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Could an Outsider in the Oval Office Open Up the JFK Records?

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Legal Scholars and other knowledgeable parties---

I admit to being overwhelmed both by the verbiage of the Biden Administration in not complying with the JFK Records Act, and with the earnest explanations of whether what Biden is doing is legal, and if not legal will withstand legal challenges anyway. 

We have some legal scholars in the house, such as Andrew Iler, Mark Adamczyk, Lawrence Schnapf and Bill Simpich, and also some observers who appear to have studied the issue, such as Roger Odisio and Matt Cloud. 

So I want to fast-forward to an imaginary RFK2 presidency. I have lost hope for the present. 

If an outsider President ordered, without the slightest equivocation, the unconditional release of all JFK Records, could the outsider still be flummoxed by a recalcitrant CIA or other intel-state actors? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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16 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Quite the Fermi Paradox here.   

The Fermi Paradox is indeed one of my favorites...my "solution" is nothing travels faster than the speed of light, ergo there are plenty, maybe millions of other intelligent beings in the universe, but alack and alas, all too far to have ever reached earth. 

Their radio signals too. 

Even the next galaxy waaaaaayyyy too far, and as Sagan said "there are billions and billions." 

But, back here on earth---this means what for seeing the JFK Records opened up in 2025?

Has the Biden Administration been able to construct a legal apparatus that will thwart even a future Chief Executive who wants to open up the JFK Records? 

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Not quite an alien agenda but the Twilight Zone is close. Thought Cliff might appreciate it.


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Posted (edited)

That is a good question, and I wish Andrew would chime in on it.

Here is my take.  If RFK Jr. would try and declassify all the remaining records, he would be thwarted.

Why?  Because the ARRB law has been adulterated and replaced by a new mechanism, which gives the FBI and CIA a lot of leeway that the ARRB did not.

This would lead to hearings before congress and probably a court case.  

If congress joined in the court case I think RFK Jr. would win.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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This is a joke of a thread. Completely unserious.

First of all, we all know RFK Jr.'s vanity candidacy isn't going to win any election in November. He is funded by wealthy extremist Republicans, who are looking to spoil President Biden's re-election. That is the total story of that.

Secondly, basically all the documents still classified as "Withheld in Full" are personal finance in nature, classified private by the IRS, not the CIA, or the FBI, or President Biden. That list is here: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/withheld-in-full-list

There are still documents with redactions, said to protect the privacy of those still living. If anyone claims that one or more of these documents somehow holds the skeleton key to the assassination, please post the document, and we can discuss why you think a redaction is a clue pertinent to the crime.

Otherwise, these types of threads are just political propaganda during an election year.


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Posted (edited)

Oh give us a break with this Matt.

If you have something substantive to reply with then do so. If you do not give two bits about what is in the documents then just stay out of it.  

If you think that that many documents are all IRS related I can sell you a bridge in Arizona.

One of the problems with the documents, and any lawyer familiar with the case will confirm this, is that the directory for them is a joke. And this has been a big issue in the case.  Because it is a violation of the law.  In case you do not know, and evidently you do not, for every document withheld, there was supposed to be a clear description of what was in the document, and then a clear description of why it was necessary to keep it classified. The reasons for classification had to be really exceptional at the end.  That is not what happened.

BTW can you point to us where the Joannides files have been declassified? If so, Morley would love to read them.

Especially that message from HQ with the rubric S.I. in the summer of 1963 that the CIA will not give up.  Think that has something to do with the IRS?

This is why I would never agree to having Matt as a monitor.  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Getting back to the point at hand, Andrew Iler is one of the best authorities we have on the case.

I am reposting his very interesting talk about what happened to the JFK Records Collection Act at the point everything was supposed to be declassified in 2017.


The whole thing gradually went more and more haywire.

And no matter what Trump says now, he backed out when he had the opportunity to act in accordance with the law.

IMO, and I think in Andrew's, it will be a cold day in Hades when we see the last of the JFK documents.


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Btw, I have no interest whatsoever in being a moderator here, never did. None. Zero. Zip.

But I guess I was unaware that Jim DiEugenio had to be consulted and give the green light before any new moderator was chosen...

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Jim- Are you saying the National Archives is lying?

That's what it sounds like.

How about you briefly pause with the conspiracy talk and deal in facts.


"How about you briefly pause with the conspiracy talk and deal in facts."- MA

This is not a collegial comment. 

Maybe you disagree with James DiEugenio. That is fine. We all have points of view. 

Your comments in this thread insinuate other EF-JFKA participants are deluded, or have agendas, or worse. 

What is the good in that? 





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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Getting back to the point at hand, Andrew Iler is one of the best authorities we have on the case.

I am reposting his very interesting talk about what happened to the JFK Records Collection Act at the point everything was supposed to be declassified in 2017.


The whole thing gradually went more and more haywire.

And no matter what Trump says now, he backed out when he had the opportunity to act in accordance with the law.

IMO, and I think in Andrew's, it will be a cold day in Hades when we see the last of the JFK documents.



Thanks for your comments.

1. Yes, Trump miserably failed the public in regards to the JFK Records Act, and after all his bogus tough-guy bluster too. Facts are facts. 

2. You are suggesting that of which I am afraid: The Biden Administration, I guess under AG Merrick Garland, has designed and left behind some sort of legal construct or apparatus specifically designed to thwart the JFK Records Act in perpetuity. A lot of thought and effort must have gone into obstructing and defeating the intent of the law. 

3. Why put so much effort into making sure the snuff job on the JFK Records is permanent? Because nothing is in them? 

4. I conclude there is something in the JFK Records. My guess is the JFKA research community has become so skilled, that there are some docs, such as those pertaining to CIA'er Joannides work in New Orleans, that would become illuminating. We don't know what we don't know, so there may be other extremely important records also.

And really...LHO was just a nobody, but of all the cities in the US, he happened to travel and temporarily re-locate to New Orleans at the very same time Joannides was working in New Orleans? Seems like a stretch....


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On 6/7/2024 at 8:45 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

So I want to fast-forward to an imaginary RFK2 presidency. I have lost hope for the present. 

That's the crux of this thread.  The Fermi theory was interesting.

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia

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43 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

This is not a collegial comment. 

Maybe you disagree with James DiEugenio. That is fine. We all have points of view. 

Your comments in this thread insinuate other EF-JFKA participants are deluded, or have agendas, or worse. 

What is the good in that? 


 Ben- Jim D asserts right in his post that all the IRS docs that are being withheld are actually being withheld for nefarious purposes rather than the purposes the IRS mandates by law. He does so without any evidence whatsoever. That's conspiracy talk. None of what I've conveyed here is the least bit controversial.

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