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Secret Service participation in 1/6 coup attempt

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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

 My question, Matt.  Why haven't they subpoenaed Mike Pence, himself?  And the Big Orange Kahuna?

I doubt that Pence would willingly answer any crucial questions about January 6th, but they should, at least, ask them.

America in the age of Trump is like an alcoholic family where no one dares to ask the orange paterfamilias if he got drunk last night and pissed on the Christmas tree... 🤥

May it not all not be just,

The answer my friend, if you listen till the end, is on the Leadville Railroad, when the aspens are turning.

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Journalist Describes 'Wild' Unpublished Photos of Mike Pence in Hiding on January 6th: 'Holed Up in a Basement Garage'


November 10, 2021

Journalist Jonathan Karl says he has seen unpublished photographs of Mike Pence that were taken by a White House photographer while the then-vice president was in hiding during the deadly rioting at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

During the mayhem as Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol — interrupting an electoral vote count with hopes of overturning the 2020 election results — the vice president, Second Lady Karen Pence, their daughter Charlotte Pence Bond and staff members absconded into a hiding place with seconds to spare thanks to the help of Secret Service agents.

While some of the rioters at the Capitol chanted about wanting to "hang" Pence, the vice president and at least some of his entourage were moved to an undisclosed location.

In his book Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show, out on Tuesday, Karl says he saw images captured by a photographer who stayed with Pence and describes the place where the vice president and others hid for "approximately five hours."

"The photos show Pence in a barren garage. There were no windows and no furniture. This was a loading dock with concrete walls and a concrete floor," Karl writes.

During an appearance this week on The Late Show, Karl elaborated with Stephen Colbert. "I saw all of the photographs and by the way, it is wild to see that he was in a loading dock in an underground parking garage underneath the Capitol complex," Karl said. "No place to sit, no desk, no chairs, nothing. He was in this concrete parking garage with his family. This is the vice president of the United States and he's holed up in a basement."

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

November 10, 2021

Journalist Jonathan Karl wrote:

"the then-vice president was in hiding during the deadly rioting at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

the vice president, Second Lady Karen Pence, their daughter Charlotte Pence Bond and staff members absconded into a hiding place with seconds to spare

the vice president and at least some of his entourage were moved to an undisclosed location.

the place where the vice president and others hid for "approximately five hours."

"The photos show Pence in a barren garage. There were no windows and no furniture. This was a loading dock with concrete walls and a concrete floor,"

 "I saw all of the photographs and by the way, it is wild to see that he was in a loading dock in an underground parking garage underneath the Capitol complex,"  "No place to sit, no desk, no chairs, nothing. He was in this concrete parking garage with his family. This is the vice president of the United States and he's holed up in a basement."

Excerpted from previous posting.

Sounds like someone incited a riot, then hid himself while his second in command(among others) got ready for his lynching.

What was the attitude among the followers, after the speech, as they reached the capitol preparing for the invasion?

A video is worth a thousand words:




Edited by Chris Davidson
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W.-- Chris D. is talking about my post on Karl  from Tuesday. In addition, Pence while waiting with his family has an aide pass him Trumps tweet that "Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done".(below). Eventually a car comes for Pence to take him from the Capitol. Was it Trump's tweet that convinced the otherwise spinless Pence to not to take the car, and keep the Congressional plan to certify??

5 hours, waiting around with his family!---Wow.!Pence the human punching bag. Is there any limit to the bullying Pence is willing to take?


Matt, I haven't seen any corroboration,  at least yet. But if Pence was locked out of their offices in the capitol complex during the insurrection because their access badges had been DEACTIVATED the morning of the attack.

That's a potential bombshell!


Jonathan Karl in his book" Betrayal", says there are photos and film on 1/6 of a sequestered Pence and his family standing for awhile in a parking area, while waiting for the transfer out of the Capitol area. In that moment a Pence aide shows Pence Trump's tweet that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”  Pence reads it and barely shows a grimace.  Shortly after a car comes for Pence to leave the Capitol and he turns it down.
Trump feels betrayed that Republican party let him down and  proceeded with the certification, and upon leaving Washington the RNC chairwoman Ronna Mac Donnel (you know that rather young woman who looks like she might be a manager of a KFC, like DVP?)  phones Trump to wish him farewell. Trump becomes angry, and  says he's leaving the Republican Party and starting his own party. After meeting with the RNC, Mc Donnel  tells Trump that he better not or he's on the hook in campaign expense and legal fees  involving his post election challenges that could total 100 million dollars!, and the RNC will keep his list of supporters. Trump then backs down!!.
You can't make this stuff up!
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On 7/17/2021 at 11:25 AM, Chuck Schwartz said:

Now tie in the stand down/delay that was given to the DC National Guard and it all ties together. Trump and his Secretary of Defense had no intention of calling in the Guard to stop the riot. They fully expected Pence to be gone and if Pelosi or Schumer or AOC were caught and subsequently killed- well then all the better. This was a planned operation and it is clear why the Republicans do not want anybody looking into the events of January 6th.

You know? This extreme violence intention scenario on the part of Trump is no longer unbelievable to me.

In my years of observing Trump - his words, actions, policy promotions and appointments the more I truly believe he would have actually accepted and even encouraged the entire country turning into armed conflict chaos, as long as the end result or aim was to keep him in office so he couldn't be labeled a "one term loser."

A person voted out of office after just one term mainly because of his fomenting unprecedented national angst, anger, hatred, mistrust, division and even violence, capped off with his outrageously incited and deadly coup attempt using his crazy followers to try to pull off this highest political level criminal action which traumatized and endangered the lives of almost all our congress, his own Vice President and those capital police who actually tried to fight off this mob.

And we all know our president Trump watched this violent, person and property injuring mob insurrection unfold and carry on for hours on TV like the rest of us and purposely refused to take any action to stop it.

Proof of Trump's mind blowing collusion in this most threatening action against our government and democracy since the Civil War is what he and his followers are trying to keep a lid on in fighting to keep the personal notes information from the Senate Investigation into the January 6 insurrection.

Future U.S. history books will have to state that Donald J. Trump was our most dangerous and national interests damaging president by far ... if they are honest.

As many who have ever read my Trump postings here know, I feel Trump is one sick puppy mentally. Truly, seriously. A real life Dr. Strangelove nut case.

One who somehow gained the power of the presidency ( through the 1% power and influence mostly ) and we are just damn lucky he didn't bring the whole show down on top of us.

It's hard for Americans to accept nation and society hurting realities that they are responsible for enabling through their voting of their creation.

Those Americans who voted for Nixon in 1968 and in a landslide way 1972 mainly because they believed he and his cohorts were the "Law & Order" candidates and party and who then discovered Nixon and his team were so corrupted they all ( 25! ) ended up in prison ( Nixon got a pass from his buddy Ford ) should have realized how truly ignorant they were about such things.

McGovern had more honest law respecting and abiding integrity and moral values in his little finger that Nixon and his entire criminal gang altogether.

Yet, through deviously crafted and massively broadcast media propaganda, tens of millions of Americans were duped into believing the Nixon "Law and Order" candidate lie. You'd think they would have learned from that duping.

That they would realize they put this crook in office!

Same with Trump and his followers. No matter how much amoral, immoral and even criminal action facts are provenly revealed about their anger ranting, nation dividing leader and his character, they still back him. And they can't see how they are responsible for his presidential power and nation dividing and damaging actions.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice ... shame on me?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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20 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

W.-- Chris D. is talking about my post on Karl  from Tuesday. In addition, Pence while waiting with his family has an aide pass him Trumps tweet that "Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done".(below). Eventually a car comes for Pence to take him from the Capitol. Was it Trump's tweet that convinced the otherwise spinless Pence to not to take the car, and keep the Congressional plan to certify??

5 hours, waiting around with his family!---Wow.!Pence the human punching bag. Is there any limit to the bullying Pence is willing to take?


Matt, I haven't seen any corroboration,  at least yet. But if Pence was locked out of their offices in the capitol complex during the insurrection because their access badges had been DEACTIVATED the morning of the attack.

That's a potential bombshell!


Jonathan Karl in his book" Betrayal", says there are photos and film on 1/6 of a sequestered Pence and his family standing for awhile in a parking area, while waiting for the transfer out of the Capitol area. In that moment a Pence aide shows Pence Trump's tweet that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”  Pence reads it and barely shows a grimace.  Shortly after a car comes for Pence to leave the Capitol and he turns it down.
Trump feels betrayed that Republican party let him down and  proceeded with the certification, and upon leaving Washington the RNC chairwoman Ronna Mac Donnel (you know that rather young woman who looks like she might be a manager of a KFC, like DVP?)  phones Trump to wish him farewell. Trump becomes angry, and  says he's leaving the Republican Party and starting his own party. After meeting with the RNC, Mc Donnel  tells Trump that he better not or he's on the hook in campaign expense and legal fees  involving his post election challenges that could total 100 million dollars!, and the RNC will keep his list of supporters. Trump then backs down!!.
You can't make this stuff up!

"You can't make this stuff up."

No you can't.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Steve Bannon just indicted on two charges of contempt by Fed grand jury, minutes ago.

Lock him up!

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Steve Bannon just indicted on two charges of contempt by Fed grand jury, minutes ago.

I've thought since I first heard of him he was quite contemptible, and, good for them.  Like W said . . .

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We are living through history and I know everyone here studies history. A massive criminal conspiracy occurred, and we are going to watch it get prosecuted in real-time. I wan't alive when JFK was killed, and was only 7 years old when Watergate blew up. I am going to thoroughly enjoy watching this process of patriotic American justice.

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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

We are living through history and I know everyone here studies history. A massive criminal conspiracy occurred, and we are going to watch it get prosecuted in real-time. I wan't alive when JFK was killed, and was only 7 years old when Watergate blew up. I am going to thoroughly enjoy watching this process of patriotic American justice.


     January 6th is, truly, the stuff of history-- including the Fox/GOP attempts to deny and downplay its significance.

      When, in the course of American history, has a sitting POTUS (and his party) ever attempted to overturn the results of a U.S. Presidential  election?

     When has a POTUS ever incited a mob to attack the U.S. Congress and lynch a Vice President?

     When has a Vice President ever been forced to hide for five hours in a garage underneath the U.S. Capitol in order to escape from an angry lynch mob?

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