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I just watched the film "20 Million Miles To Earth."

I saw this film at our local theater here in Pacific Grove, California when it first came out in 1957/58?

I was 6 or 7.

Even today I loved the special effects created by Ray Harryhausen. Hokey compared to today's CG films?

No, not at all.  When you consider what Harryhausen had to work with back in the fifties and 1960's, his special effects were amazingly powerful.

I am sure that I was probably wide eyed and jaw dropped terrified when I watched the creature Ymir battling the elephant in that film. What a battle and the Ymir was just scary as can be! Devilish face with horns, huge teeth, lizard skin body, three clawed hands, all alligator muscled, long tail and it's awful screams!

I surely had nightmares after watching this film. Probably choked on my theater candy as well in the most frightening battle scenes.

And who could forget the creatures in Jason and The Argonauts? Those skeleton warriors...wow!

Today's Super Hero and CG film going kids are simply spoiled.

In the fifties and 60's, the bad news creatures and monsters were low tech compared to today, but for their time they were incredibly powerful and terrifying in watching them on the big screen

Heck, even cheesy Japanese monster films were great to watch and be frightened. Godzilla, Mothra, you name it.

Other girl scream creatures:

Giant ants in "Them."

Frozen then thawed out flying saucer monster in "The Thing."

Giant crabs in "Mysterious Island."

Red body eating goo in "The Blob."

100 foot high tarantula in the film "Tarantula."

And on and on. 

And didn't we all love seeing kind of B rated movie stars in these low budget films, like James Arness, Raymond Burr, James Whitmore ( who always creeped me out ) and a few great stars before they made it big like Steve McQueen in the Blob. Michael Landon as a werewolf?

Great times to go to the movies in the 1950's and 60's for everybody of all ages.

Popcorn and candy were cheap. We were easily moved and effected because we hadn't yet been spoiled by CG.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I took my son to a special screening of Plan 9 a few years ago. It was in the cemetery where some of the scenes were filmed. He got very upset when I criticized the special effects in the film, as he didn't think they were all that bad. He did like it when the head alien goes on a rant and yells "All you, of Earth, are idiots!" Good fun.

I like the scene where a cop, trying to figure things out, idly scratches his jaw, using the muzzle of his service revolver. I wonder whose idea that was. "Let's put in a little message on gun safety."



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'It’s not a question of belief': the film examining government UFO records

The Phenomenon studies the history of UFO claims from the 1940s to this summer’s revelation of a Department of Defense investigation into military sightings



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I read an article in a Science Journal back about 1992 and the author was debunking popular stories

of Aliens and UFO's. What I recall most is the author stated any advanced life form would come from another galaxy and to get to our galaxy would require "superluminary" travel and if these aliens had mastered this form of travel that would mean they would be far advanced of the human beings living on earth. He stated that if such an advanced culture ever landed on earth they would be colonizing the planet within 15 minutes of their arrival. 



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I remember reading a book in the early 1950s (I've tried to remember the title of it) that argued that flying saucers were piloted by insects. Which could be true, since a British astrophysicist testified in the Arkansas Creationism Trial (McLean v. Arkansas) in 1982 that insects could be more intelligent than humans but "they're not letting on." Another notable witness at the trial was Dr. Norman Geisler of Dallas Theological Seminary, who testified that UFOs are "Satanic manifestations for the purposes of deception." When asked how he knew that UFOs exist, he said that he read it in Reader's Digest.



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Interview with James Fox and Marc Barasch, Director and Writer of Runaway Hit Film The Phenomenon

Do not miss this. Full of new information and revelations.



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On 12/8/2020 at 6:05 AM, Douglas Caddy said:

Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready



I saw this article just one hour ago.

The man's bonafides are very hard to dismiss out of hand.

I would think if most people can get through the shock/trauma of Donald Trump they could handle the reality of ETs.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I saw this article just one hour ago.

The man's bonafides are very hard to dismiss out of hand.

I would think if most people can get through the shock/trauma of Donald Trump they could handle of the reality of ETs.


Don't you find it sort of convenient that they've only contacted to Israelis and the Americans?

I sort of like the message from the Galactic Federation that asked Earthlings to stop sending them nude pictures with directions to their house. The Federation finds it kind of creepy.

Steve Thomas

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Since this thread is still going...

At 55 seconds into this following You Tube video is what I sense is the closest to reality depiction of actual ET beings on film and available to the public.

I can imagine what footage is in the highest secret agency realm, but for what is available to us little people, these alien EBENS look pretty damn real.

I don't see how any human, child whatever, could fit into a get up with fake heads like the ones shown. Their bodies are so thin not even a human child could be this thin.

A Very Good RARE Genuine Russian alien Film clip from a Russia source , Believed to be made in 1960 of Captured Aliens from ...
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16 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I saw this article just one hour ago.

The man's bonafides are very hard to dismiss out of hand.

I would think if most people can get through the shock/trauma of Donald Trump they could handle the reality of ETs.

“The man’s bona fides are very hard to dismiss out of hand.”   

That is what they said about DeLorean.   
Joe, your above statement is applicable because you are hearing what you want to hear.   Applied to JFK, for example, there are a lot of people with whom you should agree have bona fides but they support the Warren Commission and/or the view that LHO did it. Yet you would not accept their viewpoint simply based upon their bona fides.
Did you consider this news story could be a hoax?


Edited by Cory Santos
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