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New podcast on my books POLITICAL TRUTH and INTO THE NIGHTMARE

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Joseph - in the introduction to POLITICAL TRUTH you mention in some detail your concerns about the official 9/11 story, and how it's a 'third rail' for the mainstream media, who don't want to go near the topic.

I agree and note in passing that this puts you into the category - I think about half of them fit the mold - of JFK researchers who openly question the official story of 9/11. Joan Mellen, Peter Dale Scott and a handful of others have also put their names to articles and books questioning the official story of that event. Doug Horne went the opposite route and spent a coulple of pages at the end of his multi-volume series attacking people who questioned the official narrative.

Have you ever thought of writing a book on that subject? Not the easiest of tasks, obviously.

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Thanks for the question, Anthony. I recommend the many

authoritative books on 9/11 by David Ray Griffin, as well

as the works of Peter Dale Scott. In POLITICAL TRUTH, I deal with

and attempt to summarize what I see as the arc of American history from 1960

to November 22, 1963, and up to January 6, 2021, and beyond. The book

was published in December 2021, and the January 6 hearings

make it even more timely. 


Along the way, I discuss the impact of such upheavals as Vietnam, Watergate, Iran/contra, the Gulf War, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 9/11. I show

how the the successful coup of 1963 and its continuing

coverup by the government and the mainstream media

helped lead inexorably to the failed coup attempt of January 6.

To borrow the remark attributed to the Duke of Wellington about the Battle of Watterloo, that was "a damn close-run thing."


In POLITICAL TRUTH, I study, among other things, the Orwellian denial of coups

by the mainstream media. Orwell's classic essay "Politics and the

English Language" (available online) is a key text for understanding

our world today. And now I note that even the

Washington Post is having to call Trump's coup attempt

for what it was (and, as others have said,

his attempt is still ongoing), but hell will freeze over before the Post and the New

York Times will tell the truth about the coup of 1963.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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Thanks Joseph. I will read POLITICAL TRUTH soon.

I have all of Griffin's books on that subject (except his very last one), as well as Scott's three volumes from 2007 onwards that go over the topic, along with 20 or more other volumes in the same vein, some better than others. Rob Couteau has read my unpublished essay on the event, which covered around 10,000 words that were cut from my essay at the end of COUP IN DALLAS going through the 70's, 80's and 90's looking at various gatherings and participants. More thoughtful books on the subject would be good to see, as I believe there haven't been any particularly useful new books on the topic for a while.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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