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Can You Pass the New WaPo Conspiracy Theory Quiz?

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36 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

I have come to agree with Donald Trump on one particular issue, because, for once, he was telling a truth. Of course, being Donald Trump he was using the "truth" to manipulate and deceive, but that's a discussion for another time and place. I don't recall his exact words, and I will never use the phrase "MSM" again, because it's merely a euphemism. But the gist of Trump's quote was that THE CORPORATE PRESS is the enemy of the people. It absolutely has come to that point. 

Maybe the "government-corporate media is the enemy of the people" is more accurate. 



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1 hour ago, David Boylan said:

Love the band. Randy California aka Randy Wolfe was given the name by Jimi Hendrix. Randy played in Jimmy James and the Blue Flames when he was 16.



Thanks David, I knew about Jimmy James and the Blue Flames/Hendrix but not the connection to Spirit.  What ever happened to Randy Wolfe?

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One of the cool things about drummer Ed Cassidy was that he was 45 years old when Spirit first saw success. That was considered ancient back in 60s!!!


As far as that WaPo thing, it is indeed bogus. The amount of false equivalences being tossed around is truly offensive. It does serve to demonstrate that the term "conspiracy theory" has been weaponized, and keeping JFK research focused on facts and intelligent discourse will go far in keeping the subject in the "True Crime" domain, rather than moving it to the "kooky conspiracy theory" realm that it appears far too many entities would prefer.

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22 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


        These Orwellian WaPo authors insist that there is only one true answer per quiz question.

       So, on 1) they acknowledge that the FBI "kept tabs" on MLK, but insist that Oswald was a lone assassin in Dallas.

       On 2) they acknowledge Iran Contra but not the GOP voter roll purges, Brooks Brothers Riot, or butterfly ballots in 2000.

       On 3) they acknowledge the MK-Ultra LSD experiments.

       4)  None of the above.

       5) They acknowledge the syphilis experiments on the Tuskegee Airmen but deny Trump's campaign contacts with Kremlin officials in 2016-- Veselnitskaya, Kilimnik, Lavrov, et.al.

       6)  They acknowledge Exxon's climate change denial but not the existence of a "Deep State" or any Rothschild type influence on geopolitical affairs.


      1984 WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL | Meme on awwmemes.com 

Regarding 1984.  I was finishing up Hunter S Thompsons Songs of the Doomed today.  In relation to his trumped up on 8 Felony counts in 1990 he mentions "the key number in my case was "8", (previously) "The number 8 in 1984 was a typo.  In the original manuscript Orwell wrote 1994.  . . . so far behind his deadline his publisher refused to let him make any changes".
















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I'd guess most every person on this forum has met someone who is well-educated, clear-minded, logical and literate who also just knee-jerk responded with incredulity when someone said they believe Oswald didn't act alone. I'd imagine the first time many people are ever exposed to a conversation about the JFK assassination is in the context of "conspiracy theorists are nutters." It's a cliche at this point. Most average folks have never read even one book on the subject and have been conditioned from a young age to associate JFK conspiracy theorists with UFO's and the Bermuda Triangle and all that. They just accept as a truism that Oswald acted alone and that any conspiracy theories are wholly unsupported by the facts.

It's disappointing that someone working under the Washington Post banner apparently does not know the current opinion of the government is that there probably was a conspiracy.

I think it's essential to read about the case and come up with your own questions. Relying on conventional wisdom doesn't get one very far. It makes coming up with an online quiz easier, though.

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11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks David, I knew about Jimmy James and the Blue Flames/Hendrix but not the connection to Spirit.  What ever happened to Randy Wolfe?


Tragically - California drowned in the Pacific Ocean in 1997 at the age of 45 while rescuing his 12-year-old son Quinn from a rip current near his mother's home at Molokai, Hawaii. He managed to push Quinn (who survived) toward the shore.


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12 hours ago, David Boylan said:


Tragically - California drowned in the Pacific Ocean in 1997 at the age of 45 while rescuing his 12-year-old son Quinn from a rip current near his mother's home at Molokai, Hawaii. He managed to push Quinn (who survived) toward the shore.


Sad story.

Speaking of rock 'n roll history, has anyone heard from our resident rock 'n roll historian, Cliff Varnell?

He hasn't posted anything on the forum for quite awhile.

I hope Cliff is o.k.

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  • 1 month later...

Good op-ed published at Russ Baker's Who What Why website yesterday about the subject of this October 6 thread.

It was written by Brian Baccus, an attorney from Texas.  Kudos.  We are not alone in the cosmos.

The JFK Assassination and the Conspiracy Theory Experts at the Washington Post


November 11, 2021

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It’d be nice to get to the point where the MSM is no longer our barometer on any serious issue. People on this forum will complain about how they still say “Oswald” and then quote the same sources to say that central bankers are not behind the Covid-19 plot and Faucci isn’t lying etc…. If they continuously try to denigrate the concept of a conspiracy in this obvious case, why would they stick to a reasonable ethics code in everything else? Of course they wouldn't. 

Just stop going to MSM websites/television.

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