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Paul Landis Revelation About Assassination Bullet

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Was surprised nobody had posted the link to this story, which is detailed by Vanity Fair. Secret Service agent Paul Landis now claims he retrieved an intact bullet from the top of the rear seat of the presidential limousine in the minutes after the assassination and placed it on President Kennedy’s stretcher at Parkland Hospital.

Edited by Jonathan Cohen
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Below is a portion of what Special Agent Paul Landis said in this extremely detailed Secret Service report that he wrote in late November 1963. Here's what Landis said he found "on the back seat" of the Presidential limo at Parkland:

"By this time someone was lifting the President's body out of the right side of the car. Agent Hill helped Mrs. Kennedy out of the car, and I followed. Mrs. Kennedy's purse and hat and a cigarette lighter were on the back seat. I picked these three items up as I walked through the car and followed Mrs. Kennedy into the hospital."




Edited by David Von Pein
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4 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

David, you're correct that Landis has never mentioned this crucial evidentiary detail until now. I suppose whether one believes his reasons for doing so will color one's opinions of the validity of his statements now.

Yes, indeed so.

I, myself, find it nearly impossible to believe Mr. Landis' story about finding a bullet "resting on the top of the back of the seat" (which is a quote from the 9/9/2023 Vanity Fair article by James Robenalt.

How on Earth could a whole bullet have managed to have been located in that odd position on 11/22/63? "Resting on the top of the back of the seat"? Without Clint Hill ever noticing it or disturbing it, even though Hill was clinging to the back of the car all the way to Parkland? Highly doubtful.

And even more importantly, why wouldn't Agent Landis have told someone else in authority (anyone else!) that he had picked up a bullet and moved it to President Kennedy's stretcher?

It makes no sense whatsoever for Landis to have remained totally silent about finding (and moving) such a bullet in the limo on November 22.

Did Mr. Landis think that the details about where and how the bullet was first found weren't important details at all, and therefore he felt he didn't even need to tell the Chief of the Secret Service or the FBI or anybody in Trauma Room No. 1 at Parkland about his discovery at all?

Such a mindset and behavior for a Secret Service agent is utterly ridiculous---and most certainly unbelievable.


If Mr. Landis' bullet story is to be believed, we would then have to believe that the bullet he placed on JFK's stretcher was either never noticed by anyone else in the very busy Trauma Room No. 1, or the bullet was deliberately deep-sixed and disposed of, or the bullet was moved to yet another stretcher in the hospital (Governor Connally's).

Each of the above choices, in my opinion, also resides in the category marked "unbelievable".


Edited by David Von Pein
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I posted a link to story, and you can use link to read story in Wayback Machine/Internet Archives.  I posted the story as well. 

Of course, whether you give credence to Landis' testimony depends on whether you are a CT'er or LN'er. 

1. Landis' explanation is that CE 399 is a projectile that made the shallow wound in JFK's back, and then fell out.

2. The WC version is that CE 399 is a projectile that passed through JFK's neck, did not tumble, then struck JBC cleanly, took out four inches of JBC's rib, exited JBC's chest tearing out of four-square-inch-hole (lots of bone exited), then smashed JBC's wrist, and then entered JBC's thigh, and then fell out onto a stretcher in Parkland. And after being struck by said projectile, JBC made a 180-degree turn in this seat to look for JFK. 

Maybe Landis' version stands up better....


Oh, and btw, CE 399 has marginal deformation after doing all that damage....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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The Final Witness: A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After Sixty Years




there are several witnesses also still alive, including Clint Hill, and he has spoken before. SMH]

Regarding the infamous Secret Service drinking incident on the morning of 11/22/63, Landis was a participant (one of the nine agents, including Clint Hill, Jack Ready and Glen Bennett from the same follow-up car) and he did not depart “The Cellar” until 5:00 a.m. on the morning of November 22, 1963! [18 H 687]

Although Landis was, like Agent Hill, assigned to protect Mrs. Kennedy, he was strangely out of position back on the opposite running board, making him un-available to assist her in the event of a crisis. 

Interestingly, Landis reported that the fatal head shot to JFK came from the front: “My reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front.”[Landis’s report dated November 27, 1963: 18 H 758–9] CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE





Landis later wrote: “I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road.”[Landis’s detailed report dated November 30, 1963: 18 H 751–7] CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE




The HSCA, who interviewed Landis on February 17, 1979, noted: “Landis confirmed the accuracy of his statement to the Warren Commission [sic: report submitted].”[HSCA Report, pp. 89, 606 (referencing Landis’s interview, February 17, 1979 outside contact report, JFK Document 014571)]





And Landis' 2010 "change of heart" (page 353 of THE KENNEDY DETAIL) CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE



However, Paul Landis ALSO does not believe the single bullet theory--!!! Shaker Heights man guarding Kennedys witnessed JFK assassination (photos) - cleveland.com







Landis "broke his silence" many years beforehand: Agent Paul E. Landis, Jr. (First Lady Detail, rode in Secret Service follow-up car): From a newspaper article in the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, November 20, 1988: “Vice president of Knutsen Machine Products in Cleveland, Paul Landis graduated from Worthington High School in 1953 and is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio. Crediting [Agent] Bob Foster as ‘the influence in my joining the Secret Service’, Landis remained five years. Assigned to the protection of Jacqueline Kennedy, he was a part of that historic motorcade in Dallas. During this interview - only his second interview in 25 years - he says, ‘I’ve never gone back and read anything on [the assassination] … I’m about ready … Up until now, I didn’t want to rehash it. It was a very painful time for me.’ Landis remained with Mrs. Kennedy for six months after Dallas, helping her move out of the White House, as well as protecting her from the ever-growing, insensitive crowds. Among his photographs is a picture of the former first lady bearing the inscription: ‘To Paul Landis, with deep appreciation for all your help to us for three years. Jacqueline Kennedy.’ ”

Landis also spoke to author Gerald Blaine IN 2010, even appearing on the Kennedy Detail documentary. Oops.


JFK Secret Service Agents Paul Landis & Robert Foster 2003 - YouTube


Secret Service agent Winston Lawson- too fast of a shooting sequence - YouTube


JFK Secret Service - YouTube

JFK Assassination ~ Agent Paul Landis - YouTube


Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Paul Landis (right) with Jackie Kennedy.












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2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Yes, indeed so.

I, myself, find it nearly impossible to believe Mr. Landis' story about finding a bullet "resting on the top of the back of the seat" (which is a quote from the 9/9/2023 Vanity Fair article by James Robenalt.

How on Earth could a whole bullet have managed to have been located in that odd position on 11/22/63? "Resting on the top of the back of the seat"? Without Clint Hill ever noticing it or disturbing, even though Hill was clinging to the back of the car all the way to Parkland? Highly doubtful.

And even more importantly, why wouldn't Agent Landis have told someone else in authority (anyone else!) that he had picked up a bullet and moved it to President Kennedy's stretcher?

It makes no sense whatsoever for Landis to have remained totally silent about finding (and moving) such a bullet in the limo on November 22.

Did Mr. Landis think that the details about where and how the bullet was first found weren't important details at all, and therefore he felt he didn't even need to tell the Chief of the Secret Service or the FBI or anybody in Trauma Room No. 1 at Parkland about his discovery at all?

Such a mindset and behavior for a Secret Service agent is utterly ridiculous---and most certainly unbelievable.


If Mr. Landis' bullet story is to be believed, we would then have to believe that the bullet he placed on JFK's stretcher was either never noticed by anyone else in the very busy Trauma Room No. 1, or the bullet was deliberately deep-sixed and disposed of, or the bullet was moved to yet another stretcher in the hospital (Governor Connally's).

Each of the above choices, in my opinion, also resides in the category marked "unbelievable".


What I love about this is the fact that Landis thought his book would be the final word and debunk conspiracy theories---beep! Wrong answer hahahahahaha!

Edited by Vince Palamara
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As usual, everyone is late to the party because only someone like me is "into" the Secret Service:

From Hill's last book Five Presiden (2016): it seems everyone missed this crucial detail, perhaps because they were burned out on reading his FOURTH account of the assassination (his three books plus his contribution to The Kennedy Detail). This was duly noted in my third book from 2017.

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ALSO from 2016: Paul Landis does not believe the single bullet theory, either (this has to bum out DVP, Fred Litwin, etc.):

Paul Landis ALSO does not believe the single bullet theory

Shaker Heights man guarding Kennedys witnessed JFK assassination (photos) - cleveland.com

No photo description available.


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