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JFK Lancer Virtual 2020 Conference

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I guess I'm totally lost.  I figured after yesterday 9:00 was mountain time, 10:00 cst.  Tuned in 30 minutes ago, book advertisements, now Larry Haapanen who I don't see on the schedule at all.  Nothing on the fb page about this I saw.  I've refreshed, can't scroll back.  Has Jim DiEugenio already presented?  Larry Hancock on BOP still to come? 

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Yes, I already presented Ron.  

I got the usual Brent Holland attack on me which I could have predicted.

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Ron, the schedule on the conference facebook page for today is correct, it started with Jim.  However the web hosting developer got confused by the fact that he had two "Larry's" back to back and put in Larry Haapanan first (he was on the schedule).  My presentation on the Bay of Pigs will follow and I will be online on the conference page for comments afterwards.

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Really enjoyed you Larry and Bill today.  Interesting comments and information by others as well.  One presentation seemed geared more towards those new to the case.  A good thing for those who are.  I guess I'll be able to watch Jim's presentation in the morning when today's are uploaded (?) since I missed it this morning.

I was curious about him but stopped for the night during Steve Roe.  I have questions about Oswald picking up the gun(s).  A debate with David Josephs would be interesting.  I've seen him on you tube regarding Walker.

I didn't see the Dealy Plaza walk around on the schedule.

Now, watch William Law who I missed yesterday, or Tipping Point part 1?

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When do i get my check?

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15 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Yes, I already presented Ron.  

I got the usual Brent Holland attack on me which I could have predicted.


Wait! A feud I hadn't heard of?

What the heck does Brent have against you?

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If you listen to my talk, I addressed the relationship between Kennedy and Nasser, and how JFK changed the American orientation in the Middle East from Foster Dulles, who had favored Saudi Arabia. 

I also addressed Kennedy's advocacy of the right of return for the Palestinian survivors of the Nakba, and Kennedy's threat to cut off funding for Israel unless there were full inspections of Dimona. 

I then went into how LBJ completely altered this. And I then added how this was swing was aided by the assassination of Rabin. Since he advocated for a two state solution and the Oslo Accords.

Brent is so pro Israeli and anti Palestinian he should be a member of Likud.  And so he started going after me online. I said, if you have anything factual to dispute with me, let us hear it.  He never addressed any of the facts, except he said that somehow JFK was straying from Nasser in 1963.  I replied that as far as I could tell from the correspondence that was not accurate.  Then he stopped replying.

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For those attending the conference:

We will be uploading a live feed of Dealey Plaza tomorrow between noon and 1 pm. Also, keep a lookout for a pre-recorded virtual walking tour to be posted on the conference Facebook group on Sunday morning - it should go up on the page around 11 AM Central and I'll be available on the conference page for questions during the tour.

The regular conference session will begin at 1:30pm on Sunday and the speaker schedule is posted on the conference page - it includes Alan Dale's interview with John Newman, a panel discussion and other speakers including Robert Groden - the presentations will continue into Sunday evening. 

Edited by Larry Hancock
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Updating for the virtual conference attendees.  We did live stream footage from the Plaza on the Lancer and Conference Facebook pages. That stream will be posted on the Conference page which will be maintained after the conference concludes so it can be reviewed there.

We did have some difficulty posting the extended Walking Tour so that will be added to the Conference Facebook page this evening and left in place for ongoing viewing - I'll make myself available to answer questions about the tour on that page. 

Day 3 of the conference resumed at one thirty this afternoon.  If  you have any difficulty seeing day three you might need to refresh your browser....I had to myself.

Edited by Larry Hancock
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Thanks Hugo, I will definitely pass that on to Gabriella and Debra....the time differential is something that we will have to think more about in future efforts but at least we do have the ability to return to all the sessions for a later listen.

That was one of the problems with the live sessions, if you had to do something that took you away for a portion of a presentation there really was no option but to wait months for the DVD and try to pick it up that way.  This is at least quicker..

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I think this solution is great! And the Facebook group also works very well. 
Maybe for a next year it is possible to combine something like this year with some live sessions via Zoom or Google Meet. In that case it would be possible to get some live action.  The possibility to watch the sessions later is great! Especially with the Facebook group available for some time after the conference. 
If I can be of some assistance in thinking with you and the crew I am always willing to do so! For now I am happy to be able to have attended my first NID conference. One more thing: there are a lot of books being promoted. I bought some on Amazon already. Wouldn’t it be more lucrative for JFK Lancer when you would sell them via the website of JFK Lancer or via the Facebook group? 

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I definitely think we will be expanding into Zoom,  either as part of the conference or for different, more focused activities.  Lots of discussion going on about that - and more after everyone recovers from the conference.

As to the books,  selling books published by Lancer or supplied by speakers with different publishers made some sense in the earlier days, especially when a physical book room was possible.  However now in the days of print on demand and with so many titles in play, just the physical constraints of stocking and shipping cut into any margin there might be in direct sales. Its a logistics nightmare and even many of the old line retail book distributors have gone out of business or will only handle volumes that routinely sell in the thousands or tens of thousands.  

Its a much different story for material that can go on to a CD, DVD or even onto a thump drive.  Direct selling that is far simpler and much less expensive. That's why you will see Lancer focused on those media for its sales.  And of course for items such as the conference, which can be delivered electronically in a different format.

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Larry, thanks for the reply! I understand the problems with selling the books from an own storage. Maybe it is possible to set up a affiliate account with Amazon? So in that case Lancer will get some commission for sales through that link.

Right now I am watching the presentation by Robert Groden. Did he just say that Oswald was receiving his change for the drink from a female employee of the TSBD at the moment the shots rang out ? He described it as an airtight alibi. 

Does anyone know if there is a known statement or some kind of proof for this statement? 

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