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The Curious Case of George Estabrooks

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7 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Mark Chapman admits and accepts he killed John Lennon, in that way he differs to Sirhan. Was he a mind control assassin? What was his background? Did the fatal shots come from his gun? 

Chapman's background was weird in that as a low income worker he was able to afford a whole lot of globe trotting, prior to his expensive stalking of Lennon from Hawaii to New York, via Chicago and his New York hotel bills etc.  His world travels involved Russia & China and a strange stay in Lebanon, at the time a sort of war zone in Beirut.  A strange stay for a supposed Christian, when he failed to visit the Holy Land.  Bresler writes in his book that CIA had a base in Beirut, as well as Peter Dale Scott suspecting some programming in Hawaii.  For me, the strangest theory in Lennon's killing has been that of the Dakota doorman Jose Perdomo, who is supposed CIA Bay of Pigs Operation 40 chief.....then there is 'The Catcher in the Rye'.  You plug Lennon with five dum-dum bullet shots, then just take out your Salinger novel.

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"HYPNOSIS COMES OF AGE" by G. H. Estabrooks, PH.D.

Science Digest April, 1971, pp. 44 - 50


This psychologist reminisces about his long career as a hypnotist: how he "programmed" American spies with hypnosis: how he helped businessmen and students with his skills.

Dr. Estabrooks is a Rhodes Scholar. He took his Doctorate at Harvard ('26), and has authored many articles and books on clinical hypnosis and human behavior.

This excerpt details Dr. Estabrooks work with Military intelligence during and after WWII.

....One of the most fascinating but dangerous applications of hypnosis is its use in military intelligence. This is a field with which I am familiar though formulating guide lines for the techniques used by the United States in two world wars.

Communication in war is always a headache. Codes can be broken. A professional spy may or may not stay bought. Your own man may have unquestionable loyalty, but his judgment is always open to question.

The "hypnotic courier," on the other hand, provides a unique solution. I was involved in preparing many subjects for this work during World War II. One successful case involved an Army Service Corps Captain whom we''l call George Smith.

Captain Smith had undergone months of training. He was an excellent subject but did not realize it. I had removed from him, by post-hypnotic suggestion, all recollection of ever having been hypnotized.

First I had the Service Corps call the captain to Washington and tell him they needed a report of the mechanical equipment of Division X headquartered in Tokyo. Smith was ordered to leave by jet next morning, pick up the report and return at once. Consciously, that was all he knew, and it was the story he gave to his wife and friends.

Then I put him under deep hypnosis, and gave him -- orally -- a vital message to be delivered directly on his arrival in Japan to a certain colonel -- let's say his name was Brown -- of military intelligence. Outside of myself, Colonel Brown was the only person who could hypnotize Captain Smith. This is "locking." I performed it by saying to the hypnotized Captain: "Until further orders from me, only Colonel Brown and I can hypnotize you. We will use a signal phrase 'the moon is clear.' Whenever you hear this phrase from Brown or myself you will pass instantly into deep hypnosis." When Captain Smith re-awakened, he had no conscious memory or what happened in trance. All that he was aware of was that he must head for Tokyo to pick up a division report.

On arrival there, Smith reported to Brown, who hypnotized him with the signal phrase. Under hypnosis, Smith delivered my message and received one to bring back. Awakened, he was given the division report and returned home by jet. There I hypnotized him once more with the signal phrase, and he spieled off Brown's answer that had been dutifully tucked away in his unconscious mind.

The system is virtually foolproof. As exemplified by this case, the information was "locked" in Smith's unconscious for retrieval by the only two people who knew the combination. The subject had no conscious memory of what happened, so could not spill the beans. No one else could hypnotize him even iv they might know the signal phrase.

Not all applications of hypnotism to military intelligence are a tidy as that. Perhaps you have read _The Three Faces of Eve.__ The book was based on a case reported in 1905 by Dr. Morton Prince of Massachusetts general Hospital and Harvard. he startled everyone in the field by announcing that he had cured a woman named Beauchamp of a split personality problem. Using post-hypnotic suggestion to submerge an incompatible, childlike facet of the patient, he'd been able to make two other sides of Mrs. Beauchamp compatible, and lump them together in a single cohesive personality. Clinical hypnotists throughout the world jumped on the multiple personality bandwagon as a fascinating frontier. By the 1920's, not only had they learned to apply post-hypnotic suggestion to deal with this weird problem, but also had learned how to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes.

The potential for military intelligence has been nightmarish. During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I'll call Jones. Under the watchful eye of Marine Intelligence I spilt his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a "normal" working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on the plot) and became a car-carrying party member.

The joker was Jones B, the second personality, formerly apparent in the conscious Marine. Under hypnosis, this Jones had been carefully coached by suggestion. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American, and was "imprinted" to say nothing during conscious phases.

All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully for months with this subject, but the technique backfired. While there was no way for an enemy to expose Jones' dual personality, they suspected it and played the same trick on us later.

The use of "waking hypnosis" in counter intelligence during World War II occasionally became so involved that it taxed even my credulity. Among the most complicated ploys used was the practice of sending perfectly normal, wide awake agent into enemy camp, after he'd been carefully coached in waking hypnosis to _act_ the part of a potential hypnotism subject. Trained in auto-suggestion, or self-hypnosis, such a subject can pass every test used to spot a hypnotized person. Using it, he can control the rate of his heartbeat, anesthetize himself to a degree against pain of electric shock or torture.

In the case of an officer we'll call Cox, this carefully prepared counterspy was given a title to indicate he had access to top priority information. He was planted in an international cafe in a border country where it was certain there would be enemy agents. He talked too much, drank a lot, made friends with local girls, and pretended a childish interest in hypnotism. The hope was that he would blunder into a situation where enemy agents would kidnap him and try to hypnotize him, in order to extract information from him.

Cox worked so well that they fell for the trick. he never allowed himself to be hypnotized during seances. While pretending to be a hypnotized subject of the foe, he was gathering and feeding back information.

Eventually, Cox did get caught, when he was followed to an information "drop." And this international group plays rough. The enemy offered him a "ride" at gunpoint. There were four men in the vehicle. Cox watched for a chance, and found it when the car skirted a ravine. he leaped for the wheel, twisted it, and over the edge they went. Two of his guards were killed in the crash. In the ensuing scramble, he got hold of another man's gun, liquidated the remaining two, then hobbled across the border with nothing worse than a broken leg.

So much for the dark side....."



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     This is the Estabrooks' hypnosis protocol I've been writing about here in relation to Lee Harvey Oswald during the past week.   I've been wondering if Angleton possibly consulted with Estabrooks for help with his false defector program.

     Estabrooks, allegedly, pitched his theories to the U.S. War Department during WWII, and was warmly welcomed.

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30 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Of course, in science, one looks for verifiable, replicable experiments. 

If you look deep many people died to verify the results of the experiments.  From the US, Germany, Japan and elsewhere.  Angola was one source of test subjects. 

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

If you look deep many people died to verify the results of the experiments.  From the US, Germany, Japan and elsewhere.  Angola was one source of test subjects. 

I tried to reach Alan Scheflin, to get the documents regarding successful Manchurian programs (as mentioned in the Manchurian video). 

My next step to contact Dr. Brown and ask him if he has contact info on Scheflin. 




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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     This is the Estabrooks' hypnosis protocol I've been writing about here in relation to Lee Harvey Oswald during the past week.   I've been wondering if Angleton possibly consulted with Estabrooks for help with his false defector program.

     Estabrooks, allegedly, pitched his theories to the U.S. War Department during WWII, and was warmly welcomed.

Hi William,

FYI I am not looking to steal your limelight here. I am very grateful to you for starting the thread, and to your friend for recommending the book to you. I haven't had time to read the Estabrooks book as yet. Given most people won't have the motivation to read it, it might help to post a series of passages or quotes that will work as enticers. Just my thoughts anyway. 

Regarding your point; I think we have to open our minds to the idea that this powerful tool could have been used multiple times and not just in assassinations or with sheep dipped defectors. What would stop the method being used on political candidates, or even suicide bombers? Mark Chapman & Timothy McVeigh interest me. Perhaps each and every instance of these peculiar happenings should be looked at in a new light. Huey Long is the strangest one but, it seems before the time when such methods have been refined. It occurred to me that this may be another reason why Oswald's files were hidden / destroyed. The idea of "sealing" during hypnotism is fascinating and frightening. These CIA training facilities where they trained assassins, what else did they go through besides the weapons work? 

What did you think of the psychiatrist in the video that had worked with Sirhan? Is he credible? I have watched twice, it doesn't appear as if he is lying.

I do have some thoughts on your initial post regarding your comments on Trump & the Third Reich leader. I have been studying mass psychosis and the art of conversion. I think what Mr H and other politicians and parties do is put their audiences in a psychosis, where their critical thinking and ability to logic is paralysed, they just nod and obey. We've all seen the eerie crowds glassy eyed repeating slogans. The psychosis is brought on by waves of fear. They follow the leader who they perceive to be the solution. This could amply explain religious conversion, the ducking of witches, cult behaviour and the instinctive, animalistic behaviour in genocides. Hitler had his rallies late at night as his audience would be tired and their minds would be in a more suggestible state. Your TV puts your brain in a suggestible state. IMHO there are two essential pieces of reading on this; Joost Meerloo's "Rape of the mind" and William Sargeant's "Battle for the mind: A physiology of conversion and brainwashing." The latter was the book that Aldous Huxley referenced when he made his bold predictions for the future. 

Does Estabrooks mention who his mentors were? Did the Paperclip scientists collaborate? 

In conclusion, it's almost impossible to believe that if such tools were available, that they wouldn't be used on Oswald. 


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     As I mentioned above, Estabrooks had a very scholarly grasp of the 19th and early 20th century scientific literature on hypnosis, going back to the seminal work of Bernheim, and the landmark observations of MPD by Morton Prince at Harvard.  Estabrooks received a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, and was also a Rhodes scholar.  (He studied with a prominent British psychologist at Oxford whose name escapes me at the moment.)  His 1943 textbook, Hypnosis, is impressively erudite, and also presents detailed clinical cases.

    Among Estabrooks' many observations in the textbook are his descriptions of Hitler's apparent use of stage hypnosis techniques.  (I read elsewhere that Hitler had actually been coached by a well known stage hypnotist in Germany.)

    He also described his Jones A/Jones B hypnosis espionage protocol, (above) and his "Manchurian candidate" protocol-- in 1943!

   My hunch is that the U.S. military (and, later, the CIA) didn't want publicity for Estabrooks' writings and methods, for the same reason that the later film, The Manchurian Candidate, was banned in the U.S.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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34 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     As I mentioned above, Estabrooks had a very scholarly grasp of the 19th and early 20th century scientific literature on hypnosis, going back to the seminal work of Bernheim, and the landmark observations of MPD by Morton Prince at Harvard.  Estabrooks received a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, and was also a Rhodes scholar.  (He studied with a prominent British psychologist at Oxford whose name escapes me at the moment.)  His 1943 textbook, Hypnosis, is impressively erudite, and also presents detailed clinical cases.

    Among Estabrooks' many observations in the textbook are his descriptions of Hitler's apparent use of stage hypnosis techniques.  (I read elsewhere that Hitler had actually been coached by a well known stage hypnotist in Germany.)

    He also described his Jones A/Jones B hypnosis espionage protocol, (above) and his "Manchurian candidate" protocol-- in 1943!

   My hunch is that the U.S. military (and, later, the CIA) didn't want publicity for Estabrooks' writings and methods, for the same reason that the later film, The Manchurian Candidate, was banned in the U.S.

Thanks, William. I’ll comment further when I get through the book. 

I can see why the govt would want zero publicity. Did Frankenheimer ever publicly state what is inspiration was for the Manchurian Candidate? I can see there were various print editions; were they amended at all?  

Did you have any comments or opinion on Dr Daniel Brown? 


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5 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Thanks, William. I’ll comment further when I get through the book. 

I can see why the govt would want zero publicity. Did Frankenheimer ever publicly state what is inspiration was for the Manchurian Candidate? I can see there were various print editions; were they amended at all?  

Did you have any comments or opinion on Dr Daniel Brown? 



Dr. Daniel Brown is a top notch forensic psychologist, and his work on the Sirhan case is extremely impressive.  I didn't know about his discovery of Sirhan's "automatic" Morse Code transcriptions!

(I never met Brown when I was a medical student at Harvard back in the day, probably because there are several different hospital-based psychiatry departments affiliated with HMS.)

Obviously, Sirhan's parole board hasn't understood, or wanted to understand, the significance of Brown's discoveries.

I had read about Brown's discovery of Sirhan's "range mode" hypnotic programming a few years ago, but I had never watched Shane O'Sullivan's terrific "Manchurian Candidate" film until today.  Thanks for posting this.

I noticed in the film that Brown seemed quite familiar with the history of U.S. military/intel hypnosis ops, beginning in the 1940s, and with Dr. George Estabrooks' theories about the potential for hypnotic programming of assassins (even mentioning Estabrooks by name at the 47:00 minute mark.)

It was also disturbing to hear about Brown's systematic harassment by the U.S. government.

As for the story of Condon's novel and the film of The Manchurian Candidate, I need to do some remedial reading.

I just received a mail order copy of John Marks' 1978 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, which I intend to read later this week.

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What Brown got out of Sirhan is incredible.  Tap tap on the arm by the busty woman he was infatuated with, then a sharp pinch and a turn toward RFK entering the room.  Range Mode, with blanks.

Someone else firing another gun.  Brown Should have been allowed to tape this.

Harris and Newsome should be confronted with the video on 60 Minutes.  That will happen in la la land.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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13 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Dr. Daniel Brown is a top notch forensic psychologist, and his work on the Sirhan case is extremely impressive.  I didn't know about his discovery of Sirhan's "automatic" Morse Code transcriptions!

(I never met Brown when I was a medical student at Harvard back in the day, probably because there are several different hospital-based psychiatry departments affiliated with HMS.)

Obviously, Sirhan's parole board hasn't understood, or wanted to understand, the significance of Brown's discoveries.

I had read about Brown's discovery of Sirhan's "range mode" hypnotic programming a few years ago, but I had never watched Shane O'Sullivan's terrific "Manchurian Candidate" film until today.  Thanks for posting this.

I noticed in the film that Brown seemed quite familiar with the history of U.S. military/intel hypnosis ops, beginning in the 1940s, and with Dr. George Estabrooks' theories about the potential for hypnotic programming of assassins (even mentioning Estabrooks by name at the 47:00 minute mark.)

It was also disturbing to hear about Brown's systematic harassment by the U.S. government.

As for the story of Condon's novel and the film of The Manchurian Candidate, I need to do some remedial reading.

I just received a mail order copy of John Marks' 1978 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, which I intend to read later this week.

Hi William,

Marks' book is worth a read. I'd read most of the Sidney Gottlieb stuff in "Poisoner in chief" by Stephen Ganzer, as well as a lot of the Frank Olsen LSD drama, which now seems like he may have been thrown from the window, as opposed to having jumped. I found the John Gittinger PAS passages very interesting indeed. Hypnosis is covered in chapter 11, whilst it is admitted that a Manchurian Candidate is possible, it's played down in terms of reliability or consistency. Gittinger himself says he wasn't witness to the tests and it is suggested that if it was perfected, they wouldn't know. Morse Allen is a very interesting character who perhaps warrants more investigation. There are two or three parts where you'll immediately think of Oswald. I'll leave those as surprises for you. 

Brown's discussion on Sirhan's reflexes are very spooky indeed. I can see why the prison is blocking video in interviews. 


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The brave, courageous and very often great personal time, effort and even expense sacrifice truth seeking effort by thousands of concerned and dedicated Americans and even those in other countries, into the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations (  and always against constant powerful and organized resistance and even personal risks to those most committed to this effort ) has produced this incredibly important side benefit.

This righteous truth and justice seeking effort journey ( all self-motivated ) has led us to discover quite unexpectedly truly ominous dark secret doors and rooms that when opened reveal a substantially powerful and influential nefarious group world outside of and unchecked by our elected government.

And whose agendas and activities sometimes violated basic human rights and even constitutional law beyond our every day average citizen sense of normal and moral reality and imagination.

This thread's content is just one of those dark secret doings we have uncovered and exposed. Truly frightening stuff.

Through the JFK assassination research effort we have also discovered the true depth of power corruption in this country during and after the JFK, MLK and RFK events.

Secret agendas and actions by no constitutional oversight secret groups. Extremely powerful and well funded beyond our belief. The agencies? JFK and RFK adversaries. JFK wanted to scatter them to the winds.

Of course organized crime, especially their working with these secret agencies with mutual agendas.  Wild Bill Harvey respected Mafioso Johnny Roselli ( he has my back ) more that anyone connected to JFK and RFK?

Corporate interests. LBJ friendly and generous with big government contracts.

Main stream media corruption at the highest levels with planted journalists and editors and owners.

Texas oil ( wealthiest men on Earth at that time) and also tight ( Murchison's Del Charro motel )with organized crime.

Huge funding of the most extreme right wing JFK hating groups such as the JBS and the Minute Men?

Hoover and organized crime?

LBJ and his personal shady business doings and his association with the "real" king of Texas Ed Clark.

JFK and RFK hating segregationist groups with loads of money and influence and widespread support through large membership citizen groups...millions of Americans! White Council and the KKK?

Hot headed JFK hating Cubans who probably cheered when they heard of his death.

Even military corruption. Chief of staff generals who hated JFK for putting them into their places when they tried to bully or intimidate him with agendas and opinions that rattled JFK's senses of their own sanity.

One great truth we have discovered in this JFK truth seeking effort with no doubt now is how much more corrupted we ( America ) were in JFK's time and well beyond.

By nefarious wealthy and powerful groups ( outside of our elected government ) who exerted more control over our lives than we ever dared imagine.

JFK, MLK and RFK were all done in by this massive multi-tentacled corruption alliance in it's entirety, imo anyway. 

Dark, dark room and agenda discoveries for sure.

Eisenhower in his final MIC speech was trying to inform us about this reality to the extent of the ever growing corporate influence state versus a common good, average citizen rights defending one our forefathers sought.

Don't you think?

Thank goodness for our intrepid life long dedicated and sacrificing JFK truth seeking heroes.

Besides their JFK truth discoveries, they've gifted us with much more than we ever knew or imagined regards digging up and shining light on the true "dark agenda" history and state of our country, how it has hurt us as a nation and society and the probable make up of these most powerful nefarious influences in our lives since 11,22,1963.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

The brave, courageous and very often great personal time, effort and even expense sacrifice truth seeking effort by thousands of concerned and dedicated Americans and even those in other countries, into the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations (  and always against constant powerful and organized resistance and even personal risks to those most committed to this effort ) has produced this incredibly important side benefit.

This righteous truth and justice seeking effort journey ( all self-motivated ) has led us to discover quite unexpectedly truly ominous even frightening dark secret hiding passage ways, doors, rooms, files and vaults that when opened reveal a substantially powerful and influential world of constitutional democracy and human rights violation activities by nefarious groups outside of our elected government and not just what we thought was an honest, safe and open common good system of citizen representation and power checks and balances but also beyond our every day sense of reality and imagination.

This thread's content is just one of those dark secret doings we have uncovered and exposed. Truly frightening stuff.

Through the JFK assassination research effort we have also discovered the true depth of power corruption in this country during and after the JFK, MLK and RFK events.

Secret agendas and actions by no constitutional oversight secret groups. Extremely powerful and well funded beyond our belief. The agencies? JFK and RFK adversaries. JFK wanted to scatter them to the winds.

Of course organized crime, especially their working with these secret agencies with mutual agendas.  Wild Bill Harvey respected Mafioso Johnny Roselli ( he has my back ) more that anyone connected to JFK and RFK?

Corporate interests. LBJ friendly and generous with big government contracts.

Main stream media corruption at the highest levels with planted journalists and editors and owners.

Texas oil ( wealthiest men on Earth at that time) and also tight ( Murchison's Del Charro motel )with organized crime.

Huge funding of the most extreme right wing JFK hating groups such as the JBS and the Minute Men?

Hoover and organized crime?

LBJ and his personal shady business doings and his association with the "real" king of Texas Ed Clark.

JFK and RFK hating segregationist groups with loads of money and influence and widespread support through large membership citizen groups...millions of Americans! White Council and the KKK?

Hot headed JFK hating Cubans who probably cheered when they heard of his death.

Even military corruption. Chief of staff generals who hated JFK for putting them into their places when they tried to bully or intimidate him with agendas and opinions that rattled JFK's senses of their own sanity.

One great truth we have discovered in this JFK truth seeking effort with no doubt now is how much more corrupted we ( America ) was in JFK's time and well beyond.

By nefarious wealthy and powerful groups ( outside of our elected government ) who exerted more control over our lives than we ever dared imagine.

JFK, MLK and RFK were all done in by this massive multi-tentacle corruption alliance in it's entirety, imo anyway. 

Dark, dark room and agenda discoveries for sure.

Eisenhower in his final MIC speech was trying to inform us about this reality to the extent of the ever growing corporate influence state versus a common good, average citizen rights defending one our forefathers sought.

Don't you think?

Thank goodness for our intrepid life long dedicated and sacrificing JFK truth seeking heroes.

They've gifted us with much more than we ever knew or imagined regards the true state of our country and who has been of the most powerful nefarious and damaging influences in our lives since 11,22,1963.




Well said @Joe Bauer 👏🏼

Watching Dr Daniel Brown say that he thought we had something worth fighting for and that he wants it back, was so moving, it choked me up.

No matter how insurmountable a task seems, or how great the foe is; it’s so inspiring to hear someone speak out against power about injustices. The burning light that is some resemblance of democracy still burns, just about. 

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I post this for information purposes. Not suggesting anything.


Sirhan Says He Killed Kennedy to Protect Palestinians

GARY LANGERFebruary 20, 1989

NEW YORK (AP) _ Sirhan Sirhan, in his first television interview, likened his assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy to a Jew killing Adolf Hitler, but went on to apologize repeatedly for the 1968 slaying.


Sirhan, who comes up for parole in May, called Kennedy his hero in the hourlong interview, which was shown to reporters Sunday and will be broadcast later this week. But he said he felt betrayed by Kennedy’s support for Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.


When Kennedy gave a speech favoring the provision of U.S. fighter jets to Israel, ″that seemed as though it were a betrayal,″ said Sirhan, a Jordanian immigrant.

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