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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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55 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Leslie Sharp- that would be great.  it could become a tool to help with our lawsuit.  

I also just want to be clear that in explaning the burdens of proving a defamation case, I was not defending Fox. I was simply responding to some posts who seemed to suggest Domination had a slam dunk case based on the selective desposition leaks. 

and I once urge those who watch the more progressive cable news programs to try to organize and apply pressure on them to follow the JFK Records case. the one lesson from the Dominion defamation case is that a cable network feels pressure when its audience is unhappy and is beginning to drift to other stations. If you guys can make it clear to the other stations that they need to cover the illegal withholding of assassination records, then we wont have to rely on Tucker to break news on this topic. 

Finally, if any of you have good contacts at any of the good government/open government/transparency nonprofits, please let me know. we'd love to have them file amici briefs opposing the governments motion to dismiss. You all can help with this important lawsuit. 

I just remembered that Oliver Curme has a non-profit in Boston that appeared (last I looked) to be well connected, albeit in the music world but no doubt it's a potential introduction to government transparency nonprofits in New England.  If you haven't approached him with the recommendation, should someone on the MFF board or team make the attempt? Caveat ... this may have been discussed and I've simply missed it.

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

We should listen to Larry Schnapf on matters of law. 

If you have extremely firmly held ideologies or beliefs regarding the JFKA, that is fine.

But can we stop the pissing wars and back Larry? He is doing good work. 

I am sure I have some disagreements some political issues with Larry, or have different suspects in mind for the JFKA. 

So what? 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Ben, apparently you misread the exchange with Larry.  We're discussing a thread dedicated solely to egregious failures by NARA to fulfill FOIA requests, not yet another thread on the origins of the assassination in Dallas. Best you not attempt to derail momentum?

btw, views are not the equivalent of fresh evidence.


I thought you were working on getting new evidence ---documents, records---released (a worthy cause in its own right) but also further a perspective you have regarding the true JFKA perps (also entirely justifiable). 

BTW, I would read a new thread of yours in which you lay out in simple form who you suspect as the true JFKA perps.

Let us hope for no more derailments!

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3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I thought you were working on getting new evidence ---documents, records---released (a worthy cause in its own right) but also further a perspective you have regarding the true JFKA perps (also entirely justifiable). 

BTW, I would read a new thread of yours in which you lay out in simple form who you suspect as the true JFKA perps.

Let us hope for no more derailments!


A number have requested a lite version of Hank's investigation so we're in discussion regarding to the possibility. For now, you might read Coup in small bites over a few months? I think you can get it online for $15 these days.  If your in Thailand, I think Kindle version is quite reasonable as well.


Here's to no more derailments.

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2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:


A number have requested a lite version of Hank's investigation so we're in discussion regarding to the possibility. For now, you might read Coup in small bites over a few months? I think you can get it online for $15 these days.  If your in Thailand, I think Kindle version is quite reasonable as well.


Here's to no more derailments.

No credit cards, no Kindle. On top of that Paypal just stopped service in Thailand for non-nationals. 

I can pay someone through Payoneer (I think) if a PDF comes my way....

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

No credit cards, no Kindle. On top of that Paypal just stopped service in Thailand for non-nationals. 

I can pay someone through Payoneer (I think) if a PDF comes my way....

Do you have Adobe Acrobat? My Word version of the manuscript is pre-final-edit, but I think I can send you the Acrobat final edit.  I'll check with our editor.  If you're genuinely interested, I'll make the effort.

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I am no lawyer, but Glenn Greenwald seems to think the Dominion case is iffy.

Years ago in California there was a problem with "SLAP" suits.

That is, if a large company wanted to shut someone up, they would sue them. In the US, you must answer a complaint, and that costs $10k out of the gate. 

Whatever the merits of the Dominion case, they may just want to make it expensive for anybody to investigate voting-machine issues. 

BTW, this was a NYT magazine cover story in 2018:


They said voting machines were very vulnerable. A "crisis." 

Interesting how tunes change. 

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Just viewed the video posted above regards Tucker Carlson commenting on Sidney Powell's claims of voter machine fraud.

Yes, it is compelling in it's showing TC's asking for more proof of Powell's claim.

However, this is just one particular Carlson commentary episode out of hundreds.

One would need to watch most if not all of Fox News's main prime time reporter election coverage commentaries to get a fair assessment of whether or not Fox News ever purposely mis-reported or falsely reported the voter machine claims or gave them validity in any way.

Notice Carlson never dismisses Powell or her claims in this episode. He simply postulates the need for more proof to back up her claims.

In fact, Carlson endorses the need to look into voter machine fraud. And Fox News gives Powell a stage for making her false claims.

And what of Lou Dobbs and the other Fox News TV show host who did endorse Trump's claim of voter fraud?  How long did it take for Fox News to eventually let them go? How long of time did Fox News allow these two Fox News show hosts to spew the big l** to millions of Americans via their air waves?

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Just viewed the video posted above regards Tucker Carlson commenting on Sidney Powell's claims of voter machine fraud.

Yes, it is compelling in it's showing TC's asking for more proof of Powell's claim.

However, this is just one particular Carlson commentary episode out of hundreds.

One would need to watch most if not all of Fox News's main prime time reporter election coverage commentaries to get a fair assessment of whether or not Fox News ever purposely mis-reported or falsely reported the voter machine claims or gave them validity in any way.

Notice Carlson never dismisses Powell or her claims in this episode. He simply postulates the need for more proof to back up her claims.

In fact, Carlson endorses the need to look into voter machine fraud. And Fox News gives Powell a stage for making her false claims.

And what of Lou Dobbs and the other Fox News TV show host who did endorse Trump's claim of voter fraud?  How long did it take for Fox News to eventually let them go? How long of time did Fox News allow these two Fox News show hosts to spew the big l** to millions of Americans via their air waves?

I agree with you, in your sentiments.

Carlson should have been "tougher" in demanding evidence regarding voter fraud.

Conjectures and accusations are not evidence.

On the other hand, in 2018, The New York Times magazine cover story was on the "crisis" in election security, largely regarding easily hacked voter machines. 

In this very forum, a very opinionated anti-Trumper suggested the Russians hacked the 2016 election to install Trump. 

So which is it? Are voting machines vulnerable or not? 

I don't know. Seems to change in every election cycle. 


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The Dominion complaint only cites one example for Tucker and Hannity. There is more examples for Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo. However, Fox has countered with its other news programming that it asserts balances the "opinion journalism" episodes. I'm not even sure that any of the exerpted testimony that has been the subject of coverage and this thread will ever get in front of the jury. That may be one reason it was leaked to "pollute" the  potential jury pool. 

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A most important suggestion Larry made is that we search for inroads to the liberal TV and print media. Letters to the editor in NYT might be good. What would be better is to get one or more of the MSNBC anchors on board with releasing records. It doesn’t have to be a question of what they think happened that day. It’s all about transparency, and the rule of law. Congress mandated the release of documents, and the last two presidents have blocked full release, not even adhering to the letter of the law. 
All of us, no matter which position we take, are for for release of documents. Entire books have been written about the MSM failure to be a voice for JFK Truth. We can’t expect Democrats in Congress to stand up if our media pundits won’t get on board. So the question is how to we get this done? We have several credible authors here. We have Oliver Stone. What else? 

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For all the fear reporting regards the potential for voter machine voter fraud ( especially in large numbers ) countless investigations of such proved there was none.

Trump pushed the big L** that there was voter machine fraud in Bidens favor  ( AND STILL IS! ) despite this proof there wasn't.

Fox News never reported the reality of Trump's long term L** pushing to the degree it should have.

That it was dividing and damaging our entire society is so many dangerous and irresponsible ways.

A simple truth news story title regards Trump's never ending and nation dividing l** spreading would have been:

" Trump's False Reality Election Fraud L** Spreading Obsession Hugely Damaging And Dividing America."

Fox News wouldn't dare report Trump's seditious actions in that simple truth way.

Don't want to upset the millions of Trump cult followers who watch their show. Profit before truth.

To heck with journalistic ethics.

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Notice Carlson never dismisses Powell or her claims in this episode. He simply postulates the need for more proof to back up her claims.

In fact, Carlson endorses the need to look into voter machine fraud. And Fox News gives Powell a stage for making her false claims.


Once the subpoenas are issued, the evidence is collected and testimony under oath is given, the truth in this case arrives.


Over 60 court cases lost in pursuit of the Big Lie. Most of them laughed out of the courtrooms.

26 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Fox News never reported the reality of Trump's long term L** pushing to the degree it should have.

That it was dividing and damaging our entire society is so many dangerous and irresponsible ways.

So, no thank you TC and friends.


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4 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


So, no thank you TC and friends.


No matter what now, Fox News and TC and friends have been knocked down the credibility ladder by several rungs. More than they ever have before.

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