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Marina Oswald Porter

Jamey Flanagan

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Just got to thinking last night about the assassination and wondering what the next big revelation would be and who it would be coming from. Then I Googled Marina Oswald Porter and saw she was currently 82 years old. Most people associated with the assassination are long gone as we approach the 60th anniversary. Was just wondering what some of you think about the possibility that Marina could reveal something important on her death bed when her time comes or write a last minute book with something new in it, or possibly just tell her daughters some key facts she had been holding on to. What kind of odds do you guys think this could happen? Maybe at the very least she could come forward and say she was a spy initially in the Soviet Union as many have long suspected.

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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

She has grandchildren now who are college age and enjoy an element of anonymity. I'd imagine she wouldn't want to drag up the past for them.

Gerry, I would agree with you on that point.

Marina would never say anything that she thought might harm or burden her children and grandchildren in anyway.

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Anyone here truly believe LHO beat Marina?

The woman packed up and left what little family she had, with a new born baby, no money and a husband that had defected from his home country and agreed to follow him back to that same country not fully knowing what her husbands fate would be, fair chance he could of been imprisoned on arrival back on US soil and she was on her own...  Oh and she couldn't speak English....Marina was in her early 20's.

The woman was strong as fkkk in my opinion and nothing I've read her say or heard her say post Nov 22nd 1963 has ever led me to believe she would of allowed LHO to beat her...maybe he tried once? But my guess was she would have taken Lee down and he wouldn't have made that mistake again. 

I think she is an impressive woman, but i wouldn't turn my back on her if i felt she thought i could harm her or her family. With that said....

Imagine if she had a lawyer read out a letter upon her passing that stated she was "FSB or KGB if you like" and was tasked with honey trapping LHO then tasked with going to the US and regularly reporting back to Russia and did so for 20/30 years...wouldn't the dooky hit the fan?????



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59 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:

Anyone here truly believe LHO beat Marina?

The woman packed up and left what little family she had, with a new born baby, no money and a husband that had defected from his home country and agreed to follow him back to that same country not fully knowing what her husbands fate would be, fair chance he could of been imprisoned on arrival back on US soil and she was on her own...  Oh and she couldn't speak English....Marina was in her early 20's.

The woman was strong as fkkk in my opinion and nothing I've read her say or heard her say post Nov 22nd 1963 has ever led me to believe she would of allowed LHO to beat her...maybe he tried once? But my guess was she would have taken Lee down and he wouldn't have made that mistake again. 

I think she is an impressive woman, but i wouldn't turn my back on her if i felt she thought i could harm her or her family. With that said....

Imagine if she had a lawyer read out a letter upon her passing that stated she was "FSB or KGB if you like" and was tasked with honey trapping LHO then tasked with going to the US and regularly reporting back to Russia and did so for 20/30 years...wouldn't the dooky hit the fan?????



The basic problem with any theoretical "new" disclosure now by MOP is that even the Warren Commission lawyers recognized 59 years ago that she would and did change her story at will.

As Norman Redlich wrote in 1964: "there is a strong probability that Marina Oswald is in fact a very different person - cold, calculating, avaricious, scornful of generosity, and capable of an extreme lack of sympathy in personal relationships . . . We cannot ignore, however, that Marina Oswald has repeatedly lied on to the Service, the FBI and this Commission on matters which are of vital concern to the people of this country and the world."

 HSCA Report, Volume XI (maryferrell.org)

Harold Weisberg called her a "Scheherazade" in his first "Whitewash" book in 1965. 

Scheherazade - Wikipedia

Anything she might say now simply could not be trusted. 



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It's just an educated guess, but I feel like he probably did lay hands on her from time to time. I don't think he beat her regularly but I feel like she provoked him quite a bit and at some point he would break and slap her or lay hands on her. I do not believe in hitting a woman no matter what, so when I say she provoked him I'm not saying she deserved to get hit. But I think she did know that he would eventually snap and hit her at some point from her constant badgering and belittling of him. Mostly this impression comes from George DeMorherndshield (or ever how you spell that, lol!).  Not that I believe everything he said but he seemed fairly credible to me on common things like that. He didn't try to bury Lee. If anything he tried to paint him in a better light than most. Not to say he that he didn't say things that contributed to the image of an angry lone nut, but I don't feel like he would just make up LHO beating on Marina. 

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1 hour ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

It's just an educated guess, but I feel like he probably did lay hands on her from time to time. I don't think he beat her regularly but I feel like she provoked him quite a bit and at some point he would break and slap her or lay hands on her. I do not believe in hitting a woman no matter what, so when I say she provoked him I'm not saying she deserved to get hit. But I think she did know that he would eventually snap and hit her at some point from her constant badgering and belittling of him. Mostly this impression comes from George DeMorherndshield (or ever how you spell that, lol!).  Not that I believe everything he said but he seemed fairly credible to me on common things like that. He didn't try to bury Lee. If anything he tried to paint him in a better light than most. Not to say he that he didn't say things that contributed to the image of an angry lone nut, but I don't feel like he would just make up LHO beating on Marina. 


It's been a while since I read de Mohrenschildt's "I'm Just a Patsy", but if I recall correctly, I don't believe de Mohrenschildt ever claimed to have been an eyewitness to "Oswald" beating his wife. My vague recollection is that Marina complained to de Mohrenschildt (and/or his wife Jeanne) that "Oswald" had hit her, and they tended to believe her. 

It's possible "Oswald" really had laid hands on her, but I wouldn't trust anything that Marina said on face value. We just don't know.

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3 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


It's been a while since I read de Mohrenschildt's "I'm Just a Patsy", but if I recall correctly, I don't believe de Mohrenschildt ever claimed to have been an eyewitness to "Oswald" beating his wife. My vague recollection is that Marina complained to de Mohrenschildt (and/or his wife Jeanne) that "Oswald" had hit her, and they tended to believe her. 

It's possible "Oswald" really had laid hands on her, but I wouldn't trust anything that Marina said on face value. We just don't know.

I haven't read his book but just the other day I listened to a long interview of him that the lone gunman podcast posted and, according to him anyway, him and his wife would see Marina with bruises ever so often and sometimes even see Lee with scratches or cuts where she fought him. And he says that he would have conversations with Lee about how he shouldn't be hitting her. But he also talks pretty bad about Marina and how she constantly belittled and nagged Lee openly and how she had been writing letters to an ex boyfriend in Russia and Lee found out about that and was not thrilled to say the least. I don't think Lee was necessarily a violent man but I think Marina was one of those women who can push a man to violence when he's had enough and unfortunately that was a way of life back then. People tended to look the other way when women came up with bruises. If GDM is to be believed on the matter, then they both fought with each other on occasion and when she pushed him hard enough he would lay hands on her some. I get the impression that he never "beat her up", but would maybe slap her or wrestle around with her. I could be wrong about all of that but it's just my own gut instinct. I don't think he ever loved her, but he was a spy and it was probably part of his mission to marry her. Then she constantly badgers him and belittles him. I'm not justifying it if he did lay hands on her, but I don't think she helped matters in that regard either.

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13 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

I haven't read his book but just the other day I listened to a long interview of him that the lone gunman podcast posted and, according to him anyway, him and his wife would see Marina with bruises ever so often and sometimes even see Lee with scratches or cuts where she fought him. And he says that he would have conversations with Lee about how he shouldn't be hitting her. But he also talks pretty bad about Marina and how she constantly belittled and nagged Lee openly and how she had been writing letters to an ex boyfriend in Russia and Lee found out about that and was not thrilled to say the least. I don't think Lee was necessarily a violent man but I think Marina was one of those women who can push a man to violence when he's had enough and unfortunately that was a way of life back then. People tended to look the other way when women came up with bruises. If GDM is to be believed on the matter, then they both fought with each other on occasion and when she pushed him hard enough he would lay hands on her some. I get the impression that he never "beat her up", but would maybe slap her or wrestle around with her. I could be wrong about all of that but it's just my own gut instinct. I don't think he ever loved her, but he was a spy and it was probably part of his mission to marry her. Then she constantly badgers him and belittles him. I'm not justifying it if he did lay hands on her, but I don't think she helped matters in that regard either.

That's probably a pretty fair summation of the state of the "Oswald" marriage. In any event, we're not likely to find out any further details, and I doubt it would add to our understanding of the assassination conspiracy. 

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It would be cool if we got some little tidbit from her before she passes. Maybe that she didn't really take the backyard photo like she has always claimed to have taken. Or that she lied about Lee telling her he shot at Walker. Something. Lol! Probably won't happen but would be nice! I doubt she would come out publicly with something like that but I could see her maybe telling one of her children something. Is her husband still alive or has he passed away? Maybe he knew something he'd learned from her.

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20 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

It's just an educated guess, but I feel like he probably did lay hands on her from time to time. I don't think he beat her regularly but I feel like she provoked him quite a bit and at some point he would break and slap her or lay hands on her. I do not believe in hitting a woman no matter what, so when I say she provoked him I'm not saying she deserved to get hit. But I think she did know that he would eventually snap and hit her at some point from her constant badgering and belittling of him. Mostly this impression comes from George DeMorherndshield (or ever how you spell that, lol!).  Not that I believe everything he said but he seemed fairly credible to me on common things like that. He didn't try to bury Lee. If anything he tried to paint him in a better light than most. Not to say he that he didn't say things that contributed to the image of an angry lone nut, but I don't feel like he would just make up LHO beating on Marina. 


I thoroughly debunked the claim of Oswald being a wife beater in this thread:




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2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I thoroughly debunked the claim of Oswald being a wife beater in this thread:




The bottom line is that Oswald's friend, Paul Gregory, witnessed in late August of 1962 Marina falling and hitting her head on the ground so hard that he thought she might be seriously injured.

In the New York Times interview where he mentioned this, he was clearly attempting to make Oswald look as bad as possible. And yet he makes no mention of the bruise on Marina's face. How could he possibly miss reporting that in his attempt to make Oswald look bad? I know how.... it's because he knew that the bruise was caused by Marinas fall.

After Marina's fall, the white Russian community noticed the bruise and assumed that Oswald had hit Marina. Gossip spread and Marina got a lot of attention.  At which time she changed her story and said, yes, her husband did it.


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Never mind the red marking (I did that when I was looking for a confirmation of GDM contacting Moore about LHO, this was it....)

Here it's interesting to see what GDM says about Marina and Oswald

GDM has made conflicting statements wether or not he had personally seen any violence between them himself


Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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