It was like a three year story that  dominated the news cycle, caused FBI and special prosecutor  investigations and sent people to prison--for the wrong reasons, since Mueller never could find anything to back up the Steele Dossier. It was such a circus that it gave Max Holland a way in for the JFK case.

To me, I thought it was a distraction from the really bad stuff Trump was doing, like his tax plan, like his mysterious health care plan which never appeared.  I mean no one who saw Mueller before congress could think there was anything really solid about Russia Gate. I did not like Trump from Day One.  But nail the guy for what he is, a grifter flim flam artist, who came on like he was a change agent, when he was really a carnival barker who had no idea how to MAGA.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Are we supposed to forget that the whole Carter Page FISA thing started a real life investigation? Does Kevin Drum want all that forgotten because he loves HRC?  This was not a one day story.  It was like a three year story that  dominated the news cycle, caused FBI and special prosecutor  investigations and sent people to prison--for the wrong reasons, since Muller never could find anything to back up the Steele Dossier. It was such a circus that it gave Max Holland a way in for the JFK case.

To me, I thought it was a distraction from the really bad stuff Trump was doing, like his tax plan, like his mysterious health care plan which never appeared.  I mean no one who saw Mueller before congress could think there was anything really solid about Russia Gate. I did not like Trump from Day One.  But nail the guy for what he is, a grifter flim flam artist, who came on like he was a change agent, when he was really a carnival barker who had no idea how to MAGA.

Even worse. The left wing, in full self-righteous glory, thinks Big Bad Mr. Orange is the whole problem with DC, and indeed America. 

So, the New Donk Party, so eager to put the long knife in Mr Orange, entirely aligned with and was coopted by the Deep State. 

And like I say: After LBJ, after Nixon, after Bush jr...the Deep State just got bigger and more powerful. The Deep State has tools the 1960s CIA could only dream about. The ability to track your location by smartphone 24/7, and to extract all texts and phone calls. License plates are read automatically in many locations in the US, and information collated. Webcams everywhere. Even bigger security budgets, and a far, far more-powerful multi-nationalist community. 

Trump, as you say, was a blowhard (although he occasionally blurted out the truth--like asking why US forces are still in Korea, and why US factories are better off in China). Good riddance to Trump.

So why does the M$M keep making Trump the issue? 




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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So why does the M$M keep making Trump the issue? 

just a guess here using a surfing analogy:

  • There was a wave of dissatisfaction with MSM-approved politicians to surf around 2008 (finally!)
  • Obama rode it to the presidency defeating Mrs Clinton and John McCain
  • Bernie almost rode the same wave vs Mrs Clinton
  • Trump decided to ride the wave where it broke right
  • then Trump destroyed the Rep msm-named "deep bench" in the primaries by calling these pansies names
  • and by telling Jeb that his brother 'had not kept America safe on 9-11'
  • the Dems then in typical Dem fashion ignored the wave and sent out the MSM-approved candidate Mrs Clinton with disastrous results 

btw:  Did anyone else notice where Trump went for a meeting immediately after seeing the Obamas off after the inauguration?

Edited by Bill Fite
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1 hour ago, Bill Fite said:

just a guess here using a surfing analogy:

  • There was a wave of dissatisfaction with MSM-approved politicians to surf around 2008 (finally!)
  • Obama rode it to the presidency defeating Mrs Clinton and John McCain
  • Bernie almost rode the same wave vs Mrs Clinton
  • Trump decided to ride the wave where it broke right
  • then Trump destroyed the Rep msm-named "deep bench" in the primaries by calling these pansies names
  • and by telling Jeb that his brother 'had not kept America safe on 9-11'
  • the Dems then in typical Dem fashion ignored the wave and sent out the MSM-approved candidate Mrs Clinton with disastrous results 

btw:  Did anyone else notice where Trump went for a meeting immediately after seeing the Obamas off after the inauguration?

No. Where did Trump go?

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Are we supposed to forget that the whole Carter Page FISA thing started a real life investigation? Does Kevin Drum want all that forgotten because he loves HRC?  This was not a one day story.  It was like a three year story that  dominated the news cycle, caused FBI and special prosecutor  investigations and sent people to prison--for the wrong reasons, since Muller never could find anything to back up the Steele Dossier. It was such a circus that it gave Max Holland a way in for the JFK case.

To me, I thought it was a distraction from the really bad stuff Trump was doing, like his tax plan, like his mysterious health care plan which never appeared.  I mean no one who saw Mueller before congress could think there was anything really solid about Russia Gate. I did not like Trump from Day One.  But nail the guy for what he is, a grifter flim flam artist, who came on like he was a change agent, when he was really a carnival barker who had no idea how to MAGA.

Your last paragraph makes a good point.

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