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I read a book about glying saucers in March 1966 as we travelled from  Northern Ontario to Southern California for a vacation. The Michigan ufo flap started then, and the US government came up with the ridiculous swamp gas explanation. I spotted nothing unusual while staring through the windshield at the glorious night sky over Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and midwestern states of the return trip.

I saw two ufos while travelling through Michigan many years later.  Streaking white saucer shapes with a vivid blue area in the middle. I also had a large orange ball chase my vehicle down a Northern Michigan interstate highway for 20 plus miles, at 100 mph once 48 years ago. Tense times at 2 a.m.

A friend watched a large triangle float silently over his vehicle on a local highway many years ago. A family member saw a white light brighter than the moon about 100 feet from her front window morph into a falling triangle, before it rose above the rooftops, hovered, and then "rocketed out of sight" two weeks ago in Ontario. 

None of this proves the existence of ufos, flying saucers, or whatever they are called these days.  I believe that there must be intelligent life somewhere in the universe, with its billions of stars. If and how this results in interplanetary travel is subject to debate. Multiverses, multi dimensions, may also be on the table. 

Read  the works of Plotinus, Plato, Charles Fort, John Keel, Jacques Vallee, and others for a better overview. The Roswell affair is a tar pit of ufology, as is the Amarna period in Egyptology, yet both are very interesting.

All the best to the forum members in these times of plague, fire, and killer insects. ( One of my children recently had 12,000 bees removed from her home).

Peace, eh,🙂😙




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On 6/2/2020 at 7:50 AM, Pamela Brown said:

There is the related issue that Wernher von Braun wanted to reunite his physicists from the US and USSR to go, not only to the moon, but also to Mars.  This photo was taken at Cape Canaveral a few days before Dallas: 

Whats amazing is how old JFK looked between 59’ and 63’. Presidency ages you ...

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43 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Whats amazing is how old JFK looked between 59’ and 63’. Presidency ages you ...

When you think that JFK was the president who was going to take us to the moon, that even adds a new dimension to the job...

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28 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

When you think that JFK was the president who was going to take us to the moon, that even adds a new dimension to the job...

I looked at this super handsome guy in 59 and by 63 he is a pug. Its unfair as I am not a Dr and I can’t begin to assess the toll Addisons, colitis and whatever other issues he had did to his appearance. But, Bay of Pigs, Steel Crisis, Cuban Missle Crisis/Nuclear Armageddon and constant threat of assassination can’t make you look any younger. He chose to have the greatest weight on his shoulders, the burden, the pressure and for that he takes his place in history as a hero. He is certainly up there with Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and FDR in the 20th Century as one of the most notable and he is largely remembered for good.

Edited by Chris Barnard
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4 hours ago, Ken Davies said:



I saw two ufos while travelling through Michigan many years later.  Streaking white saucer shapes with a vivid blue area in the middle. I also had a large orange ball chase my vehicle down a Northern Michigan interstate highway for 20 plus miles, at 100 mph once 48 years ago. Tense times at 2 a.m.

A friend watched a large triangle float silently over his vehicle on a local highway many years ago. A family member saw a white light brighter than the moon about 100 feet from her front window morph into a falling triangle, before it rose above the rooftops, hovered, and then "rocketed out of sight" two weeks ago in Ontario.

Peace, eh,🙂😙




I was alone on very cold but clear early evening in March maybe 5 years ago.

I was standing on a 50 foot high man made bluff above our small town's Lovers Point Beach.

From this bluff you could see across the entire Monterey Bay to Santa Cruz on the North side 30 to 40 miles away.  Monterey/Pacific Grove is on the Southern tip of Monterey Bay.

Half way around the circumference of the half circle shaped Bay in between Monterey and Santa Cruz is the dinky little harbor town of Moss Landing. There is a large electrical power plant there ( used to be run by P G & E years ago) and you can see their two huge steam stacks maybe 150 to 200 feet high above this day or night as they are lit up in the evening.

The ocean wind is cold this time of year. It comes down from Alaska and hits our California coast all the way to Big Sur. We call the coldest snaps of this air, Arctic Blasts.

I just wanted to get some freezing but fresh air in my lungs on an early evening drive around our multi-beach coastline. I parked at our developed beach parking lot and walked to the paved public area and to the 5 foot high granite stone wall above the beach itself. I leaned on my elbows on the wall.

Lots of lights all around the Bay at night. Very colorful and crisp when the ocean air is Winter cold.

I was there by myself around 7:30 to 8:00 pm as no one usually hangs out there that late in such cold night air.

Like you Ken, I noticed a single "orange light" way off over the Bay directly in line with those lighted steam towers in Moss Landing 20 miles away.

It caught my eye as no other lights on that far away side of the Bay were that bright and that orange.

I didn't have binoculars. My eyes were still pretty good though.

I would look around every few seconds at other views of the Bay lights as I didn't think much of the orange light in particular at first.

However, I noticed with each glance back at this orange light, it seemed to get larger and brighter! I thought to myself, this thing is coming toward me.

I thought it was my imagination until this light seemed to be no more than a mile away and seemed a definite "Chinese Lantern" shape.

Sure enough, the object kept coming toward me and flew right over my head at a height I estimated at 600 to 700 feet above. While it was over my head it retained it's oval ball shape and radiated the same red orange glow ( quite bright now. ) 

I estimated its speed at about 40 to 50 MPH. It made absolutely no sound. At the low flying level of 600+ feet you would have heard some sound, especially if it was a helicopter. It wasn't I can swear to that.

It looked about the size of a UPS truck?

I had to turn my head and upper body 180 degrees from North to South to keep it in my sight as it passed right over the top of me. It continued over our 600 foot Pine tree forested hill that separates us from the town of Carmel, just 6 miles directly South.

I lost sight of it after it continued on South beyond the hill.

I posted this unusual sighting on our local Craigslist the next day. I asked if anyone else may have seen it.

The only response I got was from someone stationed at our Naval Post Graduate School. No name given. He dismissed what I saw as a "paid advertising floating balloon."

I got back and responded with a laugh and my take on his explanation.

I said "who in their right mind would pay for such advertising when no one could see well enough in the dark of night to read any message on it, and especially on a middle of the week night so cold, most people just weren't out.

He never got back.

Sorry for getting off at least some JFK relevant message.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 9/12/2020 at 9:42 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Good one Joe. What was going on in your mind at the time? Any fear? Any sense of personal contact? 

Paul, no fear until I realized it was truly coming straight at me from so far away over the Bay and when it actually went over my head directly above me.

This object was several miles away when I first spotted it and it was proven to not be a stationary light by it eventually flying over me.

Because of this and absolutely no sound, I did get kind of scared once it was directly above me. 

It's brightness and bright orange color added to it's ominous reality.

As soon as it was over my head I made a beeline to my car 60 to 75 feet away. I continued to watch it as I walked and that is how I was able to notice it continue South over our high forested hill.


And there was no contact with me telepathically or physically I am certain.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Why Isn't Close Encounters Considered Steven Spielberg's Ultimate Masterpiece? Because It Kind of Is




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On 9/13/2020 at 4:01 PM, Joe Bauer said:

Paul, no fear until I realized it was truly coming straight at me from so far away over the Bay and when it actually went over my head directly above me.

This object was several miles away when I first spotted it and it was proven to not be a stationary light by it eventually flying over me.

Because of this and absolutely no sound, I did get kind of scared once it was directly above me. 

It's brightness and bright orange color added to it's ominous reality.

As soon as it was over my head I made a beeline to my car 60 to 75 feet away. I continued to watch it as I walked and that is how I was able to notice it continue South over our high forested hill.


And there was no contact with me telepathically or physically I am certain.


I've never seen a UFO, but I did have what I believe to have been a Thunderbird fly about 50 feet over my head one night when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was 15 or 20 feet long. This was in southern West Virginia about the same time as Mothman was making appearances some 100 miles away in Point Pleasant. The government's been covering up Mothmen.

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Really? Here are reviews and a synopsis of the movie:




I was being facetious.

"Plan 9" may be the worst movie ever made.

It was Bela Lugosi's last movie. He died during production, so they replaced him with a guy who walked around hiding his face with his cape.


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11 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

I was being facetious.

"Plan 9" may be the worst movie ever made.

It was Bela Lugosi's last movie. He died during production, so they replaced him with a guy who walked around hiding his face with his cape.


I took my son to a special screening of Plan 9 a few years ago. It was in the cemetery where some of the scenes were filmed. He got very upset when I criticized the special effects in the film, as he didn't think they were all that bad. He did like it when the head alien goes on a rant and yells "All you, of Earth, are idiots!" Good fun.

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