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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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47 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

1. I am actually glad we have Biden as our President now. 

2. I don't watch or read MSM* news sources (the preferred term is "Legacy Media".) Nevertheless, ABC News was on the TV last night when I was making chicken cutlets. I did leave ABC News on because:

a.) my hands had eggs and bread crumbs on them so I could not change the channel and;

b.) ABC grabbed my attention with the video teaser of the big-waves coming over the sea wall in Hawaii that inconvenienced an outdoor wedding (some wet shoes and overturned chairs, nothing spectacular), and soaked some cars in the parking lot of some seaside town houses.

The main takeaways I got from my limited viewing of this particular Legacy Media channel last night were;

c.) who builds town houses that close to the sea wall in Hawaii, which is mostly known for big waves?

d.) the owners of those cars should go to the car wash and rinse all of that salt water from the under carriage as soon as possible.


If you want to have an honest intellectual debate W., you are going have to accept the legitimacy of Non-Legacy media sources, which should be pretty easy, because as described, ABC is has been reduced to running 30 second clips of minimally destructive natural events and calling it news. (The Hawaii wave videos were posted multiple times on Reddit, Twitter, and I'm sure Facebook. I did not need ABC.) 

*Listening - Brookdale Community College Radio (90.5) is my favorite station when in my car. They play a lot of current, and 1980s/1990s alt-rock and the signal is good for a college radio station. They do use NPR for their news breaks, so I do end up listening to a decent amount of Legacy Media news via NPR.

That the same people who get most of their news from NPR are still wearing masks and tweeting that the cold they are suffering from "would be much worse if they had not been "vaxxed" and boosted 3 times in the past 12 months" explains so much.




     Can you list some "non-legacy" news sources that you actually trust?

     (I'm hoping that Breitbart, Newsmax, and OANN aren't on your list.)  

     Also, regarding your somewhat amusing Prius joke about the libs, do you happen to drive a Humvee or a Ford F-150 with a "Let's Go Brandon!" sticker on the rear bumper?

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Don't sweat the small squad stuff, Rob.  They're simply making a public statement about Dobbs.

Meanwhile, how do you feel about Fox, OANN, and Newsmax repeatedly broadcasting false claims about what happened on January 6th, while refusing to air the actual Congressional J6 hearings?

And the fact that 68% of Fox viewers in a recent poll still blame radical "leftists" for Trump's J6 attack on Congress?

Wouldn't you agree that THAT is downright Orwellian? 

That a substantial U.S. subpopulation (? 25-30%) is completely delusional about Trump's historic coup attempt?


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The blending of the Democratic Party, the legacy media, and the shadow state is nearly complete. 

For example, CNN immediately turns to former CIA officers for analysis on all foreign affairs. 

The Biden Administration is prosecuting Julian Assange with full fury. 

"Pentagon: Hill added $58 billion to current defense budget"---Roll Call

Democratic President Biden fist-bumps with MBS.

The NYT, showing heroic plasticity, says Ray Epps is not a federal asset, and in fact is a nice guy.  Evidently Epps, seen in multiple videos exhorting protestors to enter the Capitol on 1/5 or 1/6, is evidently the only nice guy in the entire scrum, although one rabbi got "easy" treatment in legacy media.

"Florida Rabbi Michael Stepakoff, who wanted a $50 fine as punishment for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, was sentenced to two months' home confinement Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced Stepakoff, 56, a former criminal defense attorney and founder of a Messianic synagogue, to one year of probation as well, according to the Associated Press. He also ordered Stepakoff to perform 60 hours of community service.

Stepakoff was recommended 14 days of incarceration by federal prosectors.

Stepakoff participated in the riot at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, spending approximately five minutes in the building, according to the statement of offense released by the Department of Justice. While in the building, Stepakoff recorded a video, saying, "There comes a time for people to say, 'we're not going to take it.' Here we are taking our stand on Capitol Hill," according to the statement."---Newsweek.


Mr. Buffalo Horns was put behind bars for four years. 

Warning! If you join a protest, do not wear buffalo horns. Repeat! Do not wear buffalo horns! (Especially if you are an indigent gadfly relying on a public defender). 



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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Don't sweat the small squad stuff, Rob.  They're simply making a public statement about Dobbs.

Meanwhile, how do you feel about Fox, OANN, and Newsmax repeatedly broadcasting false claims about what happened on January 6th, while refusing to air the actual Congressional J6 hearings?

And the fact that 68% of Fox viewers in a recent poll still blame radical "leftists" for Trump's J6 attack on Congress?

Wouldn't you agree that THAT is downright Orwellian? 

That a substantial U.S. subpopulation (? 25-30%) is completely delusional about Trump's historic coup attempt?



We are living in a nation where tens of millions of our citizens truly "are" living in a delusional world of false political belief realities.

You cannot make sense with a person who refuses to abandon such delusional beliefs, even if you can "prove" (beyond any reasonable doubt and with rock hard evidence that is indisputable) that their beliefs are delusional.

America is truly, deeply afflicted with this irrational mentality at this time.

Call it mass irrationality spread by mass fear and misinformation indoctrination.

We are not right in the head. 

Where will this irrational thinking affliction lead us?

We are already lost sheep in many ways. Confused, misguided, misled, divided.

NBC AND MSNBC News correspondent Katie Tur recently expressed serious disillusionment with the state of our society's 4th estate mistrust where ( according to a legitimate recent poll ) only 15% of Americans now trust or believe what they read in the newspaper media and only 12% television and online news.

Donald Trump, Fox News and 40 years of incessant, divisive and anger feeding right wing radio have effectively destroyed American's trust of our news media.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It’s not really about trust in a particular source, it’s zero Trust in the Legacy Media itself. 

So, any source that plays the whole video, or runs the entire interview, or links to the entire scientific paper is naturally more trustworthy than a News Source that says, “according to fact checkers.”

At this moment, the Legacy Media is reporting Ortez and Omar (those squad ladies) have been arrested and hand cuffed at a pro-abortion event.

Here is a video of these 2 miscreants pretending to be handcuffed.

The person who took the video is a reliable source. 

Ms. Murphy below is not. She is actually an idiot for not watching the video before she made her stupid tweet.





That's right. Guys who work with their hands (as well as brains) and drive Ford F-150s...must be bad. 

Is this the New Donk Party? 

The Ford F-150 is a terrific truck, btw. When I lived in the US, I wanted one, but my Isuzu Trooper just kept running....

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40 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Do you want me to accept the Legacy Media’s events?

The same Legacy Media that still References the Warren Commission Report as the final word?

You and the crew are handicapped in your assertions, by your refusal to acknowledge that conspiracies are drivers of history beyond that of just the JFK Assassination.

Its a tough position to be in. You are, after all, posting to the JFK Assassination forum, which is a tell in and of itself.

The tell is agnostic. You are either playing the part to rally the Orange Man Bad Cult or are playing the part as our foil. Either way, you do a good job of advancing the discussion. 

That someone like Jim DiEugenio would wreck his credibility as a JFK expert by denying conspiracies outside his two favorite conspiracies (RFK & JFK) is worth even greater consideration as a tell.



Geez, Rob, surely you don't believe that "conspiracy theories" are monolithic, do you?

Some are accurate explanations of the data, and some are absurd.

As for the M$M, everyone here knows that they have colluded with the CIA and the U.S. military to censor information, and promote false narratives, about CIA and military black ops.

Are you suggesting that the M$M is censoring or covering up information about Trump's J6 coup attempt?

Tucker Carlson, (and Benjamin Cole) were promoting that "patriot purge" narrative a few months ago, but all of the damning evidence now seems to implicate Trump and his flying monkeys at the Willard Hotel, Pentagon, and Secret Service.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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35 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Do you want me to accept the Legacy Media’s events?

The same Legacy Media that still References the Warren Commission Report as the final word?

You and the crew are handicapped in your assertions, by your refusal to acknowledge that conspiracies are drivers of history beyond that of just the JFK Assassination.

Its a tough position to be in. You are, after all, posting to the JFK Assassination forum, which is a tell in and of itself.

The tell is agnostic. You are either playing the part to rally the Orange Man Bad Cult or are playing the part as our foil. Either way, you do a good job of advancing the discussion. 

That someone like Jim DiEugenio would wreck his credibility as a JFK expert by denying conspiracies outside his two favorite conspiracies (RFK & JFK) is worth even greater consideration as a tell.




Love your posts but....

Jim DiEugenio is a smart guy and can defend himself, but let me say this:

I published on his website KennedysandKings an article about tensions between the CIA and Nixon, and the CIA and Trump. I pointed out that former Director of the CIA, Micheal Morell, had published op-eds in the NYT defining Trump as a national security threat even before Trump was elected.

Aug 5, 2559 BE  Michael J. Morell was the acting director and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2010 to 2013. Follow The New York ...


DiEugenio perhaps does not subscribe to my level of skepticism regarding the 1/6 events. So what?

DiEugenio is open to exploration of the topic, and does not simply subscribe to M$M version of events that day. 

One thing is for sure: The CIA wanted HRC in the White House, and then Biden. 



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6 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Rob, surely you don't believe that "conspiracy theories" are monolithic, do you?

Some are accurate explanations of the data, and some are absurd.

As for the M$M, everyone here knows that they have colluded with the CIA and the U.S. military to censor information, and promote false narratives, about CIA and military black ops.

Are you suggesting that the M$M is censoring or covering up information about Trump's J6 coup attempt?

Tucker Carlson, (and Benjamin Cole) were promoting that "patriot purge" narrative a few months ago, but all of the damning evidence now seems to implicate Trump and his flying monkeys at the Willard Hotel, Pentagon, and Secret Service.

"Are you suggesting that the M$M is censoring or covering up information about Trump's J6 coup attempt?---W

Duh. You don't think this is a possibility? Not so much covering up what Trump did...but covering up what happened at the Capitol? When not engaging in hysterical hyperbole? 

Trump wanted a civil war? (The New Yorker). 

8 days ago  A President Asking for Civil War. The January 6th committee closes in on Trump, but it may be too late. By Susan B. Glasser. July 12, 2022.

Look at the Hunter Biden laptop story...and then tell me you can trust M$M narratives. 

A person can become hysterical reading M$M narratives...maybe that is the intention. 



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26 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I pointed out that former Director of the CIA, Micheal Morell, had published op-eds in the NYT defining Trump as a national security threat even before Trump was elected.


And he was 100% correct, wasn't he?

Remind us Ben, why do you think his warning was a bad one? For anyone other than Vlad and his stooges?

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

And he was 100% correct, wasn't he?

Remind us Ben, why do you think his warning was a bad one? For anyone other than Vlad and his stooges?


The Russiagate hoax was a lot like Whitewater-Impeachment gag. There was nothing there (OK, Clinton lied about his private sex life. So what?).

When CIA directors, even ex-directors, author op-eds in favor of a particular presidential candidate--voter beware. 

You are regular Forum reader. Are you aware of the probable role the CIA played in the JFKA, and many other blackguard actions?

Operation Northwoods? The CIA telling a compliant Bush jr. it was a "slam dunk" Saddam has weapons of mass destruction? 

Now...when you see the alliance of Deep State with the New Donk Party---you are cavalier? 

I advise skepticism regarding the two major political parties in the US. Legal grifting, and creeping authoritarianism, are the stocks in trade. 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You are regular Forum reader. Are you aware of the probable role the CIA played in the JFKA, and many other blackguard actions?

I'm more than just a regular forum reader. I've been a student of Cold War politics, the intelligence agencies and the JFKA for over 30 years. 

My sense of smell is more than keen.

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