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Hickey might have fired his AR15 -- members survey.

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On 1/6/2023 at 11:23 PM, David Andrews said:

Produced after the late 1991 release of the Oliver Stone movie.  If the video's heavy handed, the song has the ecstatic rush that goes with kicking major ass.

@1:49 - suggestion of two Oswalds.

Still doesn't beat the Professor Brothers.. 


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If u have a close look at my gif u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif -- the photo (link below) below is from the gif, & shows Hickey holding the AR15 in both hands.  It also shows Roberts (in the front passenger seat) sticking his head up & telling Hickey to be careful with the AR15. The gifs start at Z459 which is 8.0 seconds after Z313.


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4 hours ago, Evan Marshall said:

Nonsense. I've shot thousands of rounds out of AR-15's. M-16's, and M4's and the round never landed in my lap though I did once get a hot 5.56 case between me and my body armor in the middle of a drug raid that left me with a nifty scar! 

Hickey fired the AR15 & the hot empty casings would have landed on Bennett. I think that a modern AR15 would have more power & might have ejected the casings/shells out onto the pavement, except that Landis was standing on the running rail & might have blocked them. So, Bennett would have picked up the 4 or 5 or 6 shells -- did he put them in his own pocket or did he give them to Hickey -- i think Hickey had them in his pocket -- the stink of burnt gunpowder at the hospital suggests that Hickey had the shells in his pocket (unless an AR15 can stink that much).

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Have you ever shot an AR-15? Have you watched were your brass lands? Everybody is an expert on the subject of gunfighting until they actually shot at or their X-Box breaks.

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14 minutes ago, Evan Marshall said:

Have you ever shot an AR-15? Have you watched were your brass lands? Everybody is an expert on the subject of gunfighting until they actually shot at or their X-Box breaks.

Do u think that Hickey's shell would have landed in the street?

What are your thorts re a hollowpoint AR15 making the dent in the chrome strip?

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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

This gentleman has been posting the Hickey theory in the JFK Assassination Forum for some time now. I have pointed out most of the same problems with the theory in that forum that others have pointed out in this thread. 

Problems raised by u & others have all been answered by myself (& others).

Name one problem (or lots) & i will answer within seconds.

Best leave witness statements out of this -- but i can  answer if u insist.

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I made a closeup gif of Hickey (links below)(fast)(slow), as can be seen he is holding the AR15 through the whole giff.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Columbo:  There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up, sir. Nothing important you understand.  Actually, so far, sir, we don’t have a thing.
Hickey:  Well, that’s heartening.
Columbo:  Officially, that is.
Hickey:  And unofficially?
Columbo:  Unofficially, we don’t have anything either.
Hickey:  So, when did you first suspect me?
Columbo: As it happens, sir… the first time i read the report.
Hickey: That can’t be possible.
Columbo:  Well sir, little things bother me.  Like when i was looking for the tests done on your AR15, & the bullets.  Especially your sworn witness testimony, sir.
Hickey:  There were no tests, & i wasn’t called as a witness.
Columbo:  Yes, that's what i mean sir.  It's just one of those things that got in my head and kept rolling around in there like a marble
Columbo:  My wife was a great fan of JFK sir.
Hickey:  Well, tell her it was just rotten luck.
Columbo:  Yes sir, u were just doing your job.

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Here (in the pix in the link  below ) JFK is holding they said an M16 (i am fairly sure that there was no such thing as an M16 in 1963) which is the military version of the AR15 that killed him (in 1963 only the AR15 existed).

I reckon that it is an AR15 601.  1000 were sent to Vietnam for use by the Vietnamese. The M16 version came later.

We know that the Secret Service got their AR15 from the USAF (just the one i think)(the USAF got 8500).

I reckon that the AR15 that JFK is holding is the one that was kept for use by his Secret Service.

I reckon that JFK is holding the AR15 that killed him 7 months later.

That 601 model had a slamfire problem where the AR15 would accidentally fire during loading or cocking or if bumped or something.  The next model the 602 solved that by taking 2gm off the firing pin.


The Secret Service did the correct thing when they retired their new AR15 after only one day's use. That model was murder. Menninger (Mortal Error) said...

"……….It is possible Kennedy himself was responsible for ensuring the new weapon ended up in the hands of his protection detail. It is even conceivable the rifle shown in the president’s hands was the one Hickey carried in Dealey Plaza……"




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On 8/17/2022 at 5:05 AM, Chris Davidson said:


Holland would have seen smoke from the autoburst & might have later remembered it as being in the trees.



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We can add Bill Newman to the list of witnesses who mentioned Hickey holding his AR15 before Z313 (the headshot).

[18:20][Bill Newman] 
………. Well i want to tell u a little trivia if i may…. i recall seeing people with what i want to call a Thompson sub machine gun…. or some type of a rifle about so long [shows about 3ft]…. & it  seemed like it came from the car that was following…. it seemed like they reached behind like the cab of the ? convertible…. u know, they reached into there & came out with a weapon & ran up the grassy knoll…. U FEEL U SAW THIS?.... yes…. but nowhere has this been proved that i'm aware of…. but i had.. i told this to people…. & its been said that the secret service didn’t leave the car…. so maybe it was some other branch of law enforcement…. but i recall what i think…. was about 30yrs ago…. but i recall seeing someone run up the u know with firearms & not a pistol…. something other than a pistol…………….
Bill then mentions the JFK limo slowing… & then mentions a SSA climbing aboard the JFK limo…. & the JFK limo accelerating away.

Bill Newman has clearly erred re a SSA or two running up to the grassy knoll with a machine gun. 
But the main thing arising from his wordage is that at least one SSA in Queen Mary picked up a machine gun or similar.
And, clearly, he infers that this picking up of a machine gun happened early on in the saga.  This makes sense. Early on, Bill would be able to see the JFK limo & Queen Mary both approaching – whereas at about Z313 Bill would be looking at JFK, hence Queen Mary (the followup car) & Hickey would be out of his view (ie too far left) -- & after Z313 the JFK limo accelerates ahead leaving Queen Mary momentarily a long long way behind (the Bell film shows Queen Mary  3 lengths behind ie 62ft behind (clear)(ie 62ft of daylite) at Z419 which is 5.8 seconds after Z313), so, once again, Bill would not notice Hickey for the first few seconds after Z313 while Bill was focused on JFK, koz Queen Mary is being left well behind.

Bill says that nowhere has this been proved.
Here he probably means that there has been no official mention of a machine gun or machine guns on the grassy knoll.
However, we all know that the existence of or the picking up of an AR15 (or machine gun)(or rifle) by Hickey (or others) was mentioned by a number of witnesses in a number of official sources in November 1963 & in later years.

And we all know that Hickey picked up his AR15 before Z313 koz we all know that SSA Bennett said that after Oswald's shot (this would be Oswald's shot-2 at Z218) Bennett grabbed for the AR15 on the floor & it was not there.  
Anyhow, now we have Bill Newman confirming Bennett's statement re the timing of Hickey picking up his AR15 before Z313 (apart from all of the other such confirmations by others).


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