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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Great! We just won't have elections in the United States anymore. Everybody will be appointed.

'Course that raises the question of whosa goin to be doin the appointin.

If we were to run things in the way Trump and his devotees prefer things to go, President Biden should either appoint or direct that his delegated authorities do the "appointin", since as Al Haig famously said, "I'm in control here (the White House)".  In like manner to DeSantis, anyone who was ELECTED to office, but does not follow the proper lead, should be removed from office (on TRUMPED UP charges) and then proper subservient replacements placed in those seats.

Oh wait, that can't be done now, we have to wait on Trumpublicans to be in charge because only they can glibly ignore laws, rules, norms and precedents in order to Save America for from democracy.

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Also, asked if he approved the raid to get the documents Biden said no.  That he was not made aware of it until after it happened.

Biden says Trump handling of documents 'totally irresponsible' (msn.com)

I find it ironic that the republican stonewalling of Merrick Garland as a supreme court justice may be coming back to bite them in the ass.  Barring the possibility of the chump ultimately getting a get out of jail free card from the SC.  As it seems that's where prosecution might end up.  For now though Garland has the opportunity, for good cause, to prosecute the most vile of those opposing his nomination.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I find it ironic that the republican stonewalling of Merrick Garland as a supreme court justice may be coming back to bite them in the ass. 


Pissing off the guy that convicted the Unabomber, sent Timothy McVeigh to the gas chamber, and who is now the US freaking Attorney General is just flat-out stupid.

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Just now, Matt Allison said:

The absolute sheer f*ckery of it all is just mind boggling. Russia is so completely f*cked




I dearly hope this is true, and the Russians de facto resign from the battlefield, and death stops immediately. 

But likely true? Or propaganda? 

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I'll be damned.  A front page article at WaPo today today about Pentagon psy ops!

Of course, the focus is on Twitter and Face Book, not the M$M.

I can't imagine WaPo publishing an article about U.S. government psy ops in our mainstream media.

To quote John Wayne, "That'd be the day..." 🤥

Pentagon reviews psychological operations amid Facebook, Twitter complaints - The Washington Post


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53 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Doug I just read the entire interview transcript.

Yes, I hope at least a few other members do too.

It is incredibly full of the most important truths regards the many, many crimes Trump has committed against all of us and our constitution.

However, it's very depressing to read the interviewee's prediction that Trump will cop a plea deal and just pay some fines and simply walk away. 

All this massive time, work and money spent building a strong probable case of criminality on Trump's part ..and even if found guilty, he will walk.

In my thinking however, Trump's inciting the violent mob attack on our Capital building filled with our entire Congress, their aides and hundreds of life and death struggling Capital police on Jan 6th, 2021 and then allowing it to go on by purposely withholding begged for reinforcements and begged for calls to his mob to stop and go home ( for 3+ hours! ) is much, much more worthy of criminal indictment than the Mar-A- Lago affair.

This purposeful non-action to stop the attack on Trump's part resulted in serious injury and even death as well as deep fear trauma to those around and inside the Capital building and serious building damage as well.

Dozens of serious injuries ( including later suicides from the life and death fear trauma ) to that besieged police force could have been prevented if only Trump would have carried out his constitutional oath duties of defending and protecting the constitution which clearly meant protecting our entire Congress and most sacred Capital buildings from violent attack!

To me, Trump's purposeful withholding of help to quell and stop his violent rampaging supporter mob attack on our Congress and our Capital building for 3+ hours is much more a serious crime than any others being currently laid at his doorstep.

In my opinion...it is the ultimate crime for a POTUS. Worse than any in our entire history.

That of allowing a huge violent mob 3+ hours to have a chance to overturn a constitutional law abiding election and initiate a coup.

And maybe even a chance to get at and physically accost or hurt his own Vice President Pence and our Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi !

In the least, Trumps' purposeful non-protecting action against his own Congress traumatized everyone in and around that Capital building with truly life and death sensing fear.

Imagine armed and screaming bank robbers holding an entire bank full of employees and customers hostage for 3 + hours. Screaming "Hang The Bank Manager" or let's find the head bank clerk as well! Beating up the security guards the whole time.

Those terrified, terrorized hostages would have serious PTSD flashbacks, nightmares and panic/anxiety attacks about that life and death fear experience the rest of their lives!

You know this analogy is exactly fitting of the Jan 6th Capital building siege attack.

It was no less terrifying that that analogous bank hostage taking example.

If Trump walks away from "any" serious consequences for the allowed Jan.6th assault on our Congress and constitutional election certification ...

We will have lost our Constitutional framed Democracy altogether.

If we don't defend our constitution and it's sacred Democracy protective governmental framework right now with every fiber of our truth and justice beings and hold accountable those that allowed and carried out this unprecedented attack against it like the Jan. 6th one...God Help Us.

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