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Robert Kennedy Jr. has the Establishment Worried

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This is directly connected to the JFK case.

As I told Len Osanic tonight on BOR, they do not want another Kennedy ever near the White House.

And they will do a lot to make sure it does not happen.

Bobby Jr is the only candidate who will say what really happened in Dallas and LA, and will release the last of the JFK documents.

The Powers that Be will not abide by that notion. 


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17 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is directly connected to the JFK case.

As I told Len Osanic tonight on BOR, they do not want another Kennedy ever near the White House.

And they will do a lot to make sure it does not happen.

Bobby Jr is the only candidate who will say what really happened in Dallas and LA, and will release the last of the JFK documents.

The Powers that Be will not abide by that notion. 


The RFK Jr. campaign has a llllooooonnnngggg road to the White House, and to open up the JFK Records, and search for truth on the RFKA. 

There will long knives out the whole way---as we have already seen. 

According to Rolling Stone, RFK Jr. is a conspiracy nut and white supremacist, and the LA Times calls RFK Jr. "a threat to democracy." 

But I thought Trump was the white supremacist and threat to democracy.

RFK Jr. =Trump? 



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Trump forced the mainstream media and intelligentsia to recognize the dangers inherent in conspiracy theories. True or not, they lead to a lack of faith in institutions, and the next thing you know you've got soccer moms and grandfathers climbing the walls outside the Capitol like they are characters from a Shyamalan movie. The nature of the theory is not the point. If someone thinks vaccines are a hoax, or the Earth is flat, or the moon landings were fake, or the water supply is infected with chemicals designed to control our minds, it leads to fears among the gatekeepers that this person will soon be saying something like Jews drink blood, or Dems eat children. 

This is not the CIA at work. It's society at work. When I first heard RFK Jr. was running, I called up a friend of his. I told him it would be poop show with most everyone lining up to denounce him as a wacko, and a minority lining up to gain his ear in hopes they could convince him of their own pet theories. His friend said I was right--that whatever positives could be gained would likely be offset by the negatives. Sad to say, RFK Jr. should not be the face of the JFK research community. Instead of pulling people in, he'll probably push people away.  

Edited by Pat Speer
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The RFK Jr. Threat

June 20, 2023 at 1:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 261 Comments

Jonathan Last argues that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential candidacy is a “fifth column.”

“I could be wrong about this, but I believe that Kennedy will absolutely be speaking at a party convention next summer. But it won’t be the Democratic convention. He’ll have a slot speaking at the Republican convention where he will endorse whoever the Republican nominee is.”

“All of which is why it is best to understand the Kennedy campaign not as an intra-party challenge to Biden, but the first phase of a two-stage gauntlet Biden is running against Trumpian populism.”

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6 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Trump forced the mainstream media and intelligentsia to recognize the dangers inherent in conspiracy theories. True or not, they lead to a lack of faith in institutions, and the next thing you know you've got soccer moms and grandfathers climbing the walls outside the Capitol like they are characters from a Shyamalan movie. The nature of the theory is not the point. If someone thinks vaccines are a hoax, or the Earth is flat, or the moon landings were fake, or the water supply is infected with chemicals designed to control our minds, it leads to fears among the gatekeepers that this person will soon be saying something like Jews drink blood, or Dems eat children. 

So well said, Pat. Kudos

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BTW, the Ny TImes went after his wife!

That is how desperate they are to kill his candidacy.

The two hosts on The Hill could not understand it. 

Since I have been around much longer, I could.

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13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is directly connected to the JFK case.

As I told Len Osanic tonight on BOR, they do not want another Kennedy ever near the White House.

And they will do a lot to make sure it does not happen.

Bobby Jr is the only candidate who will say what really happened in Dallas and LA, and will release the last of the JFK documents.

The Powers that Be will not abide by that notion. 


Jim - thanks for writing this and posting it. Your last sentence is so important - people should listen to the interviews themselves, or at least read trustworthy reviews. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Your last sentence is so important

So Jim's last sentence is;

The Powers that Be will not abide by that notion. 

Jim's 's been saying that for 10 years and he's never been able to substantiate any of his claims.

"The powers that be." That's just the kind of erroneous phrase that commits no one to specify.

Tucker was total BS, there is no smoking gun in the files. It's been verified by others. Maybe some leads.

There is no person in government who fears  the files will get out.  And there's nobody presently in government who knows who killed JFK.

Think about it. Who would it be?

They oppose opening because they can, until legally they're forced to open.

As I've asked many times to stunned silence.

What's the worst that could happen?

The worlds major superpower will not dismantle it's intelligence.  At the best, they'd just reconstitute it..

This has nothing to do with the JFKA or Operation Mockingbird!

All the people, whether in government or in the media have been replaced a few generations over

Jim was a the cult leader JFK fanboy for several years here.

And it seems pretty cultish right now. Just overlooking  one obvious RFK gaffe after another

Just like the Magas did with Trump.

Unless Biden has a health episode or the economy completely tanks.

You're probably going to spend the next 9 months  in utter frustration and exhaustion

And the only meaningful thing you'll get out of it is another conspiracy feather in your cap.

Can't we just agree he's a real bitchin' guy, but a lousy candidate?

No we're way beyond that.

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I call it "Operation B-52."  Operation Mockingbird was the 1960s version. 

Whatever your political convictions, I advise extreme caution on the modern-day reality: the media has never been so tight with the national security-state (itself hugely expanded since the 1960s, and especially after 9/11). 

Often, as in the case of The Rolling Stone, the Daily Beast, CNN, the NYT and WaPo, the media and Deep State have become aligned and synergistic. 

Social media outfits have been censoring information to federal government specifications. 

Sure, you may chortle when someone you regard as outside your political camp is Mockingbirded. 

But remember when anyone who challenged the Warren Commission report was accused of being a commie sympathizer or conspiracy nut?

This government control of media is a two-edged sword and can swing wildly.... 

You can fly a rainbow flag, but the minute you suggest a reduction in the globalized US military they will stuff that flag down your slit throat. 

Which is why the Donks and 'Phants are now perma-warmongers. 

The long knives are out for RFK Jr. 


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Thanks Paul, yes the interview highlights I posted are really neat to listen unfiltered.

And man what a blackout on his speech yesterday.

Like I said the, MSM  does not even want to be reminded of JFK and his Peace Speech.

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BTW, does anyone have a transcript of his peace speech?

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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


So Jim's last sentence is;

The Powers that Be will not abide by that notion. 

Jim's 's been saying that for 10 years and he's never been able to substantiate any of his claims.

"The powers that be." That's just the kind of erroneous phrase that commits no one to specify.

Tucker was total BS, there is no smoking gun in the files. It's been verified by others. Maybe some leads.

There is no person in government who fears  the files will get out.  And there's nobody presently in government who knows who killed JFK.

Think about it. Who would it be?

They oppose opening because they can, until legally they're forced to open.

As I've asked many times to stunned silence.

What's the worst that could happen?

The worlds major superpower will not dismantle it's intelligence.  At the best, they'd just reconstitute it..

This has nothing to do with the JFKA or Operation Mockingbird!

All the people, whether in government or in the media have been replaced a few generations over

Jim was a the cult leader JFK fanboy for several years here.

And it seems pretty cultish right now. Just overlooking  one obvious RFK gaffe after another

Just like the Magas did with Trump.

Unless Biden has a health episode or the economy completely tanks.

You're probably going to spend the next 9 months  in utter frustration and exhaustion

And the only meaningful thing you'll get out of it is another conspiracy feather in your cap.

Can't we just agree he's a real bitchin' guy, but a lousy candidate?

No we're way beyond that.

Jim has written several good books and runs a great website. Your character assassination of him, ongoing, is in my opinion unfounded and rude. Another example of what goes wrong on social media. You can be as nasty as you want online in a way you would never be in person.

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