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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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No Bob, that was not it.

When you bring in Louis West and make no bones about what he probably did?

And second, when you quote Lance Dehaven Smith on the use of the phrase Conspiracy Theorist?

And you then bring on a guest who says either the CIA knew about LHO and covered up their relationship (Jeff Morley) or the CIA used Oswald to conceal their own assassination (Jim DIEugenio) I mean, that is pretty darn good.

I mean what do you want him to say Bob:  Angleton and Dulles had JFK killed?

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10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

when you quote Lance Dehaven Smith on the use of the phrase Conspiracy Theorist?

His book is excellent, in terms of looking at the bigger picture and consequences in terms of these events. 

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I answered a question about this on Black Op Radio tonight.

Why does the right wing media actually praise JFK and think he was killed by a plot, but yet the so called left media, MSNBC and Maddow, CNN  etc  refuses to acknowledge this?

And what was your answer Jim?

I'll give you the answer.  The right wing seizes on the JFKA to try to persuade people that all the government does is tax you on your hard earned money and gives you nothing back and will even overthrow the will of the people. So you're better off to just defund the government "deep state". It is the message of the ultra wealthy, the elites(despite their denia being elite) and the International Corporate state*, and their goal is to to defund the "administrative state" as Steve Banon has called it to maybe the size of government in the 50's or in the more extreme case the 30's.

The crazy condition of the left wing media is that they're in a battle against a huge slough of wacko right wing conspiracies and autocratic forces trying to undermine our Democracy. I warned here of the danger 5 years ago that the JFKA would be lumped in with the new crazy right wing conspiracies.

It's really a quality vs. quantity issue. If the goal is just  to get validation by seeing more MSM media film about the JFKA,  go to Newsmax or the OAN  as Vince said.

Tucker Carlson is a silver spoon elitist, heir to the Swanson TV Dinner fortune  and tells you here he's an elitist  has no sympathies for the everyday person.


*Not that those interests are just exclusive to just the right wing.



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5 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But the fact remains---where are CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, CBSet al? 

Their viewers don't get as frothy over the JFKA as Fox viewers do.

I know you know this. These people aren't fulfilling their 1st amendment obligation. That was sunset long ago. They're providing filler for advertisers which is the "content" of the networks. If we all paid em cash to provide detailed, scintillating stories of importance to the audience then maybe they would but as you can see with subscription-based TV they eventually infect those programs with ads as well. What's really, really great is when they can provide useful information that accomplishes both fulfilling the obligation and grabbing the audience - like during a war.

With the explosion of the internet and it's many and often useless sources for news all of them have had to learn how to scream louder to be heard. If nobody is listening to them advertisers lose interest, and the money goes elsewhere. Direct mail. Billboards. Whatever. Audiences at CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc react to hysterical Trump/GOP related news items whereas Fox would rather point away from that fiasco to the "deep state" and ginning up as much anger at them.

tl;dr Anger and hate grabs eyeball$. This story doesn't create that for the left as much as the right.

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25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

No Bob, that was not it.

When you bring in Louis West and make no bones about what he probably did?

And second, when you quote Lance Dehaven Smith on the use of the phrase Conspiracy Theorist?

And you then bring on a guest who says either the CIA knew about LHO and covered up their relationship (Jeff Morley) or the CIA used Oswald to conceal their own assassination (Jim DIEugenio) I mean, that is pretty darn good.

I mean what do you want him to say Bob:  Angleton and Dulles had JFK killed?

Oh yeah he brought up good points no doubt. My antennae goes up when it looks like he's using the story for a different purpose. You didn't notice he blamed Pompeo?

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1 hour ago, Steve Rosen said:

Perhaps surprisingly, [Tucker Carlson] is #1 among liberals too, so people of all political stripes will be enlightened by Carlson's JFK-CIA segment. Everyone can celebrate this much-needed sunshine on the CIA (and still agree or disagree with his other political views.)


*Source:  "Carlson’s 9 p.m. ET program was the top cable news show among Democrats in the advertiser-coveted age range of 25-54."




Saying that Tucker Carlson is #1 among liberals is misleading because MSNBC and CNN split the vote.

The article says that prime-time Fox News draws 39% of Democrats aged 25 to 54. While that is surprisingly high, it's not shocking given that I used to watch Fox News myself all the time, as well as MSNBC... and I am a Democrat. That's how I came to know that Tucker (and some others) have trouble telling the truth. I quit watching Fox when I was 50 or so.


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

When, in the 60 years since the JFKA, did any major US talking-television-head even come to equal even the lowly steps of this Carlson broadcast monument? 

I am wrong, please tell me when. 

None that I know of ever dared to go THERE. Ever. 

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

We do not know who his source was though.

Probably best to keep that one anonymous, Jim. Tucker does have a lot of well-placed sources within the government, many of whom are old family friends. He went into great detail during this conversation with Tulsi Gabbard yesterday about his life growing up in D.C., having a politically-connected family, etc...which is how he got the tip last year that the NSA was reading his text messages (from a friend inside the NSA). 

This podcast was freaking AMAZING, I recommend giving it an hour of your time. Tulsi and Tucker got into some stuff that would be verboten on TV, even at Fox News, where Tucker seems to have pretty free reign over his own content (as evidenced by that bombshell he dropped about the JFK case last night!). 

I too used to think Tucker was an annoying upper-crust dweeb, but he has earned my respect over the years as his politics matured and evolved. And he REALLY earned my respect last night. 

No matter what you think of him -- love or hate him -- you really should listen to this chat with Tulsi. If you go in with an open mind, you might just find he's our ally, not our foe. 


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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

This is not only the best contemporary review of the JFK Records Act, but having watched it twice, it is one of the best synopses of the intel state and postwar American politics ever---ranks up there with Eisenhower's farewell address. 

This is what left-wing media should have the guts to say. 

Why is Tucker Carlson fighting this battle alone? 

Sniveling that Carlson works for Fox...egads, the guy just hit it out of the ballpark. 

Why don't those weenies at CNN-MSNBC-PBS try even a pale imitation of this extraordinary broadcast?

Couldn't have said it better myself, Ben. 

Tucker just did the JFK Assassination Research community the biggest solid any mainstream news broadcaster has ever done -- and we should be thanking him for it. 

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5 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here is Rachel Maddow's segment for comparison. 


Of course Rachel did not mention that JFK was a lifetime member of the NRA, a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, and a helluva good shot himself, by all accounts. 

"In my own native state of Massachusetts, the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men -- citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a moment's notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort. "



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Matt and Lori:

The comparison would be today?

What did MSNBC say about the new documents:  I am assuming little or nothing.

O'Donnell, Scarborough, or anyone.  What did they say?



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26 minutes ago, Lori Spencer said:

Couldn't have said it better myself, Ben. 

Tucker just did the JFK Assassination Research community the biggest solid any mainstream news broadcaster has ever done -- and we should be thanking him for it. 


BTW, I am no Trumper, nor a Donk or a 'Phant.

But I would welcome Attila the Hun into the JFKA research community if he posted stuff like that Tucker Carlson segment. 

Give credit where credit is due. 

And shame on the M$M---60 years of shame and building. 

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24 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

What did MSNBC say about the new documents:  I am assuming little or nothing.

O'Donnell, Scarborough, or anyone.  What did they say?

The silence over at NBC and MSNBC was deafening yesterday, Jim. But are you really surprised? 

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Yeah a little.

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