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Billy Lovelady is NOT leaning over (much) in Altgens 6.

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Every now and then I'll see as comment made be someone regarding Billy Lovelady leaning over in Altgens 6. Or they'll do something like color his shirt red, and in doing so make his left arm look really long.

I've known for a long time that that is not the case, that it's just an optical illusion. Problem is, I didn't have a high quality copy of the photo and so I'd have a hard time making my case. And it wasn't worth the effort because it's not really an important thing. But it might be of some importance to someone like @Andrej Stancak.

Well, thanks to the high quality photos that Cory brought to our attention in the other thread, I do now have a high quality copy of Altgens 6.




If you look closely, you can see that what is thought to be Lovelady's arm hanging down is really the arm and hand of the black guy who appears to be standing against the west wall of the TSBD entryway. It appears that he is in the process of raising his hand to block the sun, or maybe to wave to someone.

You'll probably have to zoom in to make it out. If you study it carefully you should be able to distinguish his thumb from his fingers. The tips of them are at about the same level as to top of his head.

To zoom in, click the photo a few times, and then hold the CTRL button down while hitting the + key several times.


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Lovelady's arm stuck in the neck or shoulder of Carl Jones was an issue that prompted many in the past to assume a photographic forgery. In my analysis, this apparently strange phenomenon can be explained by the strong foreshortening effect of Altgens's Nikor telephoto lens - it caused Lovelady's arm and Jones's upper body to appear on the same plane while in reality Lovelady was about a yard backward. It so happened that Lovelady's left hand was located about in front of his crotch, and in the bottom-up axis of view of Altgens's camera and the foreshortening effect of the lens, Lovelady's left hand appear to be stuck in Jones's neck.

Carl Jones's clothes were of continuous beige colour, unlike Lovelady's plaid shirt. Altgens6 shows a continous shirt pattern over Lovelady's arm from the shoulder up to Jones's neck or shoulder. Had Jones raised his arm, there would be a clear point of transition between the patterns of Lovelady's arm and Jones's arm.


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On 10/12/2023 at 5:07 AM, Andrej Stancak said:

Altgens6 shows a continous shirt pattern over Lovelady's arm from the shoulder up to Jones's neck or shoulder.


Sorry, no. They are Carl Jone's arm and hand, and they have no no plaid pattern on them. In places they do have a bright white spot caused by a reflection of the sun. Compare them to bright reflections on the faces of other black participants.


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4 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Here's a clearer version (click to enlarge):



This is one of the copies of Altgens 6 that has been intentionally altered to show the plaid pattern on Carl Jones's arm and hand.

I didn't really want to get into all this at this time. But here is a summary of why it is that somebody saw fit to draw a plaid pattern on Jone's arm and hand.

  1. When the FBI was fabricating the narrative for the WC, they observed the videos and read the statements of all the TSBD employees. For obvious reasons, they wanted their narrative to follow the true narrative as closely as possible, deviating only when necessary to frame Oswald.
  2. They made a mistake in identifying a guy standing around the TSBD entrance after the police arrived. I don't know who the guy is, but he was a balding young guy and looks somewhat like Billy Lovelady. He was wearing a plaid shirt. They thought he was Lovelady, but that wasn't him. Lovelady wasn't wearing a plaid shirt that day.
  3. Their narrative included Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady walking down that little road to the railroad yard, because that's what they saw in Wiegman/Darnell. They decided to use that to support their 2nd story encounter narrative. Problem is, that guy walking down the road in a plaid shirt wasn't Lovelady. Again, Lovelady did not wear a plaid shirt that day.
  4. By the time they figured out that they had identified the wrong person for Lovelady, it was too late to start from scratch. So what did they do? They had a custom plaid shirt made for Lovelady. Because people were asking why he had worn a different shirt in his meeting with the FBI, though instructed by the FBI to wear the same shirt for them that he wore on the day of the assassination. He would show that custom-made plaid shirt off to anybody who asked.
  5. (As a side note.... unlike the plaid shirt seen in the photos, Lovelady's custom-made plaid shirt doesn't have a pocket. The seamstress who copied the shirt from photos apparently didn't notice it!)
  6. At some point in time the coverup artists realized that they had to alter Lovelady's shirt in Altgens 6 to show it being a plaid pattern. The artist messed up, and thinking that Carl Jone's arm and hand belonged to Oswald, painted it plaid.


If you look closely, you will see that without Jone's plaid arm, there is really no reason to believe that Lovelady's shirt is plaid. Not enough of it is shown to make that determination.




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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

I downloaded this very high-quality version of Altgens #6 a few years back (click to enlarge to 2560 px.):



More HQ Altgens here:






Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

This one proves that I'm right.

For those who can see that that is Carl Jones's arm and hand, it proves that this photo doesn't show Lovelady is wearing a plaid shirt.

For those who cannot see that that is Carl Jones's arm and hand, it proves that Lovelady is not wearing a plaid shirt.



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6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

This is one of the copies of Altgens 6 that has been intentionally altered to show the plaid pattern on Carl Jones's arm and hand.

I didn't really want to get into all this at this time. But here is a summary of why it is that somebody saw fit to draw a plaid pattern on Jone's arm and hand.

Of course, there is no "they" and nobody ever drew "a plaid pattern" on anybody in this photo, which went out over the AP wire very shortly after the assassination (as has been discussed here at length). Absolute and total nonsense.

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9 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

I downloaded this very high-quality version of Altgens #6 a few years back (click to enlarge to 2560 px.):



More HQ Altgens here:



David great version.  

Why is the white follow up car back driver side door open?

What in the heck is sticking out of the white follow up car?   Looks like a scene from They Live.  Zoom in.   

Last, what is covered up on the stairs by what appears to be a white rag?


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20 minutes ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

That car was Varsity (Secret Service), left rear door was left open throughout the motorcade

They had a radio with an antenna sticking out.   See also attached below on Johns


Varsity 2.jpg

Wow.  That goes interestingly with my radio communication theory.   Do tell more.    Thanks for the info so far.   Was it an open channel?  Did DPD have access?  Why was the door open when it is clearly sticking out the window?   Could it receive info?   Was it recording?   What happened to it?   So many questions. 

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