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Mannlicher-Carcano Clip

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Maybe this is a no never mind but if Oswald really used that rifle as the WC alleges, wouldn't there be a record of how the clip was purchased? It is not listed as part of the rifle purchase from Kleins.

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36 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

if Oswald really used that rifle as the WC alleges

... then the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

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On 9/15/2021 at 11:44 AM, David Josephs said:

the CIA ordered the 4 production runs (Lots 6000-6004) yet as the memo (12/2/63 JEVONS to CONRAD) states, they do not fit any USMC weapons... FBI speculates it was a CIA order under cover of USMC.  These are the WESTERN shells.

This statement, attributed as it is to the FBI, is, as I have repeatedly shown, absoutely untrue. The CIA did NOT, at any point in time, order the WCC manufacture of 6.5mm carcano ammunition. As far as the issue of the clip is concerned, I have written extensively on this item, information I have shared with some members of this forum. 

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6 hours ago, Gary Murr said:

This statement, attributed as it is to the FBI, is, as I have repeatedly shown, absoutely untrue. The CIA did NOT, at any point in time, order the WCC manufacture of 6.5mm carcano ammunition. As far as the issue of the clip is concerned, I have written extensively on this item, information I have shared with some members of this forum. 

Please share. Some of us missed out on your findings.

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