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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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33 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Actually, I would prefer Trump immediately be arrested, tried, and after a guilty verdict, forced to spend the rest of his life in prison.

That is what I personally hope will happen.


I am happy to see we agree on this one. If Trump is tried in court, and found guilty, then he should serve whatever the sentence guidelines indicate (if such guidelines apply in this type of case).

In a civil prerequisite I extend to all, I regard Trump as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

TV show trials are not particularly persuasive. 

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6 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

The Trump cult wasn't brainwashed overnight, and they won't be de-programmed overnight.

And there are a great deal of them that want to embrace Trump's Russian/Hungary fascist model, as the trademark racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc that those countries practice is also the most important thing to MAGAs and their identity. There's no point in trying to change those cretins.

We already know what their future looks like; the face of America's criminals in 20 years will likely be largely white, diabetic and bereft of critical thinking abilities.

There's so much hate in this statement. I don't see how this makes you any different than those dirty MAGATS. You've let the hate consume you and have become the exact thing you profess to abhor, just on the opposite side and perhaps a notch or two more radical.

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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Actually, I would prefer Trump immediately be arrested, tried, and after a guilty verdict, forced to spend the rest of his life in prison.

That is what I personally hope will happen.


I just have one question.

Will Trump's orange jump suit clash with his orange hair and orange skin, or will it complement them?

Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

There's so much hate in this statement. I don't see how this makes you any different than those dirty MAGATS. You've let the hate consume you and have become the exact thing you profess to abhor, just on the opposite side and perhaps a notch or two more radical.

The United States and its democracy is on the verge of collapse because of those people. I'm sorry you find the truth to be radical.  

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42 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The United States and its democracy is on the verge of collapse because of those people. I'm sorry you find the truth to be radical.  

Perhaps the system needs to collapse. It's not working. It doesn't work for you and it doesn't work for me. 


To save the Republic, what is it that you suggest, Matt? Witch hunts, show trials, highly produced primetime hearings by a "committee" that excludes representation from half the country? Go ahead, lock 'em up, hang 'em all. It's not going to change a damn thing, except giving you a hard on. Additionally, as is often the case with the left, their plan will backfire on them and will serve to further galvanize those who they seek to persecute.


If you have any tangible ideas to save the Republic, I am all ears, but this isn't it.

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Watched the hearing last early evening.

Two hours is quite a short time.

I think this is wise in the beginning however. Any longer than that and huge chunks of the TV viewing audience would surely start to lose interest. Especially when it was shown so late in the day. Approaching bed time back East.

I remember when Hillary Clinton was put on the grueling hot seat during the Benghazi hearings for 8 hours at a time! 

The film footage of the attack from beginning to breaching the inside of the Capital Bldg. was the most compelling part of the hearing.

Thousands attacking, screaming, cursing, threatening, hitting...truly terrifying!

The blond Capital policewoman really took a beating.

First knocked unconscious, then later sprayed directly in her eyes with pepper spray?

She kept battling though. Tough and courageous lady!

When asked to share her most affected feelings and thoughts about her experience she stated that the attack was so aggressive and massive it seemed unreal to her. Like something out of a movie. 

In parts of the close up filming of the attack, amidst the terrifying roar of screams and threats and Trump slogan shouting, you can hear some of the Capital police desperately calling for back up support. Over and over.

But such support never came! For hours!

The attack was so widespread and vicious with so many police seriously injured I still can't believe the lack of reinforcement help, withheld from those left alone police officers battling for their lives and to save the lives of almost all of our congress people and their aids inside the building.

I thought about the reality that if any police force all across our country were caught in a fight for their lives in a similar massively outmanned situation, surrounding police forces would have raced to their side within minutes.

Hear in California, if a police department were under attack like our Capital police force was on January 6th, 2020 other city police forces, county Sheriffs, state police like the Highway Patrol, national guard, local FBI, Homeland security, military police you name it...would have had hundreds of personnel to that scene no later than 1/2 an hour!

How our Capital police forces were left alone to fight for their lives with no begged for reinforcement help for hours is what sickens me to the core.

Whoever kept reinforcement help from being sent to the Capital building for so long despite desperate pleas from those defending it and our congress persons which resulted in hundreds of injuries, death of a protestor, great destruction of property, serious post traumatic stress upon the police and our terrified congress persons should be held accountable.

What kind of a sick person would allow such widespread police and congress injury and trauma to occur when they could have completely prevented it or in the least immediately cut it short ... just to benefit their own diluted sense of personal gain entitlement?

And to watch this hours long terror event happening with giggling glee and ignoring pleas to take immediate serious help action is just...well...sadistic.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Perhaps the system needs to collapse.

No, the system doesn't need to collapse. Bad people simply need to be brought to justice.

If you're actually interested in helping, you could start by stopping your support of Tucker Carlson and Fox "News".

Don't bother me with empty lectures until you excise those unAmerican fascists from your life.

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One of the many damning segments in the Congressional hearing last night, IMO, was the testimony by Bill Barr and other Trump associates establishing that Trump always knew that his Big Lie was a lie.

It's a shame that the Trumplicans didn't watch these historic hearings.  They need to be de-programmed by the facts.

It's also a shame that some people mistakenly believe that there is some sort of equivalence between the historic, unprecedented crimes of Donald Trump (and key Republican associates) and "liberals."

Only a person who flunked American History 101 could believe something that ridiculous.

What this kind of confused thinking illustrates, among other problems, is the corrosive effect of incessant right wing disinformation on a sub-population of American citizens. 


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The JFK QAnon Cult Is Heading Back to Dallas for Another ‘Second Coming’

Michael Protzman, a QAnon influencer, has once again promised that JFK would reappear and reveal himself to the group.”

by David Gilbert June 10, 2022


More than seven months after the group first met in Dallas, it is heading back to the city this weekend after Protzman once again promised that JFK would reveal himself to the group, proving once and for all that he is, in fact, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Protzman has already checked into the Hyatt Regency, where hundreds of people gathered back in November.”

What would Marilyn say, “Happy Birthday, Mr. President.”

Steve Thomas

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10 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

The United States and its democracy is on the verge of collapse because of those people. I'm sorry you find the truth to be radical.  


You are aware "those people" share the same opinion of the Biden Administration? 

Have you wondered how the M$M is used to divide the American population from itself? 

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