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55 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm more than just a regular forum reader. I've been a student of Cold War politics, the intelligence agencies and the JFKA for over 30 years. 

My sense of smell is more than keen.

I salute you. But keep your eyes open too. 

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NPR launches Disinformation Reporting team

July 15, 20221:21 PM ET



A federal government-financed "news" service....

Meanwhile, before....

NPR Says They Won’t Cover The Hunter Biden Story Because ‘Russia’ And ‘It Doesn’t Amount To Much’

So, NPR is hunting down disinformation....

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16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Rob, surely you don't believe that "conspiracy theories" are monolithic, do you?

Some are accurate explanations of the data, and some are absurd.

As for the M$M, everyone here knows that they have colluded with the CIA and the U.S. military to censor information, and promote false narratives, about CIA and military black ops.

Are you suggesting that the M$M is censoring or covering up information about Trump's J6 coup attempt?

Tucker Carlson, (and Benjamin Cole) were promoting that "patriot purge" narrative a few months ago, but all of the damning evidence now seems to implicate Trump and his flying monkeys at the Willard Hotel, Pentagon, and Secret Service.

Well, I'll re-post my questions, Rob.

My last attempt to engage in a dialogue here was repeatedly interrupted by another Ben Cole spam-a-thon.

As for Ford F-150s with, "Let's Go Brandon," bumper stickers, does anyone here actually believe that the plutocratic, union-busting, healthcare de-funding Trump/Koch GOP represents the interests of working Americans?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If Jim is a smart guy, then his lack of curiosity in the continuum of Deep State shenanigans since 1963 is an act with motives worth considering, given that he is the JFK Expert.

The only reason I originally signed up on this forum was because I wanted to understand why the MSM was so blatantly antagonistic towards the Orange Man. Trump wasn't even all that Conservative, and if the Democrats had chosen someone less vile than Hillary (pretty much anyone), I don't know if I would have bothered to vote for Trump.

The MSM's willingness to carry Comey and McCabes water, sweep the name Seth Rich under the rug, and pick-up and carry every non-sensical accusation (pee-pee dossier, Alfa Bank) made it pretty clear that their hatred of Trump went way beyond ideological differences.

What I learned from coming here, is that the MSMs willingness to never question official narratives is hardly unique to the accusations made against Trump. The consistency of the methods from JFK to Trump, with Watergate, Iran Contra, TWA 800, Lewinski, 9/11, and other events, in between, points to coordinated efforts and common goals. To the extent a critical examination of the scurrilous "sexcapades" of the Steele Dossier could have been de-bunked through an honest MSM effort, a re-examination of JFK's alleged extra-marital affairs can be considered more skeptically as potentially nothing more than the MSMs mandate from the Grand Cabal to assassinate JFK's character after his actual assassination. To make him less empathetic, and therefore, over the decades limit the overall level of public interest in what really happened in Dallas.

To summarize for Niederhut, who will pretend to remain dense, the attempted assassination of Trump through the pee-pee dossier should have been apparent to JFK Fanboys like Jim, whether they liked Trump or not. Similarly, as a non-JFK Fanboy, the pee-pee dossier reveals a method to assassinate  "characters" at an institutional level that perceived (and still perceives) that JFK is still a threat almost 60 years after his death.

Adults in 1963, if they are still alive today, are not threatened by revelations from JFK's death, but longer lived institutions and family's that participated or benefitted from his death are still threatened.

To that end, the refusal to consider the 4 year attempt to get rid of Trump (from the pee-pee dossier to the reaction of institutions to covid [hyperbolic hysteria, economy wrecking lockdowns, etc.]) without consideration that the MSM might be playing its usual role of echoing establishment narratives, makes one consider that experts like Jim Eugenio (Russ Baker is another one) is either not smart at all, or at some level is beholden to the institutions and families that were involved in JFK's murder.

In other words, by not acknowledging there was, and remains, a conspiracy to keep Trump out of office limits the understanding of how "deep" the Deep State goes, which is largely a function of how long it has been around, which Jim, via his echoing of MSM narratives, implies is no longer around. 


You know - Robert - I think there’s reason enough to think that our Deep State actors are split on Trump and on Hillary Clinton. But the main quibble I have with this post is your assessment of Jim DiEugenio. You signed on here to check on the reaction of the JFKA community to the MSM’s treatment of Trump? I presume you think we are better at smelling rats, at least those of us who don’t buy the lone gunman WC fiction. I think Jim is pretty wary of official narratives, yet you would have him carrying water for the Establishment. In my opinion, apparently not widely shared here, your posts are usually intelligent and often quite probing. But I don’t think this one meets that standard. 
I don’t love all the criticism of Trump. I think some of it, especially on foreign policy, was misguided, Empire driven, don't rock the status quo, neoliberal crap. But Trump the individual is not worthy of defending. He has proven this again and again. I’d rather not waste time enumerating his flaws. The slimebuckets that adhere to him are equally noxious. They make the Clintons and the Democrats look like saints, which they surely ain’t. Trump is not the Bringer of Light, his destructive anti Democratic actions are not a pathway to a new egalitarian enlightenment. He is an evil force, an out of control messianic madman. I didn’t need the media to show me that. I don’t think that the relentless attack on him, ongoing, is misguided at all. 

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9 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If Jim is a smart guy, then his lack of curiosity in the continuum of Deep State shenanigans since 1963 is an act with motives worth considering, given that he is the JFK Expert.

The only reason I originally signed up on this forum was because I wanted to understand why the MSM was so blatantly antagonistic towards the Orange Man. Trump wasn't even all that Conservative, and if the Democrats had chosen someone less vile than Hillary (pretty much anyone), I don't know if I would have bothered to vote for Trump.

The MSM's willingness to carry Comey and McCabes water, sweep the name Seth Rich under the rug, and pick-up and carry every non-sensical accusation (pee-pee dossier, Alfa Bank) made it pretty clear that their hatred of Trump went way beyond ideological differences.

What I learned from coming here, is that the MSMs willingness to never question official narratives is hardly unique to the accusations made against Trump. The consistency of the methods from JFK to Trump, with Watergate, Iran Contra, TWA 800, Lewinski, 9/11, and other events, in between, points to coordinated efforts and common goals. To the extent a critical examination of the scurrilous "sexcapades" of the Steele Dossier could have been de-bunked through an honest MSM effort, a re-examination of JFK's alleged extra-marital affairs can be considered more skeptically as potentially nothing more than the MSMs mandate from the Grand Cabal to assassinate JFK's character after his actual assassination. To make him less empathetic, and therefore, over the decades limit the overall level of public interest in what really happened in Dallas.

To summarize for Niederhut, who will pretend to remain dense, the attempted assassination of Trump through the pee-pee dossier should have been apparent to JFK Fanboys like Jim, whether they liked Trump or not. Similarly, as a non-JFK Fanboy, the pee-pee dossier reveals a method to assassinate  "characters" at an institutional level that perceived (and still perceives) that JFK is still a threat almost 60 years after his death.

Adults in 1963, if they are still alive today, are not threatened by revelations from JFK's death, but longer lived institutions and family's that participated or benefitted from his death are still threatened.

To that end, the refusal to consider the 4 year attempt to get rid of Trump (from the pee-pee dossier to the reaction of institutions to covid [hyperbolic hysteria, economy wrecking lockdowns, etc.]) without consideration that the MSM might be playing its usual role of echoing establishment narratives, makes one consider that experts like Jim Eugenio (Russ Baker is another one) is either not smart at all, or at some level is beholden to the institutions and families that were involved in JFK's murder.

In other words, by not acknowledging there was, and remains, a conspiracy to keep Trump out of office limits the understanding of how "deep" the Deep State goes, which is largely a function of how long it has been around, which Jim, via his echoing of MSM narratives, implies is no longer around. 



Jim DiEugenio is more than knowledgable about M$M-Deep State connections. 

DiEugenio's area of expertise is the JFKA. He has a lot on his plate already. Nothing wrong with that. In general, he sticks to his bailiwick, and does not pose as an expert on everything. 

I agree with the thrust of your comments regarding M$M treatment of Trump, although none of this makes Trump a nice guy.

In fact, I think Trump could have been a pivotal figure who set the nation on a better course than that offered by the two major parties, but was undercut not only by the M$M and the establishment but his own polarizing antics. 

I also am disappointed by the JFKA's community reaction to recent and obvious M$M lies. You can dislike Trump and still be appalled by the Wuhan lab leak censoring, or the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation campaign. 

Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, The Breaking Points and The Hill are doing a pretty good job. 


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Not only have the Donks abandoned their employee-class base (see recent post)...they have gone so nuts intellectually that serious scholars are hopping ship to the American Enterprise Institute....


The Donks are lucky in two regards:

1. They get to run against the 'Phants, who are equally unappealing...

2. The have aligned with M$M-Deep State, and get plenty of propaganda props...

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I agree with the thrust of your comments regarding M$M treatment of Trump, although none of this makes Trump a nice guy.

In fact, I think Trump could have been a pivotal figure who set the nation on a better course than that offered by the two major parties, but was undercut not only by the M$M and the establishment but his own polarizing antics. 


     That, and the fact that Trump is an abysmally uneducated, inept con man whose erratic "policy" decisions-- including his J6 coup attempt-- were entirely driven by emoluments, Kremlin blackmail, favors for wealthy domestic (and foreign) donors, and self-aggrandizement.

    But, hey, nobody's perfect... 🤥

    Did you and Wheeler ever decide whether you agree with Trump's avid support for the Saudi LIV golf tour-- given your obvious moral indignation about Biden's fist bump with MBS?

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Wheeler: And if the Democrats had chosen someone less vile than Hillary (pretty much anyone), I don't know if I would have bothered to vote for Trump.
Oh hyeah!, You were just ambivalent about voting for Trump? So ambivalent you left the forum a couple of days before the election and came back recently? You seem to think we don't remember your previous incarnation here.
You took an "ambivalent" 4 year joyride straight into now rationalizing Fascism and can't extricate yourself so you've hid into your usual excuse that the rest of the world is just too dumb to understand you.
This what we call a textbook Trumpie Cultie. Straight down to the feigning ambivalence. Ben does that too. Says he's indifferent, but compulsively writes 100's of posts defending Just like this last two.
Now Ben writes that he's "disappointed" the JFKA community wants the MSM / "Deep State" peaceful transition of government! Darn! He had such titanic expectations of us! He'll soon be calling us the "Deep State!"
Oh boo hoo. Your disappointment has only begun...
On a lighter note...
Yes we are honored here to have nothing less than the Vanguard of the "conspiracy woke" in Ben and Wheeler.
As for Wheeler. Thank God we were granted a respite when Wheeler left before the 2020 election.
-It all started when Wheeler made  a $500 Maga contribution and then he found he was being billed $500 for the succeeding months! At first he was outraged but then he thought he could at least get something out of it, so he offered to volunteer and they recruited him -to go counting ballots nonstop in a windowless room for the last  year and a half for the "Stop the Steal" campaign. Unfortunately he's not at liberty to speak about that because of his  Top Secret  Maga Security Clearance, but I understand though it produced no results, he was honored just to be there, and they still bill his account!
Wheeler was hoping to make friends there he'd have the rest of his life that he could communicate with.
But...as you see...
He's here
heh heh
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

     That, and the fact that Trump is an abysmally uneducated, inept con man whose erratic "policy" decisions-- including his J6 coup attempt-- were entirely driven by emoluments, Kremlin blackmail, favors for wealthy domestic (and foreign) donors, and self-aggrandizement.

    But, hey, nobody's perfect... 🤥

    Did you and Wheeler ever decide whether you agree with Trump's avid support for the Saudi LIV golf tour-- given your obvious moral indignation about Biden's fist bump with MBS?


I am see no positives in the amount of foreign money slushing through DC. 

The Trump family quickly caught on to grifting opportunities....the same opportunities so skillfully exploited by the Biden Family for two generations. 

But...Biden is president now. It is reasonable to ask how the Biden Family can accept $4.8 million from Beijing, and then President Biden wants to cut tariffs on China imports. 

When the President of the United States fist-bumps MBS...yes, it is time to ask questions, and register disapproval. 

An impartial examination of Biden Family grifting in no way exonerates the Trump Family. It is not a red-blue kool-aid pissing war. 

As I have said, the Republicans did not assassinate JFK. Putting every event into the partisan narratives...is blinding. 

I have said many times, I am not impressed with the 1/6 committee hearing, nor really any committee or commission results, as there is "no defense present." See the WC, the Clinton Impeachment proceedings, the 9/11 commission, the old HUAC witch-hunts....

The 1/6 committee hearing has become a TV show. Let's wait for a trial, and see what sort of defense or exculpatory evidence is presented. 

If Trump goes to prison, fine. If he skates, fine. Perhaps evidence of Deep State actions against Trump will emerge, perhaps not. 

Biden is President now. 

See this excellent piece by Matt Taibbi: 

The Great American Military Rebrand

A new defense bill crammed with political pork smashes records, but you likely didn't hear the news, because War is Good again

https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack.com%2Ficon%2FLock Matt Taibbi Jul 20

Fifteen years ago, as the Bush years waned and political division began skyrocketing, one thing everyone agreed on was that “earmarks” were bad. A trifecta of scandals involving prison-bound congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, Republican super-lobbyist (and future Kevin Spacey role) Jack Abramoff, and a $320 million “bridge to nowhere” exposed an intricate system of legalized payoffs both parties scrambled to oppose. 

Earmarks, those handy appropriations tools congressfolk used to slip million-dollar favors into the budget, had been ballooning in number for over a decade and looked so bad upon reveal, “corruption and ethics” became the top issue in the 2006 midterms. The Cunningham affair was the worst, featuring a congressman who wrote a “menu” of bribe services (he should have consulted Stringer Bell for legal advice there) and handed out tens of millions in dubious deals to a defense contractor named Mitchell Wade. The San Diego Tribune reporter who broke that story explained:

In return, the contractor showered the congressman with gifts — helping him finance a mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, a condo overlooking the nation’s capital, exclusive use of a yacht on the Potomac, antiques, private-jet travel and prostitutes.

Fast forward to last week. As January 6th hearings, a presidential fist-bump, and a Kardashian spawn’s gender reveal gobbled attention, the House quietly passed a monster $839 billion defense package. It was “the definition of a bipartisan bill,” chirped Alabama’s Mike Rogers, as 180 Democrats and 149 Republicans joined to smash by tens of billions previous records for military spending. With this already underreported story, just one news outlet, Roll Call, described a “first of its kind” report published by the Department of Defense Comptroller’s office, which revealed at least $58 billion of “congressional additions” above Joe Biden’s budget request. 

As former Senate aide and defense budget analyst Winslow Wheeler puts it, these “additions” are “not (all) earmarks under either the House’s or Senate’s shriveled definition of them, but they are all earmarks… under the classic understanding.” What’s in those requests? As Roll Call’s Donnelly explains, the $58 billion included “money to respond to disasters and the war in Ukraine,” but also:

Billions of dollars in weapons the military did not seek, such as more than $4 billion worth of unrequested warships, many of them built by the constituents of senior appropriators.

This felt like Duke Cunningham days, back with a vengeance. The $58 billion revealed by the Department of Defense only pertained to “congressional increases” larger than $20 million. I asked the DoD to ask if they also counted smaller appropriations. So far, they’ve declined to comment, but according to several sources (and Roll Call), the actual amount of “additions” is almost surely far higher than $58 billion.

Duke Cunningham’s bribe menu. Note the price change at $20 million

Both the triumphant return of the earmark and the enormous defense hike should have been big stories. To put $58 billion (at least) in defense “increases” in context, the amount of overall federal earmarks in 2006, the infamous year that prompted so much outrage, was said to be $26 billion. Meanwhile Biden’s one-year arms increase exceeds the pace of Donald Trump’s infamous $200 billion collective defense hike between 2017-2019. These are major surges past the levels of both pork and weapons spending that had progressives roaring for “change,” yet there’s almost zero outcry now. Why? 

It feels like just the latest echo in a prolonged, very successful re-marketing effort. In 2008, disdain for the “War on Terror” propelled Barack Obama past Hillary Clinton, and failures in Afghanistan and other factors after Obama’s election soon led to the ultimate Beltway horror, i.e. proposed budget cuts. A Reuters story from early 2011 details the misery gripping the Pentagon after Obama suggested cutting $78 billion:

The proposed cuts, unveiled at a somber Pentagon briefing on Thursday, follow increased White House and congressional scrutiny of military spending, which has doubled in real terms since the September 11, 2001, attacks.

From that point, however, the U.S. embarked upon what geopolitical analyst Christopher Mott calls the “millennial rebrand of the neoconservative project,” and the Pentagon’s fortunes rose anew. In the Obama years, think-tankers, pundits, and other actors began to push inverted, left-friendly versions of Bush’s rejected military utopianism, this time focusing on using force to achieve social justice aims abroad. It worked, brilliantly. ...


Trump is a bonsai tree in a redwood forest. Trump will depart the scene, hopefully soon.

Then what? 

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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I have said many times, I am not impressed with the 1/6 committee hearing, nor really any committee or commission results, as there is "no defense present." 

The 1/6 committee hearing has become a TV show. Let's wait for a trial, and see what sort of defense or exculpatory evidence is presented. 

If Trump goes to prison, fine. If he skates, fine. Perhaps evidence of Deep State actions against Trump will emerge, perhaps not. 

Biden is President now. 


     Based on our previous discussions here, you haven't even watched the J6 hearings.

     No wonder you're not impressed with them.   You're blindfolded, like roughly one third of the U.S. population.

     The truth is that these historic hearings have been excellent-- highly informative, and shocking in regard to what they have uncovered about Trump's crimes; his multi-state false elector scam and plot to obstruct the certification of Biden's election on January 6th, including the incitement of an attack on Congress by a mob that he knew was armed.

    And now we're learning that Secret Service and Pentagon officials were, evidently, complicit in Trump's coup attempt.

     If you still don't understand the historic significance of these hearings, you're living in an alternate universe.

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39 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Based on our previous discussions here, you haven't even watched the J6 hearings.

     No wonder you're not impressed with them.   You're blindfolded, like roughly one third of the U.S. population.

     The truth is that these historic hearings have been excellent-- highly informative, and shocking in regard to what they have uncovered about Trump's crimes; his multi-state false elector scam and plot to obstruct the certification of Biden's election on January 6th, including the incitement of an attack on Congress by a mob that he knew was armed.

    And now we're learning that Secret Service and Pentagon officials were, evidently, complicit in Trump's coup attempt.

     If you still don't understand the historic significance of these hearings, you're living in an alternate universe.

From my point of view, the obsession with Trump has become an expedient diversion. See Taibbi's post above. And that is only part of the story. 

Again, let's get Trump into trial and see what holds up. 

If LHO had gone to trial with expert defense counsel...what would have held up? 

Much of what anybody, even defense counsel, could have known about the JFKA emerged decades later---such as Clay Shaw's paid affiliation with the CIA. 

So...you think you know the whole context of the Trump years and 1/6? 

My guess is we have scratched the surface....







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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I have said many times, I am not impressed with the 1/6 committee hearing

But you're not really a neutral observer in all this, are you?

To suggest to us that you're desperately concerned about a coup taking place with the JFKA, yet ignoring the blatant evidence of a coup attempt on 1/6, infers that your motives aren't really about any indignation over the stability of the U.S. government.

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