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18 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


Heard a load of these. Its just like the islamic fundimentalists born In Britain that go off to fight a Jihad. Usually disillusioned types. They’re recruited by propaganda, deluded as hell and mostly come back with tail between legs or want tax payers money to repatriate them. The difference this time is that the UK govt was actually encouraging them to go this time. 

Here's an update about what Ukraine and an extra bonus for forum members the name of the Grassy Knoll CIA assassin is mentioned in this video!! 


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Sandy Hook families seek steep punitive damages after $1 billion Alex Jones verdict




“The Connecticut jury found Jones and Infowars parent company Free Speech Systems LLC should also pay punitive damages, which are set to be determined by a judge after several days of hearings next month.

In their filing Friday, the families offered various methods of calculating punitive damages in similar cases. They said that by one metric, they could be entitled to $2.75 trillion based on the number of article impressions Infowars' false stories garnered.”


Mama Mia. That's a big a meatball.

Steve Thomas

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Like a dark intrigue movie. But real!

Who are these ominous looking black SUV with antennas and darkened window people? Who know what you are doing, where you live and follow you?

And who try to intimidate even Senators who are not going along with "their" agendas?

I think even Leahy felt some fear in his being watched, followed and with ominous appearing coercion intimidation.

Is this what our senators must deal with when their intended decisions contradict the powers to be?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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12 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

To be fair to Matt, the Ruskies already blew his brigade up! 😝


I clicked on the cited link for the above assertion, and this is what came up:

Welcome to LessCredibleDefence - the home of links which have failed to pass the quality requirement of r/CredibleDefense. This community exists for sharing & discussing anecdotes, tidbits, historical events, current news/events, weapon sales/developments, and more

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New York Times headline today:

Voters Stick to Pandemic-Era Habits, As Early Turnout Surges

More than 5.5 million people have cast ballots in person or by mail. Experts predict high turnout in the midterm elections.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Great article, Matt! pretty creepy all right.

Like it says. I remember hearing at the time that Senior  Bush and Brent Scowcroft were against it.

i always thought Chalabi was a fool!

As I recall it was something like Dems 128 to 82 in the House against the second Bush War.

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17 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

From our POV, John, yes. From his naive one, it might mean he is a Kennedy who gets to comb grey hair. I do also think someone being a young idealist can be taken in by things and can later turn around and use the story in a way thats relatable to a following. After all, who wasn’t taken in by the Iraq War II propaganda here? Not many of us here. 

In the public eyes its always going to look like he is defending the underdog in Ukraine from a foreign invader. They’ll never understand the nuances. I also believe that you need to get elected before you make changes and try and taking on this oligarchy. Also, he could just be a dumb kid who is devoid of direction in life and feels he has something to prove. 🤷‍♂️ Its interesting the relationship between he and his father, the fact he said he is going somewhere and not to ask. Perhaps RFK Jr has the blinkers on to some degree in this scenario (hard to believe). He is so in tune with whats been happening in recent years in terms of corruption, I like him.

I was having a discussion with an Oxford Uni psychologist friend the other day with a few glasses of wine and we were questioning how much of a persons personality is developmental, environmental or inherited. In Conor’s case I suspect its a combination of all in that family. The attraction to follow in the footsteps of someone you hold up as a hero or martyr is more attractive than having a long life. I guess he feels like he is living every moment and that is like a drug itself, that most never experience or can relate to. 

I couldn’t disagree with any of that. As you suggested in your previous post, the fact that Conor Kennedy kept his dad RFK Jr in the dark about his Ukraine “walkabout” could mean Conor knew his dad was sceptical about the official Ukraine narrative and therefore wouldn’t approve of his son risking his life for a spurious cause.

There are reports of major military escalations imminent in the Kherson and Bakhtum regions which will result in a horrendous casualty count. I hope the “Kennedy curse” doesn’t claim another victim there.

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13 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here's an update about what Ukraine and an extra bonus for forum members the name of the Grassy Knoll CIA assassin is mentioned in this video!! 


Thanks for that, Matthew. It's always good to hear the side of the story that our overlords don't want us to hear.

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10 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
r/PoliticalMemes - 서PT Hather's Dn scott immordino Socialism is the fire department saving your house. Capitalism is the insurance company denying your claim.
I mention only because we in the U.S. don't like to discuss elements of Socialism, because it's pretty icky1
r/PoliticalMemes - But...but..."socialism!"


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