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Has anyone watched the Netflix series American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders?

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I don’t think the film makes the claim Greer shot Kennedy at all. There are “versions” of the Zapruder film, meaning just zoomed in a little that make it look like Greer has a gun, perhaps that’s what she was shown making it seem like 2 different films. 

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I just finished this series - it was stunning. First I heard of this case, but when that reporter gave that story of Nichols showing her multiple Zapruder films my head snapped around. She said it with 100% confidence. It was chilling, and I didn't expect it. Are there multiple copies out there somewhere. How real did the one she described look. I mean we hear stories of the limo slowing down and removed or changed frames. If anything was different, the public would never see the real one because it would expose the real murder. The Octopus is tied into everything. The same people are connected to a lot of bad things. Bush is implicated quite highly. Nichols may still be alive.

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So it is clear:  the journalist herself argues that the Z-film thing was a quasi-psyop (and not government) by what amounts to a grifter to keep her off balance.  There are a bunch of grifters in this story.

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With every lie these grifters were telling also had some truth in it. I think Casolaro and this filmmaker were trying to figure out what the truth parts were


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Does anyone here really believe that the Life Magazine owners would ever allow any extra-powers government agency ( nefarious agenda or not ) unfettered access to the Z film, once they purchased it from Abraham Zapruder?

Access to do anything with the film they wanted such as this alleged alteration?

Or, did the owners protect the sacrosanct integrity of the film with their highest effort security measures?

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The series made me think of the famous George White quote

...it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?"


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DId anyone answer my question yet about the Cuellar visit to Casolaro the night he died?  Which the cops covered up or did not know about?


Is that in there?

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3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Does anyone here really believe that the Life Magazine owners would ever allow any extra-powers government agency ( nefarious agenda or not ) unfettered access to the Z film, once they purchased it from Abraham Zapruder?

Access to do anything with the film they wanted such as this alleged alteration?

Or, did the owners protect the sacrosanct integrity of the film with their highest effort security measures?

CDJackson, publisher of Life, was a long time CIA asset.  Life was fronting for the CIA when it bought the full rights to the Zapruder film.  Obviously the CIA couldn't buy the film.  Life was hiding the film under instructions from the CIA. 

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33 minutes ago, Roger Odisio said:

CDJackson, publisher of Life, was a long time CIA asset.  Life was fronting for the CIA when it bought the full rights to the Zapruder film.  Obviously the CIA couldn't buy the film.  Life was hiding the film under instructions from the CIA. 

I knew that. Everyone knew that.

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49 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

DId anyone answer my question yet about the Cuellar visit to Casolaro the night he died?  Which the cops covered up or did not know about?


Is that in there?

See above

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Alright, thanks Stu.

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On 3/6/2024 at 10:07 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Wouldn’t it be great if we could amass the supposed original Zapruder film(s) and compare? If the one we have all seen is that doctored I’m sure we’d all like to know about it. 
I watched episode one and then went back and looked at the Danny Casolaro material. His fate reminds me uncomfortably of another important whistle blower - John Garrett (Gary) Underhill, who I believe caught an early glimpse of the Octopus in action. 

I’ve wondered about this too.  I haven’t seen this documentary, but the reporter apparently alleges that she was shown a version of the Zapruder film and was told that it was the “real” Zapruder film.  We’ve also had several people state that they saw the “real” Zapruder film, which included footage of the limo turning and slowing down.  Some of these people have said that they saw this version in College Park, MD or that it was a version owned by a member of the French intelligence community.  Or the guy from about ten years ago who said that he had the “real” or an alternate version of the Zapruder film, and that he was going to release it but never did.  Or the alleged “training film” shown to the special forces or whomever it was.

If these versions actually exist or existed, it’s kind of surprising that in 2024 nothing has surfaced or been leaked, considering how hard it is to keep a secret these days with current technology, leaks, and the sharing of information.  So are all these stories made up or are there rolls of authentic Zapruder film collecting dust in an archive or someone’s collection/destroyed at some point in the past.  A lot of the stories make you want to raise an eyebrow, but the only one I can think of where the story teller used it for financial gain is the French journalist who claimed to have seen a different version of the Zapruder film owned by a French intelligence officer.  I think most of us need more than word of mouth evidence before we’ll give one of these stories much credibility.

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Probably no one else is so undignified as to bring this up, but what separates the Z-film that RB Nichols showed the reporter from the not-so-deepfake that Bill Cooper unwisely pedaled for years?  Nichols' version was faked on film, not video?  If a film fake was circulating as far downstream as Nichols, then someone at some intelligence-friendly film lab was proud enough of their 1963 work to create extreme fakes in order to show off their capabilities, and Nichols and other intel bottom feeders were using the fakes to awe, influence and mislead viewers.

My note on The Octopus Murders: the credibility of Danny Casolaro's research would have been underscored by explaining the Ted Shackley-GHW Bush axis at CIA that created the private, international intelligence network known as the Safari Club to counteract the Jimmy Carter-Stansfield Turner budget and personnel cuts at CIA.  That, and some exploration of how banks like BCCI and Nugan Hand operated as funders of illegal clandestine ops through investments made by several countries' intel services, not just CIA's.  It was the background that enabled and informed the Reagan admin's Contra war in Central America and its flows of arms, supplies, capital and drugs.

Edited by David Andrews
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Here's a documentary on Mark Lombardi, a New York artist whose death in March 2000 was ruled a suicide.  Lombardi was attracting attention through creating graphic representations of flow charts showing the movement of money and influence among politicians, intel ops, corporations and banks from the Safari Club/Contra war period forward.  It was a truly modern art, and some critics may have taken up arms against it.


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