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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

While everyone is arguing whether Trump is a bad guy or not; are we witnessing the casus belli or pretext for conflict with China, at the same time as Russia is pointing the finger at the USA for direct involvement in Ukraine? Our buddies at MSM are certainly hyping it for the masses. 

@Benjamin Cole @Paul Brancato


It does seem the US could end up in a two-front war, against the two most potent military adversaries on the planet, both armed with nukes and led by wretched, autocratic leadership. Time to check the expiration dates down in the bunker. 

Hopefully, Pelosi's volitional visit to Taiwan won't trigger a military confrontation, but if it did, it would be worth it, as she was promoting women's leadership. 

On Ukraine, I have mixed sentiments. Putin's attack on Ukraine was also volitional, and with horrifying results.

True, Biden may have almost invited Putin into Ukraine with his public offer of sanctuary for Zelensky.

Other US Presidents, such as Obama, publicly shared a view that Ukraine more or less belonged to Russia. 

Indeed, I think the globalist community was willing to partition Ukraine to Russia in exchange for continued profitable business relations (pretty much the same deal with Beijing. Human rights mean nothing. See Biden's fist-bump with MBS for another clue to US foreign policy).

Now, the Ukrainians have upset the apple cart, by actually fighting and not caving in.  

I support efforts to back the Ukrainians as the best of bad options. 

Trump is useful to elites as a divisive diversion. 


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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

While everyone is arguing whether Trump is a bad guy or not; are we witnessing the casus belli or pretext for conflict with China, at the same time as Russia is pointing the finger at the USA for direct involvement in Ukraine? Our buddies at MSM are certainly hyping it for the masses. 

@Benjamin Cole @Paul Brancato


      We're not arguing about whether Trump is a bad guy.  That's a given.

      We're arguing about why 25-30% of the U.S. population still hasn't figured that out.

      For example, in yesterday's Republican primaries, the candidates who are still endorsing Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election, and denying his January 6 coup attempt, are getting the GOP votes.

      Conversely, those who have had the integrity and courage to tell the truth about Trump's historic chicanery, like Rusty Bowers of Arizona, are losing elections and getting death threats from the Trump cult.

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13 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

We're arguing about why 25-30% of the U.S. population still hasn't figured that out.

I am sort of more curious as to why 99% haven’t figured out that politicians are generally bad guys, despite the writing being on the wall. When orange man and biden are gone, you’ll be cheerleading another and slating the other. Its a tragic state of affairs when you have to choose the lesser of two evils. 

Any thoughts on the China thing and why MSM is pushing it hard? I feel like we’ve had other instances where Taiwan or Kimmin have been the contentious topic that the media didn’t polarise to this level. 

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46 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      We're not arguing about whether Trump is a bad guy.  That's a given.

      We're arguing about why 25-30% of the U.S. population still hasn't figured that out.

      For example, in yesterday's Republican primaries, the candidates who are still endorsing Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election, and denying his January 6 coup attempt, are getting the GOP votes.

      Conversely, those who have had the integrity and courage to tell the truth about Trump's historic chicanery, like Rusty Bowers of Arizona, are losing elections and getting death threats from the Trump cult.


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12 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Good news. DOJ subpoenas Pat Cipillone  before a Grand Jury!

Kansas votes 62-38 to keep state's abortion rights.


Hope Springs Eternal.

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Russia is waging a propaganda campaign in America now to portray Zelensky corrupt and gullible Americans are buying it.



Edited by Douglas Caddy
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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Pelosi Hints Gender Is Real Reason China Is Mad at Taiwan Trip---Bloomberg

US Speaker says male senators have visited without “big fuss”

American calls trip a moment of “pride” for women’s leadership


Can we come out from our bunkers now? 

Heh heh   This is priceless!

Only when the day before, Ben "cavalierly" predicts Pelosi will :kowtow" and cave to XI, Biden and the "globalists." Indicating his opinion is the U.S. just isn't "tough enough" in the their policy against China.
But now he's fearful. We don't have to hear you think out loud, Ben.  The debate you just  had with yourself, 
You don't think we can get that banter here from 2 opposing talking heads just watching TV in the states?
But 2 days ago!
Ben: But we might have seen a Biden-Xi handshake!  ----Ben indicating Biden subservience to China.
BEN: Coming: A Pelosi fist-bump with Xi?!!!!  Again scoffing at more subservience to China and the globalists.

BEN:Thoughts? Stay tuned!!! What is spooky about this present situation is how deeply into bed with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are the American ruling elites! 

 "Spooky" deep state conspiracy!, didn't materialize. Quite the opposite!

Ben:Apple, Disney, the NBA, GM, BlackRock, NBC-Universal, Tesla, Walmart...you name it.  

The globalists love China!    No the globalists lost.

Looks like Nancy Pelosi will kow-tow to Xi, and not visit Taiwan! Again, Benm laments "kow towing", with his usual, "get tough on China" mindset.
Also as far as Ben's prediction, that Pelosi would kowtow, he was completely wrong, which was no surprise to me, as I can't remember one prediction where Ben has been right, though I'm sure it must have happened..
Ben: But now:Hopefully, Pelosi's volitional visit to Taiwan won't trigger a military confrontation, but if it did, it would be worth it, as she was promoting women's leadership.  
So Pelosi does what Ben dared her to do, but now scoffs that she was doing it for womanhood. Ben's certainly harder to please then a lot of women I know.    heh heh heh heh heh! oh!..... heh heh heh heh!
I'm glad Ben is at last exhibiting some reticence. These are grown up issues, not to be settled by huff and puffery on online  websites, and then a prompt retreat like Ben did.
Hey, I don't like China either, but I don't know what the repercussions of Pelosi's trip will be. Sometimes it's better to control yourself and realize that you don't know everything, and that discretion is the better part of valor. Perhaps listen to a number of sources.And gain more preparation and not think out loud and then end up reversing oneself. Have some respect that governing the world's foremost  global superpower is not an easy job in the least, even if you don't like the person or the party in power.
But on a greater issue, is what I've just posted some breach of civility? In an earlier post I get the impression Chris thinks it is, and then launches into complete petty personal attacks on me about it. Which is fine but somewhat hypocritical.
There's nothing wrong with coming out with an opinion , and even being 180 degrees wrong later. But it's always reassuring to dialogs in the future, when the person is capable of admitting he's made mistakes either with quick judgment characterizations or predictions of the future. JMO
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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22 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But on a greater issue, is what I've just posted some breach of civility? In an earlier post I get the impression Chris thinks it is, and then launches into complete petty personal attacks on me about it. Which is fine but somewhat hypocritical.

It’s not like you to play the victim. 🙂 hehe

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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Nonsense. This is weak sauce, authoritarian propaganda. 

This is really the crux of why I think you’re fast asleep on most things. You’re being sleep walked into something called technocracy (which is largely something you’d be against based on the ideals you espouse), whilst you remain entirely consumed by whichever headline provokes your emotions and distracts you on a said day. I don’t hold that against you, it’s a common disposition for those glued to MSM. 

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