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10 Disturbing Parallels Between John Lennon’s Assassination and JFK, RFK and MLK

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The children of the people who assassinated Abraham Lincoln must have been behind JFK's assassination. Consider these 12 remarkable and disturbing parallels between Lincoln's assassination and JFK's assassination:

1. Both Lincoln and JFK had a man named Johnson as their vice president. Figure the odds of that. No way that's a coincidence.

2. Both Lincoln and JFK were wearing a formal coat and a dress shirt and a tie when they were shot.

3. Both Lincoln and JFK were sitting when they were shot. 

4. Both Lincoln and JFK were killed with bullets.

5. JFK and the father of Lincoln's assassin were both born in the month of May.

6. Both JFK and Lincoln were shot in the head and died from their head wounds.

7. Both JFK and Lincoln supported civil rights.

8. Both JFK and Lincoln were hated by many Southerners for their civil rights views.

9. Both JFK and Lincoln were born north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

10. Both JFK and Lincoln wanted to try to establish an equitable peace with an enemy hated by many people all over the country.

11. Both JFK and Lincoln were strongly opposed by radicals/hardliners who felt the enemy did not deserve an equitable peace but should be severely punished.

12. Both JFK and Lincoln disliked British and French colonialism.

Don't even try to mention the word "coincidence." Get real. If you refuse to admit that these parallels are disturbing, you are obviously a CIA-backed disinformation agent sent here to cause confusion and doubt. If you're not paranoid, you're just plain wrong.


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On 5/5/2023 at 9:14 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

To say nothing of how absolutely ludicrous these theories are, there's already (regrettably) another current thread on this subject. Why another separate one?

Methinks he doth protest too much...

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I think the key to these assassinations is that they are all Murders Most Foul...


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On 5/5/2023 at 9:22 AM, John Cotter said:

Are you working for the CIA, Jonathan?

It’s supremely ironic that the CIA weaponised the term “conspiracy theory” in order to shut down investigations into their dirty work – the covert operations which were the very definition of conspiracies.

The knee-jerk reaction of most of Jonathan's posts that I have read seems somewhat immature.

I sincerely doubt an agency would be interested...

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On 5/5/2023 at 5:40 PM, Michael Griffith said:

The children of the people who assassinated Abraham Lincoln must have been behind JFK's assassination. Consider these 12 remarkable and disturbing parallels between Lincoln's assassination and JFK's assassination:

1. Both Lincoln and JFK had a man named Johnson as their vice president. Figure the odds of that. No way that's a coincidence.

2. Both Lincoln and JFK were wearing a formal coat and a dress shirt and a tie when they were shot.

3. Both Lincoln and JFK were sitting when they were shot. 

4. Both Lincoln and JFK were killed with bullets.

5. JFK and the father of Lincoln's assassin were both born in the month of May.

6. Both JFK and Lincoln were shot in the head and died from their head wounds.

7. Both JFK and Lincoln supported civil rights.

8. Both JFK and Lincoln were hated by many Southerners for their civil rights views.

9. Both JFK and Lincoln were born north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

10. Both JFK and Lincoln wanted to try to establish an equitable peace with an enemy hated by many people all over the country.

11. Both JFK and Lincoln were strongly opposed by radicals/hardliners who felt the enemy did not deserve an equitable peace but should be severely punished.

12. Both JFK and Lincoln disliked British and French colonialism.

Don't even try to mention the word "coincidence." Get real. If you refuse to admit that these parallels are disturbing, you are obviously a CIA-backed disinformation agent sent here to cause confusion and doubt. If you're not paranoid, you're just plain wrong.


There are quite a few more of these that you did not mention.

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3 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

There are quite a few more of these that you did not mention.

Lincoln was elected President in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960 exactly 100 years later. There are seven letters in each name, both Presidents were assassinated on Friday and both in the presence of their wives.

Both were directly concerned with civil rights and both had the legality of their elections contested.

President Kennedy’s secretary’s name was Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas; Lincoln’s secretary’s name was Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theater.

Both of their successors’ names were Johnson, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson. Each name contains 13 letters. Both men served in the U.S. Senate and both were southern Democrats. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.

Booth and Oswald were both southerners favoring unpopular ideas. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater and Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse.

Booth and Oswald were both murdered before a trial could be arranged. Booth and Oswald were born 100 years apart and each name, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth, has 15 letters.

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Over the years in writing weekly columns and news stories, research on men like Abraham Lincoln has led me to believe that he was one of America’s greatest presidents.

After a column about Lincoln a few years ago, a reader called and said, "Have you ever heard of the amazing coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy?” When my answer was no, I had not, she mailed me a copy of the article.

When the article arrived, the amazing coincidences between the two slain American Presidents were not only amazing, but it also gave me a very strange feeling. If you have never read this story, allow me to pass it along to you; you will find it very interesting.

Lincoln was elected President in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960 exactly 100 years later. There are seven letters in each name, both Presidents were assassinated on Friday and both in the presence of their wives.

Both were directly concerned with civil rights and both had the legality of their elections contested.

President Kennedy’s secretary’s name was Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas; Lincoln’s secretary’s name was Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theater.

Both of their successors’ names were Johnson, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson. Each name contains 13 letters. Both men served in the U.S. Senate and both were southern Democrats. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.

Booth and Oswald were both southerners favoring unpopular ideas. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater and Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse.

Booth and Oswald were both murdered before a trial could be arranged. Booth and Oswald were born 100 years apart and each name, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth, has 15 letters.

It is highly unusual that there are so many coincidences, and while we live in a world of order, the chances or the odds that this will ever occur again has to be very slim. D. W. Allen once said that coincidence is chance stumbling more than once in the same place.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Two different guns may have been used in the John Lennon shooting, according to a British writer investigating the case.

Author and TV producer David Whelan has unearthed official records showing for the first time that two different types of bullets were removed from the music legend's body following his fatal shooting on December 8, 1980.

Mr Whelan believes a 'second shooter' could have been involved in the murder of Lennon and has now uncovered dramatic new evidence supporting his case.

MailOnline reported in April how Mr Whelan already discovered a trove of fascinating documents relating to the killing which took place as Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono returned to their home in the Dakota Building overlooking New York's Central Park.

Mr Whelan's three-year investigation into the murder has highlighted a series of extraordinary inconsistencies - including the suggestion that detectives may have fundamentally misunderstood how the shooting happened.

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8 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Two different guns may have been used in the John Lennon shooting, according to a British writer investigating the case.

Author and TV producer David Whelan has unearthed official records showing for the first time that two different types of bullets were removed from the music legend's body following his fatal shooting on December 8, 1980.

Mr Whelan believes a 'second shooter' could have been involved in the murder of Lennon and has now uncovered dramatic new evidence supporting his case.

MailOnline reported in April how Mr Whelan already discovered a trove of fascinating documents relating to the killing which took place as Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono returned to their home in the Dakota Building overlooking New York's Central Park.

Mr Whelan's three-year investigation into the murder has highlighted a series of extraordinary inconsistencies - including the suggestion that detectives may have fundamentally misunderstood how the shooting happened.

The bullet forensics have caught up with the circumstantial evidence about the Dakota doorman serving that night. It’s not entirely clear if that Jose Sanjenis Perdomo is one and the same with the number two man at Operation 40 led by David Sanches Morales. 

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20 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

It’s not entirely clear if that Jose Sanjenis Perdomo is one and the same with the number two man at Operation 40 led by David Sanches Morales. 

Certainly unclear, & will probably remain so.  The following text from David Whelan.

By some accounts, Jose Perdomo bravely shook the gun out of Mark Chapman’s hands after Chapman allegedly shot his .38 at John Lennon. In his first statement to the police though, Chapman said ‘I don’t remember what happened to the gun’ after he fired it. Another witness caused yet more confusion when he said he saw Chapman throw his gun to the ground. However it found its way to the ground, one thing seems to be universally accepted and that is that Perdomo kicked a gun to the rear of the driveway. One witness clearly states he saw Perdomo do this.

Nobody, outside of Perdomo, can be certain that the gun on the ground that lift operator Joseph Many saw and picked up was Mark Chapman’s, we have to take Perdomo’s word for that. There is a significant time delay between a witness seeing Perdomo kick a gun to the back of the driveway and Joe Many arriving on the scene and seeing one on the ground in the driveway. Perdomo could have been alone with that gun for well over a minute. This all begs the following key five questions:-

1. Why did Perdomo kick the gun to the rear of the driveway?

2. Why didn’t Perdomo just pick up the gun after Chapman allegedly dropped it?

3. Why did Perdomo wait until Joe Many arrived on the scene to pick the gun up after kicking it to the rear of the driveway? If Perdomo was so scared that Chapman might pick up the gun and start firing it again, why didn’t he pick it up and take it into the Dakota himself?

4. How did Perdomo know Joseph Many would even arrive on the scene to take the gun away?

5. Why was Perdomo so keen not to get his fingerprints on Mark Chapman’s gun?

It’s interesting to note that in 1980, fingerprint databases were not kept by local New York police forces. Fingerprint analysis had to be sent off to the FBI. Did Dakota Perdomo perhaps not want the FBI to analyse his fingerprints?

It’s also interesting to note that Perdomo probably had nothing to worry about when it came to fingerprints. Lead Detective Ron Hoffman revealed to me that the NYPD never took fingerprints from the gun or the driveway area. Hoffman wasn’t even sure if Chapman was wearing gloves or not.

Passive Perdomo – According to Dakota concierge Jay Hastings, Perdomo was a no-nonsense, bull-like figure of a man. The 1977 image we have of him certainly backs up this claim. In the picture, he is exactly the kind of guy you would want to work at the door of an exclusive New York residence. Of course, he would have been expected to meet and greet the residents and their guests as they went about their daily business, but he was also expected to keep them safe. Security obligations would have been written into his job description. Which then begs the important question, why didn’t Perdomo try and stop Chapman from firing his gun? He told Cullen he saw Chapman’s bullets pushing Lennon through doors, so he could have witnessed the shooting – so why do nothing? Why even allow Chapman to loiter at the mouth of the driveway in the first place? Chapman said he calmly took his gun, took aim and then started firing steadily at Lennon. Chapman even confirmed in a 1992 TV interview that he went into a combat stance first, before firing. What was Perdomo doing when all of this was going on? It appears that he did absolutely nothing. Perhaps he was scared or perhaps he just froze, both understandable reactions in the circumstances, but one harsh fact cannot be ignored: as a security guard, Jose Perdomo completely failed at his job on the night John Lennon was killed.

Crying Perdomo – Chapman has said on numerous occasions, that immediately after he shot at Lennon, Perdomo came over to him with tears flowing down his face. Crying has always struck me as a strange emotion for the no-nonsense doorman to have at this exact moment. You could imagine Perdomo experiencing shock at what he thought he had just witnessed, but crying? To me, this doesn’t make any sense. Bursting into tears seconds after seeing a gun firing at someone seems very odd. It’s interesting to note that Dakota staffers such as Jay Hastings and Joseph Many never talk about seeing Perdomo crying, even though they saw him only moments after Chapman. None of the police officers mention Perdomo’s tears either.

Missing Perdomo – According to Joseph Many, immediately after the Lennon shooting, Perdomo said he didn’t want to work outside on the Dakota door anymore – possibly citing his leg circulation problems again. Joe Many was then asked to put on the Dakota doorman uniform to help control the thousands of mourning Lennon fans outside, alongside the hundreds of TV cameras now trained on the Dakota driveway’s flower-festooned gates. If Perdomo wanted to stay anonymous, his decision to no longer work the Dakota door, when all off the world’s media were fixing their gaze on it, was a wise one. Numerous Dakota doorman can be seen in the hundreds of hours of archive video footage from the Lennon murder scenes media coverage, but Perdomo cannot be seen. He made sure of it.

Journalists and TV reporters from the time were very keen to interview secondary witnesses, such as Sean Strub. Secondary witnesses who never actually witnessed Lennon’s murder. The key witness, Doorman Jose Perdomo, was never interviewed. We know that the NYPD and New York DA’s office told other witnesses not to talk to the media, so this could be a reason for Perdomo not talking. By some accounts though, Perdomo was telling secondary witnesses exactly what he thought had happened, moments after the murder. It’s incredible that not one journalist or reporter managed to talk to Perdomo. Not one single person from the media mentioned Perdomo by name, he was always referred to as the doorman. Why was Perdomo’s identity kept secret from the world for seven years?

Joe Many told me that Perdomo’s poor English language skills forbade him from working in the back-office after Lennon’s murder and for the remaining years of his employment at the Dakota, he mostly worked in the basement preforming menial tasks. Let’s hope his leg circulation problems allowed him to sit down sometimes.

Jose Perdomo retired from working at the Dakota in 1994. He would have been 60 years old. He subsequently died in Florida in 2010, aged 76, taking all his secrets from the night of 8th December 1980 with him.

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Why does he never mention the possibility that this Perdomo was one and the same Perdomo in Op 40? No one else wants to comment on this? Disprove it? 

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On 5/10/2023 at 9:20 PM, Michael Crane said:

Booth and Oswald were both murdered before a trial could be arranged. Booth and Oswald were born 100 years apart and each name, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth, has 15 letters

Booth was born in 1838. Oswald 1939.

The Lincoln/JFK and Johnson/Johnson coincidences have been attacked for decades as childish game playing.

I never jumped into the subject matter much.

Every 10 years or so someone or some publication will report on it. Kind of National Enquirer stuff?

Yet, I do believe their high number and specificity are odds defying uncanny enough to warrant not dismissing them out-of-hand.

And I actually find them reasonably intriguing enough to engage in fun conversation with others regards them.

Both Lincoln and JFK had poor health off and on in their lives.

Childhood set backs. Endocrine maladies. 

Lincoln had many other physical traumas as well. Rough challenge experiences for sure.

Read below:

When he was nine years old, Lincoln was kicked in the head by a horse at the Noah Gordon Mill and was knocked unconscious for several hours.[3] Other injuries or trauma throughout his life include almost severing one of his thumbs with an axe,[4] incurring frostbite of his feet in 1830–1831,[5] being struck by his wife (apparently on multiple occasions),[6] and being clubbed on the head during a robbery attempt in 1828. 

I don't think Jackie K. whacked JFK around like Abe Lincoln's wife did her husband though.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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17 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Why does he never mention the possibility that this Perdomo was one and the same Perdomo in Op 40? No one else wants to comment on this? Disprove it? 

From the fragments of biographies, the Jose Perdomo (shown in photograph below) that Dakota Perdomo wasn’t overtly political, leaving Cuba with his wife in 1965 because he didn’t feel safe there. He then got a job working at the Dakota in 1969. Perdomo got the job through his brother, who it seems also worked at the Dakota.

If the above is true, Perdomo was at the Dakota before the Lennon's moved there.  11 years is a long time for a hitman to wait.

He was born in Cuba in 1934 and died in Florida in 2010 and his name was indeed Jose Perdomo. Going by these dates, the Perdomo in the Lennon photo below would have been 43 at the time the photo was taken.

There is one other Jose Perdomo on the Cuban Information Archives website listed as a ‘Bay of Pigs soldier’, and this Perdomo is almost certainly OP40 Perdomo. He is listed as ‘Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo’ (aka Sam Jenis). There is tellingly no picture of him on the website and according to some unverified online records, Sanjenis Perdomo was born around 1912 and died in 1973. There is, however, one problem with Sturgis’ claims regarding Sanjenis Perdomo’s death in 1974. In 1989, a Bay of Pigs soldier called Jose Perdomo was quoted in the LA Times, regarding the suicide of his colleague Pepe San Roman, a prominent Cuban exile commander. If Sanjenis Perdomo died in 1973  who was this Bay of Pigs Perdomo quoted in the LA Times in 1989?


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