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Oswald's alibi

Roger Odisio

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


The problem with the JFKA is there are enough opaque areas that we fill in the blanks with our suppositions. Our suppositions strike ourselves as tremendously insightful and reasonable.  Excellent conjecture!

The next guy reads your supposition and yawns. He has a better supposition. His supposition. 

So it goes....


What a glib dismissal of the possibility of Oswald having a legitimate alibi. 

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2 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:


For sure, there was a rush to judgement after the JFKA, and the federal government was not going to conduct an investigation that found CIA assets had shot the President. 

Unfortunately, witness statements in any murder are often iffy, and sometimes people (CT'ers or LN'ers) rely on witness commentaries made decades after the event. 

LHO was young and lithe and smart. So, he evaded detection going down the stairs. 

The radio message to Air Force 1 may have been repeating what info they had on the ground. We must anticipate earnest mistakes after such an event.

But as I say--just IMHO. You may be right. Or maybe the next guy.

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

For sure, there was a rush to judgement after the JFKA, and the federal government was not going to conduct an investigation that found CIA assets had shot the President. 

Unfortunately, witness statements in any murder are often iffy, and sometimes people (CT'ers or LN'ers) rely on witness commentaries made decades after the event. 

LHO was young and lithe and smart. So, he evaded detection going down the stairs. 

RO:  How?  By jumping out a window?  Making himself invisible?  I've been there but didn't go inside the BD.  DiEugenio did and he says the steps were noisy.  He would have been heard by anyone in the area.  As well as seen by Dorothy Garner, who was still on the 4th floor when Truly and a cop arrived coming up the steps.  Unsupported assertions like this are worse than useless.

The radio message to Air Force 1 may have been repeating what info they had on the ground. We must anticipate earnest mistakes after such an event.

RO:  Point is, they, or the people "on the ground" you reference, could not have known anything about what Oswald had done unless he was the designated patsy to be blamed.  I repeat, the White House situation room was run at the time by McGeorge Bundy because all of the other top White House people were either with JFK in Dallas or on the way to a conference in Hawaii.  The interpretation of the what the message meant to convey--case solved, do not step out of line--is not original with me.  That is from the estimable Vince Salandria.  

But as I say--just IMHO. You may be right. Or maybe the next guy.


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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

LHO was young and lithe and smart. So, he evaded detection going down the stairs. 

B.C. It never happened. A fairy tale, only he didn't live happily ever after.

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4 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

I repeat, the White House situation room was run at the time by McGeorge Bundy

Hi Roger, 

McGeorge Bundy was a member of Skull n Bones at Yale. When, George Demorenschildt died he had George HW Bush's phone number in his pocket. George Bush was also in Skull and Bones around the same time as MacGeorge. MacGeorge's Bonesmen name was Odin and Bush's was MaGog. But as we learned earlier this probably means nothing and is probably not a pattern, like the assassination happening on 11-22, Dallas being on the 33rd degree parallel and Dealey Plaza being an outdoor Masonic Lodge, Secret Societies all have the Masonic Mysteries etc, etc. But as we've learned "just IMHO. you may be right. Or maybe the next guy." lols 

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On 10/3/2022 at 11:00 AM, Matthew Koch said:

Hi Ben, 

I think there are solid grounds to make the case that Oswald was a CIA, FBI, ONI, and possibly Local Police Informant, Asset, Agent or Operative.

He probably was one of those roles for possibly one or maybe even all of the organizations. I think that when Oswald was sitting in that cell he was trying to figure out which one of those groups set him up. But didn't fully know himself. Which is why he may have made the North Carolina phone call in an attempt to try to find out.
 It is very possible that the Walker shooting was either A:
Oswald doing the shooting to get into a group. Similar to how people have to kill or shoot someone before they can join the Mafia or a gang. That could explain if it was Oswald why the shot missed, he was the undercover agent attempting to infiltrate and group which knew he was attempting to infiltrate and that's why he missed it was on purpose. (We have him trying to infiltrate Pro Casro Cubans in N.O under a similar M.O. where he was easily figured out) Or  B:
It could have been an Oswald double and that the shooting was a new phase in the Oswald impersonations (Remember Jeeps were purchased under his name while he was in Russia, causing J. Edgar Hoover to make a note about it) remember the boy who was in the back yard saw two men leave in a Black Car that was similar to the same one reported to be driving around the Grassy Knoll that an officer got into a brief chase with.)

Oswald goes to New Orleans the same time JFK starts issuing NSAMS aka a secret withdrawal from Vietnam. So, I have always looked at this as the beginning of the plot. I have also recently come to learn about the Walker interview he gave in Germany where he shouldn't have know at that time about Oswald doing the shooting. I have always suspected that he was connected to Reinhart Ghelen and that the fascist connection in the case (The New Orleans poopoo that looked like E.Howard Hunt could be Ghelen, Charles Williby and all the Minute men, George Lincoln Rockwell being in Oswalds adress book, could be Operatives from his Ghelen Network. Which would spill into Operation Gladio and even in the USSR, Dulles did the same thing with his organization (Ghelan Network) as Paper Clip because they had operatives in Russia and that could be how Oswald got in the USSR) Reinhart Ghelen is a member of the CIA and Knights of Malta like Allen Dulles. I have always suspected that the Knights of Malta is the group that gave the order to remove the President of the United States. Joe Kennedy was a knight of Malta so they would have looked at what JFK was doing as class treason. Ghelen says in his book that Kennedy was weak and that he thought there were still Nukes in Cuba after the Crisis. He also participated in the failed Valkerie plot. IMO the Order to remove the POTUS came from the secret society people at the upper echelon who run the CIA and Military (Look up the Malta military order membership you will find some very surprising names like James Jesus Angleton)  But who knows that's just more food for thought.. = )


It might be the Skorzeny network too, or maybe they are one and the same. I’ wonder about DeMohrenschildt too.

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7 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:


Roger O.--

Determining how LHO got down the stairs, or anybody else, nearly 60 years after the event....

OK, say LHO was not on the sixth floor. Someone was, and probably two people. 

Multiple witnesses saw a barrel-like object extending from the TSBD during the shooting. Many witnesses inside the TSBD say they heard the shots. Some witnesses saw two people on the sixth floor just prior to the JFKA. 

OK, so how did the two real shooters  get down the stairs without anyone seeing them?  What escape plan did they use? 



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4 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

B.C. It never happened. A fairy tale, only he didn't live happily ever after.

Pete M--

Determining how LHO got down the stairs, or anybody else, nearly 60 years after the event....

OK, say LHO was not on the sixth floor. Someone was, and probably two people. 

Multiple witnesses saw a barrel-like object extending from the TSBD during the shooting. Many witnesses inside the TSBD say they heard the shots. Some witnesses saw two people on the sixth floor just prior to the JFKA. 

OK, so how did the two real shooters  get down the stairs without anyone seeing them?  What escape plan did they use? 

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38 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

It might be the Skorzeny network too, or maybe they are one and the same. I’ wonder about DeMohrenschildt too.

Hi Paul, 

I look forward to talking more about this on a different thread being that it's a little too much of a digression of the thread topic Oswalds Alibi. But, I should let you know. I had my mind completely blown around 2017 in regards to two things in a case that I thought I had know almost everything about because I've read so much on the subject. The two things were the German connection and the fact that similar to the game 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon'. It is interesting how many German connections are in the case when you really start to think about it. Like, Harvey, Shackley, Morales, were all at the Berlin Station. The Texas oil men all had intelligence for their oil companies that were working with the Ghalen Netwark. LBJ was working with Warrner Von Braun at NASA (people told Garrison the assassination was planned at NASA) The Paper Clip scientists were either in Nasa or Texas Aerospace. The dude who trained the Cubans in the Bay of Pigs who's name excscapes me at the moment was a German National. Dr. Ochner of INCA used to go to Argentina and treat people who are believed to have taken the post WWII Jesuit rat lines.  Skull and Bones is based off of the Thule Society which is German. I can keep going but I digress.. 
The other thing that totally blew my mind pardon the pun. Is the Occult connection that is hidden in the case. I learned that all the secret societies speak the same language for the most part which is Symbolism(based of the Egyptian/Masonic Mysteries.) John F. Kennedy was murdered in an outdoor masonic lodge, on 11/22. 11+22 = 33 and 12:30 breaks down into in numerology to 1+2:3+0 3:3. Dallas is on the 33rd degree parallel. Ian Fleming famously said "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action." It's not much, I had a pattern but I didn't know what it could mean... I then went on to spent the next two years learning about the Occult and getting a copy Morals and Dogma, reading a lot of Manley Palmer Hal,  and a lot of other relatively famous authors like him, until I started to see what I now believe is; on a lower level a murder, on a little higher level is a coup de tat and on an even higher level is a symbolic murder made into a mystery as an ode to the said mysteries. Now, I know this sounds kinda crazy from this point mind you, I worked on a 911 documentary in 09' called Core of Corruption. I've dedicated a big portion of my life to this stuff, research. And  I am someone very dedicated to getting what I believe to be hidden truth out to the public so as to stop these kind of events from leading to major wars. I take research very very seriously and have dedicated the last 15 years to educating myself about these events and the people who did them. I fully know how this stuff is a giant bright light to kooks like a moth to a flame. So, I understand why it sounds like schizo, please take meds kinda of stuff. BUT, I really feel like it's kinda a new break in the case and when you look at all the very very powerful people who were in the positions of power that are suspects to the assassination. IMHO like almost all of them;  Lemay, Ghelan, LBJ, Oil Men, Bush, etc are either a 33rd degree freemason, in a secret society, or affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan which Albert Pike the Grand Mason was involved in forming which is based on freemasonry K the 11th letter of the alpabet 11 11 11 aka 33. Etc Etc Etc. (I know probably hard to fully follow) But I promise there is a whole lot more, thanks for making it this far! 100% ; ) 

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8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Hi Paul, 

I look forward to talking more about this on a different thread being that it's a little too much of a digression of the thread topic Oswalds Alibi. But, I should let you know. I had my mind completely blown around 2017 in regards to two things in a case that I thought I had know almost everything about because I've read so much on the subject. The two things were the German connection and the fact that similar to the game 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon'. It is interesting how many German connections are in the case when you really start to think about it. Like, Harvey, Shackley, Morales, were all at the Berlin Station. The Texas oil men all had intelligence for their oil companies that were working with the Ghalen Netwark. LBJ was working with Warrner Von Braun at NASA (people told Garrison the assassination was planned at NASA) The Paper Clip scientists were either in Nasa or Texas Aerospace. The dude who trained the Cubans in the Bay of Pigs who's name excscapes me at the moment was a German National. Dr. Ochner of INCA used to go to Argentina and treat people who are believed to have taken the post WWII Jesuit rat lines.  Skull and Bones is based off of the Thule Society which is German. I can keep going but I digress.. 
The other thing that totally blew my mind pardon the pun. Is the Occult connection that is hidden in the case. I learned that all the secret societies speak the same language for the most part which is Symbolism(based of the Egyptian/Masonic Mysteries.) John F. Kennedy was murdered in an outdoor masonic lodge, on 11/22. 11+22 = 33 and 12:30 breaks down into in numerology to 1+2:3+0 3:3. Dallas is on the 33rd degree parallel. Ian Fleming famously said "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action." It's not much, I had a pattern but I didn't know what it could mean... I then went on to spent the next two years learning about the Occult and getting a copy Morals and Dogma, reading a lot of Manley Palmer Hal,  and a lot of other relatively famous authors like him, until I started to see what I now believe is; on a lower level a murder, on a little higher level is a coup de tat and on an even higher level is a symbolic murder made into a mystery as an ode to the said mysteries. Now, I know this sounds kinda crazy from this point mind you, I worked on a 911 documentary in 09' called Core of Corruption. I've dedicated a big portion of my life to this stuff, research. And  I am someone very dedicated to getting what I believe to be hidden truth out to the public so as to stop these kind of events from leading to major wars. I take research very very seriously and have dedicated the last 15 years to educating myself about these events and the people who did them. I fully know how this stuff is a giant bright light to kooks like a moth to a flame. So, I understand why it sounds like schizo, please take meds kinda of stuff. BUT, I really feel like it's kinda a new break in the case and when you look at all the very very powerful people who were in the positions of power that are suspects to the assassination. IMHO like almost all of them;  Lemay, Ghelan, LBJ, Oil Men, Bush, etc are either a 33rd degree freemason, in a secret society, or affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan which Albert Pike the Grand Mason was involved in forming which is based on freemasonry K the 11th letter of the alpabet 11 11 11 aka 33. Etc Etc Etc. (I know probably hard to fully follow) But I promise there is a whole lot more, thanks for making it this far! 100% ; ) 

Why don’t you start a thread. I’ll engage with you there. You’re right though - people tend to avoid these two angles.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Pete M--

Determining how LHO got down the stairs, or anybody else, nearly 60 years after the event....

OK, say LHO was not on the sixth floor. Someone was, and probably two people. 

Multiple witnesses saw a barrel-like object extending from the TSBD during the shooting. Many witnesses inside the TSBD say they heard the shots. Some witnesses saw two people on the sixth floor just prior to the JFKA. 

OK, so how did the two real shooters  get down the stairs without anyone seeing them?  What escape plan did they use? 

In all likelyhood they left via down the elevator shafts and out the back.

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6 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Why don’t you start a thread. I’ll engage with you there. You’re right though - people tend to avoid these two angles.

I will Paul,
I'm new here and I don't want people to not feel like I'm trying to take over. So, it might be like a month before I start trying to lead threads. I will though get either the Sarkozy papers or Coup in Dallas by Hp Albarelli (I just read A Secret Order) and start talking to you about the German connection in those threads. Thanks for listening.. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Cummings said:

In all likelyhood they left via down the elevator shafts and out the back.

That is a possibility. Seems like a little bit to do though. 

It may be the perps were onto the steps within 10 seconds, and down in another 20 or so.  

Remember, the perps had a plan. The hiding place for the rifle was pre-arranged and en route to the steps. 

The perps planned the shots and then vamoosed pronto. Other people are bewildered, wondering what happened, or even clueless. 

But just IMHO. Maybe they had ropes down the elevator shaft. 



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That is a possibility. Seems like a little bit to do though. 

It may be the perps were onto the steps within 10 seconds, and down in another 20 or so.  

Remember, the perps had a plan. The hiding place for the rifle was pre-arranged and en route to the steps. 

The perps planned the shots and then vamoosed pronto. Other people are bewildered, wondering what happened, or even clueless. 

But just IMHO. Maybe they had ropes down the elevator shaft. 



Some years ago I believe Gerry Hemming mentioned the TSBD was entered around 3:00 am and the individuals..two likely….remained on the 7th floor and then descended to the 6th floor. After the shooting, they went back up to the 7th and did indeed use ropes and go down the elevator shaft. This ties in with no one hearing an individual descend the stairs and a brief electrical outage in the building. This is from memory. I just don’t have the time or the inclination to verify where/when it was originally posted. 

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