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Edwin Lopez: Oswald never visited embassies in Mexico City

Gil Jesus

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4 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

Or by car, using binoculars...

I also think something of his sort may also have happened in Dallas after the assassination...

Do you know of any example in the documentary record or in relevant books of the movements of a person being tracked like this?

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There are extensive discussions of physical surveillance and tracking of individuals in Mexico City, you can find them in the station history and in Bill Simpich's work State Secrets - which references the selection, training and operational activities of the field surveillance teams who were trained to conduct observations and photo surveillance.  The Cuban Intelligence group (AMOTS) in Miami were also trained in and conducted both types of surveillance - in Miami and possibly elsewhere; they did training for the Mexico City personnel. 

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On 9/15/2023 at 5:57 AM, Karl Kinaski said:

Since nobody here takes into account Judyth Bakers story on Oswald in Mexico

Fiction doesn't belong on this forum unless to debunk it for being offered as "non-" 


As we've seen when the surface is scratched, her stories always fall apart for being 1 part truth and 99 parts not.

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31 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

There are extensive discussions of physical surveillance and tracking of individuals in Mexico City, you can find them in the station history and in Bill Simpich's work State Secrets - which references the selection, training and operational activities of the field surveillance teams who were trained to conduct observations and photo surveillance.  The Cuban Intelligence group (AMOTS) in Miami were also trained in and conducted both types of surveillance - in Miami and possibly elsewhere; they did training for the Mexico City personnel. 

Thanks. I was recently reading up on the LIFIRE operation which included surveillance:


But in this instance i was thinking of rouge individuals, outside of normal CIA procedure, monitoring Oswalds movements. Something along the lines of a David Morales or Frank Sturgis type character who wanted to track Oswald. I guess you'd need two people in a car minimum to cover Oswald for the few days he was in Mexico City. I don't think such an operation could be done with just one person. Two people sitting in a car and following Oswald around. You'd need two people to cover when one would need to go to the bathroom. Pull up outside Oswalds hotel at 7:30am to watch when he'd leave, follow him around, and back to his hotel at night. Stay there until 10pm and then drive off to your own hotel for sleep. Back again the following morning at 7:30am. So it would be a 7:30am to 10pm type job for two people. I think you'd need at least two people for that, one would not be enough. 

Edited by Gerry Down
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On 8/11/2023 at 1:51 PM, Gerry Down said:

I was simply pointing out fact. The HSCA report or the Lopez report do not make the conclusion that Oswald did not go to Mexico City. Its important that we state facts clearly so as to not confuse newcomers that might be on here. Lopez and Hardiway might have thought Oswald had not been to Mexico City, but their report does not state that conclusion. Its much like how some people to this day think the HSCA report concluded that the Mafia were the prime suspect in the JFK assassination. While Blakely in a personal capacity might think that, the HSCA report itself does not make that conclusion. 

Most of your points are valid but do not definitively mean LHO was not in Mexico City. Win Scott says LHO was in Mexico City and they even got a photo of him. Duran says LHO was there. These were people the CIA didn't have control over, especially Duran. 

If LHO was not in Mexico city, then that means he lied to Marina about being there. If we establish that LHO was telling lies in this regard, then what else did he lie about?

"Most of your points are valid but do not definitively mean LHO was not in Mexico City. Win Scott says LHO was in Mexico City and they even got a photo of him. Duran says LHO was there. These were people the CIA didn't have control over, especially Duran."


Say what?

"Win Scott" was someone "the CIA didn't have control over"?

He was the CIA Station Chief in Mexico City! He retired as a CIA legend!

Sylvia Duran was tortured to get the "acceptable" version of events inside the Cuban Consulate at the express direction of Win Scott, CIA Station Chief!

They had direct control over her - the CIA told their Mexican goons to physically torture her!


Did you read what you wrote or is it just reflexive with you guys - if anyone points a finger at the CIA, certain guys just come out of the woodwork to deny, obfuscate and mislead, even if what they write is just stupid.

Don't be one of them. 






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28 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

If the CIA controlled Win Scott, then you wouldn't have Angleton heading down to Mexico after Wins death to grab his writings to block them from being published. 

That's true. I need to think more about exactly what Win Scott did and did not suspect and/or know about what happened under his nose in Mexico City.

I just over-reacted to your (sloppy) wording.

Your map of the Cuban diplomatic compound in Mexico City seems about right to me.

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Just now, Gerry Down said:

Any word from Lopez as to why there was no map of the Cuban compound in the Lopez report?


I asked Jim DiEugenio if he would ask Lopez. Jim said he would, but apparently has received no answer.

Jim, if you are reading this, could you ask Ed Lopez again, two things:

1. Did the Lopez Report originally have a map of the Cuban Diplomatic Compound in Mexico City?

2. If it did, who removed it and why? If it did not, why not?

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36 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Exactly why, instead, facts are presented in the linked paper...  and those same "facts" undo her stories each time.

Anna Lewis...  Jan-Apr 1962.  or '63 for that matter.  Oooops.  


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Just now, Karl Kinaski said:

Double Dating Anna and David Lewis in the summer of 63? What's wrong with that? 

Not what she said in the video interview with JVB sitting right there... repeatedly...  no corrections.

  watch the video and read the paper ?

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 @David Josephs After all she is the only person providing a plausible motive for Oswald going to Mexico city. As Tracy Barnes said to Belin: Oswald was there as participant in a GET CASTRO project. Killing a foreign leader. (The "secret team" loved it to be interviewed by Belin. Belin "interviewed" Lansdale too in the early seventies


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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