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Congressional MAGA extremists to form faux "Church Committee"

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The moderates should be fearful. The public will see this for what it is. The Republicans getting back at the Democrats.

The biggest criticism the Republicans can make of the 1/6 hearings is that they didn't have Jim Jordan on the committee, who after all was texting with Trump that day. But I think that only would have backfired as all the prosecution witnesses were members of Trump's cabinet or his closest aides, who were true believers, and were  firmly behind Trump's policies and either felt they could steer Trump to further their political goals or were trying  to moderate Trump's rough edges and actions to make him more palatable to the public.

But the point being, even with damaging testimony, by itself it barely moved the needle, as the 2 opposing sides are so dug in,but it did move some independents to the point it probably helped the Democrats retain the Senate, but only because the margins between the 2 parties were very close.

But after all this litigation with Trump. I think the vast majority of people, particularly the independents, attitude will be that they've just had enough!

I wrote a letter to my Congresswoman Anna Eshoo urging her to get with Amy Klobuchar's position  and honor the public promise to open the files.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

why is it HRC or Liz Cheney never demanded full disclosure on JFK Records,

As I've said before, while it is for us, it hasn't generally been considered a front-burner issue. Now this year, things improved thanks to the lawsuit our friends and the MFF filed.

There needs to be a full-court press to take advantage of the upcoming 60th. We want full disclosure.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

As I've said before, while it is for us, it hasn't generally been considered a front-burner issue. Now this year, things improved thanks to the lawsuit our friends and the MFF filed.

There needs to be a full-court press to take advantage of the upcoming 60th. We want full disclosure.

Maybe the last best opportunity for those alive who still remember it to cognitively import it's importance on an important anniversary?  How many will be left at 70 or 75 years?  I'll try to, my children at least.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Ben- there will be dems on the House "church committee". let's see if the committee is actually formed and who its members are before he start making wagers on the outcome. Several of us are deep into the process behind the scenes. Let's see how this turns out.   

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19 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Ben- there will be dems on the House "church committee". let's see if the committee is actually formed and who its members are before he start making wagers on the outcome. Several of us are deep into the process behind the scenes. Let's see how this turns out.   


I am keeping an open mind, and hoping for the best. 

What is preventing the Senate from forming a "Church Committee II" to investigate the JFKA?

After all, a prominent journalist on national TV has stated the CIA had a role in the JFKA. There was lots of credible follow-on by Jefferson Morley, The Hill and Breaking Points, among other news outfits (NYT and WaPo notably absent). 

So the CIA may have murdered JFK---the people running the Senate do not care?  "So what?" 

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On 1/7/2023 at 8:24 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

let's see where this goes. it is possible we may be able to hijack this for our purposes. I have two parallel tracks going on with the Oversight Committee- through the Democratic staff and the new GOP team. 

You’re reading my mind, Larry. 

This is a golden opportunity. 

Are you in contact with Rep. Thomas Massie? He’s a good man — one of the last honest Congresscritters. I think he would be open to meeting with you. 

Massie is responsive on Twitter. I’ve corresponded with him via DM in the past… 

Edited by Lori Spencer
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I am surprised by the reaction here to this committee. There are some well-founded, valid concerns about the weaponization and conduct of the FBI and the Justice Department that need to be investigated and corrected. I would think that members of this community, of all people, would be concerned about the worrying, arguably illegal conduct of elements of the JD and the FBI over the last six years.

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13 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I am surprised by the reaction here to this committee. There are some well-founded, valid concerns about the weaponization and conduct of the FBI and the Justice Department that need to be investigated and corrected. I would think that members of this community, of all people, would be concerned about the worrying, arguably illegal conduct of elements of the JD and the FBI over the last six years.



What you are talking about are Magaverse conspiracy theories. Non-Trump-supporters don't believe those theories.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What you are talking about are Magaverse conspiracy theories. Non-Trump-supporters don't believe those theories.


Spoken like NPC that only watches MSNBC.. 


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This is what some Republicans are comparing to the Church Committee... 🤥

The reality is that Gym Jordan and the Sedition Caucus are mainly interested in obstructing the investigation of Trump's J6 coup attempt.

Jim Jordan's Attempt to Subpoena FBI Branded 'Idiotic' by Legal Expert (msn.com)

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I am surprised by the reaction here to this committee. There are some well-founded, valid concerns about the weaponization and conduct of the FBI and the Justice Department that need to be investigated

Like what? Please don't repeat MAGA lies.

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5 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

Massie was on Tucker to discuss this the other night, if anyone missed it. 

Not to discuss the JFKA.

Fact: Thomas Massie and Tucker are both Russian propagandists. Proven. Not even open for debate.

They have no interest in solving the JFKA, they are looking to hurt the United States and those that protect democracy. Your Twitter account appears to be an echo chamber for the same authoritarian talking points.

How about we talk about how those that hate the U.S. and democracy are weaponizing the JFKA for their own anti-American agenda. hmm?

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