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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

FYI this is Steve T’s quote.

It’s a certainty that the politicians, big tech, academia and MSM created the bipartisan mob. Divisive, identity politics, sorting society into tribes is the problem, there is no mediation, no crossover, no nuanced discussion, just hate and agitation propagated.

Anyone here who thinks the mob that they’ve created is now out of control, is not thinking. The media is devil in the average persons ear, it’s what is whipping up anger, fear, and neuroticism. Its a deeply psychological tool. If you give the mob psychiatric problems, weaponise them, there are consequences. 

I have other thoughts here too. If you have 320 million people, how many instances of violence do you have every day? How many of those are indirectly generated because of the psychological pressure created by news agitation and bipartisan politics? 

Back to the French Revolution comment. If you create the conditions for anarchy, lawlessness, a break down in civilisation, you can at some stage expect it to come to fruition. If people have nothing to lose, you turn them into animals who will fight with everything they have. 


Another point you may well ponder on a day when Imran Khan has been shot. You guys lived through the 60’s and saw JFK, MLK Jr and RFK all slain by lone nutters, and the atmosphere was that America was nut country. Perhaps some said then that we had come to the point where politicians feared the mob? Of course it turned out to be the security apparatus that likely had an unseen hand on all three assassinations.  

A very different approach needs taking if we, or our descendent’s are to live in a better world. 

Well said. And you can throw in the mass compulsory school system, which inculcates authoritarian conformity, thus destroying the ability of most young people to think for themselves.

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11 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I never had a problem with the Pepe meme.  I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it.  I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s.

People are prone to imitate what they hate.  Be careful how you hate.

Exactly, careful how you hate.

Ever seen the movie gremlins? Thats my analogy of what happened to the left, they went from fun lovable creatures into hateful gremlins because they stayed up too late watching the MSM propaganda. Give this video a watch, you guys went from peace necks to war mongers because MSNBC made you think Putin stole the election for Trump and must be punished for it. Here's you guys making fun of Trump not going to war with Russia, what and idiot! (sarcasm added). Everything Jimmy Kimmel says is like a bingo card for the cliches people here say about Trump it's like people were programed to repeat the same thing. You guys became People Against Goodness And Normalcy, hopefully you catch the reference.. I joined the "resistance" against that! 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Well said. And you can throw in the mass compulsory school system, which inculcates authoritarian conformity, thus destroying the ability of most young people to think for themselves.

It sounds reasonable, but it's dead wrong-- a misdiagnosis of what is actually happening in the United States in recent years.

It's another verbose theory debunked by the actual historical and contemporary facts.

Chris has never understood much about American history and politics, and he continues to promulgate a false equivalence narrative, along with Ben Cole, about the nature of America's partisan political discord and mass media disinformation.

The media aspect of the rise of Trump's violent, right wing white nationalist/fascist identity politics in the U.S. originated in Reagan's abrogation of the Fairness Act in 1988-- and the subsequent rise of right wing hate radio and Fox News in the 1990s.   Other more recent right wing propaganda moguls, along with Rupert Murdoch's empire, include Robert Mercer, (Breitbart) Phil Anschutz, (Washington Examiner) and cults like the Falun Gong, (Epoch Times) and the Moonies (Washington Times.)

The current white nationalist Trump cult promoted by these right wing propaganda corporations was built on the foundations of the old Confederacy, the Ku Klux Klan, and Dixiecrat white supremacists, whose ancestors (in the South and North) date back to the American colonial era.

This strain of nativist white supremacy in U.S. politics also had periodic outbreaks in American political movements like the 19th century Know Nothing Party, and Dennis Kearney's anti-Chinese "populist" party in 19th century California.

Trump is only the most recent of America's nativist, white supremacist demagogues.

But his current Republican cult-- promoted by Koch Industries and right wing corporate propagandists like Murdoch, Mercer, and Anschutz-- has taken the war on American democracy and voting rights to a whole new level.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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50 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Chris has never understood much about American history and politics, and he continues to promulgate a false equivalence narrative, along with Ben Cole, about the nature of America's partisan political discord and mass media disinformation.

Ben & I actually disagree on plenty, we’re just polite and cordial when we do not share the same views. It really says more about you, when you try and lump people with different views together. It actually makes you a product and ambassador of the bipartisan system that I pointed out. 

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Speaking of logical fallacies; it may be a good exercise for those who are capable of being introspective, to consider how many they are guilty of?! Some here are certainly into double figures.



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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Exactly, careful how you hate.

Ever seen the movie gremlins? Thats my analogy of what happened to the left, they went from fun lovable creatures into hateful gremlins because they stayed up too late watching the MSM propaganda. Give this video a watch, you guys went from peace necks to war mongers because MSNBC made you think Putin stole the election for Trump and must be punished for it. Here's you guys making fun of Trump not going to war with Russia, what and idiot! (sarcasm added). Every thing Jimmy Kimmel says is like a bingo card for the cliches people here say about Trump it's like people were programed to repeat the same thing. You guys became People Against Goodness And Normalcy, hopefully you catch the reference.. I joined the "resistance" against that! 

And now you and your friends are imitating and exceeding the worst behaviors of those you claim to resist.  

For 225 years this country enjoyed the peaceful transition of power until the MAGAts tried to overthrow it.

You people make baseless accusations of voter fraud in order to restrict your fellow Americans’ right to vote.  

Every election is rigged that you don’t win.  You melt down like snowflakes every time your hypocrisy is laid bare.  

For many of you the operative definition of patriotism is sticking a gun in the face of folks putting a ballot in a drop box.

In your prior post you claimed vote rigging in the inner cities without a shred of proof.  When you’re challenged on the point we hear the crickets chirping.

Somehow you watched the news coverage over the last two weeks of the 2016 campaign and missed the pro-Trump slant on every cable news channel, even MSNBC.

Confirmation bias is a bitch, ain’t it?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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23 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk is your full name Kirkland like the Costco products because your generic all filler attacks are more boring than the MSNBC propaganda you and the other A-symptomatic geniuses in the thread post like the MSNBC Dad in this joke. 

Fox News Dad is > MSNBC dad as you continue to illustrate with your blue pilled Ruth Paine is just a nice lady arguments  and MAGA is the real deep state. NO WONDER you are buddies with a guy who thinks the Umbrella man shot JFK and ICE bullets were involved.. Clifff aka ICE MAN did the driver shoot the shell fish toxin? No wonder you have QANON friends, Kirk how many QAnon friends do you have in the Bay Area? 

You're left with an empty feeling because your Boomer memes show your age and how out of touch Champagne libtards from the land of cats are, because they're not dank memes. I kinda liked you at first but you have shown to be what you project on Ben. Just a dishonest person who try's to remain vague enough about things as to not get criticized but heaps unjustified criticism on others. AKA you're malevolent watch the  SF choir video that's you and the people you support 😉 


The only shrieking around here comes from MSNBC propaganda like what you just peddled 

I hadn't come across Shane Gillis before, Matthew. He's hilarious. Keep them coming.

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29 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Ben & I actually disagree on plenty, we’re just polite and cordial when we do not share the same views. It really says more about you, when you try and lump people with different views together. It actually makes you a product and ambassador of the bipartisan system that I pointed out. 

It's not polite to endlessly repeat claims that forum members have taken the time to politely refute-- like the notion that there is any meaningful equivalence between Trump's white supremacist cult and American Democrats, or between right wing, Trumplicon propaganda in the U.S. media and bona fide journalism.

As for a capacity for introspection, does psychoanalytic training, perchance, qualify? 🤥

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9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

It's not polite to endlessly repeat claims that forum members have taken the time to politely refute-- like the notion that there is any meaningful equivalence between Trump's white supremacist cult and American Democrats, or between right wing, Trumplicon propaganda in the U.S. media and bona fide journalism.

As for a capacity for introspection, does psychoanalytic training, perchance, qualify? 🤥

Since you are trying to assume some high-ground here, it may be an opportunity for me to point out your proclivity toward ad hominem attacks. The unwarranted vitriol toward Ben at times is really less than I expected from yourself. The blowing up of photos of people and block capitals strike me as a lot more than rude, they border derangement. The idea that you refute things exists mostly on your head and that of a few deluded, cheerleading lackeys, William. It’s very tedious for anyone bright to be listening to represent your own, or trusted media outlets opinions as “fact”.

Again, I point out the identity politics, destructive mentality of slurring vast swathes of the population and sorting people into groups, and you reply with more of the same. The trouble is, you can’t see that what you do adds to the problem. 

PS I have some very grave doubts about your psychoanalytic skills. I think you’re a guy who follows textbooks as opposed to someone perceptive, or someone who has emotional intelligence. I don’t think you read people well at all based on your interactions here. My very good friend who is an Oxford grad in the same field, demonstrates a gulf in understanding and talent between you and him. He also conducts himself very differently in such interactions. This isn’t an insult, just a shared observation. My conclusion, I am sure his if I seek his opinion will be that you are deeply in a fear psychosis, which prevents you seeing logic. I think deep down you want to see anything other than truth concerning some of the things here. You’re so guilty of the phenomena of profilicity and confirmation bias. I completely understand why you are frustrated. Try to look at things from the opposing perspective and question everything. You’re so close to answers in some ways with your Operation Mongoose and MK Ultra reading. 


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Oh, and that isn't an ad hominem attack, Chris? W. didn't single you out!


Exactly Dubs!, (heh heh!)

We've spent so much time correcting false statements and fact checking, (particularly to Ben) and then to find there's no real discipline to answer relevant questions or even stay on a subject for long. The knowledge base is very thin because it's driven by online searches solely designed to confirm biases and give no real supporting knowledge or background in any subject, so they fail and beat to a hasty retreat  to another subject when brought to any scrutiny.

Chris spent his first 2 years here just railing that there was any meritocracy  or fact checking, And whining how we could so skeptical of the JFKA, and yet be so uncool that this forum wasn't  just a free for all where he could advance  just any  dystopian conspiracy theory he wanted to peddle, to nodding agreement.

I think there must be a number of websites more suitable to your tastes, but you're always compelled to come back here, I assume because you've probably tried and know you can't get the quality of response you get here. We should probably charge you!. heh heh

It would be a lot of fun for  us to monitor the sites where you guys would end up with like minded conspiracy theorists. I'm sure with the discipline, and the razor thin superficial knowledge, it would be an unorganized, anti factual, free for all zoo, yet very humorous to watch. 

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 minute ago, Chris Barnard said:

Since you are trying to assume some high-ground here, it may be an opportunity for me to point out your proclivity toward ad hominem attacks. The unwarranted vitriol toward Ben at times is really less than I expected from yourself. The blowing up of photos of people and block capitals strike me as a lot more than rude, they border derangement. The idea that you refute things exists mostly on your head and that of a few deluded, cheerleading lackeys, William. It’s very tedious for anyone bright to be listening to represent your own, or trusted media outlets opinions as “fact”.

Again, I point out the identity politics, destructive mentality of slurring vast swathes of the population and sorting people into groups, and you reply with more of the same. The trouble is, you can’t see that what you do adds to the problem. 

PS I have some very grave doubts about your psychoanalytic skills. I think you’re a guy who follows textbooks as opposed to someone perceptive, or someone who has emotional intelligence. I don’t think you read people well at all based on your interactions here. My very good friend who is an Oxford grad in the same field, demonstrates a gulf in understanding and talent between you and him. He also conducts himself very differently in such interactions. This isn’t an insult, just a shared observation. My conclusion, I am sure his if I seek his opinion will be that you are deeply in a fear psychosis, which prevents you seeing logic. I think deep down you want to see anything other than truth concerning some of the things here. You’re so guilty of the phenomena of profilicity and confirmation bias. I completely understand why you are frustrated. Try to look at things from the opposing perspective and question everything. You’re so close to answers in some ways with your Operation Mongoose and MK Ultra reading. 



     You're a lousy diagnostician, in general.

     Accurate diagnosis--of patients, forum members, nations, history, current events, and what-have-you-- is based on one's fund of knowledge and empirical abilities, not preconceived theories and notions that are projected on to the actual facts.

    One of my favorite old medical adages from the Massachusetts General Hospital (Man's Greatest Hospital) is, "You see what you look for, and you look for what you know."

    Before making generalizations about American history and politics, you should study American history and spend some time over here.  It's not the U.K.

    For one thing, the U.K. has a far older, entrenched class/caste system than the U.S.-- based on my observations of British society and literature.

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11 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:


“During the final days of the election major newspapers published 100 stories, 46 of which were on the front page,about or mentioning the emails.” The tone and tenor of coverage shifted markedly against Clinton in the closing week of the campaign.”

What’s your proof inner city riggers rig the vote?  Mayor Richard Daley in the 50’s?

I must confess I found him funny and appalling by turns until he came out with the Muslim Ban proposal — he was never ha-ha funny after that.

She got 3.5 million more votes than Bernie. The Super Electors didn’t matter.

Understand, I was an early Bernie supporter, a fact Kirk will co-sign.  (A belated shout out to Mr. Gallaway, my Dub Nation brother — let the chips fall where they may, on Steph Curry’s fingers!)

What gives you that idea?


I never had a problem with the Pepe meme.  I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it.  I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s.

What polls?

Cliff I don't consider punkrock that far out, it's what I grew up on. I skimmed through that link and knew about 90% of those bands and that history. I'm younger so I was more into from that area bands like Leftover Crack and the bands associated with them. Jello is from Boulder and I grew up in the burbs outside of Denver. I went from an 'Anaracho Leftist Libertarian' belief system to having that debunked enough to becoming Anarcho capitalist through Obama era into Trump to seeing that Leftism is BS after going to Cuba and living at Donya Cecelia's Casa and the Mexican moms beating those stupid liberal beliefs out of me & then becoming conservative after living in religious Mexico. My neighbors here all know Trump was talking about the people here who they have to build walls with broken bottles in to keep out out their property and not all Mexicans. It was pretty funny when people in America thought Trump meant literal coyotes during the debate the memes here were fire! 


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32 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris spent his first 2 years here just railing that there was any meritocracy  or fact checking, And whining how we could so skeptical of the JFKA, and yet be so uncool that this forum wasn't  just a free for all where he could advance  just any  dystopian conspiracy theory he wanted to peddle, to nodding agreement.

Its good that you are now semi-awake regarding C19 now. Your position shifts like quick sand. Hehe 

Its tough being right a lot. 🙂 

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