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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

You’ve also got the Israeli’s filming 9/11 and dancing on a roof top, later arrested and deported from the USA. 

This wingnut myth was debunked years ago. Sheesh, who are you people? What news channels do you watch? What newspapers do you read?

Antisemitic Conspiracies About 9/11 Endure 20 Years Later | ADL

Conspiracy Theories Continue to Blame Jews and Israel Five Years After 9/11 (jewishjournal.com)

Disinfo: Israel knew 9/11 was coming (euvsdisinfo.eu)

Thousands of Israelis Were Absent from the WTC on 9/11? | Snopes.com

The long strange history of the 9/11 "celebrations" meme (slate.com)


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21 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I’ve read most of this. Have you read about Mossad and Skorzeny? I’m not saying it’s a smoking gun. I am saying that ignoring this info is strange. 

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3 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

This obfuscation and filibustering from you is really showing you as deficient on this topic, its embarrassing. Had you even read the links that you wasted my time with? 

If you can’t debate the specifics, it might be better to just stay quiet. Its making me cringe you posting materials linking events that have zero to do with 9/11. 

We are getting the picture; that you’ll support the state of Israel blindly, no matter what crimes they commit. The reality is, we are talking about a nation. Any nation can be scrutinised, questioned or held to account for its actions. 

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7 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

This wingnut myth was debunked years ago. Sheesh, who are you people? What news channels do you watch? What newspapers do you read?



This is absolute bunk, and people on the Education Forum need to know that Michael Griffith is posting bunk.

The arrest of the "Five Dancing Israelis" on 9/11 is not a "wingnut myth."  It's a disturbing historical fact.

The five young men were arrested near Giants Stadium on 9/11, after witnesses in New Jersey saw them filming and celebrating the WTC demolitions, and called the police.

They were incarcerated by the FBI for 70 days, before being released to Israel.

The story was suppressed in the U.S. mainstream media.

In fact, it was this strangely suppressed story that prompted the American journalist Christopher Bollyn to spend the past 22 lonely years researching 9/11.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

This obfuscation and filibustering from you is really showing you as deficient on this topic, its embarrassing. Had you even read the links that you wasted my time with? 

If you can’t debate the specifics, it might be better to just stay quiet. Its making me cringe you posting materials linking events that have zero to do with 9/11. 

We are getting the picture; that you’ll support the state of Israel blindly, no matter what crimes they commit. The reality is, we are talking about a nation. Any nation can be scrutinised, questioned or held to account for its actions. 


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I am no expert on 9/11 but after reading the documents Mike Griffith must feel like Stephen Curry after Tuesdays game with LeBron James stuffing the ball down his throat twice.

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Like many others, I see no direct evidence of Israeli involvement in the assassination, but have many questions about the cover-up.  That said, the case of de Gaulle suggests a little caution is in order, as there is still much we don't know about the former. The following extracts are from Sylvia K. Crosbie's 1974 work, Tacit Alliance: France and Israel from Suez to the Six Day War (Princeton UP, 0691075573):



140: Suddenly in 1961 and 1962, a rash of newspaper reports condemned Jewish support for alleged Israeli violence with…the OAS. Claims that Jacques Soustelle had received support from Ben Gurion and that Israeli intelligence agents or extreme Rightists were directly involved in OAS activities were based on a germ of truth: Soustelle’s Committee of Democratic Defense did include Duharnel, Koening, Andre Speri, and Solomon Friedrich-Formasset, who represented the Right-wing Herut in France. Soustelle’s friendship with wealthy American Jews and the financial support he allegedly received from them during his exile fanned suspicions of Israel’s involvement. In 1961, an Algerian Jew and suspected OAS leader, Jean Ghenassia, was arrested and charged with being in touch with Israeli agents who had supposedly been smuggled into Algeria by submarine in late December 1960 with the aid of the Secret Service and the Etzel or Stern gangs (associated with the Herut party).


Page 140, footnote 46: 

Soustelle’s relationship with…Abe Spanel, former head of International Latex. Spanel published an anti-de Gaulle, pro-Israel French newsletter in New York during the period of Soustelle’s OAS activities. [Nicholas] Wahl reported the whispered view that Soustelle was being financed in his exile by the Israel secret service and by wealthy contributors to Israeli causes.

141: General Andre Zeller at his treason trial – rebels expected support from “Portugal, South Africa, South America and perhaps Israel.”



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1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

Like many others, I see no direct evidence of Israeli involvement in the assassination, but have many questions about the cover-up.  That said, the case of de Gaulle suggests a little caution is in order, as there is still much we don't know about the former. The following extracts are from Sylvia K. Crosbie's 1974 work, Tacit Alliance: France and Israel from Suez to the Six Day War (Princeton UP, 0691075573):


I haven't seen anything direct either, past 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon connections to Permindex, Angleton running Israeli desk for CIA and Ruby saying he was Israeli press to get into the Midnight News Conference with Oswald. The people like Michael Collins Piper and Laurent Guyénot who advocate for this theory also seem to believe that Myer Lansky controlled the US Mafia and that they carried out the shooting and most of the plot. They skip over the Autopsy, Mexico City, New Orleans and Oswald intelligence aspects of the case to inflate the Israel Connections. 

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On 5/1/2023 at 9:27 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

Have you read Jefferson Morley's "The Ghost" ? I would think this would strongly disabuse any rational person of the notion that Israel was involved in Kennedy's assassination.


On 5/1/2023 at 9:27 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

Have you read Jefferson Morley's "The Ghost" ? I would think this would strongly disabuse any rational person of the notion that Israel was involved in Kennedy's assassination.

With all due respect, that's an appeal to authority.

I thought that book was trying to muddy the waters around JJA...

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6 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Jean Ghenassia





Jean Ghenassia, son of Salomon and Renée Ghenassia, joined the French army at a very young age and participated in the liberation of the country from German occupation. He took part in 1947, in the ranks of the Israeli army, in the first Israeli-Palestinian war. He was seriously wounded in the chest during these fights. He remained in his adopted country for a few years. Back in Algiers in 1953, he resumed his studies to become a teacher. Established on January 1, 1958, he was assigned to the Hussein-Dey boys' school.


After the events that took place in Algiers, on May 13 of the same year, he bonded deeply with Pierre Lagaillarde, one of the leaders of the supporters of French Algeria. He joined and then actively militated in the Algiers section of the SII (Independent Union of Teachers), then affiliated with the CGSI (General Confederation of Independent Unions). This section was directed by his friend Dominique Zattara*.


A staunch supporter of "French Algeria", like Dominique Zattara, Jean Ghenassia was suspected by the authorities, after the putsch of the generals of Algiers in April 1961, of being an active member or sympathizer of the OAS (Organization of the secret army)."


I read a rather enlightening piece concerning the Algerian/Israeli historical connection, the struggle for Algerian independence, the Suez Canal

Algeria, Israel and the last European settler colony in the Arab world

by Joseph Massad 19 July 2022


"France’s military alliance with Israel and its hostility to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser increased, especially as the Egyptian leader became identified as the force behind the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)."

Israel joined England and France in their invasion of Egypt at the Suez Canal in 1956.

"Against this background, France launched its invasion of Egypt with the British and the Israelis in 1956, an adventure that ended in their defeat and only increased Nasser’s popularity."

“Other groups, however, formed Algerian Jewish commandos and organised themselves in Oran against Algerian Muslims. They sought partition of the colony along “racial” lines. 

They were said to be inspired in their quest by Israeli government policy. Israel conscripted at least one Algerian Jew, who had joined the OAS, into Israel’s spy network, namely one of the OAS leaders, Jean Ghenassia, who had contacts with Israeli agents, for which he was later prosecuted by the French."

After losing at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and the Suez Canal in 1956, the French were spoiling for a fight.

Steve Thomas


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10 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:




Jean Ghenassia, son of Salomon and Renée Ghenassia, joined the French army at a very young age and participated in the liberation of the country from German occupation. He took part in 1947, in the ranks of the Israeli army, in the first Israeli-Palestinian war. He was seriously wounded in the chest during these fights. He remained in his adopted country for a few years. Back in Algiers in 1953, he resumed his studies to become a teacher. Established on January 1, 1958, he was assigned to the Hussein-Dey boys' school.


After the events that took place in Algiers, on May 13 of the same year, he bonded deeply with Pierre Lagaillarde, one of the leaders of the supporters of French Algeria. He joined and then actively militated in the Algiers section of the SII (Independent Union of Teachers), then affiliated with the CGSI (General Confederation of Independent Unions). This section was directed by his friend Dominique Zattara*.


A staunch supporter of "French Algeria", like Dominique Zattara, Jean Ghenassia was suspected by the authorities, after the putsch of the generals of Algiers in April 1961, of being an active member or sympathizer of the OAS (Organization of the secret army)."


I read a rather enlightening piece concerning the Algerian/Israeli historical connection, the struggle for Algerian independence, the Suez Canal

Algeria, Israel and the last European settler colony in the Arab world

by Joseph Massad 19 July 2022


"France’s military alliance with Israel and its hostility to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser increased, especially as the Egyptian leader became identified as the force behind the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)."

Israel joined England and France in their invasion of Egypt at the Suez Canal in 1956.

"Against this background, France launched its invasion of Egypt with the British and the Israelis in 1956, an adventure that ended in their defeat and only increased Nasser’s popularity."

“Other groups, however, formed Algerian Jewish commandos and organised themselves in Oran against Algerian Muslims. They sought partition of the colony along “racial” lines. 

They were said to be inspired in their quest by Israeli government policy. Israel conscripted at least one Algerian Jew, who had joined the OAS, into Israel’s spy network, namely one of the OAS leaders, Jean Ghenassia, who had contacts with Israeli agents, for which he was later prosecuted by the French."

After losing at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and the Suez Canal in 1956, the French were spoiling for a fight.

Steve Thomas


Not for the first time, I'm in your debt - excellent stuff.

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On 5/1/2023 at 9:22 AM, Pamela Brown said:

Another thorn in the side of the Israelis was the fact that JFK's policy on Israel was fair-minded.  He wanted both sides to be treated equally. He wanted reparations for the homes and land appropriated by Israelis...

Angleton, on the other hand, was a Zionist.

So was LBJ.

The book Secret War Against Jews implied that the Jews blackmailed Angleton into becoming an Zionist

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1 hour ago, Calvin Ye said:

The book Secret War Against Jews implied that the Jews blackmailed Angleton into becoming an Zionist

Reading it now. Haven’t gotten to that part, but when I do I’ll try to find your post and comment. Really interesting history book. 
I would appreciate knowing how ‘guest’ posts topics on the Forum. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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