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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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51 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Read this Tucker Carlson defenders:

Tucker Carlson Says Jan. 6 Is ‘Second Only to the 2020 Election as the Biggest Scam in My Lifetime’

Story by Michael Luciano  13h ago
So much for trying to portray Carlson as some objective, non-Trump biased, news truth reporting commentator.

No kidding, Joe.
And the travesty is the potential blowback that Carlson got on board with the JFK Records Act [LONG after Trump failed to release ALL files when he had the chance] while moderate and progressive media didn't, which taints the case. (Speaking personally, some in my family circle are having a heyday because of the cognitive dissonance.)  

Repeating what we know, now more than ever, moderate and left leaning media should be pressured to reconsider covering the Records Act issue from a strictly bi-partisan perspective. The facts are what they are, so filter out the crazy conspiracies, and report solely on NARA's failure to comply and Biden administration's stance in support of their arguments. 

Is it possible that those working behind the scenes on behalf of solving the Kennedy case don't have access — through friends and professional colleagues — to CNN, MSNBC, Salon, etc.?? I know of at least one instance of two degrees of separation. I'm sure there are others. And what about the publishers of credible books on the assassination?  Don't they have connections within moderate to left-leaning broadcast media (said she to herself)? 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Joe Bauer- are you including me in the category of "Tucker Carlson defenders"? Just to be clear, I have not "defended" him. I have applauded him for giving airtime to the JFK Records issue (which my all my encounters with his staff appears to be genuine interest) in contrast to the hosts on competing progressive cable or broadcasts. I understand your head explodes when any person gives any credit to TC. 

I have also posted excerpts from the Fox briefs to illustrate the steep legal mountain that Dominion has to climb. It should not be construed as my endorsing the Fox broadcasts.       

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@Leslie Sharp- To be fair, EVERYONE dropped the ball after Trump postponed release of the records not once but twice. No one in the research community took any action to resist Trump's postponements.  There may have been some whiny articles complaining about the postponements but no effort to fight the postponements.

As a result, the Trump postponements were basically a one or two day news cycle event. You cant blame Tucker for not devoting time on his show for the Trump postponements when the research community did not make this a newsworthy item.   

In contrast,  I organized my legal group in early 2021 in anticipation of Biden's October 2021 memo. we began an orchestrated campaign starting with an oversight request to congress, outreach to the PIDB and a group letter to Biden. After his October 2021 memo, I filed my FOIA lawsuit to understand what went on behind the scenes for the Trump and Biden postponements. 

Then in 2022, we continued our orchestrated campaign including filing our MFF lawsuit and a press conference at the National Press Club. Our MFF group engaged in sustained media outreach so that Biden's December memo a controversial news event item.  Only Tucker and, to lesser extent, Kennedy on the Fox Business Network  picked up on the Biden action ( I appeared on her show after we filed our lawsuit). No other evening programs devoted any real time to the postponement much less leading with this topic despite a protracted effort.

You have no idea how many conversations we had with producers and researchers of shows nor the hours spent feeding the teams with materials If you had put in the amount of time and effort we put into trying to engage all major media outlets, you might feel the  gratitude I feel towards Tucker for taking up the issue.   

I hope you can now organize yourselves and get the attention of the progressive media and Democratic Senators. Take all the energy you are devoting trashing him on this thread and re-direct it towards the shows you watch to convince them to carry a segment on this issue.  


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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Leslie Sharp- To be fair, EVERYONE dropped the ball after Trump postponed release of the records not once but twice. No one in the research community took any action to resist Trump's postponements.  There may have been some whiny articles complaining about the postponements but no effort to fight the postponements.

As a result, the Trump postponements were basically a one or two day news cycle event. You cant blame Tucker for not devoting time on his show for the Trump postponements when the research community did not make this a newsworthy item.   

In contrast,  I organized my legal group in early 2021 in anticipation of Biden's October 2021 memo. we began an orchestrated campaign starting with an oversight request to congress, outreach to the PIDB and a group letter to Biden. After his October 2021 memo, I filed my FOIA lawsuit to understand what went on behind the scenes for the Trump and Biden postponements. 

Then in 2022, we continued our orchestrated campaign including filing our MFF lawsuit and a press conference at the National Press Club. Our MFF group engaged in sustained media outreach so that Biden's December memo a controversial news event item.  Only Tucker and, to lesser extent, Kennedy on the Fox Business Network  picked up on the Biden action ( I appeared on her show after we filed our lawsuit). No other evening programs devoted any real time to the postponement much less leading with this topic despite a protracted effort.

You have no idea how many conversations we had with producers and researchers of shows nor the hours spent feeding the teams with materials If you had put in the amount of time and effort we put into trying to engage all major media outlets, you might feel the  gratitude I feel towards Tucker for taking up the issue.   

I hope you can now organize yourselves and get the attention of the progressive media and Democratic Senators. Take all the energy you are devoting trashing him on this thread and re-direct it towards the shows you watch to convince them to carry a segment on this issue.  


First, Larry, thank you for this history.

However, and I will likely be accused of over sensitivity — but this bears addressing if we are an inclusive team, all doing our part - using the tools in our individual toolboxes.

You write, "I hope you can now organize yourselves and get the attention of the progressive media and Democratic Senators. Take all the energy you are devoting trashing him on this thread and re-direct it towards the shows you watch to convince them to carry a segment on this issue." 

I trust you don’t mean to condescend.  Some of us can multi-task as efficiently as you seem able.  You’re doing yeoman’s work on this forum, for instance, and admirably while you pursue the case I presume. 

I understand your enthusiasm for grassroots efforts similar to the efforts of elements of the GOP that is so valiantly pushing Carlson’s agenda ... by influencing advertisers?  True capitalism!  What about the ballot bo

He has cleverly seized Jan 6 to distract from Jan 6, knowing that Trump’s base will believe any disinformation, propaganda he spews. From there, I think at least on a couple of occasions he has actually likened Trump to John F. Kennedy.  It’s a nice little political package he’s working at the moment and the issue is relevant to his willing participation and support of your efforts.

 No doubt grassroots action has been attempted prior to your involvement, and we know that high profile lawsuits have been filed for decades, so we’re all standing on the shoulders of giants.  

You/we just happen to be living through a period when assassination records release coincides with a propaganda machine intent on burying the chances that any Democratic candidate might secure the WH in 2024 … and more critically that Trump or one who aligns with his ideology for the most part will win the presidency.  It really is that simple, with the undertow that Carlson is leading the charge. That is a concern for everyone who has studied this history.  I’m taking you at your word that you’re not a Carlson / Trump adherent. 

@Leslie Sharp- To be fair, EVERYONE dropped the ball after Trump postponed release of the records not once but twice. No one in the research community took any action to resist Trump's postponements.  There may have been some whiny articles complaining about the postponements but no effort to fight the postponements.

I know many among one branch of “the community” have devoted a great deal of personal time and energy confronting the lies coming out of alt-right sites as well as Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham at F. and related broadcast media since 2017.  For many of us, the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas is the polestar of our effort. Albarelli’s Coup in Dallas is among the first books to identify the continuity from Dallas 1963 to DC 2016, with Trump as the archetype of decades of far-right, undisciplined extremism stemming from pre-WWI, yet that research has been ignored or denigrated by some on this forum. It deserves a fair reading, while we’re on the topic.

Was Trump the ideal (and I say dangerous) 
toxic narcissistic personality — in the mind of Roy Cohn's protege, Roger Stone’s — to be president when the JFK Records Act kicked in? Is that a stretch?

As a result, the Trump postponements were basically a one or two day news cycle event. You cant blame Tucker for not devoting time on his show for the Trump postponements when the research community did not make this a newsworthy item. 

I won’t get into a protracted debate over the obnoxious optics of Tucker’s sudden interest. It is, and he is, what it is, so I for one contend that a bird in the hand . . . is what it is.  That said, what’s unfolding in this particular discussion is disconcerting because it (subjectively speaking) reflects a failure to recognize the undertow of Carlson’s reportage on the JFK Records Act and the potential blowback.   You cannot ignore his partisanship and how this may be the obstacle that the left broadcast media is unwilling to get beyond. I hope to all that is good this is not a massive set up that eludes you and the team.

With that, aren’t you familiar with at least one instance of one degree of separation from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein who are frequent guests on moderate to left leaning broadcast media?  I hope that stone has at least been turned. I’m not in a position to pursue it personally, but I know the opportunity eists. 

In contrast,  I organized my legal group in early 2021 in anticipation of Biden's October 2021 memo. we began an orchestrated campaign starting with an oversight request to congress, outreach to the PIDB and a group letter to Biden. After his October 2021 memo, I filed my FOIA lawsuit to understand what went on behind the scenes for the Trump and Biden postponements. 


I trust you won’t misconstrue what’s being deliberated here as criticism of the herculean efforts you, Bill, Jeff and the team have made thus far.  You may all win the Medal of Honor in the end. Let’s hope that is the case, and I would be on board a write-in campaign for said honors.

Then in 2022, we continued our orchestrated campaign including filing our MFF lawsuit and a press conference at the National Press Club. Our MFF group engaged in sustained media outreach so that Biden's December memo a controversial news event item.  Only Tucker and, to lesser extent, Kennedy on the Fox Business Network  picked up on the Biden action ( I appeared on her show after we filed our lawsuit). No other evening programs devoted any real time to the postponement much less leading with this topic despite a protracted effort.

Fox Business Network picked up on the Biden action . . .

Therein lies the rub, Larry.  The fact that Tucker is exploiting the Kennedy assassination in this matter can’t be lost on you.

You have no idea how many conversations we had with producers and researchers of shows nor the hours spent feeding the teams with materials If you had put in the amount of time and effort we put into trying to engage all major media outlets, you might feel the  gratitude I feel towards Tucker for taking up the issue.  

Again, I laud your efforts, but no, I do not feel gratitude towards Tucker because I am convinced that he and his have been working a complex operation to bring down democratic government to replace it with Christian authoritarian rule. Full stop. Call that paranoia if you must but our research led to the conclusion that Kennedy’s murder – an attack on the democratically elected presidency — was the nail in the coffin and Trump as a Doppelganger, a Trojan Horse, has the hammer.

Now, back to work.




Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Leslie - even though I share your fears regarding Carlson, other more moderate on air anchors aren’t yet willing to step up to the plate. Larry and co would have taken any opening they got I’m sure. If by taking up the story Carlson made it more difficult to make the lobbying bi-partisan, I doubt that was why he did so. Other nefarious reasons may exist of course. But whatever the case, it’s still necessary to build some kind of coalition. There is no going back. 
You asked the right question - how can we break the logjam on the Democratic side? 

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IMO...there are NO hidden JFKA files that would ever seriously diminish the power of or threaten the very existence of the CIA.

They have been destroyed.

Why so many here keep thinking otherwise irritates my sense of trusting belief in others who should know this.

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How about we move on from Tucker Carlson altogether?

His credibility factor has been diminished to Trump defending propaganda hack level and he is one of the most divisive figures in American media.

I say to those of the JFKA research community who are looking for a well known media figure to champion as their crusader and to promote their agenda... how about someone less controversial and more trusted in the objective truth news reporting department?

Bill Maher? Chris Hayes? Chris Como? Liz Chaney is available.

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17 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

IMO...there are NO hidden JFKA files that would ever seriously diminish the power of or threaten the very existence of the CIA.

They have been destroyed.

Why so many here keep thinking otherwise irritates my sense of trusting belief in others who should know this.

Both Hank and I long argued same, Joe, but we were in agreement that  until it's over, it's not fully over as a friend of Salandria (who by the way believed Oswald was a lone gunman) once opined.  So, I'm supportive of seeing this particular effort through to the end.  In full transparency, I am supportive with the caveat that although Joannides files should be the poster child, there may well be hugely significant files that reveal long buried evidence which should be highlighted as well.   It's my intention to bring those possibilities to the fore and add them to the list.  If they haven't been destroyed and are released, will they upset the applecart entirely? Will they epose an international role in the assassination in Dallas that could damage relations with American allies in Europe, North Africa, (Ireland?!) for decades to come?

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3 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Joe Bauer- are you including me in the category of "Tucker Carlson defenders"? Just to be clear, I have not "defended" him. I have applauded him for giving airtime to the JFK Records issue (which my all my encounters with his staff appears to be genuine interest) in contrast to the hosts on competing progressive cable or broadcasts. I understand your head explodes when any person gives any credit to TC. 

I have also posted excerpts from the Fox briefs to illustrate the steep legal mountain that Dominion has to climb. It should not be construed as my endorsing the Fox broadcasts.       

IMHO, we should listen to Larry S., and heed his words regarding the JFKA and the Dominion case. 

Base base makes for bad law: If the Dominion case succeeds, expect less press freedom in the US. As it is, one could also review the Dominion suit as a SLAPP suit. Are they just trying to shut Fox up? 

If Tucker Carlson is pushing for full release of the JFKA records, then he is an ally. 

As it is, the EF might have a readership in the dozens, if that. If we drive away half the potential readership through endless blue-red pissing wars...well, then you are left with a half-dozen aging very opinionated Donks sharing anti-Trump tropes (repeatedly). 

A zero influence echo chamber, gaseous, and no windows. 

The JFKA should be a big tent community. When new members post, they should be treated civilly. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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5 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Your response to facts is, "well, that's your view"? 

Yes. I respect your views. I may have different views in some areas.  

I encourage your civil participation in this forum, and that of others who have alternative views. 


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6 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Alex Jones was a unique situation both because he was individual and his performance on the witness stand essentially asked the jury to find him quilty.

This is a very important first amendment case and Dominion has very heavy lifting especially since the demand resembles a punitive penalty. they still have to prove damages which I have yet to see. they already had to reduce their demand by 1/2 billion dollars. That will no doubt be further reduced. 

how would you feel if the jury found Fox guilty but awared $1 in damages?    


Larry S--

Unfortunately, even the threat of expensive if specious lawsuits can have a chilling effect of journalism. 

Some may chortle now as Fox is the target, but this axe can swing both ways. 

Is there a way for Fox to recover legal costs plus punitive damages? 

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

How about we move on from Tucker Carlson altogether?

His credibility factor has been diminished to Trump defending propaganda hack level and he is one of the most divisive figures in American media.

I say to those of the JFKA research community who are looking for a well known media figure to champion as their crusader and to promote their agenda... how about someone less controversial and more trusted in the objective truth news reporting department?

Bill Maher? Chris Hayes? Chris Como? Liz Chaney is available.

Joe Bauer- I agree 100% Joe. Bill Maher would be great. how about some of you contact his producers? Likewise with Chris Hayes. One thing I've learned from my recent media experience is that the producers control the shows. The hosts are simply the faces of the shows.  

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