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Sound like a guy who is going to kill the President tomorrow ?

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Because he was despondent and irrational and had already pondered or actually committed violence to further his political beliefs? Unfortunately, motives are frequently silly. 

You don't know any of that. That's pure speculation. He certainly didn't seem despondent or irrational to anyone who dealt with him at work that day. He seemed perfectly normal. 

When are you folks going to deal with the new evidence that Oswald was not even on the sixth floor during the shooting? 

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Look, one of the worst parts of the Warren Report is when it tries to explain Oswald's motivation.

Years later when the film JFK came out, Liebeler admitted that he could never come up with anything on that. 

Even after he locked himself in his cabin in Vermont for weeks.

Oswald liked Kennedy.  In fact, according to Lifton's lost manuscript, he had his picture on his wall.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Allen Lowe said:

I think Von Pein did it and is trying to pawn it off on Oswald. What Dave's alibi? He actually has more motive, trying to cover it up for so many years.

Can I expect to see seven FBI agents at my door any minute with a warrant for my arrest?

And then there's that bombshell book I can look forward to seeing on the newsstands later this year --- "Colonel Sanders, DVP, And The Murder Of JFK: From Kentucky, To Indiana, To A Tragedy In Texas"  [Simon & Schuster; Hardcover; 788 pages; $24.95 USD].

(Yes, I think you'd better try to work The Colonel into your plot too, Allen. It'll be much better for your book sales. Because I don't have any name recognition.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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After the JFKA, not one news outlet referred to LHO as a "new father." 

He was the father of a one-month old baby. 

That fact, of course, hardly exonerates LHO. 

But it does tell you something about the news environment then, and to this day. 

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Re: An Oswald motive, Captain Fritz told the Warren Commission:

"I got the impression that he was doing it because of his feeling about the Castro revolution, and I think that he felt, he had a lot of feeling about that revolution.

I think that was the reason. I noticed another thing. I noticed a little before when Walker was shot, he had come out with some statements about Castro and about Cuba and a lot of things and if you will remember the President had some stories a few weeks before his death about Cuba and about Castro and some things, and I wondered if that didn't have some bearing.

I have no way of knowing that other than just watching him and talking to him. I think it was his feeling about his belief in being a Marxist, he told me he had debated in New Orleans, and that he tried to get converts to this Fair Play for Cuba organization, so I think that was his motive. I think he was doing it because of that."


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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, that is what the money was for that he left.

For renting a place of their own.

Yep. The wallet was their piggy bank (which would be wallet No. 3 supposedly belonging to LHO if you’re counting).

And the wedding ring he left on the bureau? He was wearing his huge Marine ring when arrested which in those days was worn on the left ring finger and he could not fit with a wedding ring too.


Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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12 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Clearly, if Oswald was the assassin, the crime was one of opportunity - that JFK was driving right below the window where he worked. So the anecdote mentioned above in no way negates the notion of Oswald being guilty.

But then he must have known shooting from his workplace he would easily be tied to the shooting. Yet he also seemed to have thought of no escape plan either.

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47 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

After the JFKA, not one news outlet referred to LHO as a "new father." 

He was the father of a one-month old baby. 

That fact, of course, hardly exonerates LHO. 

But it does tell you something about the news environment then, and to this day. 

Always thought the same thing. How can a married father of two babies who reportedly loved kids and they loved him back be considered in the same mold as any of the young incels killing people en masse today?

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1 hour ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

Always thought the same thing. How can a married father of two babies who reportedly loved kids and they loved him back be considered in the same mold as any of the young incels killing people en masse today?

Sadly, today there are entirely alienated people in America, including the incels you mention. 

The WC tried to define LHO that way---a leftie, loser, loner. 

But LHO had a job, and was well-regarded by his immediate supervisor Buell Frazier.  Mohrenschildt regarded LHO as an intelligent friend. 

LHO was married, with two kids, new baby, troubled family life. LHO had zero criminal record. Was given a honorable discharge from the Marines. 

Joined organizations, such as Civil Air Patrol. School astronomy and chess clubs. Made solid friends in Russia, such as Titovets. 

Seen constantly in the company of others in New Orleans. 

Again, this has little bearing on LHO's guilt or not. 

But the WC had an agenda. 



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Sadly, today there are entirely alienated people in America, including the incels you mention. 

The WC tried to define LHO that way---a leftie, loser, loner. 

But LHO had a job, and was well-regarded by his immediate supervisor Buell Frazier.  Mohrenschildt regarded LHO as an intelligent friend. 

LHO was married, with two kids, new baby, troubled family life. LHO had zero criminal record. Was given a honorable discharge from the Marines. 

Joined organizations, such as Civil Air Patrol. School astronomy and chess clubs. Made solid friends in Russia, such as Titovets. 

Seen constantly in the company of others in New Orleans. 

Again, this has little bearing on LHO's guilt or not. 

But the WC had an agenda. 



Yeah I was shocked when I visited the Oswald rooming house to hear the granddaughter of the owner say out of the many available rooms in the back building, he chose the tiny closet of a room adjacent to the dining and living room to be close to people.

Also accepted an invitation from a family member to discuss his Russia experience to a large roomful of people at Tulane University.

Even the film of him handing out fliers in NO shows him approaching strangers with a friendly smile and looking them in the eye.

Contrary to the WR, he was obviously connected to people.

Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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22 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Clearly, if Oswald was the assassin, the crime was one of opportunity - that JFK was driving right below the window where he worked. So the anecdote mentioned above in no way negates the notion of Oswald being guilty.

Crime of opportunity ? The evidence says that Oswald didn't even know that the President was coming through Dealey Plaza that day and didn't find out until between 9:30 and 10:00 am when he spoke to James Jarman. ( 3 H 200 )


Edited by Gil Jesus
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10 hours ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

But then he must have known shooting from his workplace he would easily be tied to the shooting. Yet he also seemed to have thought of no escape plan either.

Oswald also would have had to have clairvoyant powers to know that the motorcade was running at least 15 minutes late. He was not at the 6th floor SN (based on BRW testimony) when the motorcade turned onto Elm if it had been on time. 

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