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So, What about this Conspiracy Business Anyway?

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This is a really interesting and unique article which tries to take on the Big Picture questions about the JFK case.

Namely, do big conspiracies happen, and did the JFK  hit have to be a big conspiracy?

The other question one gets is, well how come no one said anything about it?

Ron Canazzi does a very nice job sketching out those three points and replying to them.  Only at K and K.


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1 hour ago, Charles Blackmon said:

 “Well, you know if we do find out that this is a conspiracy, you know that we have orders from Chief Justice Warren to cover this thing up.” Wow now that is a very interesting quote!

If that quote is true, along with placing JFK adversary Allen Dulles, Eastern establishment poster boy John McCloy, FBI/Hoover spy/tattletale Ford on what was supposed to be a totally independent and non-biased integrity investigation committee what more do you need to know?

I once heard FBI agent James Hosty in a rare radio talk show interview on a mid-western city station discussing and promoting his book" Assignment Oswald" say "we had three of them."

Clearly meaning they ( his employer the FBI ) had 3 of the Warren Commission members in their loop and keeping them informed of the daily, inner workings of the committee.

I could never find that interview again.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Sylvia Odio is and was a really good witness.  (Not sure is she is still around today.)

She also said that after Liebeler told her that, he invited her up to his hotel room and tried to seduce her.

Well, in his defense, she was a pretty good looking girl in those days.

But that tells you a lot also: trying to put the make on one of the very best witnesses you had.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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41 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

[Sylvia Odio] also said that after Liebeler told her that, he invited her up to his hotel room and tried to seduce her.

Well, in his defense, she was a pretty good looking girl in those days.

But that tells you a lot also: trying to put the make on one of the very best witnesses you had.

Just goes to show that Mr. DiEugenio is likely to believe almost anything.

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What is wrong with Watergate, Iran Contra, and the Insurrection, secret radiation experiments, and eugenics and OMG the giant tobacco plot.  Which went on for 70 years.

BTW, this Jan 6th Insurrection inquiry by congress is really something to see.

It is way better than the congressional inquiries into Watergate, the JFK case and Iran Contra. If you have not watched them you should.  I watched all eight of them.

You have a combination of live testimony, taped testimony and film from that day.  Its much better than the  attempted impeachment and much more incriminating.  Those guys did not have Cassady Hutchinson for one. And Cippalone and Herschman are really good also.

They are really exposing what the heck happened that day in a way no one has before.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Just goes to show that Mr. DiEugenio is likely to believe almost anything.

If I recall, Liebeler's misbehavior was reported in Shenon's pro-WC book. It's not just something some CT's made up. 

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When people say to me that no one could’ve kept a secret that long, first thing I ask is: OK, who killed Jimmy Hoffa? And the reality of course is that we have much more information on who killed JFK than who killed Hoffa.

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5 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

If I recall, Liebeler's misbehavior was reported in Shenon's pro-WC book. It's not just something some CT's made up. 

Yes, you're correct, Pat.

The incident involving Wesley Liebeler allegedly attempting to seduce Sylvia Odio is, indeed, mentioned in Philip Shenon's 2013 book, "A Cruel And Shocking Act", pages 416-418.

I, therefore, stand corrected. And I officially apologize to James DiEugenio for my previous rather snippy remark (even though he has me on ignore and probably won't see this post).

I'm curious about something, though, Pat. Does Shenon's book contain any source notes at all? I don't own the book myself, but I was able to read pgs. 416-418 for free at Amazon (a general search for "Odio" while using the "Look Inside" feature enabled me to see those pages), but there are none of the little numbers within the text to indicate any source notes at all. The Table of Contents shows that there are 36 pages of "Notes", however.

The reason I ask is because I'm wondering where Shenon got the direct quotes that he attributes to Sylvia Odio on pages 416 to 418? I suppose Shenon himself must have interviewed Odio, right? (She would have been about 75 or 76 years old when Shenon was writing his book.)

Do you have Shenon's book, Pat? If so, can you check to see if there are any Source Notes connected with those many quotes attributed to Odio on pgs. 416-418? I'm just curious as to the specific source of the quotes. *

* EDIT --- Mark Ulrik, in this later post of his, provided the answer to my question regarding the source for the Sylvia Odio quotes that appear in Philip Shenon's book. Shenon got them from this January 1976 interview with Odio, which was conducted by Gaeton Fonzi. Thank you for the link, Mark. **

** EDIT #2 --- And if I had searched the Shenon/Amazon page for "Page 416" sooner, I could have figured out the Fonzi source a lot quicker, because right there it is:




An even more interesting tidbit of information concerning Warren Commission Assistant Counsel Wesley J. Liebeler (and one that I had not heard about prior to today) is the info about how Liebeler also (allegedly) tried to seduce Marina Oswald (Shenon, pg. 418 ; see the book excerpt pictured below).




Addendum #2....

Related audio with Wesley Liebeler (but this isn't "related" to any alleged sexual advances made by Liebeler; this 1966 audio features Liebeler explaining why he thinks Lee Harvey Oswald did not visit Sylvia Odio's apartment in late September of 1963):



Edited by David Von Pein
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Nice one Allen.

The other thing Ron does well is  the idea of a Big Conspiracy.

Large conspiracies have existed throughout time.  And as he demonstrates, there have likely been larger conspiracies than the JFK case in recent contemporary history: Iran Contra for one.  If that Sandinista teenager with a rocket launcher had not shot the Hasenfus cargo plane out of the sky--with him as the only survivor-- we might have never known about that one at all. Yet that was a huge, sprawling conspiratorial operation that spread halfway around the globe.  And as I said previously, congress never got the worst part of it--the cocaine traffic that the CIA was complicit in.  Which caused an epidemic of crack in many American cities. 

The congressional inquiry into that one was limited by design, and I know this from the late Bob Parry. The idea of another GOP president forced to resign under threat of impeachment , only a bit more than ten years after Nixon, that was just too much for the Beltway Republicans to endure. But in a real criminal prosecution, Reagan would have been indicted and likely convicted, at least for his role in the cover up and also perjury and obstruction of justice.

So when people dismiss the idea of large conspiracies, I mean please. Do you know anything about history, even recent history? How about real recent? Just watch the January 6th hearings for another example.

America is built on the concept of conspiracy.  Its a fact of life.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Mark Ulrik said:

What happened in Dallas: Notes by HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi from his interview with Silvio Odio, January 16,
1976, staff files, HSCA, RIF: 180–10001–10132, NARA.


Thanks for the info, Mark.

Now I know where Shenon got all the Odio quotes. They're from that 1976 interview with Fonzi.


Edited by David Von Pein
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Thanks for that Mark.

BTW Pat, its even worse than that.

The HSCA investigated this angle: Fonzi's memo about good ole Wesley trying to bed Odio.

They came to the conclusion that this was a discrediting device against her.  That somehow, if she agreed to be seduced by Wesley, then she was obviously  some kind of woman of loose morals, and her word should not be trusted in the JFK case.  From what my source told me, even though Odio did not go along with it, they  told Warren she did.  This is how utterly desperate  the WC staff was to get rid of the Odio evidence. 

Anything, and I mean anything,  to cover up what really happened to JFK.


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