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URGENT BULLETIN 🚨: Armed Gunman Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles

Lori Spencer

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

This is creepy as hell, especially in light of what happened at the Ambassador Hotel.

IMO, there's no excuse for not assigning a Secret Service detail to RFK, Jr.

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I wonder if this is supposed to be like the Osvaldo scheme with Carter.

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It now appears there was a second man with him.

But this is really being hushed up.

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51 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

It now appears there was a second man with him.

But this is really being hushed up.

I believe that was his brother, Raymond. Police detained him for a while and searched his vehicle. It was Raymond who drove Adrian to the event. 

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12 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

If "they" get him before the Convention, I'd be looking to my left.

If he wins the nomination and they get him before the general election, I'd be looking to my right.

I hope they don't get him, because IMO, he's a Democrat ( Tulsi Gabbard also comes to mind ) with something on the ball.

But, like his uncle, he's up against an entrenched deep state that is resisting his candidacy. Also, like his uncle, he's seen as a threat to the status-quo and wants to change things from the chaotic and corrupt state we're in.

He knows the personal risks, and he knows who is behind it all, he's called them out.

He's no conspiracy nut. He is well informed on foreign as well as domestic affairs. 

We, as citizens who have learned from the 60s, know that we can't let them kill off all our leaders.

Kudos to the citizen who reported this guy. I hope others follow suit.


But let me add on: No candidate or office holder, of any political stripe, should be assassinated or driven from the scene by undemocratic forces. 




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He made a video for Tik Tok saying Trump was still president.

Me and Lisa Pease were on Strange Bedfellows tonight talking about it.

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FWIW, I saw an article in which the brother was interviewed, and denied any animosity towards RFK Jr. He said as well that his brother HAD worked as a security guard. So it seems possible the whole thing was a bit of a miscommunication. But we can suspect otherwise.

Edited by Pat Speer
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Pat, I am all for giving this guy the benefit of the doubt.  

But is it not pretty dumb going to a public event in California with three loaded guns? And two of them in the open?

I mean this is not Texas. 

But still, maybe he can explain that.

Karl: Bobby was asked that question about Trump.  He called it pure conspiracy theory.  He has no intention of doing any such thing.

And everyone here, I mean everyone, should watch the last 5-7 minutes of his speech last night.

It was riveting. 

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39 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Maybe the DNC/Biden will not provide protection to an "outsider." 


I am fairly certain that the Secret Service does not provide security to everyone running for President prior to the primaries, outside those considered a front-runner. I don't think any of the Republican candidates outside Trump have Secret Service protection at this point. As I recall, they only started guarding candidates after RFK was killed, and Nixon shat all over that by using the Secret Service detail to spy on Ted Kennedy in '72. 

As a consequence, some candidates refuse protection. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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