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URGENT BULLETIN 🚨: Armed Gunman Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles

Lori Spencer

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2 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

I clipped the segment of our discussion with Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease about the possibility of brainwashing into a shorter video here. 

Lot of evidence so far seems to point in that direction with Aispuro. 


Thanks for your attention to this event and issue. I am keeping an open mind on this one, though it could be just another lost soul in Los Angeles.

BTW, cute hairdo and glasses. Very telegenic. 



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Thanks Lori.  Keep up the fine work.

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Is this guy being smoothed over, like another security guard in 1968, Thad Eugene Cesar.  In spite of RFK jerking his tie off.  Ignored, it didn't do Sirhan any good.  



Just my guess, but I doubt that Adrian Paul Aispiro would have been the actual shooter, had there been an actual shooting at a RFK event. 

I bet his job, whether he knew it or not, was to draw the attention of the security detail. After all, he is a big guy, openly carrying handguns in holsters, prominent tatoos, he's got a strange video from July 31 in which he spells out his (incoherent) political beliefs, he had a federal ID badge prominently displayed on a lanyard (also visible in the July 31 video), etc.

Aispiro comes across as a useful idiot, not as an actual assassin. The real hit team would have been much more sophisticated and almost impossible to detect in advance.

I believe it's more likely that Aispiro's role (again, with or without his knowledge), was to provide a distraction during the shooting, and then to be the designated patsy afterwards.

AS I mentioned to Lori Spencer a couple of days ago, we need to know much more about this guy's recent background - with whom has he been in touch? Who has he corresponded with, especially online? 

His brother said that Aispiro told him he "had a private security job" at the RFK appearance. Who told Aispiro that there was a "private security job" for him at that event? As of this moment, there is exactly zero evidence that Aispiro had any contact with anyone associated with the RFK, Jr. campaign.

So, who told him there was a "private security job" for him at that event?

Find the answer to that question, and we'll be well on our way to solving this thing. 

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Greg Parker on the ROKC site says he smells a rat and this may be a setup by someone associated with the RFK Jr campaign or the security for it. Suggests Aispiro was set up. Suggests someone found his crazy social media comments and decided he would be the perfect “nut” patsy to phone and tell to show up for a “security job”. Time and place perfect for national media attention. 

I think there are some bad persons internal to the RFK Jr campaign. I refer to whoever wrote that post of RFK Jr about Secret Service protection not being provided after 88 days, when “88” has a known and verified neo-n azi code meaning and use in Europe and the US, preceding RFK Jr’s social media post making unnecessary reference to that particular count of days. 

After that was brought out and RFK Jr did not acknowledge and denounce that “88” dog whistle and announce that someone or ones had been fired for ghost-writing that for him, I concluded RFK Jr may not be in control of his campaign. 

Not that RFK Jr would trade on his father’s horrible assassination that way, or play with fire that way. But what of some people around RFK Jr? 

Finding out if there was a call to Aspuiro offering a job, if so from who and where that goes, and exactly why an armed Aspuiro requested to see RFK jr personally (if that report is true), is essential. 

I don’t think it would be entirely irrelevant also to get to the bottom of who wrote the first draft of that RFK Jr tweet with “88” in it, and find out what else that individual, upon identification, has been up to. 

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10 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


Just my guess, but I doubt that Adrian Paul Aispiro would have been the actual shooter, had there been an actual shooting at a RFK event. 

I bet his job, whether he knew it or not, was to draw the attention of the security detail. After all, he is a big guy, openly carrying handguns in holsters, prominent tatoos, he's got a strange video from July 31 in which he spells out his (incoherent) political beliefs, he had a federal ID badge prominently displayed on a lanyard (also visible in the July 31 video), etc.

Aispiro comes across as a useful idiot, not as an actual assassin. The real hit team would have been much more sophisticated and almost impossible to detect in advance.

I believe it's more likely that Aispiro's role (again, with or without his knowledge), was to provide a distraction during the shooting, and then to be the designated patsy afterwards.

AS I mentioned to Lori Spencer a couple of days ago, we need to know much more about this guy's recent background - with whom has he been in touch? Who has he corresponded with, especially online? 

His brother said that Aispiro told him he "had a private security job" at the RFK appearance. Who told Aispiro that there was a "private security job" for him at that event? As of this moment, there is exactly zero evidence that Aispiro had any contact with anyone associated with the RFK, Jr. campaign.

So, who told him there was a "private security job" for him at that event?

Find the answer to that question, and we'll be well on our way to solving this thing. 


Aispiro may be just another lost soul in Los Angeles. 

But...that is true, as such he would have made a good patsy, ala Sirhan. 

My guess is the Deep State does not conduct domestic assassinations anymore.

They can wreck candidates or office holders through media smears, weaponized prosecutorial agencies, show-trial congressional hearings, groups of women alleging sex abuse, and so on. 

The RFK2 campaign, and his position on the JFK Records Act, will be a fascinating string of events to follow. 

I hope for a peaceful election in all regards. 




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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Aispiro may be just another lost soul in Los Angeles. 

But...that is true, as such he would have made a good patsy, ala Sirhan. 

My guess is the Deep State does not conduct domestic assassinations anymore.

They can wreck candidates or office holders through media smears, weaponized prosecutorial agencies, show-trial congressional hearings, groups of women alleging sex abuse, and so on. 

The RFK2 campaign, and his position on the JFK Records Act, will be a fascinating string of events to follow. 

I hope for a peaceful election in all regards. 





Well, assassination may not be the "first choice" of the Deep State, but I wouldn't rule that tactic out as a last resort for the Deep State.

The bizarre and still unexplained death in 2018 of President Trump's Health and Human Services Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Drug Pricing Reform, Daniel Best, was quickly ruled a "suicide."

Daniel Best, a former drug company executive, "was in the nation’s capital leading the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reduce prescription drug prices".


Best’s violent death came one week after President Donald Trump announced a new drug pricing initiative which would allow Medicare to determine how much it pays for drugs based on what those pharmaceuticals sell for other countries, according to Cleveland.com.

At long last, the drug companies and foreign countries will be held accountable for how they rigged the system against American consumers,” President Trump said.

Trump Announces Plan to Lower 'Unfair' Prescription Drug Prices | RealClearPolitics


So just as the president announced a policy that would have reduced the profits of American pharmaceutical companies by billions of dollars, his point man somehow jumped out a 16th story window at 5 in the morning of a major apartment building in Washington.


Well, don't married 49-year-old husbands and fathers of three kids (with no known history of depression or anxiety or anything else) always fall victim to the "sads", and just throw themselves out of windows in Washington? Happens all the time, right?

But what is truly mind-blowing is that Best's death received exactly zero, as in none, as in "nothing at all to say or see here, folks" coverage from the following mainstream organizations:

The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Fox News, CNN and the New York Times.

A complete blackout on the suspicious, violent death of a major Trump official in Washington, D.C. by the entire MSM!

That is the surest sign that this man was assassinated by some very powerful Deep State forces.






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1 hour ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


Well, assassination may not be the "first choice" of the Deep State, but I wouldn't rule that tactic out as a last resort for the Deep State.

The bizarre and still unexplained death in 2018 of President Trump's Health and Human Services Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Drug Pricing Reform, Daniel Best, was quickly ruled a "suicide."

Daniel Best, a former drug company executive, "was in the nation’s capital leading the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reduce prescription drug prices".


Best’s violent death came one week after President Donald Trump announced a new drug pricing initiative which would allow Medicare to determine how much it pays for drugs based on what those pharmaceuticals sell for other countries, according to Cleveland.com.

At long last, the drug companies and foreign countries will be held accountable for how they rigged the system against American consumers,” President Trump said.

Trump Announces Plan to Lower 'Unfair' Prescription Drug Prices | RealClearPolitics


So just as the president announced a policy that would have reduced the profits of American pharmaceutical companies by billions of dollars, his point man somehow jumped out a 16th story window at 5 in the morning of a major apartment building in Washington.


Well, don't married 49-year-old husbands and fathers of three kids (with no known history of depression or anxiety or anything else) always fall victim to the "sads", and just throw themselves out of windows in Washington? Happens all the time, right?

But what is truly mind-blowing is that Best's death received exactly zero, as in none, as in "nothing at all to say or see here, folks" coverage from the following mainstream organizations:

The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Fox News, CNN and the New York Times.

A complete blackout on the suspicious, violent death of a major Trump official in Washington, D.C. by the entire MSM!

That is the surest sign that this man was assassinated by some very powerful Deep State forces.






My oh my. I googled this and found zero mainstream coverage of the death or the suicide ruling. Snopes commented, saying rumors of anything but suicide were false. But reading their analysis just left me dumbfounded. They didn’t do any due diligence. 

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23 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Greg Parker on the ROKC site says he smells a rat and this may be a setup by someone associated with the RFK Jr campaign or the security for it. Suggests Aispiro was set up. Suggests someone found his crazy social media comments and decided he would be the perfect “nut” patsy to phone and tell to show up for a “security job”. Time and place perfect for national media attention. 

I think there are some bad persons internal to the RFK Jr campaign. I refer to whoever wrote that post of RFK Jr about Secret Service protection not being provided after 88 days, when “88” has a known and verified neo-n azi code meaning and use in Europe and the US, preceding RFK Jr’s social media post making unnecessary reference to that particular count of days. 

After that was brought out and RFK Jr did not acknowledge and denounce that “88” dog whistle and announce that someone or ones had been fired for ghost-writing that for him, I concluded RFK Jr may not be in control of his campaign. 

Not that RFK Jr would trade on his father’s horrible assassination that way, or play with fire that way. But what of some people around RFK Jr? 

Finding out if there was a call to Aspuiro offering a job, if so from who and where that goes, and exactly why an armed Aspuiro requested to see RFK jr personally (if that report is true), is essential. 

I don’t think it would be entirely irrelevant also to get to the bottom of who wrote the first draft of that RFK Jr tweet with “88” in it, and find out what else that individual, upon identification, has been up to. 


I agree that there is a rat somewhere, and that rat might ("might") be inside the campaign.

However, I personally think it is more likely that Aispiro was directed/entice/lured to show up at the Wilshire Theater by someone outside who recognized a patsy/useful idiot when they saw one. After all, a conspirator/s inside the campaign who contacted Aispiro might have left a trail which might eventually lead back to him/them.

Aispiro apparently did not know whose name to drop once he arrived at the Wilshire Theater and began talking with Kennedy people. That tells me his handler/manipulator was careful. If Aispiro had asked for a specific name, then later investigators might have been able to ferret out who might have given it to him, and thus track the conspirators. 

But all in all, you and I and Greg Parker are on the same page: this guy was to be used as the designated patsy/useful idiot, a decoy to distract security while the real hit team went to work.

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2 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

But all in all, you and I and Greg Parker are on the same page: this guy was to be used as the designated patsy/useful idiot, a decoy to distract security while the real hit team went to work.

Not on the same page on the possibility that the setup was fake, a stunt (not on Aispiro's part but on who called and invited him to show up for a job)--not a real assassination attempt. That was Greg Parker's suggestion, that it was a stunt. 

But on the same page in wanting to know what it was about, and that RFK Jr. remain safe.  

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On 9/20/2023 at 11:14 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Is this guy being smoothed over, like another security guard in 1968, Thad Eugene Cesar.  In spite of RFK jerking his tie off.  Ignored, it didn't do Sirhan any good.  



"...it didn't do Sirhan any good."


Sirhan admitted, in a televised interview, that he shot Bobby Kennedy and even explained his motive, in detail.


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2 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"...it didn't do Sirhan any good."


Sirhan admitted, in a televised interview, that he shot Bobby Kennedy and even explained his motive, in detail.


I believe he said later that he was told that was his motive, but that he actually had no memory of anything leading up to the assassination. I'm not saying I believe him, but plenty of people have, under the assumption he'd been hypnotized. 

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12 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


Well, assassination may not be the "first choice" of the Deep State, but I wouldn't rule that tactic out as a last resort for the Deep State.

The bizarre and still unexplained death in 2018 of President Trump's Health and Human Services Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Drug Pricing Reform, Daniel Best, was quickly ruled a "suicide."

Daniel Best, a former drug company executive, "was in the nation’s capital leading the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reduce prescription drug prices".


Best’s violent death came one week after President Donald Trump announced a new drug pricing initiative which would allow Medicare to determine how much it pays for drugs based on what those pharmaceuticals sell for other countries, according to Cleveland.com.

At long last, the drug companies and foreign countries will be held accountable for how they rigged the system against American consumers,” President Trump said.

Trump Announces Plan to Lower 'Unfair' Prescription Drug Prices | RealClearPolitics


So just as the president announced a policy that would have reduced the profits of American pharmaceutical companies by billions of dollars, his point man somehow jumped out a 16th story window at 5 in the morning of a major apartment building in Washington.


Well, don't married 49-year-old husbands and fathers of three kids (with no known history of depression or anxiety or anything else) always fall victim to the "sads", and just throw themselves out of windows in Washington? Happens all the time, right?

But what is truly mind-blowing is that Best's death received exactly zero, as in none, as in "nothing at all to say or see here, folks" coverage from the following mainstream organizations:

The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Fox News, CNN and the New York Times.

A complete blackout on the suspicious, violent death of a major Trump official in Washington, D.C. by the entire MSM!

That is the surest sign that this man was assassinated by some very powerful Deep State forces.







Thanks for your comments. 

Well, I will get banned again if if lay out my true feelings about the present-day legacy media. 

Perhaps I can squeak this one in: What we have today is a throwback to the old "machine politics " and allied newspapers, combined with globalist corporatism. 

In the days when a Kansas City was run by Pendergast or there was NYC's Boss Tweed, there were allied local newspapers. The allied newspapers had no ideology, or affiliation to the truth, only partisanship, and printed "news" accordingly. 

Today the legacy "news" outfits have largely merged into the two globalist-corporate controlled major political parties. Toss in a heavy, heavy dose of Op Mock. 

The public is reading partisan narratives, laced with Operation Mockingbird. 




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3 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


"...it didn't do Sirhan any good."


Sirhan admitted, in a televised interview, that he shot Bobby Kennedy and even explained his motive, in detail.


I guess you've never seen Dr. Daniel P. Brown's evaluation of Sirhan.

The Full Story of the Sirhan Sirhan Parole Hearing - WhoWhatWhy

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