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Allen Dulles and his Nazi Pals in Ukraine 🇺🇦

Lori Spencer

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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben could you elaborate how Putin is a war criminal, because it is my understanding that he used the exact pretext that NATO used in Kosovo. Just like NATO did in the Balkan peninsula with cruise missiles Putin is attacking military targets with drones. I don't really see the difference personally.. 

See Paul's answer below (although I confess I know little about Kosovo). 

The fact that Presidents Bush, Obama and wanna-be Presidents HRC and Liz Cheney are war criminals, does not excuse Putin. 

I have already admitted as an American I feel sheepish about criticizing Putin for occupying neighboring Ukraine, when the US has occupied nations far a-flung, such as Afcrapistan, Iraq and Vietnam. 

But look at the hundreds of thousands of men going into the meat-grinder in Ukraine, and the damages to civilian buildings and infrastructure. They say 1,000 Russians died in one week. Horrible carnage---and Ukraine losses are likely as heavy.  We may see a million dead on the battlefield before this is over, and who knows what additional human tragedies.  

This Ukrainian holocaust is for what---to fend off exaggerated and imagined risks in the future? 

No one was even planning to invade Russia, let alone had the capabilities to do it. A hellscape would be Europe in such an invasion, what with all the nukes lying around. 

Ukraine was woefully unprepared to defend itself, let alone take Moscow. 

Sorry, IMHO, on this one Putin is a war criminal. This is a volitional war. Russia would have prospered with Ukraine in NATO and the EU, or not in NATO and the EU. It doesn't matter. 

Now Putin may be upping the ante---another surge into Ukraine.

Reminds me of Obama's surge in Afcrapistan. For what? 




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Professor Guido Preparata and others have also gone further back in describing how US and British ruling elites supported the rise of the Nasties in a typical imperialistic divide-and-conquer stratagem to keep Germany and Russia at each others throats. There's an abridged PDF version of Preparata's book, The Incubation of Naz**m, available free on the internet.

Thanks for sharing that article on narcissism. According to the article, only a small minority of the general population are narcissists, but in my experience there is a far bigger percentage of them in the higner echelons of all the institutions, public and private, in our authoritarian shamocracies.

Meanwhile, has Chris been banned for all this time? If he has it is a travesty, in view of the constant transgressions committed with impunity by his opponents.



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Evening guys, in the interests of transparency for anyone interested, the only thing I have been asked to do is add more detail to my profile, which I complied with at the earliest possible time. This was as a result of a member complaining about mine not being filled in.

My account was apparently paused while comments were being reviewed/moderated. I have just had a message saying its all working fine again now. 

Thank you to those who asked what was happening, I appreciate it, this may well have expedited the process. 





Edited by Chris Barnard
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

Lost for words, William? That's a welcome change.

No loss for words, John.

But words are wasted on people who are determined to misconstrue them.

My hunch is that many people who have attempted to converse with you have experienced this particular problem.

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On 2/14/2023 at 12:38 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

My question is directed to the people who most believe in the story. Namely Chris for posting the story and Paul Rigby for running with story and calling it an act of war on Europe and John who firmly believes the story but chose to interact on some point with you,. W.

I'll ask the question again of Paul, Chris,, John and whoever else who believes the story.

Thank you for trying to bring the debate back on track, Kirk. 


On 2/14/2023 at 12:38 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

if the US. unilaterally bombed Nord stream, that  would be a hostile act to the EU. How come no European leaders are opening their mouth? Is it because they're so intimidated by the U.S.? Or perhaps still looking into it further?

I think this is going to generate a longer, more expansive debate, providing there is appetite, Kirk.

I personally do not think European leaders are looking into it, unless forced to by the electorate. Of course we now have ballon mania psychosis occupying the minds of the masses. Funny how that works isn’t it? Something corrupt happens that might be in the public interest to find truth about and something else immediately is propagated and consumes the public thinking. 

I don’t think the European politicians are intimidated by the USA, its been a long time that they have controlled/coerced/bribed and heavily influenced by the USA as the words dominant power. They have also been convinced to reduce their military capacities to next to nothing because they are under the supposed protective security umbrella of the USA. I am conflating NATO and the US in my thinking, as my opinion is that they are more or less as one. Its worth bearing in mind that during the latter era of open colonialism that various offensive forces rebranded, and used some clever PR to call themselves ‘defensive’ organisations. 

In Europe there are three tiers of thought process. 

- The average person on the street.

- The lower tier politicians.

- The people actually running countries and pulling the strings of power.

Succinctly, the European leaders are refraining from commenting simply because they know what is good for them. This Ukraine crisis has continued the upward passing of wealth at the fastest rate in human history. High energy costs, a vulnerable, desperate public is good for the ruling class. This all fits into a wider agenda. This is about much more than a Russo / Ukraine war or the US ensuring the European energy dependancy. 


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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Evening guys, in the interests of transparency for anyone interested, the only thing I have been asked to do is add more detail to my profile, which I complied with at the earliest possible time. This was as a result of a member complaining about mine not being filled in.

My account was apparently paused while comments were being reviewed/moderated. I have just had a message saying its all working fine again now. 

Thank you to those who asked what was happening, I appreciate it, this may well have expedited the process. 





Glad to see Chris back in action.

This is a forum and we should welcome all views, and reduce to a minimum silly ad hominem attacks. 

I disagree with Chris on some issues---so what?  

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

No loss for words, John.

But words are wasted on people who are determined to misconstrue them.

My hunch is that many people who have attempted to converse with you have experienced this particular problem.

There you go again, William.

The fact is that you did misrepresent what you had said, apparently in order to obfuscate its ad hominem import. And now you're trying to blame me for exposing your constant transgressions in this regard.

Isn't that what they call gaslighting?

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@John Cotterisn't it interesting that we have a new policy on the forum becuase of @Lance Payettewhere if something offends someone you are to politely ask the peson to remove what is offensive/violates forum policy. I noticed our complete posts are missing!! I finding this especially interesting since I posted a link to an article on how to deal with a certain type of person's behavior. I am now convinced that I am correct based on the malicious behavior toward @Chris Barnard by Lance. I would like Lance and the mods to explain why our new policy isn't being followed and what rule was broken by our comments that warranted the whole post be deleted without explanation. 

How can we trust a forum where Mods are deleting complete posts without explanation? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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9 hours ago, John Cotter said:

There you go again, William.

The fact is that you did misrepresent what you had said, apparently in order to obfuscate its ad hominem import. And now you're trying to blame me for exposing your constant transgressions in this regard.

Isn't that what they call gaslighting?


     Huh?  There I go again?

     So now you have taken to imitating Mathew Koch, by quoting Ronald Reagan's 1980 one-liner? 

     I "misrepresented what I said?"  Sure thing.

    You are gallantly "exposing my constant transgressions?"  How noble.

     I nominate your latest post for the Education Forum Ad-Hominem-Projection-of-the-Year Award.

     As for "gaslighting," it's the diametric opposite of my modus operandi in communicating with people.  Aside from the MAGA contingent and the Putin war crime deniers around here, I think most forum members will vouch for that.

     My focus has always been on discerning and telling the truth about history and current events-- including truths that some people, obviously, don't want to hear.







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15 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Thank you for trying to bring the debate back on track, Kirk. 


I think this is going to generate a longer, more expansive debate, providing there is appetite, Kirk.

I personally do not think European leaders are looking into it, unless forced to by the electorate. Of course we now have ballon mania psychosis occupying the minds of the masses. Funny how that works isn’t it? Something corrupt happens that might be in the public interest to find truth about and something else immediately is propagated and consumes the public thinking. 

I don’t think the European politicians are intimidated by the USA, its been a long time that they have controlled/coerced/bribed and heavily influenced by the USA as the words dominant power. They have also been convinced to reduce their military capacities to next to nothing because they are under the supposed protective security umbrella of the USA. I am conflating NATO and the US in my thinking, as my opinion is that they are more or less as one. Its worth bearing in mind that during the latter era of open colonialism that various offensive forces rebranded, and used some clever PR to call themselves ‘defensive’ organisations. 

In Europe there are three tiers of thought process. 

- The average person on the street.

- The lower tier politicians.

- The people actually running countries and pulling the strings of power.

Succinctly, the European leaders are refraining from commenting simply because they know what is good for them. This Ukraine crisis has continued the upward passing of wealth at the fastest rate in human history. High energy costs, a vulnerable, desperate public is good for the ruling class. This all fits into a wider agenda. This is about much more than a Russo / Ukraine war or the US ensuring the European energy dependancy. 


Thanks for the reply, Chris.

Chris:I personally do not think European leaders are looking into it, unless forced to by the electorate
Right they would never dare even look into it on their own!
Chris: Of course we now have balloon mania psychosis occupying the minds of the masses.
Oh so Europe and it's leaders are so vacuous, that that could be a distraction? That's garbage, and  doesn't effect you, most of it will be over in days. They have people, who are specifically charged with looking into these things.
Chris: Succinctly, the European leaders are refraining from commenting simply because they know what is good for them.
Right, they would betray their masses of people, their constituents,and leave them groveling in the cold because they are so obviously black mailed under U.S. "Full Spectrum Dominance"! I'm starting to get it now!
Chris:This Ukraine crisis has continued the upward passing of wealth at the fastest rate in human history.
Wow!, in history Chris? Do you have figures to back up what you say?
Chris:High energy costs, a vulnerable, desperate public is good for the ruling class.
Yes, good brain food for  the masses! I think I've heard this theme from you before. Chris.
Though Paul Rigby chooses to use video clips in place of his own words. He agrees with you. His clip shows a "Gus Fring" type host, Garland Nixon, (any relation?) who I assume Paul knows has genuine American authenticity, (which is as high as it gets!) breaking down the Hersch story for us, commenting later  that Germany will put up with their  pipeline destroyed  because they are not a legitimate sovereign state but are completely controlled by the U.S.! He then goes on to say all Europe is so cowed they will say nothing about it and make their people put up with the energy shortages throughout the winter, just like you.. 
According to Paul's  American source , the entire European continent is rendered helpless, as our space laser "full spectrum dominance" could hone in and  zap Paul as a bug! Paul seems to me, like a bitter old man.
Does  that reflect the hopeless sense of powerlessness that  you and John feel in your life as well, Chris?
If so, I think it's pretty obvious we've already inflicted "Full spectrum psychological dominance " on you, without ever firing a shot. But we have many more arrows in our quiver!
But you've only answered half the question. Can I assume you're in agreement with the second half? That is the why?

But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S.  do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon  mutual need? Because of their relentless quest  for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?

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3 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Thanks for the reply, Chris.

Chris:I personally do not think European leaders are looking into it, unless forced to by the electorate
Right they would never dare even look into it on their own!
Chris: Of course we now have balloon mania psychosis occupying the minds of the masses.
Oh so Europe and it's leaders are so vacuous, that that could be a distraction? That's garbage, and  doesn't effect you, most of it will be over in days. They have people, who are specifically charged with looking into these things.
Chris: Succinctly, the European leaders are refraining from commenting simply because they know what is good for them.
Right, they would betray their masses of people, their constituents,and leave them groveling in the cold because they are so obviously black mailed under U.S. "Full Spectrum Dominance"! I'm starting to get it now!
Chris:This Ukraine crisis has continued the upward passing of wealth at the fastest rate in human history.
Wow!, in history Chris? Do you have figures to back up what you say?
Chris:High energy costs, a vulnerable, desperate public is good for the ruling class.
Yes, good brain food for  the masses! I think I've heard this theme from you before. Chris.
Though Paul Rigby chooses to use video clips in place of his own words. He agrees with you. His clip shows a "Gus Fring" type host, Garland Nixon, (any relation?) who I assume Paul knows has genuine American authenticity, (which is as high as it gets!) breaking down the Hersch story for us, commenting later  that Germany will put up with their  pipeline destroyed  because they are not a legitimate sovereign state but are completely controlled by the U.S.! He then goes on to say all Europe is so cowed they will say nothing about it and make their people put up with the energy shortages throughout the winter, just like you.. 
According to Paul's  American source , the entire European continent is rendered helpless, as our space laser "full spectrum dominance" could hone in and  zap Paul as a bug! Paul seems to me, like a bitter old man.
Does  that reflect the hopeless sense of powerlessness that  you and John feel in your life as well, Chris?
If so, I think it's pretty obvious we've already inflicted "Full spectrum psychological dominance " on you, without ever firing a shot. But we have many more arrows in our quiver!
But you've only answered half the question. Can I assume you're in agreement with the second half? That is the why?

But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S.  do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon  mutual need? Because of their relentless quest  for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?


Kirk, I am not quite sure what’s got you so upset? It surely can’t be anything I said in my reply to you, it was very cordial, I thought?! 

This sarcastic, pointed, personal, trope, really isn’t in the spirit of debate, Kirk. You’re certainly old enough to know better. 

What seems abundantly clear to me is that there is a contingent on this forum that desperately wants this thread degraded and deleted. 

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I've noticed a pattern Chris. It seems you conveniently take things hyper personally  when you run from an answer.

Chris" What seems abundantly clear to me is that there is a contingent on this forum that desperately wants this thread degraded and deleted. 

Oh a contingent? But just last night you elected to get involved and gave me half an answer.

First do you believe Alan's narrative from Garland Nixon?

And now for the fourth time.


But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S.  do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon  mutual need? Because of their relentless quest  for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?


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4 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I've noticed a pattern Chris. It seems you conveniently take things hyper personally  when you run from an answer.

Chris" What seems abundantly clear to me is that there is a contingent on this forum that desperately wants this thread degraded and deleted. 

Oh a contingent? But just last night you elected to get involved and gave me half an answer.

First do you believe Alan's narrative from Garland Nixon?

And now for the fourth time.


But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S.  do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon  mutual need? Because of their relentless quest  for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?


Oh, you’ve noticed a pattern?! I mean this respectfully but, considering your past observations, it’s perhaps worth considering that it may be at best ‘inconclusive’. 

How about an apology for the previous post? Then we can perhaps move on and have a proper conversation. 

PS. There is something very amusing about your last couple posts, they are so emotionally charged. My best advice would be to take a little break from the keyboard, get some fresh air and come back to this in a while. I am just sat having a green tea after a beautiful day out on the boat. 

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2 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

PS. There is something very amusing about your last couple posts,

You don't sound amused.


2 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

they are so emotionally charged.

Not in the least. You're emotionally charged. You've made a series of allegations and innuendo. You're simply being held accountable, and asked to  defend you accusations. I'm not sure what you've chosen to be so upset about, because you're not saying.

But since  you took a offense at something. I'm sorry.


But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S.  do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon  mutual need? Because of their relentless quest  for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?

And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?


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