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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I have been dubious of crypto, except as a decent and perhaps excellent transaction medium, from the start. 


Ben, I made 17K USD in about four years from $200 in Ethereum. I just don't think people understand how it works and fluxuates. Back ten years ago when I was in We Are Change Denver Joby Weeks was in our group and we used bitcoin to buy some stuff on Silk Road to see if it really worked, it did and we were mad at ourselves for not trying to buy machine guns, lols. https://www.westword.com/news/bitclub-cryptocurrency-scam-joby-weeks-bitcoin-plea-11839570

I never trusted Joby so I never put any real money into Bitcoin, but if I had would be worth millions today, I still remember when we all went to NYC for the 8th anniversary for 911 and I was in a coffee shop with Sander Hicks, Jonathan Elinoff, and Joby was trying to convince us to invest 1K into Bitcoin. I only had 1.5K in my account at the time so I wasn't keen on investing in something I didn't understand. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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53 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben, I made 17K USD in about four years from $200 in Ethereum. I just don't think people understand how it works and fluxuates. Back ten years ago when I was in We Are Change Denver Joby Weeks was in our group and we used bitcoin to buy some stuff on Silk Road to see if it really worked, it did and we were mad at ourselves for not trying to buy machine guns, lols. https://www.westword.com/news/bitclub-cryptocurrency-scam-joby-weeks-bitcoin-plea-11839570

I never trusted Joby so I never put any real money into Bitcoin, but if I had would be worth millions today, I still remember when we all went to NYC for the 8th anniversary for 911 and I was in a coffee shop with Sander Hicks, Jonathan Elinoff, and Joby was trying to convince us to invest 1K into Bitcoin. I only had 1.5K in my account at the time so I wasn't keen on investing in something I didn't understand. 

This appears to be turning into a BCCI/Nugan Hand bank style scandal, it's being reported that this guy was using a back door to launder money to his girlfriends firm without people noticing. Any 911 researchers out there, this is very similar to what Richard Grove found and what was found to be done while the towers were evacuated, massive backdoor financial transactions were being done.  In 2020 we saw dark money used via BLM donations and this guy. This is another big scandal involving people directly connected to Joe Biden and the DNC. Could this be what Biden is referencing in this clip or did he misspeak?








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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Can I come out from my bunker?

I was expecting a civil war alongside a nuke attack. Have you ever tried to build an underground bunker with gun-slits? 

So, the 'Phants win the House but it is not TEOTWAWKI? 

OK, so we now have two years to expand and improve the bunker, and figure out some sort of periscope armory. 




Official MSM story for no Russian interference in the midterms is likely to be; Russia are too busy interfering in Ukraine. Or, they’ve had to send the hackers and subversives to the front lines. 

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I can certainly understand why our Daily Caller Scholar, Ben Cole, and conservatives like Glenn Greenwald and Mathew Koch are in a foul mood this week, while trying to talk about anything except the historic election results. 

Democracy has prevailed in the U.S., and Putin's fascist invaders have abandoned Kherson.

Trump is ranting about DeSantis and a lone electron.  Is he now embracing Hydrogen-fueled technology?  🤥

And the ballyhooed Trumplicon Red Wave turned out to be a Red Puddle.

Here's a Fox News supercut advertising Mathew's Red Wave, and a friendly cookbook recommendation for Ben and Mathew.


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32 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


Official MSM story for no Russian interference in the midterms is likely to be; Russia are too busy interfering in Ukraine. Or, they’ve had to send the hackers and subversives to the front lines. 

There was no Russian Interference narrative in the MSM before or after the 2018 midterms.

There was no Russian Interference narrative in the MSM before or after the 2020 election.

There was very little about Russian Interference before the 2022 midterms, nothing after.

How many times did the Russia-Hacks-DNC story make the 24-hour cable news cycle in 2016?  Twice.  June 14/15 and July 24/25.  

On Oct. 7, 2016 the United States Government formally accused the Russian Government of interfering in the US election.  This earthquake of a news story was reported on cable news at 3:30pm EST and never repeated.

Trump-adjacent snowflake Glenn Greenwald calls this “maximalist.”

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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"“It’s an unworkable majority. Nothing meaningful will get passed,” a dejected aide to a senior House Republican said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to candidly discuss internal tensions." Peter Meijer: "By midnight on January 6, it was obvious that if we continued to sleepwalk down the path of crazy we’d face a rude awakening. Instead of facing those facts, the GOP spent the last two years heading in the same direction and actively avoiding any internal reckoning. After Tuesday, we have no choice but to heed voters when they say that ‘the grass is green, the sky is blue, and by the way, you just got your ass handed to you.’ But waking up to that reality is going to be rough.”




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14 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

There was no Russian Interference narrative in the MSM before or after the 2018 midterms.

There was no Russian Interference narrative in the MSM before or after the 2020 election.

There was very little about Russian Interference before the 2022 midterms, nothing after.

How many times did the Russia-Hacks-DNC story make the 24-hour cable news cycle in 2016?  Twice.  June 14/15 and July 24/25.  

On Oct. 7, 2016 the United States Government formally accused the Russian Government of interfering in the US election.  This earthquake of a news story was reported on cable news at 3:30pm EST and never repeated.

Trump-adjacent snowflake Glenn Greenwald calls this “maximalist.”

Good to have you back commenting, Cliff. Lets indulge the Russian thing. Do you think Russia has agenda to assist the election of the least globalist party?

If it was a question of electing least aggressive or least volatile party, wouldn’t they want the democrats in? Instead of the gun toting egotistical republicans with a finger on the button?

What’s your theory?  

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On 11/11/2022 at 8:12 AM, Steve Thomas said:


Fox's Jesse Watters: "... But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married. And it's time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it."



Are forced marriages in our future?

Forced marriages and no abortions. Don't let young people vote.

The Republican Party has such good ideas.

Steve Thomas

Who were the final sign off banking officials who bankrolled Musk's Twitter purchase?

I have to believe they now see the guy is not all there.

The entire event is in unstable turmoil.

From the very first day!

You can't have a person who is so publicly biased politically toward a failing Trump agenda taking over a giant media format that has already been rocked with nation dividing controversy.

Trump and his crazy egomaniac influence is now free falling.

And Musk will probably do the typical Trump business failing thing and declare Twitter bankruptcy.

What a mess!


Edited by Joe Bauer
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23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Good to have you back commenting, Cliff. Lets indulge the Russian thing. Do you think Russia has agenda to assist the election of the least globalist party?

I reject the characterization.  The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is no more or less globalist than the Republican corporate wing.

A lot of Globalists opposed the Iran nuke deal Obama pushed thru in 2015.  They cheered when Trump pulled out.  That’s not “interventionist”?

23 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

If it was a question of electing least aggressive or least volatile party, wouldn’t they want the democrats in? Instead of the gun toting egotistical republicans with a finger on the button?

What’s your theory?  

Putin communicated one instruction to Trump in 2016 — challenge the integrity of every election, even the ones Trump wins.

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4 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I have to believe they now see the guy is not all there.

Hey Joe,

Isn’t this the usual paradigm we all fall into? Someone does or says something we don’t like, the media implies they must be a nutter and we all nod and say yet, he’s mad. 

Whilst its possible that someone could be driven to he the worlds richest man whilst being a basket short of a picnic, we too quick to jump to that conclusion?


It sure makes the average person feel good to throw fruit at the condemned man. 

Everybody I know who is very or exceptionally intelligent seems a little on the spectrum. They also think about stuff that doesn’t that the average person doesn’t. They never fit in with group think, most appearing as the heretic or just staying quiet and keeping their own opinions silent. 

My own opinion is; a lot of Musks money is coming from government. They could pull the plug anytime. Who is he? What does he really represent. He is obviously bright. 

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3 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I reject the characterization.  The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is no more or less globalist than the Republican corporate wing.

A lot of Globalists opposed the Iran nuke deal Obama pushed thru in 2015.  They cheered when Trump pulled out.  That’s not “interventionist”?

Soooo ....

We are talking interference. Who would Russia wish to elect and for what reason? in your opinion, of course. 

4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Putin communicated one instruction to Trump in 2016 — challenge the integrity of every election, even the ones Trump wins.

Have you thought about that? And what it could mean?

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On 10/20/2022 at 7:12 PM, Matthew Koch said:

It sounded like RFK jr wasn't very happy about it.. 
Ben you mentioned you like other perspectives, here is a guy I recommend checking out, he lives in Ukraine had to flee Kiev because of his Vlogging. People thought he was dead for a month, but it turned out he got threatened by Ukrainian local authorities and was laying low, now he's back making videos. I thought this was interesting because he's saying a lot of the things I believe to be true, from following this war. 


Re: War in Ukraine: So we have to be subjected to totally unqualified people on twitter like this guy Matthew submits to us as some expert on the Russian Ukraine war.. Matthew posted this guy about a month ago.
He says. "The Ukraine forces will try to take Kherson, with their mere 30, 000 exhausted troops but Putin and Russia now have 100,000 and they're not about to give it up because they're "dug in" and are "taking their gloves off now" and the advancing Ukraine forces will go into a "meat grinder" and will be demolished! And he declares Putin and Russia will be satisfied with nothing less that complete "regime change in Kiev."
"The gloves are coming off. The Russian offensive is just about to "come on in a big way".  (this was a month ago!) and they'll launch a counter attack that will capture Kiev! And with this he laughs with sort of a  smirky tone as if he isn't considering actual human lives lost. Just a punk!
But what is happening? Kherson is being recaptured by the Ukrainians to feelings of liberation by the common people. (below) But the danger now in recapturing Kherson is that Ukraine now will not come to the negotiating table. How much more wrong could this guy have been?
I'm open to hearing people's commentary about what's really going on in the war, because I never feel we can truly know. And the current state of affairs with Ukraine recapturing Kherson isn't the end of it.
But it isn't a free speech issue if after repeated discredited claims by Matthew, we just come to ignore  him , or anybody for that matter. This is a meritocracy. You can occasionally be wrong, to err is human. But if you didn't acknowledge it, you will be ignored further!


After the freeing of Kherson you think Matthew might have taken stock, but as so often from the Trumpists, and the right wing , there is denial about all prevailing facts and Matthew submits this same guy on Wednesday, who is back here and has now transformed into a 2022 midterm "election expert", and look what he's saying.
OUTRIGHT LIE: "Biden has the lowest approval rating in history by a long shot!"
They did it again!, They stole it again!
How could they possibly have won?
ANSWER: because people in the middle are finally catching on to fat p(s)os, sore losers like you.
That's why!
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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2 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Re: War in Ukraine: So we have to be subjected to totally unqualified people on twitter like this guy Matthew submits to us as some expert on the Russian Ukraine war.. Matthew posted this guy about a month ago.
He says. "The Ukraine forces will try to take Kherson, with their mere 30, 000 exhausted troops but Putin and Russia now have 100,000 and they're not about to give it up because they're "dug in" and are "taking their gloves off now" and the advancing Ukraine forces will go into a "meat grinder" and will be demolished! And he declares Putin and Russia will be satisfied with nothing less that complete "regime change in Kiev."
"The gloves are coming off. The Russian offensive is just about to "come on in a big way".  (this was a month ago!) and they'll launch a counter attack that will capture Kiev! And with this he laughs with sort of a  smirky tone as if he isn't considering actual human lives lost. Just a punk!
But what is happening? Kherson is being recaptured by the Ukrainians to feelings of liberation by the common people. (below) But the danger now in recapturing Kherson is that Ukraine now will not come to the negotiating table. How much more wrong could this guy have been?
I'm open to hearing people's commentary about what's really going on in the war, because I never feel we can truly know. And the current state of affairs with Ukraine recapturing Kherson isn't the end of it.
But it isn't a free speech issue if after repeated discredited claims by Matthew, we just come to ignore  him , or anybody for that matter. This is a meritocracy. You can occasionally be wrong, to err is human. But if you didn't acknowledge it, you will be ignored further!


After the freeing of Kherson you think Matthew might have taken stock, but as so often from the Trumpists, and the right wing , there is denial about all prevailing facts and Matthew submits this same guy, who is back here and has now transformed into a 2022 midterm "election expert", and look what he's saying.
OUTRIGHT LIE: "Biden has the lowest approval rating in history by a long shot!"
They did it again!, They stole it again!
How could they possibly have won?
ANSWER: because people in the middle are finally catching on to fat p(s)os, sore losers like you.
That's why!

Ok Boomer! 


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