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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


  • Douglas Caddy


  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


Merrick Garland and the Justice Department are very smart about how they are playing this.

Donald Trump said that any attempt by by the Justice Department anywhere in the country for any reason would produce an uprising that would make January 6th pale in comparison.

By picking a topic that will be easily provable, it will take some of the wind out of the Trump supporters' sails, i.e. the theft of classified materials.

The government will charge it.

Trump will deny it.

Documents will be produced that say, "Here it is in black and white."

Then, when the government moves to charge him with something more serious later on, some of his supporters will say, "Hmmm, maybe he's not so lily white after all.. Look at how he lied about the documents thing."

Steve Thomas

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Some have suggested that Garland is requesting that the court unseal the warrant in order to call Trump's bluff.

Trump has until 3 PM tomorrow (Friday) to request a delay in unsealing the warrant.

I don't foresee Trump passing up the opportunity to continue playing the victim, and fund raising off of the Mar-a-Lago raid, by blocking his fans from seeing the warrant.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Classified info on nukes?  With his Russian connections.  Not just stupidity, bordering on potential treason.

Not just the Russians. He and Jared Kushner have recently been making incredibly high dollar deals with the Saudis.

As the Saudis were responsible for 9/11, the idea of them having classified intelligence about our offensive and defensive nuclear systems is frightening.

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