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The Curious Case of George Estabrooks

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         I just finished reading the out-of-print 1943 Hypnosis textbook by Canadian-American psychologist Dr. George Estabrooks, which may be of interest to people interested in the subject of the Kennedy (MLK, Wallace, Malcolm X) assassinations, "Manchurian candidates," and CIA Operation MK-ULTRA.

       I had never even heard of George Estabrooks before recently  reading Lisa Pease's book, A Lie Too Big to Fail, which is a bit puzzling, since I am a Board Certified psychiatrist familiar with the well known writings of Milton Erickson and the work of Martin Orne, who I met in 1988.

      I was even more puzzled when I realized that Estabrooks' astonishing 1943 Hypnosis textbook is out-of-print and, apparently, little known in psychiatric circles.

      Fortunately, I found a copy of the book at SCRIBD. 

      It was so interesting that I couldn't put it down yesterday and today until I had read it cover-to-cover.


     The first thing to note is that Estabrooks was a very scholarly, Harvard-educated psychologist (and Rhodes scholar) who had vast knowledge of the 19th and early 20th century scientific literature on hypnosis.   He also had extensive clinical experience hypnotizing suitable subjects.

    Secondly, he had reached out to the U.S. War Department during WWII about his theories regarding the potential military uses of hypnosis, and had, apparently, received a warm welcome.  No further details offered, for obvious reasons.

     The third thing is that he pointedly disagreed with Milton Erickson that hypnosis could not be used to "program" suitable subjects to become military couriers, spies, agents of counter espionage, saboteurs, and even assassins-- in 1943!  (Well before the Korean War Chinese "brainwashing" narrative became prominent in the U.S.)

     Was Estabrooks the intellectual Godfather of MK-ULTRA's assassination ops?

     Was his work deliberately suppressed, as a consequence?

     As an aside, his 1943 textbook also contains a truly spellbinding contemporaraneous analysis of Adolph Hitler's use of stage hypnosis techniques to manipulate N-A-Z-I crowds.

     The parallels with what Donald Trump has been doing in the U.S. are eerie.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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I don't think there's any doubt hypnosis was ridden hard as a possible weapon.

The difficulty of course was the inconsistencies of the results. Pure speculation here, but I would assume it's still used today but on a much more targeted basis; because appropriate subjects have become much easier to pick out from the crowd of recruits.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

I don't think there's any doubt hypnosis was ridden hard as a possible weapon.

The difficulty of course was the inconsistencies of the results. Pure speculation here, but I would assume it's still used today but on a much more targeted basis; because appropriate subjects have become much easier to pick out from the crowd of recruits.


      The conventional wisdom, promoted by such luminaries as Milton Erickson and Martin Orne,  is that people can't be hypnotically induced to commit murders.  That's why Estabrooks' scholarly 1943 text is such a shocker for me.  My wife, a Ph.D. psychologist, was also surprised to hear about Estabrooks' theories.

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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

         I just finished reading the out-of-print 1943 Hypnosis textbook by Canadian-American psychologist Dr. George Estabrooks, which may be of interest to people interested in the subject of the Kennedy (MLK, Wallace, Malcolm X) assassinations, "Manchurian candidates," and CIA Operation MK-ULTRA.

       I had never even heard of George Estabrooks before recently  reading Lisa Pease's book, A Lie Too Big to Fail, which is a bit puzzling, since I am a Board Certified psychiatrist familiar with the well known writings of Milton Erickson and the work of Martin Orne, who I met in 1988.

      I was even more puzzled when I realized that Estabrooks' astonishing 1943 Hypnosis textbook is out-of-print and, apparently, little known in psychiatric circles.

      Fortunately, I found a copy of the book at SCRIBD. 

      It was so interesting that I couldn't put it down yesterday and today until I had read it cover-to-cover.


     The first thing to note is that Estabrooks was a very scholarly, Harvard-educated psychologist (and Rhodes scholar) who had vast knowledge of the 19th and early 20th century scientific literature on hypnosis.   He also had extensive clinical experience hypnotizing suitable subjects.

    Secondly, he had reached out to the U.S. War Department during WWII about his theories regarding the potential military uses of hypnosis, and had, apparently, received a warm welcome.  No further details offered, for obvious reasons.

     The third thing is that he pointedly disagreed with Milton Erickson that hypnosis could not be used to "program" suitable subjects to become military couriers, spies, agents of counter espionage, saboteurs, and even assassins-- in 1943!  (Well before the Korean War Chinese "brainwashing" narrative became prominent in the U.S.)

     Was Estabrooks the intellectual Godfather of MK-ULTRA's assassination ops?

     Was his work deliberately suppressed, as a consequence?

     As an aside, his 1943 textbook also contains a truly spellbinding contemporaraneous analysis of Adolph Hitler's use of stage hypnosis techniques to manipulate N-A-Z-I crowds.

     The parallels with what Donald Trump has been doing in the U.S. are eerie.




You just couldn't keep Trump out of the conversation for more than one minute.  

I watched a couple of Trump's 2016 campaign speeches. I felt obligated as he was winning the GIO nomination easily.

Trump's speeches were so bad I could only watch in 10-minute segments (reruns, non-live on Youtube). If you thought Bush Jr. was a bad speechmaker (and Bush was pretty poor) then Trump was a couple cuts below that. 

I find it hard to believe that anyone would be enchanted, let one alone mesmerized, and especially let alone hypnotized by such cruddy speeches as Trump made.  

One thing I noted. Trump set aside a couple minutes in each speech to say the GOP had to excise racism from its agenda, and then at later point made a positive comment about gays. True, he seemed to do these segments as an obligation, but nevertheless that is what he said, and the M$M would simply not replay those parts of his speeches. 

Did you watch the entirely wretched Trump v Biden "debate"?  It consisted of Trump shouting constantly. If that convinced anyone to vote for Trump---then you should leave retirement, because millions of people need your psychiatric help. 

All that said, I wonder if weaponized hypnosis could work. If anyone seemed to operate that way, Sirhan Sirhan seemed to. Fascinating topic. 



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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You just couldn't keep Trump out of the conversation for more than one minute.  

I watched a couple of Trump's 2016 campaign speeches. I felt obligated as he was winning the GIO nomination easily.

Trump's speeches were so bad I could only watch in 10-minute segments (reruns, non-live on Youtube). If you thought Bush Jr. was a bad speechmaker (and Bush was pretty poor) then Trump was a couple cuts below that. 

I find it hard to believe that anyone would be enchanted, let one alone mesmerized, and especially let alone hypnotized by such cruddy speeches as Trump made.  

One thing I noted. Trump set aside a couple minutes in each speech to say the GOP had to excise racism from its agenda, and then at later point made a positive comment about gays. True, he seemed to do these segments as an obligation, but nevertheless that is what he said, and the M$M would simply not replay those parts of his speeches. 

Did you watch the entirely wretched Trump v Biden "debate"?  It consisted of Trump shouting constantly. If that convinced anyone to vote for Trump---then you should leave retirement, because millions of people need your psychiatric help. 

All that said, I wonder if weaponized hypnosis could work. If anyone seemed to operate that way, Sirhan Sirhan seemed to. Fascinating topic.


      Do some remedial reading on the subject.  Trump is actually quite the stage hypnotist, and he has, obviously, succeeded in establishing an obedient, devoted cult. 

      They hear and obey their Great Leader.

     He can make them believe absurdities and even commit atrocities, as we have seen.  Under the bright lights on stage, he incites strong emotion in the mob-- mostly fear, anger, and derision-- then implants the suggestion that he alone can keep the cult safe and prosperous in exchange for obedience.

      But this thread is not really about Trump.  I only mentioned Trump in relation to Estabrooks' scholarly, contemporaneous insights about Hitler in 1943.

      The crucial point about Estabrooks is that he was, evidently, the Godfather of Manchurian candidate protocols used by MK-ULTRA, and possibly the ONI.


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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Do some remedial reading on the subject.  Trump is actually quite the stage hypnotist, and he has, obviously, succeeded in establishing an obedient, devoted cult. 

      They hear and obey their Great Leader.

     He can make them believe absurdities and even commit atrocities, as we have seen.  Under the bright lights on stage, he incites strong emotion in the mob-- mostly fear, anger, and derision-- then implants the suggestion that he alone can keep the cult safe and prosperous in exchange for obedience.

      But this thread is not really about Trump.  I only mentioned Trump in relation to Estabrooks' scholarly, contemporaneous insights about Hitler in 1943.

      The crucial point about Estabrooks is that he was, evidently, the Godfather of Manchurian candidate protocols used by MK-ULTRA, and possibly the ONI.


On weaponized hypnosis: 

But if this is possible, would not some documented successful cases have emerged by now?  

I assume some other nations would pursue this also.  

Are there case studies wherein weaponized hypnosis has failed, but which are illustrative? 



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

On weaponized hypnosis: 

But if this is possible, would not some documented successful cases have emerged by now?  

I assume some other nations would pursue this also.  

Are there case studies wherein weaponized hypnosis has failed, but which are illustrative?

Good question.  I haven't studied the two Gerald Ford assassination attempts in any detail, or the George Wallace/Bremer case, which prevented Wallace from siphoning critical votes from Nixon.

I also wonder about the John Hinckley, Jr. case, which, if successful, would have put "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" in the Oval Office.

The Sirhan case seems to offer the clearest evidence of Manchurian candidate programming, to my knowledge.

I also wonder about Oswald, in relation to Estabrooks' 1943 description of programming counterintelligence spies with amnestic pro-communist alters.

Estabrooks even referred to using his protocol on a Marine.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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If Estabrooks publicly suspected Oswald and Ruby were hypnotized his professional opinion is certainly worth consideration.  It seems he was the top researcher at the inception of such possibilities.  Military use was his top priority advising the OSS in the1940's.  He worked with the CIA in the 50's.  Might he have still been knowledgeable if not involved in 1963?  He was 68 at the time.

The following article is interesting as well as the first 9 minute video.

George Estabrooks, EVIL Freemason Godfather of MKUltra: Creating Dr. Jekyll’s/Mr. Hydes Became a Reality (Sadistic Pedophiles Programming Children) – Brutal Proof   

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10 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Good question.  I haven't studied the two Gerald Ford assassination attempts in any detail, or the George Wallace/Bremer case, which prevented Wallace from siphoning critical votes from Nixon.

I also wonder about the John Hinckley, Jr. case, which, if successful, would have put "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" in the Oval Office.

The Sirhan case seems to offer the clearest evidence of Manchurian candidate programming, to my knowledge.

I also wonder about Oswald, in relation to Estabrooks' 1943 description of programming counterintelligence spies with amnestic pro-communist alters.

Estabrooks even referred to using his protocol on a Marine.

George Bush Sr. didn't need to assassinate Reagan. Bush was already running foreign, military and covert policies. A fascinating, but little-told story. Reagan was more or less on board with the GOP-Deep State agenda anyway (when awake). 

I suspect Sirhan was programmed. But a suspicion is not a conviction. 

BTW, I have my tin-foil hat on, and I am awaiting the next instruction-signals from Trump Tower in New York. 



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Really Ben?  Who the xxxx was George Estabrooks?  How does he tie into Bluebird, Artichoke and Ultra?  Gottlieb, West and Bryan?  GHWB probably well knew about GE and likely Sidney personally as Director in 1975.  As William mentioned, read up a bit.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

If Estabrooks publicly suspected Oswald and Ruby were hypnotized his professional opinion is certainly worth consideration.  It seems he was the top researcher at the inception of such possibilities.  Military use was his top priority advising the OSS in the1940's.  He worked with the CIA in the 50's.  Might he have still been knowledgeable if not involved in 1963?  He was 68 at the time.

The following article is interesting as well as the first 9 minute video.

George Estabrooks, EVIL Freemason Godfather of MKUltra: Creating Dr. Jekyll’s/Mr. Hydes Became a Reality (Sadistic Pedophiles Programming Children) – Brutal Proof   


   Thanks for posting this.  I've discovered a few references about Estabrooks this week, but I hadn't seen this one.

    It's the first I've heard about Estabrooks' contact with J. Edgar Hoover, and his comments about Oswald and Ruby.

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Dr Daniel P Brown talks about the tests he conducted on Sirhan Sirhan. He also mentions Sirhan taking a self-hypnosis course with the Rosicrucians and his unusual stay on hospital. The DR also mentions Estabrooks, specifically. It's a very interesting watch. Seems compelling. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Cheers Chris, 'The Real Manchurian Candidate' vid is full of interesting info, much of it covered in 'A Lie Too Big To Fail'.  As this thread looks at MK/Ultra & CIA links to Sirhan, it is also interesting the mention of "Mafia connections left & right".

Dr. Brown mentions Frank Donneroumas alias Henry Ramistella who was Sirhan's handler at Santa Anita & Corona.  Ramistella, a mobster from New Jersey who had been working in California under an alias because as Henry Ramistella he had been banned from most of the racetracks in the country. In addition both Ramistella & Sirhan had links to Corona ranch owner Desi Arnaz (I Love Lucy) a mob-connected entertainer who also had links to Cuban exiles & a known associate of Mickey Cohen.  A Jew, Cohen who practically lived at Santa Anita may well have become aware of the Palestinian.  RFK's Ambassador security guard Cesar had ties to mobster John Alessio, another friend of Mickey Cohen.  We know Cesar was only called to the Ambassador at the last minute to provide 'security' on the evening of June 5th.  Cohen was also friends with Kennedy enemies Carlos Marcello and Jimmy Hoffa.  Even the Ambassador Hotel itself was part owned by organised crime investors.

After the assassination Sirhan's defence lawyer was Grant Cooper who coincidently was also representing mobster Johnny Roselli.  Sirhan's other defence lawyer Russell Parsons was a noted mob attorney who had once been investigated by RFK back in the McClennan Rackets Committee days.  This same Committee in March '59  smelled a rat in the relationship between the LAPD & Mickey Cohen.  Little wonder that Sirhan's original defence team never questioned LAPD's claim that Sirhan shot RFK & never used the autopsy/ballistic/eye-witness evidence in court to challenge the charges.

Like the JFKA the RFK plot has strong indications of elements of intelligence and Mafia involvements. A perfect arrangement for plausible deniability. 

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6 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

After the assassination Sirhan's defence lawyer was Grant Cooper who coincidently was also representing mobster Johnny Roselli.  Sirhan's other defence lawyer Russell Parsons was a noted mob attorney who had once been investigated by RFK back in the McClennan Rackets Committee days.  This same Committee in March '59  smelled a rat in the relationship between the LAPD & Mickey Cohen.  Little wonder that Sirhan's original defence team never questioned LAPD's claim that Sirhan shot RFK & never used the autopsy/ballistic/eye-witness evidence in court to challenge the charges.

This is mind-boggling to me.

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20 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Dr Daniel P Brown talks about the tests he conducted on Sirhan Sirhan. He also mentions Sirhan taking a self-hypnosis course with the Rosicrucians and his unusual stay on hospital. The DR also mentions Estabrooks, specifically. It's a very interesting watch. Seems compelling. 

Wow.  They talk about a lot more than that.  The Master, at the range, radio man at the range, the notebooks written by morse code.  Dr. Brown's persecution, from airline bag searches to IRS audits for years.  This is well worth the hour.  I'd like to listen to it again and take notes.  Thanks for the link.  Listen and learn.

P.S.  The comment about Sirhan tentatively recognizing a photo of Jolyon West is interesting. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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