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David Lifton- the start of this video will shock you

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Great cut @Vince Palamara

People should have plenty of comments .... 

...and the video is dead with 20 views and no one cares LOL!! It seems people enjoy the Oswald-did-it arguing more. Strange.

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8 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

...and the video is dead with 20 views and no one cares LOL!! It seems people enjoy the Oswald-did-it arguing more. Strange.

If you can be bothered, post the transcripts, that might help on a forum. Also paste it in the commentary of other youtube vids and a link. Same on reddit. And FB groups. I am sure it will get around. Who can think that’s all a coincidence? 🙈

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9 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

You would think haha! It seems everyone is fascinated with Doudna trying to say Oswald acted alone LOL

I don’t understand “lone nutters” unless they are being paid to argue that side, or they have such a trust in government, they just won’t look or consider any evidence that shatters their view. It can be that they just started to argue it at one time and have a character flaw where they can’t concede they are wrong, you have to have a huge ego to be like that, these people do exist. It can be that they think with the emotional part of the brain (which is older in our evolution and the default), and not the rational/logical part. 🤷‍♂️ 

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9 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I don’t understand “lone nutters” unless they are being paid to argue that side, or they have such a trust in government, they just won’t look or consider any evidence that shatters their view. It can be that they just started to argue it at one time and have a character flaw where they can’t concede they are wrong, you have to have a huge ego to be like that, these people do exist. It can be that they think with the emotional part of the brain (which is older in our evolution and the default), and not the rational/logical part. 🤷‍♂️ 

 Well said!

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Nice set of clips. 

I  believe there were at least two gunman 11/22.

But one also has to expect some earnest garbled explanations early on.




I believe there are at least 3.Left & right front and from the rear of JFK.

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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I don’t understand “lone nutters” unless they are being paid to argue that side, or they have such a trust in government, they just won’t look or consider any evidence that shatters their view.

Ditto.  Ditto in the extreme.  The current crop is aptly described.

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But one also has to expect some earnest garbled explanations early on.

I too think this.  However, how does one decide whether is early on garbled information or the truth.  It is reported as if it is the truth.  So, much for that nowadays and perhaps just so in the past. 

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There is so much more first hand early evidence for a frontal than a rear shot. There were though many witnesses that thought they heard shots from the building too. I think echoes might account for that. But it is logical to assume that shots came from at least two places military ambush style.

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I like your latest collages Vince, but honestly I've seen all the clips before except in this one where I don't recall Robert Mac Neal quite so graphically explaining JFK's head wounds. Obviously there is expected to be a lot of confusion at the beginning.

Much has been speculated about O'Neill backing off on his conspiracy notions. But in this clip a few years back he accounts the events of the day as a young reporter very descriptively and there's a little apertif   for the prayer man people in the end. The guy does quite a job of recounting a lot of detail.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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