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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

The putative link to the JFKA is that E. Howard Hunt hinted to his attorney, Douglas Caddy, that JFK's assassination had something to do with intel about the "alien presence."

Right. The fact that people take this seriously is IN MY OPINION a major detriment to actual study of the assassination.

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Right. The fact that people take this seriously is IN MY OPINION a major detriment to actual study of the assassination.


Are you quite certain that E. Howard Hunt was just making this "Alien Presence" stuff up?

Granted, he was known for writing fiction-- Bimini Run, etc.-- but what basis do you have for your apparent certainty here?

My inclination is to think more in terms of probabilistic hypotheses-- i.e., that he was probably making stuff up, but I'm not entirely certain.


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Did E. Howard Hunt also make up his end-of-life JFKA "Big Event" / "LBJ/Cord Meyer " story he allowed his son Saint John Hunt to record on tape?

If so...it was a whopper! 

Could Hunt have thought that maybe his son Saint John could make a good amount of money shopping his sensational story around after his death? Assuaging his guilt of not having anything to leave for his son after a lifetime of big spender indulgence?

Even if the story was a made up bald a$$ lie?

Hunt admitting lying gratuitously to Congress and so many other investigative agencies. It seemed lying was second nature to him. Justified in his mind as a patriotic duty in his role of protector of the truly right ideology of America as expressed and defined by his friend William F. Buckley?


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Are you quite certain that E. Howard Hunt was just making this "Alien Presence" stuff up?

Granted, he was known for writing fiction-- Bimini Run, etc.-- but what basis do you have for your apparent certainty here?

The fact that Hunt was a known prevaricator who was incensed the CIA left him hanging out to dry during Watergate, the fact that, as you mention, he was well-versed in crafting fiction, and the fact that there's literally not a shred of evidence to support what he may have said about aliens?

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I knew Howard Hunt and Dorothy Hunt and St. John Hunt. I also knew Gordon Liddy and John Dean and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and Bernard Barker and the other four arrested burglars and the three prosecutors and Judge Sirica and Robert Mullen and Bob Bennett other Watergate figures. I testified under oath at the first Watergate trial.

Howard Hunt testified under oath before the Senate Watergate Committee. 

The member who is protesting here about the existence of this topic is a chronic disrupter. We have had these types of persons here in the Forum before. He should be ignored as he brings nothing to the debate.

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Posted (edited)

One time as a pubescent boy in Pennsylvania, I was at a minor league baseball game.

During the game, "something" flew low over the stadium.

I can't say what it was, but I can say it wasn't an airplane, and it wasn't a helicopter. It was dead silent. The whole stadium went quiet and watched until it went out of sight.

Since then, I have never been willing to dismiss UFOS out of hand.

Steve Thomas

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16 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I knew Howard Hunt and Dorothy Hunt and St. John Hunt. I also knew Gordon Liddy and John Dean and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and Bernard Barker and the other four arrested burglars and the three prosecutors and Judge Sirica and Robert Mullen and Bob Bennett other Watergate figures. I testified under oath at the first Watergate trial.

Howard Hunt testified under oath before the Senate Watergate Committee. 

The member who is protesting here about the existence of this topic is a chronic disrupter. We have had these types of persons here in the Forum before. He should be ignored as he brings nothing to the debate.

I bring nothing to the debate? Where is your evidence to support ANYTHING Howard Hunt may have said about aliens and the Kennedy assassination? 

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

I bring nothing to the debate? Where is your evidence to support ANYTHING Howard Hunt may have said about aliens and the Kennedy assassination? 

Doug’s ‘evidence’ is first hand. 

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

One time as a pubescent boy in Pennsylvania, I was at a minor league baseball game.

During the game, "something" flew low over the stadium.

I can't say what it was, but I can say it wasn't an airplane, and it wasn't a helicopter. It was dead silent. The whole stadium went quiet and watched until it went out of sight.

Since then, I have never been willing to dismiss UFOS out of hand.

Steve Thomas

Wow Steve!

Was this evening or daytime?

Any more details regards what the object looked like?

How many fans in the stadium at the time?

Did the fans seem to talk amongst themselves after seeing this?

Rare that so many see something like that at the same time.

I've had three sighting events myself.

Driving with my young son to Santa Cruz Ca. from Monterey one sunny clear blue sky morning. We were maybe 5 miles from Santa Cruz on Highway 1 when a bright flash caught our eyes. It was a "super shiny" silver object that zoomed super fast from in front of us above and on our left to passing back behind us. Extremely polished silver that flash/reflected the sun.

Maybe only 2 to 300 feet above us? It moved so fast we almost missed it. Maybe the size of a large car?

Another time about 7 years ago I was sitting on a cement/beach stone wall on a bluff 30 to 40 feet above our main tourist beach here in Pacific Grove, California called "Lovers Point Beach."

Above the beach was this bluff wall, the parking area, hamburger stand, volleyball sand court, etc. Two sets of stairs took you down to the beach and pier below.

This was a cold March evening about 8:00 PM.

No one was in the location at all except me. It was very cold with the ocean wind that came down from the Alaska current.

Living here my whole life I would occasionally park down at Lovers Point and get out and sit on the long view wall above the beach. Even during the early evening.

The cold never bothered me. I grew up here and was used to it. It was cold but the super fresh ocean air was invigorating.

From this perch you could see all the bright night city lights around the Monterey Bay from Monterey and Seaside to well past the huge Moss Landing electric power station nearer to Santa Cruz. This power plant had two very tall cement towers with flashing lights on the top. There is a good-sized harbor at Moss Landing. The boats that went out onto the bay from there at night to fish, used the tower lights as a navigational point to guide them back to the harbor.

I could see the tower lights clearly blinking. When the air is that cold on the bay, you can see much more clearly all the lights I mentioned. Even from 20 to 25 miles away!

Moss Landing was about 15 to 20 miles from me as the crow flies.

While taking in the Moss Landing lights views I suddenly noticed an "orange" light above the Moss Landing tower ones.

It was a steady glowing light versus the tower flashing lights.

It was not much higher in the sky than the tower top lights.

It was bright enough to see even at that distance.

I kept looking at it as it was so anomalous and it appeared to be moving in my direction.

We have an airport in Monterey. I know the flight patterns of incoming and departing planes there as I have been here my whole life and see them almost daily for 70 years.

These flight patterns are totally perpendicular to the flight direction of the orange light I was watching. East and West versus immediately North to South.

This single orange light just kept coming in my direction. Within 5 minutes or more it was almost to me. I estimated that it must have been traveling fairly slowly.

I was curiously amazed at this point but then the object was straight up, right above my head! It was roundish. Very bright orange. The size of a small camper van?

It was maybe 500 to 600 feet in the air.

It was perfectly silent. I know exactly what small planes and helicopters sound like when they fly directly above you at that low altitude level. We have so many fly out of our airport every day.

The object seemed to slow in speed as it passed over me. At this point I actually felt some apprehension. I got off the wall and was making a bee line to my car maybe 60 feet away. I didn't want to see this right above me orange light object anymore.

As I got close to my car I noticed a young couple walking on the Ocean View Blvd. street sidewalk across from my beach parking area which was the street the beach park is located. They have several Bed and Breakfast inns right there and they looked as if they were guests and just taking an after dinner cold ocean air walk before bed. They were only 30 feet from me. The orange object was right above us both. I called out to the couple "hello?"

They looked at me.

I called over to them calmly but seriously "do you see that light?" pointing up above us. They stopped and looked up. They didn't say anything but I know they saw it. The light was so bright and orange.

At that point this orange ball light object just kept moving Southward. I stood at my car and watched it barely clear the 500 foot high pine forest hill between my town and the small tourist town of Carmel, Ca 6 miles away South and which if the object kept on that directional path would have eventually passed over the Big Sur coastal area.

The object was solid. It was no balloon. It had traveled all the way from Moss Landing to the Monterey Peninsula and beyond southward. All in 5 minutes time?

I posted this event on our local Craigslist community page.

A fellow got back. He stated he knew what the object was!

He claimed it was "aerial advertising!"

I got back and thanked him for the fun laugh. I explained that if this object was nighttime aerial advertising, that their potential audience may have been what...a dozen people out waking in the freezing March Ocean air?

I asked this silly answer responding person what he did for a living.

He actually got back and said he was a teacher at our local Navy Post Graduate Center station! Hmmm...pretty heady position. They do a lot of meteorological science work there. Always have. Super high security facility.

I guessed the guy was no kook.

But why waste his time sending me such a juvenile response?

Third sighting a little later.



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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Doug’s ‘evidence’ is first hand. 

Mr. Caddy was "right there" with all the major players of the Watergate event.

In the famous film "All The Presidents Men" Caddy's character was well represented.

Caddy knew Hunt personally and for many years. His credibility in this important major historical event realm is proven beyond any doubt.

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10 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Doug’s ‘evidence’ is first hand. 

No, he can only report what Hunt told him. If he has actual evidence to support Hunt’s claims, I’ve yet to see it. Has anybody else ?

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Wow Steve!

Was this evening or daytime?

Any more details regards what the object looked like?

How many fans in the stadium at the time?

Did the fans seem to talk amongst themselves after seeing this?

Rare that so many see something like that at the same time.


This is going on 50 years or so ago.

There were a couple of hundred people there I guess. It was in the evening - a night game.

The thing that really impressed me then, and that I still remember, is that the game stopped and everybody there, including the players, stood and watched in silence.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


This is going on 50 years or so ago.

There were a couple of hundred people there I guess. It was in the evening - a night game.

The thing that really impressed me then, and that I still remember, is that the game stopped and everybody there, including the players, stood and watched in silence.

Steve Thomas


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Human implant chip inventor speaks before his death …

WEBDec 30, 2010 · William Pawelec, the inventor of the human implant chip told Dr. Steven Greer about billions manufactured and more highly concerning information in an interview he agreed to have made public …

Please view THE ENTIRE interview if you seriously want to know what's really going on in this world?

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So I was in London around 2011 taking the DLR out to the Limehouse area from the city center.

I got off at the Limehouse station and walked by the boats and houseboats in the docks there toward the Thames.

When I turned on the street at the end of the docks, I looked up and there it was over the river - the Mother Ship - rectangular like 4 football fields put together wide and long and 10-20 feet high with white lights on the corner edges, dark grey otherwise broken up by some black section dividers, etc.  It was about 300-500 feet up.

 I got out my phone - small one but with a camera and ran towards the Thames where the ship got blocked from view by the apt buildings and I couldn't get a snapshot while the phone loaded.

I got to the river and it was gone.  I ran down the stairs to the Gordon Ramsey pub on the River and asked those sitting outside if they had seen it.  They didn't.

I didn't see any reports of a sighting on the news, but I'm a believer now.

I'm interested in any other information about rectangular shaped UFOs.

Edited by Bill Fite
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