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So, who is running this forum now?

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Forgive my ignorance, but who is running the forum now? Are there moderators, and if so who are they?

Or are we just hoping everyone can be civil? 

I ask because we're actually seeing young knuckleheads trying to gain internet attention for themselves by behaving openly, even cartoonishly, as a National Socialist Idiot [ This forum automatically deletes the real word I want to use but that undermines the whole point I'm trying to make. Oddly, the singular noun is not allowed, but the plural is. How stupid. ] We have an idiot in his 20's having dinner with Trump. There's video circulating of another young goon having a childish meltdown in an airport. We've had the horror of Charlottesville, etc. There's a lot of idiots openly idolizing Nazis with little or no consequence since The Count of Mostly Crisco gained and lost the presidency. 

But, being sane, I think we should all be on board with the idea that Nazis are bad.  I don't have to explain World War II to anyone do I? 

What I don't understand is why anyone would repeat what I consider to be a Russian talking point, let's just call it what it is, a lie, that there's anyone in power in the Ukraine that actually is a National Socialist Idiot and therefore Putin had good cause to invade and bomb the Ukraine.  

The President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.  Everybody understands that, right? 

So, posts that the Ukranians are being led by Nazis is a stupid thing to say that discredits the entire forum.  Right? So, there's moderators who don't allow that junk on here, right? At least I hope so. 

Joe Backes

Edited by Joseph Backes
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5 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

But, being sane, I think we should all be on board with the idea that Nazis are bad.  I don't have to explain World War II to anyone do I? 


History has a nasty way of repeating itself, for those who refuse to learn from it.

Look to the 1930's

National Socialist Idiotism and Christian Nationalism are on the rise again.

Steve Thomas

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39 minutes ago, Joseph Backes said:

Exactly my point.  

But, nearly 100 views and no answer.  Who's running this forum? 

I haven’t seen anyone suggesting that Nazis are running Ukraine. But there is ample evidence that the Azov battalion was so linked, and that Ukraine was operating as a European center for these goons, training etc. I looked back at the history of Nationalist Ukrainian hero Stepan Bandera, and his movement conscripted Jews into his network after Hitler failed to come through on promises made - sorry I’m being vague, just don’t recall all the details. What I recall was that after realizing he couldn’t trust Hitler, Bandera began fighting against both the Russians and the Germans, at which point Jews were no longer anathema. It is a confusing history. Zelensky’s predecessor reincorporated Azov after the 2014 coup, and released from prison its leader and appointed him to a government post while also incorporating Azov battalion into the official Ukrainian forces. I read this more as an effort to achieve Ukrainian unity than any fascist leanings of the Ukrainian government at large

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


History has a nasty way of repeating itself, for those who refuse to learn from it.

Look to the 1930's

National Socialist Idiotism and Christian Nationalism are on the rise again.

Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas posted Nick Fuentes without context. He also left out that Kanye went to Maralargo to ask Trump to be his VP and that Fuentes wasn't invited and didn't have dinner with Trump. Steve also very disingenously leaves out that Trump yelled at them and told them that they were going to loose. (Watch video in twitter link) Steve does this regularly just like he does in this post where he lumps "christian nationalism" together with National Socialism. Why Steve Thomas does this is very obvious he is attempting to slander people who don't share his left wing politics.. 


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10 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

  The President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.  Everybody understands that, right? 

So, posts that the Ukranians are being led by Nazis is a stupid thing to say that discredits the entire forum.  Right? So, there's moderators who don't allow that junk on here, right? At least I hope so. 

Joe Backes

Joe, Donald Trumps daughter and son in law are jewish.. You understand that right? 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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7 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

We've had the horror of Charlottesville, etc. There's a lot of idiots openly idolizing Nazis with little or no consequence since The Count of Mostly Crisco gained and lost the presidency. 



Edited by Matthew Koch
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Joseph, I'm a little uncertain why you get that impression. We're having these discussions on the top thread. But people have expressed that they want to keep the JFKA threads in  the JFKA section.. 

i personally think people can have their opinions about whether we should be involved in a war in Ukraine, but I agree with you. This idea that Ukraine was dominated by poopoo's is just Putin garbage. The beginnings of that I attribute to a period back around 2015, where elements of the JFK conspiracy became enthralled with Putin. Also unfortunately Oliver Stone got a 10 hour interview with Putin , I believe in 2016 and came out of it just goo goo ga ga over Putin , bought Putin's Ukraine "denazification" claims hook line and sinker and decided he'd probably spend a couple of million (I'm just guessing!) to make a movie to legitimize these claims and  eventually rationalize Putin's brutal invasion to his followers. 

How great is neo poopoo problem in Ukraine?  Particularly in light of recent history  where the Ukraine people in democratic elections, elected a Jew with near 75% of the vote. Forget electing a U.S. President by 75% of the vote. Have we in the U.S., ever elected a Jew? And we don't have any problems with neo Nazis and fascists?  They also replaced 80% of their Congress, something that I think a lot of us would agree could be a good thing in our country. 

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9 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

Forgive my ignorance, but who is running the forum now? Are there moderators, and if so who are they?

Or are we just hoping everyone can be civil? 

I ask because we're actually seeing young knuckleheads trying to gain internet attention for themselves by behaving openly, even cartoonishly, as a National Socialist Idiot [ This forum automatically deletes the real word I want to use but that undermines the whole point I'm trying to make. Oddly, the singular noun is not allowed, but the plural is. How stupid. ] We have an idiot in his 20's having dinner with Trump. There's video circulating of another young goon having a childish meltdown in an airport. We've had the horror of Charlottesville, etc. There's a lot of idiots openly idolizing Nazis with little or no consequence since The Count of Mostly Crisco gained and lost the presidency. 

But, being sane, I think we should all be on board with the idea that Nazis are bad.  I don't have to explain World War II to anyone do I? 

What I don't understand is why anyone would repeat what I consider to be a Russian talking point, let's just call it what it is, a lie, that there's anyone in power in the Ukraine that actually is a National Socialist Idiot and therefore Putin had good cause to invade and bomb the Ukraine.  

The President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.  Everybody understands that, right? 

So, posts that the Ukranians are being led by Nazis is a stupid thing to say that discredits the entire forum.  Right? So, there's moderators who don't allow that junk on here, right? At least I hope so. 

Joe Backes

Thank you for saying this.

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Much of the information lazily referred as “Putin talking points” has long been part of the documentary record, and can be found for example in a 65 year old CIA document titled “Resistance Factors and Special Forces Areas Ukraine”.


Part I, section 3 features descriptions of “resistance groups”, which includes the Organization of Ukraine Nationalists (OUN), which not only carried over across the decades but was influential in the Maidan/coup events of 2013-14, and acknowledged as such in the infamous intercepted Nuland phone call :  “(OUN) has adopted an extreme nationalist position, glorifying the nation as an independent entity in terms reminiscent of German National Socialism.” (P19)

Part III, section 3 examines “Regional Variations in Population Attitudes”, and identifies exactly the civil divide which has been critical to the events since 2014:

“In two areas of the Ukraine the local populations apparently hold few grievances against the regime and probably would not assist Special Forces. The first is the Crimean peninsula which has historically been a part of Russia…The second area with a population strongly loyal to the regime is the Donbass.” (P 99-100)


Further, the main mouthpiece of the Realist faction of U.S. foreign policy wonks published an article in past days which offers, with extensive citation, the political history of the Crimea region since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 - a history which largely conforms to a “pro-Putin” analysis routinely dismissed by persons largely unfamiliar with the complexities of the region:


In that piece, Ukraine’s first president after USSR is quoted reflecting on the civil divisions after 2014 as fed by years of “very aggressive attacks of one region [Galicia in Western Ukraine – NP], which often believes that its ideology is the most correct, the most essential for the Ukrainian people; [and it] encounters the opposition of all regions of Ukraine that have a different ideology, or maybe different views, to be more precise, on the situation in Ukraine.”  The Galicia region is where the nationalist elements described in 1957 by the CIA are from.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Joseph, I'm a little uncertain why you get that impression. We're having these discussions on the top thread. But people have expressed that they want to keep the JFKA threads in  the JFKA section.. 

i personally think people can have their opinions about whether we should be involved in a war in Ukraine, but I agree with you. This idea that Ukraine was dominated by poopoo's is just Putin garbage. The beginnings of that I attribute to a period back around 2015, where elements of the JFK conspiracy became enthralled with Putin. Also unfortunately Oliver Stone got a 10 hour interview with Putin , I believe in 2016 and came out of it just goo goo ga ga over Putin , bought Putin's Ukraine "denazification" claims hook line and sinker and decided he'd probably spend a couple of million (I'm just guessing!) to make a movie to legitimize these claims and  eventually rationalize Putin's brutal invasion to his followers. 

How great is neo poopoo problem in Ukraine?  Particularly in light of recent history  where the Ukraine people in democratic elections, elected a Jew with near 75% of the vote. Forget electing a U.S. President by 75% of the vote. Have we in the U.S., ever elected a Jew? And we don't have any problems with neo Nazis and fascists?  They also replaced 80% of their Congress, something that I think a lot of us would agree could be a good thing in our country. 

Funny the hoops you will jump through to defend people that we have evidence of them supporting fascists Kirk but you will refer to Trump supporter as the same thing with no evidence.  

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10 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

Forgive my ignorance, but who is running the forum now? Are there moderators, and if so who are they?

Or are we just hoping everyone can be civil?



I read a lot of threads here and have found them to be quite civil. I think you must be talking about the topic posted at the very top of the home page. I call that the water cooler because it's a place to go and shoot the breeze. The moderators aren't very strict in that thread. Basically, just no foul language.

As for the forum software changing n.a.z.i. to poopoo, I agree that that is unnecessary and annoying. I don't know who set that up. One day I hope to find out how to remove it.


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12 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



I read a lot of threads here and have found them to be quite civil. I think you must be talking about the topic posted at the very top of the home page. I call that the water cooler because it's a place to go and shoot the breeze. The moderators aren't very strict in that thread. Basically, just no foul language.

As for the forum software changing n.a.z.i. to poopoo, I agree that that is unnecessary and annoying. I don't know who set that up. One day I hope to find out how to remove it.


Sandy Larsen:

I think you are doing a fine job. 

I find plenty of comments offensive in the water cooler section...but that is small price to pay for free speech, and finding out how other people really think. 

In the other sections, mostly pretty intelligent and insightful, and sometimes disagreements. All good. 

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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



I read a lot of threads here and have found them to be quite civil. I think you must be talking about the topic posted at the very top of the home page. I call that the water cooler because it's a place to go and shoot the breeze. The moderators aren't very strict in that thread. Basically, just no foul language.

As for the forum software changing n.a.z.i. to poopoo, I agree that that is unnecessary and annoying. I don't know who set that up. One day I hope to find out how to remove it.


A step in the right direction.  That top topic attracts viewers but has become toxic.  As the lead topic, being taken over/overwhelmed by the right is a concern regarding the forum taking an a at least somewhat objective view on the subject.

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