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Gil Jesus

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45 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Harold Norman is one witness who never described or at least wavered on the "BANG...BANG BANG" shot time frame sequence.

Here is what Harold Norman said under oath in his Warren Commission testimony:

Mr. BALL. I want to call your attention to one part of the statement and I will ask you if you told him that:

"Just after the President passed by, I heard a shot and

>>>several seconds later I heard two more shots. <<<

I knew that the shots had come from directly above me, and I could hear the expended cartridges fall to the floor. I could also hear the bolt action of the rifle. I also saw some dust fall from the ceiling of the fifth floor and I felt sure that whoever had fired the shots was directly above me."

Did you make that statement to the Secret Service man?

Mr. NORMAN. I don't remember making a statement that I knew the shots came from directly above us. I didn't make that statement. And

>>> I don't remember saying I heard several seconds later <<<

I merely told him that I heard three shots because I didn't have any idea what time it was."


Why would the Secret Service agent who took Harold Norman's statement the very day of the assassination write down that Norman said..."several seconds later I heard two more shots."?

What an off-the-wall thing to write down in a statement by Harold Norman taken by the SS agent. Especially if it wasn't true? 

Did the agent just come up with the "several seconds later I heard two more shots " Norman quote on his own?

If so, why?  In reality, such a statement by Norman could have ominous impact in regards to shooting scenario conflicting testimony by so many others that day.

The statement taken and written by the SS agent regards Norman's words that very day might back up the many other statements describing the shooting sequence as "BANG...BANG BANG."

Who do you believe here. The statement taking SS agent or Harold Norman?

Typical Dealey Plaza conflicting testimony conundrum.




Whenever Harold Norman acts out the firing of the weapon, such as during the Bugliosi trial, he goes "Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click in three even spacings. Therefore Norman is generally seen as a witness that supports three evenly spaced shots.

Check out 3 minutes 50 seconds in on this video:


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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Whenever Harold Norman acts out the firing of the weapon, such as during the Bugliosi trial, he goes "Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click in three even spacings. Therefore Norman is generally seen as a witness that supports three evenly spaced shots.

Check out 3 minutes 50 seconds in on this video:


I see two problems with Norman's three-shot, "boom-click-click" sequence. The first problem is that it's only 3.9 seconds long from the first shot to the last. Three shots in 3.9 seconds ? Even if you don't start the clock until the first shot, that's too short for a single gunman firing three shots from the CE 139 rifle.

The second problem with it is that it does not line up with the Zapruder film. I've taken his shot sequence and added to it the Zapruder film to show how ridiculous his shot sequence is:


Harold Norman is NOT a credible witness when it comes to the timing of the shots because his shot sequence is too short and it's not corroborated by video evidence.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Whenever Harold Norman acts out the firing of the weapon, such as during the Bugliosi trial, he goes "Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click, Boom-click-click in three even spacings. Therefore Norman is generally seen as a witness that supports three evenly spaced shots.

Check out 3 minutes 50 seconds in on this video:


The actual sequence was.....

At say Z001 minus a few minutes......click...klunketyklunk........click.................(then a few minutes delay)...............

At pseudo Z113...............................................bang......click...klunketyklunk........click....(then say 2 seconds)........

At Z118.5.........................................................bang......click...klunketyklunk........click....

..........Then no more bangs (from Oswald) or clicks or klunketyklunks (bouncing shell casing)..............................

...........Oswald did not fire his last (third) bullet.........................

......... At Z313 Oswald has already stood back & up from the window & has seen Hickey shoot JFK........

....... thud  thud thud thud thud thud thud thud etc as Oswald walks fast towards the stairs........

......... in 48 seconds after Z313 Oswald is on the 2nd floor........

............. a minute or so after that Oswald walks out of the front door..... Tippit is waiting.... 

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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49 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

I see two problems with Norman's three-shot, "boom-click-click" sequence. The first problem is that it's only 3.9 seconds long from the first shot to the last. Three shots in 3.9 seconds ? Even if you don't start the clock until the first shot, that's too short for a single gunman firing three shots from the CE 139 rifle.

The second problem with it is that it does not line up with the Zapruder film. I've taken his shot sequence and added to it the Zapruder film to show how ridiculous his shot sequence is:


Harold Norman is NOT a credible witness when it comes to the timing of the shots because his shot sequence is too short and it's not corroborated by video evidence.

Now Gil that's not fair. You accepted Lee Bowers timing but made no effort to superimpose his knuckle rapping sounds to the Zapruder film. When these witnesses are asked to mimick the rhythm of the shooting they all invariably speed up that rhythm for the camera. 

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3 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Now Gil that's not fair. You accepted Lee Bowers timing but made no effort to superimpose his knuckle rapping sounds to the Zapruder film. When these witnesses are asked to mimick the rhythm of the shooting they all invariably speed up that rhythm for the camera. 

The point is that there was not a five second gap between shots two and three. I've studied a thousand or more statements from more than 200 witnesses, and that pause--which has become accepted as a fact by those desperately clinging to the single-assassin solution--never happened. 

Perhaps it should also be pointed out that numerous studies have been performed on eyewitness recollections of time, and these all confirm that perceived time slows down dramatically during stressful events. A 10 second event can be expected to be remembered as 15 seconds and so on. 

That so many recall the shots as rapid fire (with shots two and three bang-bang)--and that so many of these witnesses were distant witnesses, including a number of Dallas Deputy Sheriffs--is lethal to the single-assassin solution as currently pushed in the LN literature and on TV. It did not happen that way. And that is in concrete.  

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24 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Now Gil that's not fair. You accepted Lee Bowers timing but made no effort to superimpose his knuckle rapping sounds to the Zapruder film. When these witnesses are asked to mimick the rhythm of the shooting they all invariably speed up that rhythm for the camera. 

Here's what Robert MacNeil says about the shooting, he was in the press bus. It's very similar to the timing on the Dictabelt. Relevant part starts at 8:20


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10 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

FWIW, Harold Norman was on the fifth floor with the window open right under the "assassin's perch" and never identified smelling gunpowder. The only people who reported smelling gunpowder were the people at ground level.


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7 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here's what Robert MacNeil says about the shooting, he was in the press bus. It's very similar to the timing on the Dictabelt. Relevant part starts at 8:20


Fascinating interview.

Here is just another Dealy Plaza earwitness who described the shot sequence as BANG...BANG BANG. Last two shots very close together.

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I could accept that three evenly spaced shots came from the sixth floor. But I wonder how well Harold Norman would percieve a fourth shot coming from over 300 ft away and right on the heels of the third shot?

You could stand 10 ft behind a person firing a rifle and if you forget to put on your ear protection you will know it instantly. I wonder if his ears were ringing afterwards?

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1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

I could accept that three evenly spaced shots came from the sixth floor. But I wonder how well Harold Norman would percieve a fourth shot coming from over 300 ft away and right on the heels of the third shot?

You could stand 10 ft behind a person firing a rifle and if you forget to put on your ear protection you will know it instantly. I wonder if his ears were ringing afterwards?

Good point.

The "BANG...BANG BANG"  two right on top of each other shot sound time frame sequence could only be explained as an echo, or another shooter?

How about a true motorcycle backfire, coincidently occurring just before or after the JFK head shot?

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17 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here's what Robert MacNeil says about the shooting, he was in the press bus. It's very similar to the timing on the Dictabelt. Relevant part starts at 8:20


Very surprising to her MacNeil describe JFK's eyes as cold grey.

Belying his warm smile. He actually said Kennedy's eyes were "cold and calculating!"

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