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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I've come to believe over the years JFK's assassination was sanctioned by what has been called the power elite or later by Dr. Scott the Deep State.  To me, at that time it also represented Wall Street as in Donald Gibson's Battling Wall Street, and the Council on Foreign Relations.   This corporate takeover of our government led to where we are today.

Profit margins and return on investment rule our lives.  Not elected officials.  They are pawns dependent on corporate benefactors for donations to get elected, thus compromised. 

I write this in protest of my electric bill as well as the price of gasoline.  I'm glad gas has gone down locally from a high of $4.89 a gallon to $3.22.  It saves me $8.35 per hundred miles, a small but much needed savings as I drive 6-700 miles a month or more (my daughter in Malibu was calling friends to tell them Ralph's in LA was under $5 while it's still over $6 after a high of over $7). 

No matter how this article tries to explain or justify it profit margins in the context of record profits to me is price gouging.

Why gas prices are so high and oil companies enjoy record profits | Stever Robbins

The savings on gasoline do not offset my electric bill.  A new record this month of $475, after last month's record of $411.  Which here in Texas is based almost entirely on the price of natural gas, also seeing record profits.  I understand supply and demand, passed Eco 101/102 though not my strong suit.  I believe in capitalism, but unrestricted it is an invitation for exploitation by the unscrupulous and will eventually eat itself. 

US Natural Gas Exporters Make a Killing Selling to Europe As Prices Soar (businessinsider.com)

Though it will soon be buried I needed to get this out, somewhere.  As explained, I think it relates to the JFKA.  My rant for the night.  


Not too sure how thrilled I would be about an elected official ruling my life either. On another note, how many kWH's did you use your last billing cycle?

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3 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Not too sure how thrilled I would be about an elected official ruling my life either. On another note, how many kWH's did you use your last billing cycle?

I am in Michigan, and my bill last for 7/06 through 8/03 was $323 for 1762 kWh used. Our electric provider also uses "peak pricing" which jacks up the rate to 1.5 times from 2 p.m. through 7 p.m M-F from June through the end of September.

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I will once again say that this "Deep State" is the oligarchy. Their agenda isn't so much political as it is financial.  Communism, as we've seen, isn't the answer; there is a "Deep State" fed by corruption in EVERY communist government. BUT it's apparent that UNRESTRICTED capitalism also feeds a "Deep State" here in the US, in which cash-heavy corporate interests BUY legislators and judges, who will ALWAYS legislate and rule in favor of the oligarchy.

And Trump isn't FIGHTING the "Deep State;" he's a PART of it. When he rails against a "Deep State," he's actually railing against truth, justice, and accountability. 1984 IS HERE. When Trump says it's a lie, it's TRUE. When Trump says something is unfair, it's JUST. The man is, I'm convinced, incapable of telling the truth. The "Deep State" isn't against him; rather, holding him accountable is actually acting AGAINST the "Deep State." 

Trump is p*ssing on your leg and telling you it's raining. And Ben is opening his umbrella.

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These utility bills everyone here are complaining about have exploded to crazy high levels the last few years.

It appears to be almost nation wide.

Same here on the Calif. Coast. We also have the highest water bill rates in the nation.

Gas is still 100% higher than it was a year and 1/2 ago.

Food prices are double what they were 2 to 3 years ago.

Just took my old junker car ( 2007 ) in because of a "Check Engine" light appearing and our bill was $369.

$20 for the part ( oil pump switch ) $250 labor.

Mechanic said it took 1 and 1/2 hours just "to find" the problem!

Point is...half of our nation of middle class and lower income wage earners are being killed in all of the basic ( non-indulgent) needs cost areas.

Biden has nothing to do with this across the board greed based corporate price hike madness.

Heck, even fast food is 50% higher than just 2 to 3 years ago.

Our local DOLLAR STORE just raised everything 25%! They are now the $1.25 store.

I got a 1.3 % raise in my Social Security benefit check this last January. My Medicare co-pay charges were raised at the same time so now I am taking home "even less" than the year before. And we have to pay taxes on our Social Security income? Insane!

Corporate greed ( 5% of America owns 85% of it's wealth including corporation and real estate ownership ) is to blame.

There is no competitive free market with the basics anymore.

Here every landlord colludes with others in keeping the rents here 300% higher than they were just 20 to 25 years ago. There are no other gas companies giving customers a choice of cheaper gas. Same with water and utilities. Food the same unless you can go to a food bank for some things. Car care cost, medical care, insurance rates...

Along with the Corona Virus/Covid stresses and nation dividing and violence fearing Trump madness ... America is exhausted.

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14 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

I will once again say that this "Deep State" is the oligarchy. Their agenda isn't so much political as it is financial.  Communism, as we've seen, isn't the answer; there is a "Deep State" fed by corruption in EVERY communist government. BUT it's apparent that UNRESTRICTED capitalism also feeds a "Deep State" here in the US, in which cash-heavy corporate interests BUY legislators and judges, who will ALWAYS legislate and rule in favor of the oligarchy.

And Trump isn't FIGHTING the "Deep State;" he's a PART of it. When he rails against a "Deep State," he's actually railing against truth, justice, and accountability. 1984 IS HERE. When Trump says it's a lie, it's TRUE. When Trump says something is unfair, it's JUST. The man is, I'm convinced, incapable of telling the truth. The "Deep State" isn't against him; rather, holding him accountable is actually acting AGAINST the "Deep State." 

Trump is p*ssing on your leg and telling you it's raining. And Ben is opening his umbrella.


Trump is simply a spoiled rotten, temper tantrum throwing, adolescent emotional level stunted, pathologically self-centered, sociopathic mean spirited child/bully whose "only" standard of values is how much money one has.

The more money you have the more you are a winner. The less money you have the more you are a loser.

It's truly that black and white with him.

There is no debate about Trump's single minded psychological and moral core.

He insults anyone that crosses, criticizes or competes with him ( publicly and even to their face ) often with crude names. He makes fun of others in a sadistic hurtful way. He acts and talks like a Mafia Don. He intimidates and threatens others with coded words of implied retribution and even violence. He has cheated, swindled and stiffed thousands. He has cheated on his taxes for decades. He has cheated on his wives. He's sexually aggressive with women and in one reported case assaultive. He's been caught in thousands of l**s. He l**s obsessively and without one second of consciousness guilt. He cozies up to ruthless dictators. He insulted the honor and integrity of military sacrificing heroes like John McCain when he himself got 5 questionable draft deferments to get out of serving himself. He taunts and defies Constitutional norms and laws. He is the essence of nepotistic grifting with installing his family and their friends in paid high government positions who were totally unqualified for them.

Please, Trump defenders...tell us Trump's good and moral side, will you?

But he has captured half the country with an almost civil war accepting loyalty.

How?  IMO by cheering on and aggressively promoting long time deep seeded angers, fears and resentments half the country has harbored since the 1960's.

Centered around race, immigration, guns, homosexuality, etc.

Go down to the Capital Building and "fight like hell" my friends. Because "if you don't you won't have a country anymore."

And I will march with you.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Sounds like more MAGAs will be going to jail then.

Fine with me, get them off our streets.


And the Orange Head was so happy to share:

Trump sets off alarm bells after sharing Truth Social warning of 'riots in the streets'

by Igor Derysh, Salon August 29, 2022


“Former President Donald Trump on Sunday shared a video on his struggling Twitter knockoff Truth Social of Sen. Linsey Graham, R-S.C., warning of "riots" in the streets if he is indicted.

Graham issued the warning during an interview with Fox News host Trey Gowdy, a former Republican congressman, days after a partially redacted FBI affidavit revealed that investigators had probable cause to believe Trump violated laws related to classified documents, record preservation and obstruction of justice.

"If there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle… there'll be riots in the streets," Graham told Gowdy, who led the infamous House GOP Benghazi hearings.”

"Trump shared the video of Graham warning of "riots" on Truth Social shortly after the interview."

Steve Thomas



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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Graham predicts ‘riots in the streets’ if Trump prosecuted over classified docs

Like I have mentioned many times...Trump and his gang of followers are using the threat of violence to try to prevent Trump from facing criminal indictment justice.

It's so blatant and open now...even top Republican legislators are getting in on this Mafia type intimidation tactic act!

Mess with our guy and there will be violence coming your way. Get our message my friends?

More and more the pursuit, honoring, protecting and implementing of our sacred Constitutional tenets is being held hostage by these thugs and their growing violence warning threats.

Threats so prevalent they are coming in from every Trump area daily.

Threats against the FBI and DOJ as well?

Sounds like we are at risk of becoming a Mafia type controlled society.

Afraid to stand up for and defend our own constitution against thuggery forces opposed to our greatest birth of a nation foundation?

Which is it America...Mafia tactics Trump...or our own constitution?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Least surprising thing ever...




Steve Bannon was a private citizen, and was subpoena'd before the 1/6 committee, and refused to show...and is likely on his way to jail.

Fine by me, that is the law, and Bannon was found guilty in an open court of law, and had defense counsel. 

Explain to me why the 1/6 committee cannot subpoena Tony Ornato.

Is this a fiction?---or, the 1/6 committee does not want Ornato to testify? 

Does sounds fishy to me. 

Why didn't the Cheney-crats subpoena the Secret Service agents months and months ago, instead planting whine-snivel stories that the big bad Secret Service agents won't honor a subpoena. 

In fact, why didn't the Cheney-crats subpoena the agents and put them on TV, instead of the dubious hearsay witness, months ago? 

As I say, this 1/6 event sounds fishier and fishier, and I smell a rat. 



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