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Jefferson Morley on Tucker Carlson and the Liberal Media

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  • Douglas Caddy changed the title to Jefferson Morley on Tucker Carlson and the Liberal Media

Everyone should read this column.

I mean everyone.

This and Talbot's column show us where we are at today in this case.

It is really something what this event has done.  

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Everyone should read this column.

I mean everyone.

This and Talbot's column show us where we are at today in this case.

It is really something what this event has done.  


But what is the next act in the play? 

The CIA (like any bureaucracy) is immortal, and can just wait, wait, wait. It is not like anyone is being prosecuted, or a deadline (one with teeth) is pending. 

So far, few media heavyweights are directly blaming President Biden and CIA Director Willians Burns---the two actors with real power in the here and now---for the CIA nondisclosure. If they can skate, then...maybe nothing happens.

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37 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The CIA (like any bureaucracy) is immortal, and can just wait, wait, wait. It is not like anyone is being prosecuted, or a deadline (one with teeth) is pending

Ultimately, if worst got to the worst, they’d just rebrand, form a new organisation that would do the same. Of course the new org would promise never to repeat the mistakes of the old. 🙂 

They’d rather to brush everything under the rug at the present CIA.

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That is a really good question.

Maybe the answer is the court case out west.


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Has anyone ever been able to put Angleton, Dulles, Bissell, Lemay, Lemnitzer/Maxwell Taylor, WK Harvey, Ed Landsdale, LBJ and McGeorge Bundy in meetings or at functions during 1962 and 1963. Obviously not all together at once but possible combinations of these men together at any time whether it be work related or socially?

If MSM and the CIA is going to be accused as involved in the assassination someway, then the Ed Forum community being able to show how our major suspects from the CIA actually spent their time in the lead up to Dallas 63 would be advantageous.

How common was it for Dulles to be at the White house? Did Dulles ever have one on ones with LBJ, or Bundy? What about WK Harvey did he meet with LBJ or Bundy.

Did Angleton ever have meetings with Landsdale? Or with Harvey?

Has anyone in the assassination research community ever tried to put these men together in the one place before from records or minute's from meetings? John Newman may have already written about times these men could have been together in 62' and 63'.



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As I said. I sense a sea change.i think Morley's right. But I noticed it first a couple of weeks ago, a sort of impatience, before the files were to be released and before Carlson. The MSM has decided at this second delay to demand their free speech rights. I'd like to think this is ongoing.

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Obviously the first three plus Harvey were pals and colleagues in the CIA.

Lemay I know knew Dulles as i have seen correspondence.  Dulles of course is the guy who promoted Lansdale.  And I know Dulles and LBJ were also pals as LBJ was very close to Foster Dulles and sent him gifts in the hospital.

Harvey knew Lansdale from Mongoose.

The two that I cannot link are Taylor and Bundy. 

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I thought I'd read somewhere about LeMay and Dulles exchanging Christmas cards.  Also, a story about LeMay visiting Dulles at his office.  He arrived early or Dulles was running late and he was let in to wait and searched Dulles desk looking for a "cigar".  When Dulles arrived LeMay told him of this and Dulles laughed it off, saying he'd be sure to keep some there in the future.  I thought maybe this was in Chessboard but didn't find it there.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Obviously the first three plus Harvey were pals and colleagues in the CIA.

Lemay I know knew Dulles as i have seen correspondence.  Dulles of course is the guy who promoted Lansdale.  And I know Dulles and LBJ were also pals as LBJ was very close to Foster Dulles and sent him gifts in the hospital.

Harvey knew Lansdale from Mongoose.

The two that I cannot link are Taylor and Bundy. 

Thanks for being able to answer Adam. My own take is that everyone is a phone call away from everyone else. It would be nice to prove that some or most of these individuals were actually meeting together prior to Nov 22, 1963, but I wouldn’t expect to find anything. 

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11 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

Has anyone ever been able to put Angleton, Dulles, Bissell, Lemay, Lemnitzer/Maxwell Taylor, WK Harvey, Ed Landsdale, LBJ and McGeorge Bundy in meetings or at functions during 1962 and 1963. Obviously not all together at once but possible combinations of these men together at any time whether it be work related or socially?


There's are some dates and activities and meetings for Dulles and others on the CIA Crest site. 

In 1963 Dulles went on a multi-state tour for his Craft of Intelligence volume. I suspect the book tour was less an exercise in drumming up sales, more an excuse to travel around and meet the people he needed to meet in the months leading up to November of that year.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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With Lemnitzer,  Bissell and Dulles removed from positions in 62' any time these guys were in the same building as the others would be fundamental to building a case against them even though circumstantial evidences of contact, unless records could prove they were all present.

Being able to establish contact between men with means and motivation in the 12 months prior to Nov 1963 would help confirm the research community's concern that members of the CIA and possibly JCS were the core of the assassination planning. 



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Please be aware, many of these guys were also members of various companies, or took part in assorted commissions, or shared academic ties on campus. Figures from the Joint Chiefs would go join a weapons manufacturer, and then the head of that company would go to a big fighting-the-Cold-War speech given by Dulles, and then write Dulles a letter saying, we were so moved by that speech, we'd be honoured if you could attend our business-executives-against-Communism gathering, and Dulles would write back, I would love to but I'm busy that particular week, but Mr [NAME REDACTED] from the CIA will be happy to attend and will answer any questions that you have.

They took part in Business roundtables, they joined hawkish groups as unspecified 'advisors', they flowed through big networks like the CFR, and also through many smaller ones that you only stumble across by name if you start digging through the many pages of documents on the CIA Crest site - ie, if you see Dulles visiting a small hawkish advocacy group of twelve people, and the twelve are all cited by name, you search the biographies of the twelve individuals, and you start seeing how they also ran around working with and trying to impress the intelligence community, defense advisory bodies and assorted weapons manufacturers.

It goes on and on, but basically the ties between all these figures - and their assistants and collaborators in industry, in government, in academia and the CIA - are so comprehensive that a diary itinerary showing two of them walking into the same building in mid 1963 probably isn't going to address the real channels of communication that they'd been successfully using and exploiting for years.

Texas Instruments is one starting point for observing the flow of business executives and advisors and CIA figures in and out of government and industry. Many of them had worked together in the military in WW2. The Gaither Report also gathered a lot of these guys together to scratch their chins and debate how industry might best fight the communists. That report had been overseen by the Security Resources Panel of the Science Advisory Committee, and figures from the latter group would become permanent fixtures at Texas Instruments.

The little discussed background feature of science advisors lurking in the shadows nodding, producing helpful reports urging action, and whispering in the ear of their superiors in government needs a deeper study at some point. See page two of this obituary for Lauriston Marshall, written by his friend Frederick Seitz.


And Everett Glover's testimony to the Warren Commission - 


Leslie Sharp noted the following several years back on JFKFacts, and it pops up again in the COUP IN DALLAS volume. 



The deMohrenschildt’s arrived late at Everett Glover’s home on February 22, 1963, and stayed only a short time. Unless there are records to prove otherwise it was at this gathering that the deMohrenschildts were introduced to Ruth Paine. And it was at this gathering that Ruth Paine first met Marina and Lee Oswald. Of note: during Ruth’s WC testimony, Albert Jenner never asks her about the deMohrenschildts, and there are only two references to Everett Glover; one with her commenting “and whose connection is known,” and the other to confirm Feb 22, 1963 as the date she first met the Oswalds in Dallas at “Everett’s” as noted in her diary. Michael Paine’s testimony indicates he was not present on the 22nd, but met the Oswalds later.

In essence, it was Lauriston Marshall’s friendship with Sam Ballen and Marshall’s separate friendship with Everett Glover that started the ball rolling. Ballen and Glover strengthened their friendship with one another and with the deM’s. The deM’s introduced Glover to Marina and Lee, then Glover introduced Marina and Lee to his friends, Ruth and Mike Paine. I see no link between the Paines and the deMohrenshildts without Everett Glover and Sam Ballen – and they met thru Lauriston Marshall of the science research center.


Lauriston Marshall ran through at least one of the threads we followed connecting all the above, and his wife Betty married Seitz, a key advisor and hawk who would travel through roles advising the CIA and industry (including Texas Instruments) from WWII to the Reagan administration. Seitz worked for and was eventually given the running of the Defense Science Board, a you-need-to-buy-these-weapons government recommendations panel that appeared purpose built to put CIA figures, military leaders and heads of weapons companies in the same room for months at a time so they could concoct an elaborate report that would help them all get rich. All these guys benefited when Kennedy was killed, as the expenditures for Vietnam war supplies were allowed to run freely. It's these groups and their larger-sized gatherings, with Dulles popping in to give a talk and have a drink in 1963 as he travelled state to state publicising his recently written book - hey, Allen's in town, our meeting is that weekend, you guys used to work alongside him, let's see if he can drop by - that likely contain additional fruit for researchers looking to join dots on what happened that year.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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20 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

There's are some dates and activities and meetings for Dulles and others on the CIA Crest site. 

In 1963 Dulles went on a multi-state tour for his Craft of Intelligence volume. I suspect the book tour was less an exercise in drumming up sales, more an excuse to travel around and meet the people he needed to meet in the months leading up to November of that year.

Anthony, I believe I've read the multi-state tour was actually two maybe three states.  One of them was Texas, either Dallas or close to it.  A couple of months or so before the assassination.

Correction.  Three weeks before the assassination per Bill Kelly in this thread.  Which includes clarification by Larry Hancock and David Lifton about him going to LBJ's ranch at the time, which actually happened in 1960 for a briefing when LBJ became the VP candidate.  The visit to Texas in October 1963 included the King Ranch and GHWB's associate Neil Mallon in Dallas.


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