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Moments Leading to Oswald's Deserved Death

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48 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:


During the Friday night press conference by District Attorney Henry Wade just after 11 pm, Ruby was in the crowd of reporters, standing on a table, with a clear view of Oswald. One observer (Tony Record) said that Ruby insisted on standing on the table, even though he didn’t have a camera. When Wade stated that Oswald was a member of the “Free Cuba Committee," Ruby corrected him and said, “that's 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' Henry.”  He was obviously stalking Oswald at this point by impersonating a reporter. As Larry Hancock has previously pointed out, he appears to have been serving as the eyes/ears of the plotters (i.e., the inside man or spy) to see what Oswald was saying, and how the authorities were handling him. The simple fact that Ruby corrected Wade knew about the Fair Play for Cuba Committee clearly demonstrates that he had knowledge of the previous New Orleans charade and the over-arching plot. 


Ruby correcting Wade on the FPCC definitely raises an eyebrow, but isn’t it possible that Ruby heard about it on the TV or radio that day? When was Oswald’s membership in the FPCC first mentioned in the press? Another possibility is Ruby got an inside scoop from one of his cop or reporter buddies.

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On 2/18/2023 at 4:43 AM, Bill Brown said:


Again, there is no verbal or written report from 1963 or 1964 (or even a couple decades later) that Grammer ever felt the caller was Jack Ruby.  Whether it's the mid 80's (Henry Hurt's Reasonable Doubt) or the late 80's (The Men Who Killed Kennedy), we don't hear anything from Grammer believing the caller was Ruby until then.



Surely, regardless of whether or when DPD officer Grammer named Ruby as the caller, the main issue here is that Grammer's reliably corroborated report, which described the caller knowing in advance the details of where and when Oswald would be killed, proves that (a) there was a plot, (b) Ruby was involved in the plot and (c) given the circumstances, Ruby was almost certainly the caller.

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17 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Ruby correcting Wade on the FPCC definitely raises an eyebrow, but isn’t it possible that Ruby heard about it on the TV or radio that day? When was Oswald’s membership in the FPCC first mentioned in the press? Another possibility is Ruby got an inside scoop from one of his cop or reporter buddies.

One of the most cringing aspects of the Henry Wade news conference after Ruby whacked Oswald, was how Wade sheepishly feigned not knowing Jack Ruby personally.

Wade quote " his name is a Jack Rubenstein I believe?" 

Oh come on! Everybody in law enforcement in Dallas knew full well who Jack Ruby was. Over the years many of them and even Dallas highest society folks had popped into the Carousel from time to time.

Wade himself had been in the Carousel in the past and been served at least one drink there according to Carousel bar manager Nancy Hamilton who served him the drink!

Of course Wade had to pretend he didn't know Jack Ruby.

Could you imagine if Wade told the world press the truth?

Yeah...I know Jack. He owns a swingin' strip club down on Commerce. I've popped in their myself once or twice. ?

There is a great video clip of a reporter asking Wade about his relationship with Ruby after the news conference.

Asking Wade about a one-on-one talking interaction he had with Ruby that this newsperson had witnessed just minutes earlier.

Wade mentioned how Ruby approached him to ask if he ( Wade) could speak on the phone with a radio newsman that Ruby knew. Wade presented this incident as if he didn't know Ruby from Adam.

The reporter asking Wade about his interaction with Ruby interjected to Wade ( paraphrasing until I find and post the actual interview ) "it looked to me like you two were friends."

Wade had an almost laughable "kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar"  big guilty as sin grin reaction to the reporter's incriminating analogy.

The point here with that reporter's awkward "you looked like friends" comment to Wade was that ...it was true! 

And Wade could not honestly counter it with an "absolutely not" answer.

Wade's honesty integrity and questionable personal and professional associations history has always been a point of great suspicion debate.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Ruby correcting Wade on the FPCC definitely raises an eyebrow, but isn’t it possible that Ruby heard about it on the TV or radio that day? When was Oswald’s membership in the FPCC first mentioned in the press? Another possibility is Ruby got an inside scoop from one of his cop or reporter buddies.

Good point Tom ... but that begs the question of why Ruby would feel compelled to correct Wade's statement ... out loud, in front of the cameras, even though he is not a reporter.  How many Americans had ever heard of this obscure committee? That reinforces (at least to me) that he is making sure that Oswald's legend is publicly known. 

He wrote to the Committe in May 1963, and then did his leaflet thing in the summer in NOLA.  When he returned home to Dallas, he stayed with his family at Ruth Paine’s home ... this is where the Dallas Police recovered his Fair Play for Cuba Committee membership card.  Apparently, Oswald was carrying a second Fair Play for Cuba membership card in his wallet when he was apprehended on November 22, 1963.  I don't think his affiliation was widely known at the time of the press conference. 

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8 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


During the Friday night press conference by District Attorney Henry Wade just after 11 pm, Ruby was in the crowd of reporters, standing on a table, with a clear view of Oswald. One observer (Tony Record) said that Ruby insisted on standing on the table, even though he didn’t have a camera. When Wade stated that Oswald was a member of the “Free Cuba Committee," Ruby corrected him and said, “that's 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' Henry.”  He was obviously stalking Oswald at this point by impersonating a reporter. As Larry Hancock has previously pointed out, he appears to have been serving as the eyes/ears of the plotters (i.e., the inside man or spy) to see what Oswald was saying, and how the authorities were handling him. The simple fact that Ruby corrected Wade knew about the Fair Play for Cuba Committee clearly demonstrates that he had knowledge of the previous New Orleans charade and the over-arching plot. 



"When Wade stated that Oswald was a member of the “Free Cuba Committee," Ruby corrected him and said, “that's 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' Henry.”"




There is audio of this event and you can hear many voices, all at once, correct Wade as to the name of the organization.  None of the voices say "That's 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee,' Henry."  Not everything you read in a conspiracy-oriented book is true.


Also, why is it so suspicious that Ruby knew the correct name of the organization and it is not suspicious at all that the others who also corrected Wade knew of the name of the organization?


As a side note, the name of the organization had been released to the world earlier that afternoon.  Therefore, it is faulty to claim that Ruby being aware of the name of the organization "clearly demonstrates that he had knowledge of the previous New Orleans charade and the over-arching plot".


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Ruby knew on Friday night that while he had a clear shot at Oswald he didn't have a close enough one to guarantee a kill shot.  He was not a practiced marksman with a pistol, a gunslinger/pistoleer.  If he had already been told he must kill Oswald he probably used this for an excuse for not doing so.  I'm not sure he had been ordered to do so at that point, but he was obviously observing proceedings for someone, maybe other than himself.  jmo

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Can someone find the Wade news conference video and link it to us?

I would like to hear these other reporters yelling out the same correction we hear Ruby shout out from the table top in back.

And if Ruby did indeed shout out the correction followed by stating Wade's first name "Henry" ...wouldn't one assume that Ruby knew Wade well enough to address him by his first name...especially in such a high profile world media watching setting?

I'm surprised Wade didn't shout back...thanks Jack!




Edited by Joe Bauer
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The name "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" was mentioned on NBC-TV at about 4:00 PM (Dallas time) on 11/22 [audio & video linked below]. And the FPCC was undoubtedly also mentioned on other TV and radio outlets as well (because if NBC had it, you know other networks had it too).

So Jack Ruby (and everybody else in America) could have easily known about Oswald's affiliation with the FPCC many hours before Henry Wade's late-night press conference on Friday night.



Edited by David Von Pein
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Here is the video clip of Henry Wade's news conference the evening of 11/24/1963.

Right after the 14 minute mark Wade is asked by a reporter whether he knew Jack Ruby.

Wade responded..."no."

A minute later you will hear a reporter telling Wade that to him ( the reporter) it looked as if Ruby and Wade were friends.

To which Wade looked down and grinned widely and imo...like someone caught in an embarrassing lie!

If Wade ever stepped foot in Ruby's Carousel Club socially, he can't say he didn't know him and who he was.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

The name "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" was mentioned on NBC-TV at about 4:00 PM (Dallas time) on 11/22 [audio & video linked below]. And the FPCC was undoubtedly also mentioned on other TV and radio outlets as well (because if NBC had it, you know other networks had it too).

So Jack Ruby (and everybody else in America) could have easily known about Oswald's affiliation with the FPCC many hours before Henry Wade's late-night press conference on Friday night.



The question is who Dave?  Who fed the MSM info on his lone one man crusade in New Orleans the summer before for the FPCC (against their advice) two hours after his arrest?

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

The question is who Dave?  Who fed the MSM info on his lone one man crusade in New Orleans the summer before for the FPCC (against their advice) two hours after his arrest?

Any number of media people who had contact with Lee Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of '63 could (and probably did) provide all the information they had on Oswald immediately after the assassination (seeing as how Mr. Oswald was the most talked-about person on the planet during the hours just after JFK was murdered).

And that info coming from New Orleans would have included information about the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee", which was info that was originally provided (voluntarily) by Lee Oswald himself in August of '63 via his radio and television interviews on New Orleans stations WDSU-TV and WDSU-Radio.

I would guess that right after the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" was first revealed as the prime suspect in the assassination, the people at WDSU in New Orleans were on the phone as quickly as they could dial, providing national media outlets with all the information they had on Oswald (including their video and audio tapes of Oswald's interviews).

There was nothing sinister about such "FPCC" information being shared with the national news media very quickly. Given the fact that every newsman in the country was no doubt hungry for ANY info pertaining to this guy named Oswald in the hours after JFK was shot, I don't find it surprising in the least that the national television networks found out that Lee Oswald was affiliated with the FPCC by 4:00 PM CST on Nov. 22. In fact, I would have expected that information to come out very quickly. Because that's what good newsmen and reporters do---they dig stuff up. And many times they dig it up very quickly.


Edited by David Von Pein
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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Any number of media people who had contact with Lee Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of '63 could (and probably did) provide all the information they had on Oswald immediately after the assassination (seeing as how Mr. Oswald was the most talked-about person on the planet during the hours just after JFK was murdered).

And that info coming from New Orleans would have included information about the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee", which was info that was originally provided (voluntarily) by Lee Oswald himself in August of '63 via his radio and television interviews on New Orleans stations WDSU-TV and WDSU-Radio.

I would guess that right after the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" was first revealed as the prime suspect in the assassination, the people at WDSU in New Orleans were on the phone as quickly as they could dial, providing national media outlets with all the information they had on Oswald (including their video and audio tapes of Oswald's interviews).

There was nothing sinister about such "FPCC" information being shared with the national news media very quickly. Given the fact that every newsman in the country was no doubt hungry for ANY info pertaining to this guy named Oswald in the hours after JFK was shot, I don't find it surprising in the least that the national television networks found out that Lee Oswald was affiliated with the FPCC by 4:00 PM CST on Nov. 22. In fact, I would have expected that information to come out very quickly. Because that's what good newsmen and reporters do---they dig stuff up. And many times they dig it up very quickly.


Yes, I agree with most of your instantly disseminated Oswald background points here DVP. Ruby could have seen this info on TV like everyone else before Wade's news conference.

However, there's something more important going on here.

When strip joint owner Jack Ruby thrust himself right inside the DPD building during the unprecedented highest anxiety and tension time in Dallas PD history, and is never confronted, impersonates a press person to the degree of wearing fake glasses and holding a pad and pencil in his hands, then actually jumps up and stands on a table in the back of the press room and shouts out to Henry Wade (who is being seen live or minutes later by over 100 million viewers ) "That's Fair Play For Cuba, Henry."   ???

This whole scene is not just crazy Texas bizarre and even humorous.

It is also just too seriously suspicious and improbable! 

Especially considering what Ruby did two days later, changing American history almost as much as JFK's killer.

Look, no matter how everything with the Ruby DPD access and action story is diced and debated here, bottom line is that the entire American nation watched with gut wrenching angst, Ruby whack Oswald right inside the DPD.

From a common sense rational point of view...90% or more of the nation felt something was just way too fishy, way too wrong with what they saw the morning of 11/24/1963.

No amount of diversionary or simplified alternate reality presentations made to convince them it was all just another case of "a loon who just got lucky" could ever change that deep first, gut instinct feeling Americans felt that this was all a set up with the extremely improbable circumstances such as Ruby'd ability to get within inches of Oswald's gut in an area with dozens of police all around.

There was a "pole shift" of government doubt and mistrust with the majority of American's starting that day. A rationally based one. And after 60 years, it has only dissipated because of future younger generations distant past lost interests.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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